
  • My guest today is Laura Deyermond, Head of Viticulture for Newton Vineyards and a 2022 Wine Enthusiast Future 40 recipient.  In this episode Laura shares her passion for farming grapes sustainably and organically to preserves the ecosystem in the vineyard.  She will also talk about the various roles it takes to manage and maintain a working vineyard and she’ll give advice to help you get your hands dirty in the vineyard too.






    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Check out our Wine Education Abroad Program:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-education-abroad-2023/
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Newton Winery:  https://www.newtonvineyard.com/
    Job opportunities at Newton Winery:  https://www.newtonvineyard.com/en-US/general/careers.html

  • Today I am honored to introduce you to Elizabeth Vianna, Winemaker and GM of the famed Chimney Rock Winery in the Stags Leap District here in Napa Valley.  Her story of going from medical school to making a world-class Cab. Sauv. in one of the greatest wine regions in the world, will inspire you.  And she offers great advice to help you start on your journey.      Resources:Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzelReceive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcastCheck out our Wine Education Abroad Program:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-education-abroad-2023/ Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/ Follow Elizabeth Vianna & Chimney Rock Winery:Instagram:  @elizvianna  @chimneyrockwinery @terlatowinesLinked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-vianna-53b54aa/

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  • We’ve finally come to the third and final episode in our series featuring the talent acquisition team with SGWS, the largest distributor in American
    In our first episode we met Vince Pierce, the Senior Director and Head of Talent Acquisition.  In the second episode you met  Chip Turrisi, Director of Early Career Recruiting and Mike Cashion, Senior Talent Acquisition Manager for ETP, which is a fancy term for IT.  And last but not least, today I’ll introduce you to Brittany Merritt, National Talent Acquisition Director for Operations, Supply Chain and Corporate functions, and Kristi Gardner, National Talent Acquisition Director for Sales.  Together, Brittany and Kristi recruit for the segments with the largest number of employees across the US, which means, they are likely looking for talent in your market. 
    This entire series has been packed with great advice for anyone looking to for a wine job and this episode does not disappoint. 
    Show Notes & Resources:

    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Networking article:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-industry-career-series-the-power-of-networking/
    3-Tiered System article:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-industry-career-series-understanding-the-three-tiered-system/
    Brittany Merritt’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittanytilley/
    Kristi Gardner LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristi-gardner-35289615/
    Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits Career Board:  https://www.southernglazers.com/careers

  • One of the most frequently asked questions I get is how to become a wine educator.  So, In an effort to answer this burning question, I recruited my good friend, and co-worker, Jean Cox.  Jean is a long-standing wine instructor at the NVWA and wears a few other hats as well.  She’ll give us a peek behind the curtain into the life of a wine educator and provide great advice and direction for those who want to follow in her footsteps.  If becoming a wine educator is how you want to make a career out of your passion for wine, then this is the episode for you!




    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Follow Jean Cox:

    Instagram:  @jeanmcox11
    Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeannie-cox-853ba23b/

  • I’m excited to bring you part 2 of our 3-part series featuring the talent acquisition team with SGWS, the largest distributor in American

    In our first episode we met Vince Pierce, the Senior Director and fearless leader of Talent Acquisition and he gave us an overview of what his team does and a general idea of the roles they recruit for.  Today we’ll drill down further and talk about specific opportunities.  Chip Turrisi, Early Career Recruiting & Programs Manager, will tell us how to go right from college to working in the wine industry.  And, Mike Cashion, Sr. Manager Talent Acquisition, which is a fancy term for IT, will explain how those who have a flair for technology can work in the wine industry with or without a college degree.

    This episode is packed with ideas and recommendations all the way through so be sure to stay tuned until the end, so you don’t miss a thing.  And they will give you lots of links to help you find your dream job and we’ll pop those in the show notes for your convenience.

    I’m super excited about this series as it will give you a deeper understanding of wine roles that are available around the country and what it takes to get in the game.  There is literally something for everyone in this 3-part series.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To reach Mike Cashion & Chip Turrisi, SGWS Talent Acquisition

    Mike Cashion’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-cashion-23156124/
    Email for internships & recent grads: universityrecruiting@sgws.com
    Chip Turrisi’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chipturrisi/
    Link directly to our Career Site with the Category for Internships & Early Career = Job Search - Southern Glazers
    Chippin’ Away YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@chippin-away – specifically for students and helping them in their career journey (interviewing / resumes / applications etc).

  • Today you’ll meet Jodie Battles, Managing Partner & Beverage Director for JK Food Group.

    You’ll learn about her journey from part-time server to overseeing the beverage programs at acclaimed Boston Area restaurants Toro, Coppa, Little Donkey, Faccia a Faccia and Bar Pallino
    No matter where you are in your wine journey, this episode is packed with insights and inspiration to help you jump start your wine career, with or without experience.

    I can’t wait for you to meet Jodie!

