
  • What are the biggest blocks to our pleasure?
    Stress and trauma.
    What if you could shake some of that off?

    Today I want to share a somatic practice with you that can help you release some of that held tension and give you access to more vitality, joy and pleasure.

    I'm talking about TREĀ®(Trauma Release Exercises).

    TREĀ® is a series of exercises (created by trauma expert Dr. David Bercelli) that connects you to your body's natural way of releasing and integrating stress and trauma.

    This technique is simple, effective and empowering.

    The best part?

    Once you master the basics, you can use this technique at home, on your own, whenever you need to bust some stress so you can open the pathways to experience more pleasure.

    Let's dive in!

    Join me live on Zoom on Thursday,
    September 26, 2024 at 6:00 pm USEST
    for a free masterclass that might just change your life.
    ā¬‡ļø ā¬‡ļø ā¬‡ļø

    Find Your Calm With TRE:
    Learn more about TRE:

  • I know you know what I mean.
    That hamster wheel of doom just keeps on spinning and keeps us running.

    What if you could stop that thing?

    Reconnect with yourselfResetRechargeRejuvenateCome into that state where you feel calm and in your femme flow

    You can.

    And I have a simple formula for you to do just that.

    What women need, desperately need, is a solid pattern disrupt.

    The world around you may be going off the rails, but you don't have to.

    What's the remedy?
    Your inner Venus.

    When you dial into your Venusian essence, you stop the madness and find your zone.

    The Goddess Zone.

    Let's dive in!

    Download your Venus Avatar Meditation:

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  • I have a vulnerable share.

    Are you ready?

    My very first Jade Egg sat in the drawer for months. Not days. Not weeks. Weā€™re talkinā€™ months.

    Like so many women, when I first heard about the Taoist Jade Egg practice, I was intrigued.

    Iā€™m a pretty holistic gal, so the promise of healing my pelvic floor issues (which were pretty bad) naturally, really appealed to me.

    Iā€™m also kinda witchy, to be honest.

    Iā€™ve always been drawn to ancient mystical practices of all kinds.

    Venus in Scorpio conjunct Neptune over here:)

    So working with crystals in this sacredly sensual way seemed so cool.

    The fact that the courtesans and wives of the Emperor's court in ancient China were into it?

    Even cooler.

    Making love to crystals to heal my pelvic floor?

    Sounded sexy and fun to me!

    I was so down!

    I waited with anticipation for my very first Jade Egg to arrive and when it did, much to my surprise, I froze!

    In this episode I tell the full story.
    Which I think many women will find relatable.

    Let's dive in!

    Dive Deeper:

    Watch the Open House Vid for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

    Book a Virtual Coffee Date With Dianne

    Join the Vital Goddess Mastermind:


  • Finding it hard to be in your femme flow?
    That place of calm and ease where you feel so good in your skin?

    Is it a challenge to prioritize your joy and pleasure (even though you really, really want to)?

    Can't seem to fit in the things you love and practices that you know will help you to thrive?

    Feeling overwhelmed with just too much "stuff to do" on your plate?
    So much so that you never seem to get to "the good stuff"?

    Yup, I hear you.

    And I've got something for you that I think is gonna help you out a whole lot.

    It shifted everything for me.
    It's time to meet your Venus Avatar!

    Let's dive in!

    Dive Deeper:

    Download your Venus Avatar Meditation:

    Get the scoop on The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

    Sign up for the Venusian Summer Series:

  • Hey amazing woman!

    I know youā€™re rocking it in so many areas of your life but, (yes, I'm daring to ask), howā€™s your love life?

    Are you yearning for more?

    I think most women are.

    When it comes to intimacy do you find yourself confused or frustrated?

    Maybe you often find yourself hovering at chronic low (or high) grade disappointment and resentment?

    Maybe youā€™re done with the whole confusing mess and decided to focus on all of the other things in life that give you joy?

    I hear you!
    And I've definitely been there.

    What if you could work some inner alchemy on this and shift your experiences of romantic love to be more in alignment with your desires.

    What if you could come to the banquet of relationship from a more nourished, peaceful and empowered place?

    And what if you could have a lot more fun in partnership?

    I believe you can.

    And there are some practices that can really support you in this.

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Let's dive deeper:

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

    Watch the Open House Video for The Vital Goddess Mastermind & Get Your Lionā€™s Gate 20% off Presale Code


    Check out Kelly Broganā€™s book The Reclaimed Woman

  • Desire. The very word has some charge to it doesnā€™t it?

    Desire has gotten a bad wrap in many spiritual circles and in society in general but in the realm of all things Venus, our desire is gold.

    But most of us werenā€™t taught that.

    Quite the opposite.

    What Iā€™ve come to understand and live more fully into is that desire is sacred life force calling us forward to our next adventure and our next growth edge.

