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    Mom's pick for K-Horror this time is EXHUMA, the wildly successful film from last year.

    From IMDb: The process of excavating an ominous grave unleashes dreadful consequences buried underneath.

    Mom & Mac Chat:
    Rounding down, rounding up, how pets measure the importance of things, Mac's noisy body, finding the activities that feel good, having things explained in a way we can hear, Mac's words of wisdom.

    Coming up on the main show: Mac's next J-Horror pick: KURONEKO.

    To finish our series, we are planning to look at: KWAIDAN, HORROR STORIES, CURE, and THE MIMIC.

    Next up on the Quinnisode: THE HERETIC & THE FIRST OMEN.

    Thanks for listening, WoHos! And if you know anything about the liver in relation to EXHUMA, please get in touch!

    Remember, we love you and DON'T go into the basement!!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    I finally got Quinn to watch LADY IN A CAGE with me and we had a nice ramble about it!

    From Wikipedia:
    Lady in a Cage is a 1964 American psychological thriller film directed by Walter Grauman, written and produced by Luther Davis, and starring Olivia de Havilland and James Caan. The film was released by Paramount Pictures.

    In Christina & Quinn chat, we talk about now wanting to go back for Spring semester, Robert Eggers, smelling snow, and trying to cancel subscription services. As a follow up, it DID snow and Quinn DID NOT like NOSFERATU.

    Next up on the main show, we discuss EXHUMA as part of our K-horror and J-horror series.

    We love you, WoHos and Q-Balls!

    --Mom AKA Christina

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Chrissy Champagne from Residue: A True Crime Podcast makes her triumphant return to the podcast with a film that Means the World of Horror™ to her: HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II!!

    To be honest, the movie discussion sprouted many tangents--too many to count--but we reveled in the batshitedness that is this cult classic from 1987.

    Chrissy was last with us to discuss CHOPPING MALL on Episode 136.
    Mac and I discussed SLASHER S4 on Eps 54 & 56.

    Please go subscribe to Chrissy's podcast

    Next up on the regular show, Mac and I will be discussing EXHUMA from South Korea.

    We hope you have a wonderful New Year. Thank you for all your support! Welcome, New Listeners! We look forward to bringing your more in 2025!

    We love you, WoHos! DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    This was an episode that took forever to record and forever and a day to get released, but it is finally here!

    Mac chose ONIBABA from 1964 for his first J-Horror film. for our "Fall" series (which will now be a Winter series). If you haven't had a chance to see this Kaneto Shindo classic, do yourself a favor!

    In Mom & Mac chat (from early November), we discuss:
    Sweating, vacuum attachments, exercising regularly, going to the doctor while trans, going to the doctor while an Onibaba, and being an ex-problem drinker at the holidays.

    Coming up on the pod:
    Chrissy Champagne from Residue, a True Crime Podcast will join us to discuss HELLO, MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT 2, EXHUMA for our next K-Horror pick, and Quinn will join the pod to discuss LADY IN A CAGE.

    Be careful out there! Thank you for another great year of support. It means the World of Horror™ to us, truly!

    I discussed another Kaneto Shindo film, KURONEKO, on Episode 70.

    We love you, WoHos! DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    We recorded this a few months back and then both had some life stuff come up, but we hope it is worth the wait!

    This film is a classic domestic melodrama that has inspired Bong Joon-ho, among others, and is one batshit crazy ride.

    From IMDb: A composer and his wife are thrown into turmoil when a housemaid becomes more than they bargained for. (Composer??? That's overstating it a little bit--Mac & me)

    This film has everything. It's a cautionary tale, a cinematographic masterpiece, high melodrama, and a film that includes the mention of more rats than the film THE DEPARTED. Oh, TW for rat death...and child death.

    Next time on the main pod: Mac talks the 1964 Japanese Horror classic, ONIBABA.

    Quinn has also agreed to meet with me to discuss LADY IN A CAGE and possibly, THE HERETIC, and we hope to get our friend Chrissy Champagne on to discuss HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II before the end of the year.

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    Well, Q-Balls and WoHos, I finally did it! I got Quinn to talk with me about HEREDITARY, a film that scared her to her very bones!!

    I hope you enjoy this episode. We sure had fun making it!

    Next up on the Quinnisode: LADY IN A CAGE!