    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    To follow or reach Jodie Battles and/or JK Food Group:

  • We are all about helping you increase your odds of finding the wine job of your dreams.  To that end, my guest today is Cindy Peck, Director of Career Strategy @ Drucker School of Management.  In this episode Cindy will set you up for job search success by sharing her expertise on how to showcase you and your personal brand in the best possible image and how and where to promote yourself through networking and social media, including the all-important Linked In platform.    This is your opportunity to get solid professional advice from a Career Strategy expert so grab some paper and a pen, you are going to want to take notes.   Resources:Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzelReceive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcastSign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/ Find Cindy Richmond Peckhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/cindy-richmond-peck/https://www.cgu.edu/people/cindy-peck/Contact Drucker School of Management: https://www.linkedin.com/school/druckerschoolofmanagement/https://www.cgu.edu/school/drucker-school-of-management/careers/

  • I’m so glad you’re joining me today. I was lucky enough to connect with the Talent Acquisition Team for the largest wine distributor in the US – SGWS. With over 22,000 employees strong, they are one of the largest wine industry employers in the world, with job opportunities in 44 US states.

    When meeting with their team, I found such a treasure trove of valuable information that I decided to run this as a 3-part series to help you understand the varied opportunities there are in wine distribution across the country. I’m so happy they agreed to participate.

    Since this is the first episode in the series, I went right to the top. My guest is Vince Pierce, SGWS Senior Director of Talent Acquisition. Vince will kick things off and give you amazing insights to get you started on your own wine career journey. Then, Vince will pass the baton to his team for two more episodes where you’ll learn about early career development as well as specific roles in sales, IT, and operations.

    I’m super excited about this series as it will give you a deeper understanding of wine roles that are available around the country and what it takes to get into the game. There is literally something for everyone in this 3-part series.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To reach Vince Pierce or SGWS

    Learn more about job opportunities with SGWS at https://www.southernglazers.com/careers
    You can find Vince Pierce https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincepierce0305/

  • In this episode you will meet my fantastic guest, Allison Day, who started her company Good Things Done Right from the ground up and turned it into a highly sought-after wine-centric Social Media and Marketing company.
    Good Things Done Right serving a client list of some of the most well-known, iconic wineries and organizations in Wine Country.  Allison shares her inspiring story and will turn you on to some new wine industry careers that you probably don’t even know exist.

    Stay tuned until the end when Allison gives us some specific insights on how to crack the code to a successful future with a unique spin.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET. Register for your course at napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To reach Allison Day or Good Things Done Right:


  • Have you ever wondered what’s it like to work for one of the most prestigious wineries in the Napa Valley?  Well today you’ll meet Amber, Mihna, Director of Global Sales for Staglin Family Vineyard.  She’ll share the story of Staglin Family Vineyard as well as her own unique journey in the wine world.
    Along the way Amber will offer insights and advice on how to enter the wine industry and what it takes to work for an iconic producer.  Stay tuned until the end when she shares inspiring words to live, and work.

    I hope you enjoy my conversation with Amber as much as I did.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To follow or reach Staglin Family Vineyard and Amber Mihna:


  • My very special guests today are both winemakers at the famed Domaine Carneros Winery in the Carneros AVA of Napa Valley.  Zak Miller leads the Sparkling Wine team and TJ Evans is in charge of Pinot Noir production.
    Their journeys into winemaking are quite different but mutually inspiring.  They’ll share their wine stories and give us the inside scoop on what it takes to make iconic sparkling wine and world class Pinot Noir.  And the best part is, they’ll tell you how to get your start toward following in their footsteps. So, if you have wondered what it takes for a wine to go from grape to glass, this episode will not disappoint.  So, let’s meet Zak and TJ.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET. Register for your course at napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To follow or reach Domaine Carneros:


  • Every guest we’ve showcased on the show has had an interesting wine journey to share, and today’s guest, Clare Tooley, is no exception.  Join us and follow her path from her European roots to becoming a Master of Wine, and ultimately moving to the US as Vice President of Guest Experiences at the Boisset Collection.
    Clare has worn many hats and she’ll share her advice and expertise to help you pursue your wine passion and join the wine industry.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To follow or reach Clare Tooley MW and Boisset Collection:


  • When you think of a career in the wine industry do you find yourself dreaming of what it would be like to live and work in a world renowned wine region like Burgundy or Tuscany?  If so, this episode is for you.
    My guest, Emily Lester, aka ParisWineGirl, will share her wine journey that brought her to France where she has created a world that blends her love of the arts with the world of wine.  Stay tuned until the end when Emily generously shares her insights and advice on how you can follow her path abroad and thrive.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET. Register for your course at napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To follow or reach Emily Lester:


  • One of the things I love most about the wine industry is that it is steeped in history and tradition.  Like a steadfast friend that you can count on.
    But, the other thing I love about the wine industry is that it is constantly evolving and looking toward the future.  And in today’s episode, the future’s so bright you’ll have wear shades.  I’m going to introduce you to Andrew Allison, CEO and co-founder of Cuvee Collective.  Andrew and his team are blowing the lid off of the future by reinventing how we engage with wine.

    So, strap your hat on and join us on a journey to the future.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET. Register for your course at napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    To follow or reach Andrew Allison and Cuvee Collective:


  • Today I’m honored to introduce you to Alicia Towns Franken, a veteran of the hospitality industry and Board Member and Mentor at Wine Unify. 
    In this episode I tap her vast experience to discuss a wide range of career opportunities as well as her dedication to advancing diversity at Wine Unify.  Be sure to stay tuned until to end when Alicia will tell us all about wine education award and mentorship opportunities to help you advance your wine education and find your way into the industry. 


    Schedule a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel: https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Course and activity registration:  www.napavalleywineacademy and use 5% discount on any NVWA class: promo-code NVWApodcast
    Newsletter: https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Membership:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Follow us:  @napavalleywineacademy  @napavalleywinegal
    Wine Unify:  https://www.wineunify.org/   @wineunify   @archerroosewines

  • Geralyn Brostrom is an instructor in the Wine MBA program at the Wine Business Institute at SSU.  She’s also the Developer of the Italian Wine Professional certification program and co-founder of the website ItalianWineCentral.com.  And, as if that weren’t enough, she’s a consultant, public speaker, and the author of well-known books - the Business of Wine and Into Italian Wine.
    Geralyn offers a mountain of insights to help you dive into the wine industry headfirst so be sure to stick around until the end so you don’t miss a thing.


    Schedule a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel: https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Course and activity registration:  www.napavalleywineacademy and use 5% discount on any NVWA class: promo-code NVWApodcast
    Newsletter: https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Membership:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Follow us:  @napavalleywineacademy  @napavalleywinegal
    Geralyn Brostrom:  geralyn@italianwinecentral.com
    Italian Wine Central website: https://italianwinecentral.com/
    Italian Wine Central Instagram:  @intoitalianwine

  • If you have ever thought about sharing your passion for wine by writing about it, then this episode is for you!  Today my guest is Jonathan Cristaldi.  Jonathan is an established wine writer with more than a decade of experience. His articles have appeared in publications such as Decanter, Food & Wine, The SOMM Journal and the Tasting Panel Magazines just to name a few.  He is also our Editor in Chief here at the NVWA and was recently a guest speaker at the Wine Writer’s Symposium. 
    Jonathan will not only share his story, but will also help you write yours by giving you the inside scoop of how to put pen to paper get published.  Be sure and listen until the end when Jonathan will give you recommendations on what you can do right away to follow in his footsteps. 


    Schedule a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel: https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Course and activity registration:  www.napavalleywineacademy and use 5% discount on any NVWA class: promo-code NVWApodcast
    Newsletter: https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Membership:  https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/

    Follow us:  @napavalleywineacademy  @napavalleywinegal

    Email Jonathan at jcristaldi@gmail.com

    Follow Jonathan @jcristaldi

  • My guest today is Dale Stratton.  Dale has spent the better part of 40 years imbedded in the wine industry and is a treasure trove of knowledge.  He is currently serving as the President of the Wine Market Council, the Managing Director for Azur Associates and as an Analyst for Sip Source. 
    He’s a little like me – he just can’t stay away from this crazy business.  I know you will find his journey inspiring and that it will motivate you to dive in with both feet.

    As always, be sure to stay tuned until the end when Dale and I will offer up some great advice on how you can join the wine industry and grow your career. 


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET.  Register for your course at www.napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates to learn about upcoming events, new courses and free webinars
    Dale Stratton on Linked in:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dale-stratton-b40b7a3/

  • My guest today is Catherine Bugue, co-founder and VP of Education at Napa Valley Wine Academy. Her unlikely entrance into the wine industry will surprise and delight you and you’ll find her enthusiasm for wine education inspiring.
    Along the way Catherine will tell you all about the entertaining and engaging programs we now offer, beyond WSET and wine certifications.  In this episode you will find there is something for everyone.

    Be sure and stay tuned until the end when Catherine will share her best advice to help you quench your thirst for knowledge about wine.


    Schedule a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel: https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Course and activity registration: napavalleywineacademy and use 5% discount on any NVWA class: promo-code NVWApodcast
    Newsletter: https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Membership: https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    Follow us: @napavalleywineacademy  @napavalleywinegal

  • In this episode you are going to meet my good friend, and wine entrepreneur, DeLauren Everett.  DeLauren started her own company, Blends and Bubbly, out of her passion for wine and her drive to be a part of wine industry.
    She’ll share her inspiring journey with us and, at the end of the show, she’ll give you advice how you can follow your dream and become a wine entrepreneur too.


    Book a private career coaching session with Karen Wetzel at https://go.oncehub.com/KarenWetzel
    Receive a 5% discount on any Napa Valley Wine Academy classes, including WSET. Register for your course at napavalleywineacademy and use promo-code NVWApodcast
    Sign up for our newsletter at https://go.napavalleywineacademy.com/wine-news-that-educates
    Become a member at https://napavalleywineacademy.com/nvwa-membership/
    To reach DeLauren Everett go to https://blendsandbubbly.com/ or on Social Media @blendsandbubbly