    Desire unleashed can be our greatest teacher; a fail-proof path to our authenticity and maturation as women.

    A way to give our gifts more fully and joyfully to the world.

    When we free our desire, we free our life force /eros and reclaim our direct line to the divine feminine.

    We access our deepest feminine desires through honoring our bodies and our emotions.

    Lots to talk about here:)

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Let's dive deeper!

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

    Watch the Open House Video for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

  • When it comes to astrology, most people know their Sun sign.

    Many know their Moon and Rising signs too.

    But so few are acquainted with their personal Venus.

    To be honest not many astrologers give Her much attention.

    Or the wrong, ā€œbad newsā€, disempowering kind of attention.

    Like ā€œwith your Venus in this sign, or with this aspect on your Venus, your love life is doomed.ā€ kind of thing.

    Thatā€™s dangerous advice.

    Venus is the part of your natal chart that brings it all alive.

    The part that gets you clear on your desires, turns on your radiance, joy, magnetism and creativity.

    She's here to offer you a way off of that hamster wheel of survival mode; of constant stress, resentment, numbness and exhaustion that weā€™re all too familiar with.

    The part that makes your life magical.

    This essence is so unique to you; as unique as your fingerprint.

    And there is no ā€œbadā€ or ā€œweakā€ placement of Venus.

    But there are many variations on the theme.

    So many women are cut off from this essence; itā€™s pandemic.

    And with the world weā€™ve been living in, that makes sense.

    But it doesnā€™t have to be that way.

    I feel Venus has been the Holy Grail; the missing piece, that humanity have been searching for and starving for for over 3,600 years.

    Reclaiming Venus is central to creating a New Earth.

    ā€œ Venus says there is no solution to any problem unless beauty & love are present.ā€

    -Caroline W Casey, astrologer

    I feel itā€™s time for a reclamation.

    Itā€™s personal.

    And itā€™s collective

    And you donā€™t even have to be interested in astrology to have your very own personal Venusian Revolution; to cultivate an intimate and thriving relationship with the Goddess of Love.

    There are so many ways to connect with and embody your Inner Venus and have Her work Her magic in your life.

    We invite Her in through pleasure and ritual.

    Here Iā€™ll share some super simple ways to do exactly that.

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Sign Up for the Venusian Summer Series:

    Look Up Your Personal Venus:

    Check Out the Book Sacred Pleasure

    View an image of the Poly Vagal Curve

  • Orgasm is a loaded topic isnā€™t it?

    Thereā€™s a lot here to unpack.

    In todayā€™s episode I share my thoughts and experiences on something I call the Feminine Face of Orgasm.

    The model weā€™ve been handed is limiting leaving many women frustrated and unfulfilled.

    If your experience of orgasm leaves you wanting more and wonderingā€¦ā€is that all there is?ā€

    Youā€™re certainly not alone.

    And there is more.

    So much more.

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

  • Venus, Goddess of Love.

    Why should we care?

    When we think of the things Venus/Aphrodite represents; beauty, sensuality, pleasure, sex, passion, love and intimacy itā€™s clear to see that these are themes most humans struggle with.

    But it doesnā€™t have to be that way.

    This face of the Goddess has been dissed, dismissed, trivialized, commercialized and commoditized more than any other.

    I find that very intriguing.

    What was once sacred, and central to thriving ancient civilizations has been cheapened and deemed taboo.


    Maybe thereā€™s something to explore here.

    Could Venus be the missing piece?

    An essential element to the New Earth weā€™re creating?

    I think so.

    ā€œThere is no solution to anything unless Venus is involved- unless beauty and love are present.ā€

    -Caroline W Casey, Astrologer

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

  • Taoist Breast Massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to create safety in your body, dial up your self-love and radiance, process your emotions, balance your hormones, and nourish your libido naturally.

    That's a whole lotta bang for your buck!

    Breast Massage is one of the foundational practices in Taoist Sexual Yoga and an important gateway into becoming multi-orgasmic.

    A must for any woman who wants to reclaim her sacred femininity.

    Adding a regular breast massage to your routine cultivates the "love hormone" Oxytocin.

    Yes, you can create your very own love chemistry! šŸŒ¹

    And when you, do you kick those stress hormones to the curb. šŸ‘‹

    We can hold a lot of stagnant, unprocessed emotional energy in the breasts. Leaving us wired, tired and in a chronic state of survival mode.

    This not only affects our physical health, but also blocks our feminine flow, love, joy, orgasm and creative expression.

    The good news is that a consistent breast massage practice will get that stagnant chi moving and transmute it into passion, bliss & aliveness.
    Giving you an embodied experience of your wild feminine heart. šŸ’ƒšŸ¼

    A simple, daily sensual breast massage will serve you massively.

    This is something I make time for everyday, usually twice a day.

