
  • Today, jazz musician and teacher Christopher Brown joins me to talk creativity, freedom of movement, and how discipline and systems support creative work.

    We also explore the intersection of music and creativity with yoga and movement, inviting more freedom and choice through control, challenging existing beliefs to grow and evolve, and the decision-making process involved in improvisation.

    Connect with Christopher: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, website

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Have you ever had the privilege of watching someone do a difficult thing?

    Today I share a personal story about my son, who chose to run hurdles during his final season of high school track. This was him trying new things and facing fears in the process.

    Witnessing him taught me a lot about the process of learning and growth, and the importance of being attentive to ourselves and our lives.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

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  • Woby Lang, a foot health enthusiast and footwear designer, joins us to
    discuss the importance of barefoot movement, the relationship between foot health and longevity, and the impact of footwear on our overall well-being.

    We explore topies like the culture and history of shoes and how modern footwear has led to foot problems and misalignment; the need to restore foot function and mobility through barefoot movement and proper footwear; and the role of movement and play in maintaining a healthy body.

    Woby also shares his journey of designing barefoot shoes and the benefits they offer. I learned so much during this conversation!


    - Foot health is crucial for overall well-being and mobility
    - Modern footwear, with its narrow shape and elevated heels, has led to foot problems and misalignment
    - Restoring foot function and mobility can be achieved through barefoot movement and proper footwear
    - Foot health is connected to longevity and the prevention of chronic pain and injuries.
    - Movement and play are essential for maintaining a healthy body
    Cultural and societal norms play a role in how feet are perceived and the level of intimacy associated with them
    - Grounding and connecting with the earth's frequency can have positive effects on our overall health and well-being
    - Wearing shoes disconnects us from the ground and limits our body's natural movement
    - Barefoot movement raises our frequency and can improve our overall well-being

    If you'd like to connect with Woby on socials, check out Instagram or LinkedIn. His portfolio can be found here and here are the soccer cleats he's designed that are now available.

    To reclaim and optimize your foot health, Woby recommends checking out The Foot Collective.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • What would it be like to explore other forms of movement that bring you joy? And how might that bring more play to your practice?

    Today we talk diversifying movement. And how, like with relationships--where diversifying can allow us to receive different kinds of support from different people, and ease the weight on any one relationship to fulfill all our needs--exploring new movement hobbies or styles of yoga can benefit us and our practice.

    Want to practice with me in Studio B? Click here.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Venus Lau is a movement coach whose approach combines holistic and scientific elements and is about offering permission for the mover to explore beyond the rules and truly become strong in body, mind, and soul.

    She joins us today to discuss the physical practice of movement as a gateway, including its impacts on confidence and physical, emotional, and mental well-being. We talk about why we need to give ourselves permission to experiment, ask questions, and be playful in our movement.

    We also explore what it means to listen to and explore with our bodies--including how to understand the different types of discomfort and pain we can experience--the benefits of collaboration and learning together with others, and the importance of finding joy in fitness and personal growth.

    To connect with Venus, visit her website, Instagram, or Facebook.

    If you enjoy this episode, consider sharing with a friend!

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Today we talk tools and mindset shifts to overcome self-doubt and take actions that move us toward what we want in life, while moving with a sense of experimentation and playfulness, and a willingness to embrace failure.

    We also explore the power of using your voice, the value of repetition and observation in building confidence, and the shift from self-centeredness to focusing on serving others.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Two studio owners, Steph Alston and Rachel Brooks, join me today, for the first in a series of conversations where we explore the realities, joys, challenges, and learning experiences of studio ownership.

    Both Rachel and Steph own, manage, and teach at studios that cater to less commonly targeted populations, so we talk about the why and how of that. And we talk about how they found their ways to studio ownership.

    We also get into money things like paying themselves and teachers, opting for contractors vs. employees, the need for transparency in the industry, and their personal journeys toward financial stability in their businesses.

    Connect on Instagram:
    Rachel, Seeking Space Yoga, and Yin Yoga Space
    Steph and Santosha Yoga Collective

    Previous episodes with these guests:
    Steph: episodes 205, 227
    Rachel: episode 188

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • This past week I did a terrifying thing. It excited me and it's what I asked for, though.

    I spoke at an event. And I'm sharing this to illustrate the importance of saying yes to scary opportunities. And the need to trust yourself and give permission to explore and experiment.

    This is about owning your voice and building a creative life that is unique to you.


    Say yes to scary opportunities and trust yourself to figure it out as you go.
    Give yourself permission to explore and experiment.
    Own your voice and build a creative life that is unique to you.
    Pay attention to your body language and how it impacts your emotions and feelings.
    Embrace the space between excitement and terror and step into scary opportunities.
    Remember that your voice matters and keep nurturing it.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Missy Bunch, a neurology expert and movement teacher to the pros, joins us today and I'm so excited! This is a juicy and vulnerable conversation and we talk so many things, from motherhood and movement science to business and making dreams come true.

    Some of today's takeaways:

    How authenticity and vulnerability on social media helps to connect on a human level with others and invite successExpansion doesn't always happen in the way we expect or choose, but it's important to say yes to opportunities and trust that everything will work out.Having limited time can actually increase productivity and focus. Balancing work and parenting requires communication, trial and error, and adaptation.Women claiming themselves and stepping into their power can have a profound impact on the world.Balancing motherhood and running a business requires prioritization and being present in the moment.Eye movements in yoga practice can stimulate the brain and improve brain health.Incorporating eye exercises into yoga classes can enhance the students' experience and promote brain-body connection.Yoga teachers can experiment with different eye movements and positions to engage different parts of the brain and enhance proprioception.

    Connect with Missy on Instagram

    00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Authenticity on Social Media
    08:08 Childhood Dreams and Embracing New Opportunities
    27:57 Navigating Expansion and Growth
    36:00 The Unexpected Process of Expansion
    44:34 The Power of Women Claiming Themselves
    52:39 Balancing Motherhood and Business
    01:03:31 Productivity in Limited Time
    01:13:14 Balancing Work and Parenting
    01:31:00 The Connection Between Eye Movements and Brain Health in Yoga
    01:46:27 Experimenting with Eye Movements to Improve Proprioception

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • It's often said in yoga classes that emotions are stored in our hips. It's offered as a statement but today, I want to offer it as a question to explore.


    Emotions are not necessarily stored in our hips; they are part of our overall human experience.We are more than one thing, and our emotions can be felt in various parts of our body.The hips are connected to the chakra system, representing safety, security, creativity, and expression.Pain, pleasure, and discomfort are subjective experiences that vary from person to person.Yoga practice can help us build a relationship with our bodies and explore different sensations and emotions.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • In this conversation with longtime yoga and movement teacher Carling Harps, we explore the value of observation and experimentation in teaching, managing imposter syndrome, the transformative power of becoming a parent, and her multidisciplinary movement journey.

    We also dive into the power of curiosity, embracing vulnerability, and asking for what you need in a relationship, and the joy of rediscovering oneself after a breakup.

    Follow Carling on Instagram

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Today I share my newfound appreciation for anger and the importance of allowing it to flow through me.

    Recently, a beloved tree next to my house was cut down and it evoked some intense emotions. Through the experience, I came to understand the power of expressing anger and grief without apology and the value of having a witness who can hold space for these emotions.

    I share reflections on the process of embracing anger, alchemizing it into beauty, finding poetry in difficult experiences, and allowing anger to guide your growth and self-discovery.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Sales copywriter Kaili Meyer of Reveal Studio Co. is all about owning her voice. She joins us today and we go deep on business, authenticity, and writing to sell.

    Some episode highlights:
    - Why showing up as yourself is the way to magnetize clients
    - Five things to do when starting a new business
    - The four buyer types to understand
    - How writing and copywriting differ and why we need both
    - How to prevent burnout as an online business owner
    - The place all women should be investing money
    - and so much more!

    Check out Kaili's Instagram and website.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • I love watching women claim themselves.
    The process. The unfurling. The courage. Today I'm fired about it.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Jamie Heron, a movement teacher and personal friend, joins us. We laugh a lot, and we talk about authenticity, taking up space, and challenging societal expectations as forms of resistance and empowered development.

    We explore how movement practices are interconnected and why it can be empowering to move beyond identifying with certain labels and dogmas, to create freedom for exploring their essences and the relationships they invite us to explore.

    We also talk community building, fashion and personal style, and fear and process as a natural part of growth.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Steph Alston joins for the first episode in a new series dedicated to yoga studio ownership. We're here to offer support to current and prospective owners and fill in some of the gaps in the larger conversation about not just studio ownership but the entrepreneurial life.

    Some of what we explore:
    The importance of knowing your why
    Practical advice and seeking guidance from mentors, lawyers, and others
    Understanding and living your values as a business owner
    Recognizing and addressing your weaknesses
    Confidence, overcoming self-doubt, and leaning into discomfort

    If you'd like to do the Brene Brown's Dare to Lead Values exercise that we talk about in episode, click here.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • In this episode, we explore the difference between vinyasa and power vinyasa yoga.

    I share my personal definitions of vinyasa and power and how I teach them as well as some community comments and definitions shared in a recent conversation on my Instagram.

    We also talk about the lack of standardization in the industry; the importance of clear language in class descriptions and marketing; the origins of power yoga and how it has evolved; and how definitions and practices may vary across groups.

    Links to a few things mentioned in the episode:

    To practice with me online, visit Studio B.
    To participate in Flow School, click here for IRL or here for online.

    Content correction:

    in the episode, I said that in 1940 women couldn't own property. That's incorrect; by 1900, that right had been granted by all US states, but it wasn't until the mid-1970s that women could apply independently for credit lines (i.e. without a male cosigner).

    If you find the gender aspects of the conversation interesting, consider reading this article about yoga pioneer Magana Baptiste.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Today we talk the messy middle of life and the importance of acknowledging the challenges and losses we face.

    About the need for teachers to recognize that everyone is navigating their own internal landscape and to approach their students with empathy and understanding.

    I also share my approach to teaching handstands in a yoga flow, with focus on creating a sense of success and expansion for students.

    We talk about what it means to be brave and curious in our teaching journeys. I share a bit about the importance of mentorship and why I've been leaning into that space. If you'd like to learn more, visit my website.

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • Iona Holloway, a breathwork facilitator and creator of Brave Thing, joins us today.
    We talk how bravely taking action and embracing heartbreak and imperfection to catalyze personal and professional growth. We talk about how breathwork can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation and a supportive add-on to a yoga practice.

    We also dig into business building, including the importance of cultivating boundaries and sustainable practices, finding voice, and showing up for the muse.

    Connect with Iona through her website, by trying her free Meet Your Inner Child Breathwork session, or through her breathwork app, Soul.

    *Sign up for Zero2Brave: 5 Brave Things. 5 Days. Who will you become!?

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner

  • We're joined today by Rodrigo Souza, a teacher of adaptive and accessible yoga. He shares his evolutionary journey since sustaining a life-changing spinal cord injury at the age of 33, paralyzing him from the chest down.

    Some episode highlights:

    Embracing imperfection and overcoming the fear of sharing your voiceIdentity is not fixed and can evolve after life-altering eventsYoga can be a powerful tool for healing and cultivating self-compassion.Choose your response to life's challenges with grace and curiosity.Creating a safe and inclusive space is essential for yoga teachers to facilitate personal growth and self-discovery in their students.Being loud and advocating for inclusivity in the yoga community is crucial for making yoga accessible to all individuals.Chair yoga as a valuable practice that can make yoga accessible to disabled individuals, providing them with the physical and mental benefits of the practice.Serving the disabled community through yoga can be a rewarding experience that allows teachers to learn and grow in their own practice.

    Connect with Rodrigo through his website or Instagram.


    Introduction and Purpose

    The Power of Connection

    Language and Voice

    Overcoming Fear of Speaking

    Vulnerability and Sharing Your Voice

    Embracing Imperfection

    Love and Changing Relationships

    Identity and Life Transformations

    The Reality of Time

    Learning Swedish and Embracing Culture

    Shifting Identity After Injury

    Yoga as a Tool for Healing

    Choosing Your Path and Embracing Change

    Navigating Difficult Times with Grace

    Cultivating Self-Compassion

    Choosing Your Response to Life's Challenges

    Finding Ease and Effort in Yoga

    The Beginning of a Yoga Journey

    Defining Spirituality

    Spirituality and the Collective

    Finding Spirituality through Yoga

    Yoga for All Bodies

    Challenging Ableism in Yoga

    Expanding Yoga Practices Worldwide

    Facilitating Yoga for Disabled Individuals

    The Responsibility of Yoga Teachers

    Grief and Yoga

    Moving Softly and Befriending Emotions

    Yoga as a Tool for Self-Acceptance

    The Gift of Yoga

    Creating a Safe Space

    Being Loud and Inclusive

    Chair Yoga and Accessibility

    Learning from Each Other

    Teaching Yoga to Disabled Folks

    Serving the Disabled Community

    Embodying the Practice

    Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

    Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
    Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

    The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
    Produced by: Grey Tanner