Student loans have gone crazy! Payments are starting back up in October and people are desperately trying to figure out what they need to do to prepare. So I’m going to share everything you need to know related to getting ready to start repaying your loans again. There have been a lot of changes so if you have student loans or are thinking about getting student loans, you need to listen to this.
In the episode, I share:
Lump sum payments and who shouldn’t be making them
Steps to take before payments begin in October
Forgiveness plans and who they’re for
Why you need to be thinking about your student loan situation
The coming Income-Driven Repayment tracker
Why now is the time to take advantage of getting on the right student loan repayment plan
The difference between consolidation and refinancing
Why consolidation is not the right fit for everyone
What refinancing means and why it’s not for everyone
The new SAVE plan
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
Mentioned Resources:
Frugal Living and the FIRE Movement, with Travis Hornsby
Visit Student Loan Planner to learn more about student loans and schedule a consultation to discover your best repayment plan.
Please reach out at emily@worth-winning.com if you’re interested in learning more about bringing a corporate financial wellness presentation to your organization.
If you want to share your money memoir on the podcast, contact us at podcast@worth-listening.com.
Today NFL player Kelvin Beachum joins the podcast. Kelvin is a Texas native entering his 12th season. In addition to playing football, he is also a board member, advisor, active technology investor, and philanthropist.
Today Kevin will share with us his money memoir including his entry into the NFL and why he has continued to pursue other opportunities while playing. You will be encouraged and motivated by his message.
In this episode we discuss:
Living below your means
How your experiences and exposure change your relationship with money
That all NFL players aren’t instant millionaires
The importance of purposeful spending
How Kelvin got started in the world of Venture Capital
Curiosity and the impact of being a life long learner
The role of networking in financial success and opportunities
Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Mentioned Resources:
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Kelvin Beachum:
LinkedIn: @kb2smu
Missing episodes?
Today Carrie Nicholson joins Lauryn Williams on the podcast. Carrie is a business manager who enjoys all things money and wealth. Before quitting her job to become full-time self-employed for the past decade, she was a tax accountant and Certified Bookkeeper. In 2018, she sold her first finance blog, Careful Cents, for nearly six figures. Today, she owns multiple online businesses including a YouTube channel about cash budgeting and a Colorado travel blog.
Today Carrie will share with us more about where her interest in finances came from and how she uses her personal financial story to create income while helping others.
In This Episode, They Discuss:
The balance of serving, ministry, and earning in income
The trade school option to get into accounting
How she built and sold a finance blog for freelancers
How she and her husband are building a travel blog with the intention to sell
Budgeting, emergency funds, and creating a savings plan
Cash stuffing and savings challenges
Mentioned Resources:
Natalie Bacon, Financial Coach
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Carrie Nicholson:
Instagram: @carrieconsiders
YouTube: @carrieconsiders
Summer is here, kids are out of school, people are headed out on vacations, and it’s the time of year when scarcity mindset starts to set in for many. Podcast host and Certified Financial Planner Lauryn Williams shares how this is playing out in her own life right now. She’s also jumping back into the podcast archives to bring back one of her favorite episodes to address scarcity mindset and financial literacy to help change the trajectory of where you want to go financially.
In the episode, Lauryn and guest Claudia Steer discuss:
What it’s like living with a scarcity mindset.
What it means to be “house poor” and the importance of understanding your mortgage options.
The “good debt vs bad debt” myth.
The importance of financial literacy when it comes to things like student loans, 401k, and financial planning.
The fact that financial mistakes don’t always equal frivolous spending.
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to share your money memoir on the podcast, contact us at podcast@worth-listening.com.
The Worth Listening podcast is excited to get back to sharing money memoirs. Listening to the money stories of others allows us to learn from the experience and unique perspectives of others. Sean Johnson-Sippial joins host Lauryn Williams on the podcast to share his money memoir.
Sean is a self-proclaimed Bitcoin evangelist who found Bitcoin in 2016 and hasn’t looked back.
In this episode, Lauryn and Sean talk about:
The common theme of entrepreneurship that ran throughout his childhood
His drive to keep his money and the importance of delayed gratification
How he fell into Bitcoin as it was emerging
What Bitcoin is and how it started
The risk tolerance of Bitcoin and how it compares with other investments
The importance of having an investment thesis
Why he’s choosing to focus on Bitcoin in the current economic climate
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
You can further connect with Sean on Twitter: @stakamoto21
If you want to share your money memoir on the podcast, contact us at podcast@worth-listening.com.
It’s time for a Worth Listening update. There are a lot of exciting things in store for the remainder of 2023 and moving forward. Host and Certified Financial Planner Lauryn Williams, is sharing where the podcast is headed and exciting pivots in her financial planning company, Worth Winning.
In this episode, Lauryn talks about:
The return of additional guests and money memoirs to the podcast
Where you can find Lauryn & Chloe continuing to break down financial planning
How a financial retreat can help you organize your finances along with the 2023 locations and what you can expect for 2024 retreats (hint-hint: 2024 locations are being released soon so you can plan early!)
Workplace financial wellness services
Money school returning as a 6-week course in October
Why it’s time for millennials to get their finances in order
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to share your money memoir on the podcast, contact us at podcast@worth-listening.com.
Financial Checkup
Corporate Financial Wellness Services
Lauryn is hosting two Welcome to Wealth financial retreats this summer for young professional women. Want to go on an adventure and create a financial plan for your life? Learn more at the links below.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Credit is a super popular topic. And there’s a myth that because you have good credit, you’re in good financial health. Chloe and Lauryn constantly see people getting taken advantage of by people on social media, promising to help others fix their credit. Your credit score is not the end-all-be-all, and good credit doesn’t mean you have good financial habits.
So, Chloe and Lauryn are going behind the numbers to help you understand what you need to know about credit.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The BIG myth around your credit score
The details about your credit report and credit score
What “good” credit actually means, and what it can do for you
Why a good credit score isn’t an indicator of financial health
How to check your credit report three times a year & why you should
Types of credit
How to be smart with credit
What to think about before “credit card hacking”
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“It’s foolish to buy something that’s overpriced; more foolish, if it’s unnecessary; and even more foolish, to buy it on credit.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Annual Credit Report
I'm a financial planner, and I think my credit-score obsessed clients are focusing on the wrong thing
Credit Scores & Credit Monitoring
What is a FICO score?
Lauryn is hosting two Welcome to Wealth financial retreats this summer for young professional women. Want to go on an adventure and create a financial plan for your life? Learn more at the links below.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Is generational wealth really as good as we think it is? 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth within one generation, while 80% of today’s millionaires made their money on their own. If you want to create generational wealth in your family, Lauryn and Chloe are sharing what you need to know about creating generational wealth and helping your future generations retain it.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The definition of “generational wealth”
Major challenges to building generational wealth
Importance of gaining financial literacy
Why you shouldn’t be afraid to educate yourself & invest in financial literacy
Simple financial skills you can teach your children
Dealing with the obligation of giving money to family
Impact of the wage gap on generational wealth
How to make the most of income increases
Negotiating your income
Why estate plans are essential
What entrepreneurs need to know about building generational wealth
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“Money isn’t about buying bigger and better things. It’s about being prepared to take care of your family.” – Unknown
Boomers have more wealth ‘than any other generation,’ but millennials may not inherit as much as they hope
Negotiate Anything Podcast
Worth Listening Episode #112: First Generation Wealth Builders Tax
Lauryn is hosting two Welcome to Wealth financial retreats this summer for young professional women. Want to go on an adventure and create a financial plan for your life? Learn more at the links below.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Socially responsible investing is a trendy topic, but many are overlooking the positive impact of spending with purpose. Lauryn and Chloe are sharing ways you can be more intentional with your spending and finances
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The importance of incorporating your core values and goals into your financial plan
Ways to support small businesses and local businesses
The impact of keeping your money within your community (and how you can define what your community is)
Realigning your spending and socially responsible investing
Questions to ask yourself before spending money with a company
How to be intentional about your giving
Things to think about when you want to tithe and being a good steward of your money
Other ways you can give if you can’t give financially
Questions to ask yourself so you can spend more intentionally
Setting an example of your children in how you spend
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Rogers
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ― Winston Churchill
56% of Americans Donated to Charity in 2021, at Average of $574
6 Simple Rules on Spending Money Intentionally
Is Minimalism an Indicator of Financial Stability?
How Much Should You Give to Charity?
How I Created My Own Charitable Giving Plan
Lauryn is hosting two Welcome to Wealth financial retreats this summer for young professional women. Want to go on an adventure and create a financial plan for your life? Learn more at the links below.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Lauryn is hosting two Welcome to Wealth financial retreats this summer for young professional women. Want to go on an adventure and create a financial plan for your life? Learn more at the links below.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Are you thinking about working with a financial planner but don’t know where to start? Chloe and Lauryn are sharing what you need to know about working with a financial professional. They’re talking all about what kind of financial professional you should work with and how to know when you’re ready to work with one.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
What financial planners do and how they help you
When you need to start working with a financial planner and why it’s before you have a bunch of extra money to invest
The types of financial planners in the industry
6 questions to ask yourself when thinking about working with a financial planner
How a financial planner can help you when making major life decisions
Signs you’re not ready to work one-on-one with a financial planner
Things to avoid when working with a financial planner
The terms to learn before finding a financial planner
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.” - Wilson Mizner
“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” - Mandy Hale
Questions to Ask a Financial Planner
Three Overlooked Benefits Of Working With A Financial Advisor
The value of working with a financial advisor
7 red flags that signal it may be time to dump your financial adviser in 2023
XY Planning Network
Fee Only Network
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
The way you think about money can be a major obstacle to hitting your financial goals. So Chloé and Lauryn are talking about money mindset. They’re going to share what you can do to clean up your money mindset, hit the refresh button, and give yourself a mindset of abundance so you can build wealth.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
How to self-assess your money mindset
The impact past money messages have on your current money mindset
How your financial wins and losses from last year impact you today
What is getting in your way of reaching your money goals
Different approaches to your spending decisions
How the people around you impact your money mindset
How your finances affect your physical and mental health
Creating your definition of financial security
How continuously wanting more prevents you from long-term progress
The three Kinder questions that can give you a different perspective on your finances and life
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” -Oprah Winfrey
Episode #126: Achieving Mental Wealth with Guest Rich Jones
Episode #127: Wealth and Wellness with Money Mindset Coach Jacent Wamala
Episode #145: How Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and Stress Impact Your Finances, with Aja Evans
Episode #110: Buildling Wealth & Financial Behavior with Dr. Sara Fallaw
Episode #156: Saving for Retirement
The friendship wealth gap
How Your Childhood Friends Can Influence Your Rise to Wealth
Explore attending a Welcome to Wealth financial retreat with Lauryn Williams in 2023.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Are you considering the opportunity costs of your decisions? Maybe lifestyle creep is keeping you in the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Are you about to turn 40 and haven’t started saving for retirement yet? Or maybe you have sticker shock over hiring a financial planner, so you’re trying to DIY your financial plan.
Time is money, so Chloé and Lauryn share the areas you need to pay attention to so it doesn’t cost you much more in the long run.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
How to fight lifestyle creep so you can save more with each raise
Why you want to start saving for retirement as soon as possible
The impact of compound interest on your retirement savings
How DIYing your financial plan can cost you a lot more than working with a financial planner
The ways a financial planner can help you save money and optimize your finances
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“'Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Timothy Ferriss
The Real Cost of Not Investing Young
The 75% Rule for Lifestyle Creep & Early Retirement
Feel Financially Stuck? Here’s Why — and How to Move Forward
Episode 107: Planning for a Financial Windfall
Behind the Numbers: Saving for Retirement
Explore attending a Welcome to Wealth financial retreat with Lauryn Williams in 2023.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
Are you thinking about quitting your job to start a business? Lauryn and Chloe are sharing behind the numbers of starting a business and what you need to think about before quitting your nine-to-five.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
How much money the majority of small business owners are actually making
The statistics around how many small businesses fail and why
Types of small businesses most likely to fail
How to get your financial house in order before starting a business
Knocking out your debt before quitting your job
Types of “emergencies” that entrepreneurs may face
The need to replace your employee benefits like health insurance
How much extra you need to make to “match” your employee income
The importance of considering your startup costs and the cost of running your business
Outsourcing vs doing it yourself
Business projections and professionals who can help you manage your business finances
If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
If you want to connect further with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples
Twitter: @finstaples
Facebook: @finstaples
LinkedIn: @chloemoore
Shared quote:
“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” –Guy Kawasaki, Alltop Co-Founder and Entrepreneur
Episode 106: "Know Better. Do Better. Series" Are You Ready to Start a Business
Explore attending a Welcome to Wealth financial retreat with Lauryn Williams in 2023.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023
Bali, Indonesia August 2023
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
It’s time to think about paying taxes for the money you made in 2022. In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé are diving into all things taxes. They find people are constantly looking for complex ideas and strategies on how to pay less taxes when there are several simple ways you can save.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The standard deduction, including what it is and how it applies to you How you can save on taxes with your employee benefits Difference between an HSA and FSA How parents can save on taxes with a dependent care FSA How your Adjusted Gross Income can lower your student loan payment Tax loss harvesting and how you can write off investment losses Who can take advantage of tax gain harvesting The total cost of home ownership vs. mortgage interest deductions What entrepreneurs and business owners need to know about taxes Importance of working with a financial planner or tax professional Why you need to think ahead with tax planningIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote:
“A person doesn’t know how much he has to be thankful for until he has to pay taxes on it.” - Anonymous
The IRS Is Supersizing Standard Deductions For 2023. Is That Good For Your Taxes? States That Offer the Best 529 Tax Advantages Tax Withholding Estimator Talk to Lauryn about your Student Loan Plan Behind the Numbers: Homeownership vs Renting, With Lauryn Williams and Chloé MooreExplore attending a Welcome to Wealth financial retreat with Lauryn Williams in 2023.
Medellin, Colombia July 2023 Bali, Indonesia August 2023 -
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé dive into retirement savings. Despite all the craziness going on in the world, it’s important to prioritize getting some money in an investment account, so it can grow and work on your behalf for retirement. Lauryn and Chloe want to help you understand the numbers so you get your finances in order and work because you want to and not because you have to.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
Sabatier’s 7 levels of financial freedom Living paycheck to paycheck (and why it’s not tied to your income level) What you need to know about savings rates Why maxing out your 401(k) probably isn’t enough Using the 4% rule to plan for your retirement The snowball effect of compound interest (and why you need to start now) How to invest in the market Why you should continue investing in the market when it’s down Finding the balance between enjoying life today and saving for the futureIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote:
“The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.” —George Foreman
“The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does.” – Unknown
7 Levels of Financial Freedom Compound Interest Calculator Every 25-year-old in America needs to see this chart right now How to Prioritize Saving, Investing, and Paying Off Debt -
We are kicking off 2023 on the podcast with host and Certified Financial Planner Lauryn Williams reflecting on 2022 and sharing her goals for the business and on what’s in store for Worth Winning and the Worth Listening podcast for the new year.
Lauryn shares more about:
What motivates her in the world of financial planning The pivot Worth Winning made in its service offerings to focus on “one-to-many” services A workplace option for bringing financial literacy to employees Upcoming 2023 Welcome to Wealth financial retreat locations Why she is focusing on empowering people in their finances Her personal goals for 2023 What’s coming up in the podcast throughout 2023Learn more about the upcoming Welcome to Wealth retreats:
Welcome to Wealth retreatsTop 3 Worth Listening podcast episodes of 2023
Millionaire Series: The Two Rules of Wealth Building with Jeremy Schneider Millionaire Series: How A Single Mom Hit Millionaire Status and Retired in her 40’s Millionaire Series: Debt-Free and a Millionaire by 31, with Steven StackIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning
Twitter: @worth_winning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé discuss a purchase people make that often puts them in a hole they don’t need to be in—buying a new car. End-of-the-year car sales are here, but do you really need a new car?