    It will keep your energy flowing in a healthy way and allow your eros to fuel all the love and giving you pour into this world. šŸŒŽ

    No more giving from an empty cup love!

    Sounds good?

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Join me for my next free masterclass: Queen of Hearts/ De-Armoring the Heart & Opening to Love With Taoist Breast Massage.

    It's all happening in The Venusian Summer Series ā¬‡ļø
    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

  • There was a time in human history where beauty, pleasure, sexuality and all things Venus were held sacred.

    And life was good.

    When the Goddess of Love reigned supreme, systems of true partnership flourished and the power and virility of the Sacred Masculine was equally honored and celebrated.

    These civilizations were rich in sensuality, sport, ceremony, art and trade.

    Essential oils were used as medicine and in spiritual ritual.

    A highly effective form of herbal birth control was traded for throughout the Mediterranean.

    Historians and archeologists say there is no evidence of domination or violence in the remnants of the art they left behind.

    Sounds like a dream doesnā€™t it?

    Although we canā€™t go back in time, we can find inspiration knowing that this once was a reality for some humans.

    And for a significant chunk of time.

    And pleasure was at the core of it.

    Can we reclaim what once was sacred, has been deemed taboo and restore it to sacred again?

    Is this Venusian Revolution for real?

    And you can begin by simply enjoying the hell out of your morning coffee.

    Let's dive in!

    Want to dive deeper?

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

    Check out Riane Eisler's book Sacred Pleasure here.

  • Happy Solstice!

    The Solstice portals are always a powerful time for me.
    A time for reflection and celebration.
    A time to release and re-align.

    This Solstice was super special for me as I had the privilege of guiding a group of amazing women in my community through a sensual breathwork journey.

    It was such a beautiful reminder of just how potent sisterhood can be.

    Maybe it feels so extra sweet to me because I didn't always feel safe in community with other women.

    I've heard from so many women who have felt similarly.
    I feel it's one of the most toxic aliments to come out of the patriarchy.

    But it doesn't have to be that way.

    If the sisterhood wound is a such a common affliction.

    What's the remedy?

    Women joining together to celebrate the radiance, power and magic of their unique expression of the sacred feminine.

    Let's dive in!

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

  • When we breathe like the ocean, we remember.

    Breath is one of the most powerful tools we can use to heal and transform our minds and bodies.
    I know you've heard that millions of times.
    And it's true.

    Maybe you've experienced this yourself.

    There are so many different techniques of breathwork that can produce so many different kinds of results.

    And I think all of that is great.

    But I was craving something more... Venusian.

    After exploring many different styles of breathwork, I found that something was missing for me. I wanted more juice, more pleasure, more sensuality, more flow.

    What I was looking for was a way of working with breath that was steeped in the feminine principles of gently opening the body and receiving the nourishment and pleasure of the breath.

    I wasn't finding it.
    So I created it:)

    In this episode I go into the specifics of what that all looks like in my world.
    Let's dive in!

    Don't forget to sign up for the Venusian Summer Series!
    7 Free masterclasses to embody your Inner Venus

    We begin on the Solstice (June 20th) with a Sensual Breathwork Journey
    Here's the link to join us:

  • Are you ready for an epic summer of love?
    I've created something special for you!

    Today's episode is an invitation to join me on a Venusian journey this summer.
    Introducing The Venusian Summer Series/7 Free Masterclasses to Embody Your Inner Goddess of Love.

    I know She's in there!
    And I wanted to create a space and share some tools and practices so that you can connect with your Inner Venus.

    We kick it off on the Solstice.
    And it's chock full of experiences I think you're gonna love.
    I hope to see you there!

    Let's dive in!

    Sign up for The Venusian Summer Series:

  • We all know how important sleep is.
    And there are times when it's just not happening.

    I've been hearing from many women in my world that sleep issues are on the rise.
    With all that's going on astrologically and in the world at large, that makes sense.

    We're all going through massive shifts on many levels, so it's not surprising that we find ourselves up in the middle of the night more often these days.

    I've been having my own sleep challenges as well.
    I thought I'd share some of things that have been really helping me navigate those sleepless nights.

    In this episode I share some sensual tips and resources to soothe your feminine soul and a guided sensual breathwork journey that your Inner Venus will love.

    Robust Resources for you!

    Explore My Favorite Sleep Tea at Magic Hour Teas:
    Explore My Favorite Source for Latte Supplies at Anima Mundi Herbals:
    Check Out My Favorite Love Butter for Breast Massage:
    https://livinglibations.com/products/radiant-love-butter?_pos=1&_sid=280719520&_ss=r (you can also find it on Amazon)
    Tune Into My Sweet & Sensual Piano Spotify Playlist:
    Download the Sweet Dreams/Nocturnal Sensual Breathwork Journey Guided Audio:

  • What does it mean to be multi-orgasmic?
    From my perspective this is a wellness conversation.