    Chrissy Champagne joins Mac and me to discuss HELLO MARY LOU PROM NIGHT II on the next guest pod and on the main show, Mac and I will kick off our J-Horror and K-horror series with ONIBABA and THE HOUSEGUEST, both from 1960.

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    Our friend Martin Harries joined us to discuss Prano Bailey-Bond's first feature film from 2021.

    We had a lovely ramble, as always.
    Detours include: The UK ratings system, Mac watching all the SAW kills on YouTube, how much we all love Michael Smiley, and whether or not media is ever to blame for our behavior.

    Martin was a lovely guest, as always! Please go check out his podcast, Film Vs. Film!

    Martin has previously joined us on Episodes 121, 94, 90, and 65.

    Martin's links: https://solo.to/filmvsfilmpodcast

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    When we made this pairing on paper back in December, little did not know how well these two films would gel together, but boy do they ever! Zombies! Reanimated guts! Pet deaths! Blood!

    We got (delightedly) grossed out by both of these films and we had a first for the podcast: One of us tapped out on one of the films without finishing it. Who was it and which film?

    Next up we have some guest episodes to pepper our Fall J-Horror and K-Horror short series.

    Martin from the Film vs. Film Podcast will discuss Prano Bailey-Bond's film, CENSOR, and Chrissy Champagne from Residue: A True Crime Podcast will return to discuss HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II.

    Our first two films in our J-Horror and K-Horror film series will be ONIBABA from Japan & THE HOUSEMAID (1960) from Korea.

    Remember we love you, WoHos! And DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    This week we looked at two classics of the Body Horror: Metallic subgenre: TETSUO: THE IRON MAN, a Japanese film from 1989, and TITANE, from 2021.

    I really enjoyed these conversations with Mac and I hope you do, too!

    Coming up next time on the main show are Cult Classics THE REANIMATOR from the US and BRAIN DEAD ? DEAD ALIVE from New Zealand.

    We also have a special Bonus show with Martin from the Film vs. Film podcast. He'll be on to discuss a recent UK horror classic, CENSOR.

    Thanks for all your support! Remember, WoHos, we love you and DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

    Support the show

    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
    Closing Theme "Mop" by Gerry Entriken

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    John and Georgia Macey from Comfort Films Podcast came by to discuss Ti West's X Trilogy. We all nerded out talking about the three films as well as televangelists, doppelgangers, pandemics, and acting.

    ***A warning to those who have not seen MAXXXINE, we do spoil a lot of it, along with X and PEARL***

    Typical disclaimers for language which may not be suitable for all ears.

    Go check out Georgia and John on their brilliant podcast, Comfort Films. They go deep and it is always an interesting, funny, and fun time.

    Comfort Films Podcast Website
    Comfort Films Podcast on Instagram

    We have some big doings in the works!

    Next on the main show: Body Horror: Metallic with TETSUO: THE IRON MAN from Japan& TITANE from France.

    We also have bonus shows planned with Quinn McLaughlin, Martin from Film Vs. Film Podcast, and Chrissy from Residue: A True Crime Podcast.

    We are going to have a series of shows on J-Horror & K-Horror, the first of which will be on ONIBABA from Japan and THE HOUSEMAID (1960) from Korea.

    Thanks for all your support! Remember, we love you and DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
    Closing Theme "Mop" by Gerry Entriken

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    WoHos! BSers! (Blind Spotters, Get it?)

    Stefan came by and we had a ramble about two films that were personal blind spots for us, RACE WITH THE DEVIL & JAWS 2.

    We also talked about car trouble, break-ins and other weird experiences that inspire movies, and the recent films, LONGLEGS & MAXXXINE (no spoilers).

    We enjoyed this episode and hope you did too, because there is much more to come....in the form of a brand new podcast from Stefan and me...called Blindspotting!! We should have the first ep to you the first Mondays of the month starting in September 2024. We are making our selections for the first episode proper as we speak/as I type/as you read this.

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    Here is our Grim AF Part 2 pick: WHEN EVIL LURKS from Argentina.

    Mom & Mac Chat:
    Mac goes to see Megan Thee Stallion
    We hate firecrackers and fireworks
    Mac's harrowing journey
    The nicest towing man doing it
    Go see Meg with your friends
    ...And always pay for premium parking
    15:14: Mac talks WHEN EVIL LURKS

    Coming up on the podcast:

    A bonus ep with Stefan MacDonald-Labelle who discusses one of his blind spots--RACE WITH THE DEVIL, and one of mine: JAWS 2. Also, stay tuned for our new collabo, "Blindspotting" starting in September!Georgia & John Macey from Comfortfilms Podcast (and Episodes 117 & will join us to talk Ti West's trilogy: X, PEARL, and MAXXXINE!On the main show Mac & I will finish out our regular season with Body Horror (Metallic) films: TETSUO: THE IRON MAN from Japan & TITANE from France and CULT FAVORITES: BRAINDEAD from New Zealand & REANIMATOR from the US.

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    Quinn is back to talk with me about a couple to things we enjoy Jesse Plemons in: GAME NIGHT, THE USS CALLISTER, and FARGO, Season 2.

    Quinn is in Michigan hanging out at the Senior Center now that she has found her new car.

    Christina has a new website you should check out and buy things from: gsoglassworks.com. She is enjoying making art and dreading going back to work.

    GAME NIGHT, from 2018: Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party -- complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.

    USS Callister, Black Mirror, Season 4, Episode 1, from 2017. By day, Robert Daly is the CTO of a tech-entertainment company, but by night he is in his own private cinematic universe -- based on a TV show he watched as a child -- as the commander of a starship exploring new worlds.

    Fargo, Season 2 from 2015: The second season of Fargo, an American anthology black comedy–crime drama television series created by Noah Hawley, premiered on October 12, 2015, on the basic cable network FX. Its principal cast is Kirsten Dunst, Patrick Wilson, Jesse Plemons, Jean Smart, and Ted Danson.

    We did a whole squad pod episode on John C. Reilly way back in Episode 33.

    Listen! I don't ask for a lot, but please go check out my website and buy some things! If you don't feel like that, just follow me at instagram.com/gsoglassworks.

    We love you, Q-Balls. More dicks!

    --C & Q

    Next time on the main episode, Mac and I discuss our second Grim AF film, WHEN EVIL LURKS. After that, we will be looking at two Body Horror (Metallic) films: TITANE & TETSUO: THE IRON MAN

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    This film is one of the ones who made me (Mom/Christina), but Mac really loves it, so this is a huge win for me. Hope you like our talk. We spoke so much, we decided to release this ep on its own so we could release out Part 2 with WHEN EVIL LURKS separately.

    Conversation detours include: Preference for audiobooks, Mom's making art (check out gsoglassworks.com)! My Eye Doctor, Mac doesn't know about rollerball typewriters, connections to The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Double plus chemical peels, Office work is a kind of hell, Mom's filed trip to the porno store, If you didn't read the whole article, do not talk to me about it!

    Next time we will have Part 2 of Grim AF films with WHEN EVIL LURKS from Argentina.

    After that, we are looking at two films in the Body Horror (Metallic) sub-genre: TITANE from France and TETSUO: THE IRON MAN from Japan.

    On the bonus show. Quinn and I will be discussing some films and TV show performances from Jesse Plemons. Stefan MacDonald will join me for a blindspot episode where we will look at THE DEVIL RIDES OUT & JAWS 2. And Georgia & John Macey from the Comfortfills Podcast will join us to discuss X & PEARL.

    We love you, WoHos! DON'T go into the basement!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    What a fun discussion this was!

    We looked at Wes Craven's Hill People cannibal fest, THE HILLS HAVE EYES from 1977 and the truly hilarious modern Aussie horror comedy, 100 BLOODY ACRES.

    Sidebars include:
    What a pretty color combo orange and blue are
    Intrusive thoughts and number OCD
    Do men not know how women's biology work?
    The ridiculous state of affairs for women's health int he US in 2024.

    Next time we are covering two films that can only be described as Grim AF: BRAZIL from 1985 and WHEN EVIL LURKS from 2023.

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    We go on quite a ramble on a number of subjects. Definitely check out the Chapter Markers for this one, if you are just here for the film talk.

    I make a number of references to the first conversation we had about eXistenZ. By way of explanation, awhile back, we had paired eXistenZ with TETSUO: THE IRON MAN, but the episode was lost. We are splitting our body horror shows into squishy body horror and metallic body horror. Part 1 of squishy was SOCIETY and for our metallic series, we are looking at TETSUO: THE IRON MAN and TITANE.

    Next time, we are looking at Exploitation films with THE HILLS HAVE EYES (1977) from the US and a yet-to-be-determined International film (HIGH LANE, which was originally on the docket is only available in our area in a dubbed form and I cannot). Stay tuned!

    After that, we are doing a pair that I have been looking forward to all year: Grim AF movies with BRAZIL from the UK and WHEN EVIL LURKS/CUANDO ACECHA LA MALDAD from Argentina.

    Get in touch/Tell all your friends/You know the drill, WoHos!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    What with summer schedules being what they are, we were only able to record the first of our Squishy Body Horror flicks, SOCIETY. We will release eXistenZ next week.

    We hope you enjoy!

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

    Support the show

    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
    Closing Theme "Mop" by Gerry Entriken

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    WoHos! Q-Balls!

    Ms. Q is back to talk with me about how her Introduction to Film students reacted to this film. It was nice to revisit this classic and we had a nice ramble about their perceptive insights.

    We also are such fans of Brooke Smith and Ted Levine as well as Jonathan Demme's direction and Tak Fujimoto's cinematography.

    We also talk about the minor car accident Quinn was in (she's fine), the difference between Quinn's and my brain, the TV show my dead mom would have loved, Mac's amazing, prescient pattern recognition, "kids today", escape rooms, and what a good teacher Quinn is. Plus what the end credits of PEARL have in common with this film.

    This is being released on Quinn's actual birthday, so go ahead and wish her a Happy Birthday. You can find her at instagram.com/quinnmcl03!

    Next up on the main show Mac and I will be looking at squishy body horror with SOCIETY and eXistenZ. Next up on the Quinnisode, Quinn and I will be spotlighting Jesse Plemons.

    Remember, Q-Balls and WoHos, we love you, don't go into the basement, and more dicks!


    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

    Support the show

    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    We had a blast talking to our new friend, Chrissy Champagne from Residue: A True Crime Podcast (go subscribe!) She brought a banger of a film that Means the World of Horror™ to her!

    We discussed the very strange and very 80's SciFi Mall Slasher (Yes, we're classing it as a slasher! Fight us!) Horny Comedy: CHOPPING MALL.

    If you haven't watched it or havn't watched it for awhile, then what are you even doing?

    Go watch it and then go download all of Chrissy's eps and subscribe to her on Instagram

    Next Bonus Episode will feature the one and only Quinn McLaughlin talking with me about THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.

    Next on the main show Mac and I will be discussing Squishy Body Horror with SOCIETY from the US and eXistenZ from Canada,

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    Opening Theme "Bucket" by Gerry Entriken
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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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    Stefan is back to share two of his favorite childhood watches: ALLIGATOR & THE EDGE!!

    Stefan is a filmmaker and podcaster located in Hamilton, Ontario. Although we are split on CRAWL, ROGUE, and BLACKWATER, I encourage you all to check these movies out if you are interested in Alligator or Crocodile-attack movies. And of course, LAKE PLACID.

    We rambled a bit (time codes below):
    :25 Beartalk
    <<2:49 Spoiler for COCAINE BEAR>>
    3:46 ALLIGATOR is a weird movie!
    13:18 The Fluke Man ep. on "The X Files"
    16:48 We love it when kids get killed in movies
    <<17:18 Spoiler for IMMACULATE>>
    18:05 Stefan talks about his upcoming film!
    23:14 Alligator movies
    25:32 How do Canadians look at Florida?
    26:04 Canadian politics
    30;11 Hamilton Vibes
    32:02 Bryan Cranston & Robert Forster
    35:57 Letterboxd review
    39;10 THE EDGE
    55:00 Stefan's bear story
    59:53 Would you rather?
    <<1:03 Spoiler for BLACKWATER>>

    Stefan MacDonald has appeared many times before on the show and I always enjoy his takes. Check out these back episodes!
    Ep. 123: VIDEODROME
    Ep. 118: ROAD GAMES
    Ep. 108: A BAY OF BLOOD
    Ep. 94: FAVE FIVE WATCHES OF 2022
    Ep. 49: SIEGE

    You can find Stefan on Instagram and YouTube

    Gerry Entriken: WoHo Outro Theme

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    also by Gerry Entriken. We love you, Gerry!

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