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
Pros and cons of leasing a vehicle The additional expenses of leasing a car Pros and cons of buying a vehicle Things to consider about monthly payments Why Lauryn and Chloe are driving older cars The importance of a fund for car maintenance If “no money down” is really a good deal or not How to save to buy your car with cash Considerations for buying an electric car How to calculate how much you can afford when buying a car Tips for buying a new or used carIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote:
“I had more clothes than I had closets, more cars than garage space, but no money.” -Sammy Davis, Jr.
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé are talking about budgeting for big expenses. It’s the holidays, and all kinds of expenses are coming out of the woodwork that will be hitting at the start of the new year. Lauryn and Chloé are sharing tips to help you create a 2023 budget that supports your life and watch out for common pitfalls.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The impact of recession fatigue on gen z Why financial planners are always pushing to build an emergency fund How much you need in your emergency fund The difference between emergency expenses and unplanned expenses Tips to save for traveling Why you need a buffer in your budget How to tell people you don’t have money in the budget when they ask you to do something Importance of budgeting for car and home repairs (even if they are new) Budgeting for your pets Planning for routine medical expenses and saving for your deductible Tools to help you budget Why you want to be cautious of the monthly payment trapIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote:
“All days are not the same. Save for a rainy day. When you don't work, savings will work for you.” - M.K. Soni
“A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.” - Joe Moore
Americans are suffering from ‘recession fatigue,’ report finds I'm a financial planner, and there are 5 tricks I share with clients who want to save more than 20% of their income Episode 111: 3 Big Expenses Impacting Your Ability to Build Wealth A financial planner explains how to budget for unexpected expenses, like a medical emergency or holiday travel -
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They will take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé are talking about finances and relationships. It’s commonly known that money is one of the leading causes of divorces. People come into relationships in different financial situations and with different levels of financial knowledge. Getting on the same page about your finances is crucial.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
What financial questions you should ask your partner before getting serious The way your upbringing impacts your financial expectations and how they may differ from your partner’s expectations The role that shared financial goals play in a relationship The importance of not hiding your debt from your partner Financial red flags to look for in your relationship How to manage finances together when you earn different incomes How to merge finances as a couple and problems that can arise if you don’t The difference between a breadwinner and a deadbeat How adding kids to the relationship impacts your finances Things to think about if you’re the breadwinner in the relationship Why estate planning is a must-do for couples and parentsIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote: “Don’t fight about money because after you’ve said mean things to each other, the amount of money in the bank will be the same.” – Anonymous
Why Many Single Women Without Children Are So Happy Women Who Stay Single and Don’t Have Kids Are Getting Richer 6 Money Conversations to Have Before Getting Hitched + Red Flags 84 Financial Questions to Ask Your Partner The Millionaire Next Door 10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes Millennials Make -
Welcome to Round 2 of the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They are going to take you behind the numbers with real-life examples of financial situations to help you gain confidence and clarity to control your financial destiny.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé are showing behind the numbers of renting vs buying a home. While many people think they are going to save money if they buy a house instead of paying rent, that’s not always the case. You will learn the important things to think about and what the numbers really look like.
In this episode, Lauryn and Chloé talk about:
The real costs of buying a house How being approved for a mortgage doesn’t necessarily mean you can afford it Why “new construction” doesn’t mean no additional maintenance expenses Why your mortgage payment may not stay the same for 30 years Things to consider before deciding to buy a house The expenses involved in selling a house The importance of thinking about your other expenses and goals when thinking about homeownershipIf you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:
Instagram: @worthwinning Twitter: @worth_winning Facebook: @worthwinningfp LinkedIn: @lauryn-williamsIf you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:
Instagram: @financialstaples Twitter: @finstaples Facebook: @finstaples LinkedIn: @chloemooreShared quote: “Successful homeownership is not just putting people in homes, it's also making sure people keep their homes.” -Michelle Collins
A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Home Buyers I'm a financial planner, and there are only a few situations where I recommend homeownership to my clients I'm a financial planner, and I think renting is a much smarter choice than buying a home for many people Mortgage Calculator - Show more