    Multi-orgasmic is a term that stems from the Taoist Sexual Yoga practices where the healthy flow of sexual energy is considered to be the foundation of mental and physical wellbeing.
    And while sex, solo or partnered, can be a wonderful part of that, there's so much more.

    Being multi-orgasmic is not an event or a goal to achieve but the ability to tap into an innate essence of vitality that comes from a lifestyle of embodied pleasure and sensuality.

    Can tapping into this energy lead to multiple climatic orgasmic experiences?
    And that's amazing.
    But it's so much more than that.

    A great place to begin the multi-orgasmic conversation is to reframe how we view orgasm.
    It's not just about a climatic release of energy, it's about the infinite source of where that energy comes from.

    Orgasm can be like a single event; a wave crashing on the beach (which is a beautiful thing).

    And it can also be like accessing the infinite ocean; the sustainable source of that wave.

    Let's dive in!

    Want to dive deeper:

    Join the Waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

  • How do we know when we're cut off from our source energy?
    It's so important to know our red flags.
    And to have a plan for when they show up.

    We all know that feeling of feeling how we don't want to feel.
    Those moments are inevitable.
    And valuable.

    When we experience what we don't want we have a great opportunity to fine tune our desires and to get into alignment with who we know we are and how we want to feel.

    Knowing when we're cut off from our source, catching it and having tools to turn it around can serve us well here.

    In this episode I share some of my recurrent red flags that let me know I'm cut off from my feminine flow.
    And 5 simple tips that help me get my groove back.

    Ready for a vibe revive?
    Let's dive in!

    Check out my robust Spotify Library to inspire your sensual movement:
    Join the waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

  • Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!
    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.

    I'm all about celebrating the mamas! Heck, I'm one myself.

    Yes to that and...I thought this would be a good time to dive into the topic of
    re-parenting ourselves.

    Something that comes up for every woman I've met (me too) on the feminine embodiment journey is the awareness at some point that some Inner Child work is essential.

    That makes sense doesn't it?

    In order to truly embody our sensuality and expand our pleasure we need to get really good at creating safety for ourselves.
    The kind of consistent safety that emanates from within.

    We've all had experiences where we did not feel safe or that our needs were not important/did not get met. These experiences, unless processed will creep up when we least expect them to and block us from experiencing more pleasure and deeper intimacy.

    The good news is that deep shifts around this can happen by cultivating an unconditionally loving, trusting and consistent relationship with our Inner Child.
    This is also true of our Inner Teenager.

    Here I dive into:

    What is the ā€œfeminineā€ way and why pleasure mattersHow inner Child and Inner Teenager wounds show up in our livesTools to begin this healing journey

    Ready for more?
    Let's dive in!

    Want to dive deeper?

    Join the Waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

  • Have you heard of Vaginal Weightlifting?

    Yes, youā€™ve got it right, weā€™re talking about lifting weights with your vagina.

    If that sounds bizarre, I get it.

    When I first heard about this practice I thought so too.

    And yet, I was intrigued.

    Now itā€™s a regular part of my self care routine.

    Vaginal Weightlifting or Yoni Weightlifting is a simple but advanced Jade Egg practice that can provide amazing results in a short amount of time.

    But there are certain things you need to know in order to do it safely and effectively.

    In this episode I riff on:

    What is Vaginal Weightlifting?Why I love itHow to know when youā€™re ready physically and emotionally

    Letā€™s dive in!

    Want to dive deeper?

    Join the Waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind:

    Learn more about the Wild Abundance Sex Magic Ritual:

    Check out my self-study Jade Egg program:

  • What does it mean to truly trust ourselves?
    It's a big question isn't it?
    And one that I feel deserves more attention than it gets.

    Our level of self trust has an enormous impact on how we feel on the daily.
    Mind, body and spirit.
    It influences how fully we show up in every area of our lives.

    When we're not trusting ourselves (and we all experience that from time to time) it's hard to feel safe in the world. This of course blocks our ability to express our true essence, tap into our unique creative spark and give our gifts with joy.

    Chronic self doubt can feel like we're always walking on shaky ground.
    It can rock our sense of security and belonging and sometimes keep us in a perpetual state of indecision and limbo.

    But we can flip that script when we consciously build self trust.

    I see self trust as a practice of cultivating a dynamic relationship with the truth of our essence and the wisdom of our bodies.

    A practice of honoring our emotions, embodying our desires and aligning and fortifying with pleasure.

    A practice of connecting with and rooting into our unique expression of the sacred feminine.

    When we trust ourselves the feminine way, we're in alignment.
    We're on our path.
    And that's a beautiful thing.

    Want more?
    Let's dive in!

    Join the Waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind: