
  • This isn’t your first rodeo, as the saying goes. This time it's different though.
    This time, it's you, your body, mind, and your life that all contend for your attention and care.
    You ache as you have never ached, you have been tried before but not like this. Many days
    feel like a stale heat that robs you of your energy and paradoxically, you have more energy than
    Perhaps you have reached your fitness goals, maybe you trimmed a few pounds or added some
    muscle. In the meantime, you also have kick-started your metabolism and learned about the
    needs of your body and your mind to keep going as often as you can and as hard as you can.
    This is a good thing, right? You have sacrificed to reach the point where you are but the shine
    has worn off, the novelty, the completion, all seem to be slipping away.
    Today you don’t feel up to it. You feel like planets are hanging from your eyelids and yesterday's
    workout still burns like wildfire in every fiber of your body. How will you get through your next
    workout, let alone the next week, month, or year?
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  •  There's so much you want to do in your life, starting from small changes to all those big goals and dreams you can't get out of your head. It's time to learn how to use your time well and do awesome things – with these 7 'how to be more productive' techniques!
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  • Every day you have a choice – to continue grieving over the past or to pull yourself together and start creating your very own beautiful future. Right now and right here.
    Pull back the curtains and let the sunshine in, the new phase of your life has just begun. It’s time to take your life back into your hands and live it the way you truly want!
    Were you happy before? Do you feel like you kinda pushed your hobbies, desires, and goals aside?
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  •  You're beaten down inside and out. Mom and dad won’t understand, even if they listened.
    The pain of getting your feet to the floor reminds you of every walk home.
    Your School is in the distance; An unwelcoming but safe harbor from a dark, turbulent expanse of threatening sea.  
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  • Every day in our life brings some new opportunities and a chance to use it the best way possible. It's a fresh start where we can make new decisions to make our life better. It's also a chance to write a new incredible chapter. Every morning is just a new, empty page that's waiting for you to fill it with amazing things.
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  • You have already figured out what things you don't want in a relationship, right? So why do they always somehow appear in a slightly different shape? Is it you? All right, let's take it easy there. Who made you think it was your fault? It's time to let go of your thoughts! You were doing the best you could – as we all do! If you knew better, you'd definitely do it, right?
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  • Yes, you had some bad decisions in life. Procrastinated, wasted so much time on unnecessary things, struggled with relationships that didn't work at all; spent hours, days, even years surrounded by wrong people. Maybe even chose the wrong school, college, job, career…. Or life?
    That's the way it feels now, doesn't it? Like you're living a life that supposed to be completely different. And you can't stop thinking about it. Now you know what you need to do. If you could only go back in time and start from the beginning, you'd definitely do it better this time…
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  •  Sometimes it seems that life is empty and meaningless. There is a house, a car, children. There's your job, exams, pets, chores, people you hang out with. And everything else. Then there's nothing.
    And it's not like you don't love your family, relatives, friends, or some other parts of your life. You really do. But something's wrong, something deep inside is bothering you
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  • The first thing you need to do is find out how much sleep you really need. Adults are advised to get from 5 to 9 hours of sleep a night, but “5 to 9” leaves a lot of wiggle room! That’s why your job is to figure out exactly where you stand on that scale. How much sleep a person’s body needs to function properly the following day is a totally individual thing. You’ll need to experiment for a while to find out your perfect amount of sleep. And yes, it is possible to sleep too much, and it’s no better than sleeping too little. Too much sleep can make you feel sluggish and drowsy throughout the whole day.
    - Once you’ve established how many hours of sleep your body needs, you then wanna shift your sleep schedule back. That is, go to bed earlier to wake up earlier.
    - Give your body time to adjust. Get up just 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your goal.
    - Block out all the light in the room. That means your curtains shouldn’t let in any light from the street. Also, switch off all electronic devices in the room.
    - You could try a white noise machine. These things effectively block out background noises like sirens, traffic, car alarms, or even loud neighbors.
    - After you set your alarm in the evening, put your phone or alarm clock somewhere out of reach.
    - If you still have problems showing your alarm clock who’s boss, try involving someone who can help you wake up.
    - Drink a full glass of water each evening before bed. When your alarm clock starts to ring, your awakening body will immediately inform you of its discomfort.
    - Sometimes you just need some external motivation. One way to do that is to schedule some important thing, like a job interview or a dentist appointment, for an early morning.
    - If after an especially strenuous day, you feel like you’re about to fall over if you don’t close your eyes for just a minute, then go ahead and have a short snooze. But limit your naps to under 15 minutes.
    - Steer clear of stimulants after 3PM. That means no soda, coffee, or energy drinks in the late afternoon.
    - You shouldn't work or watch TV in bed. If you use your bed for things other than sleep, your brain starts to associate it with wakefulness.
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  • You would easily have time for everything: work, hobbies, friends, and family or just lazing around doing nothing at all. But enough dreaming, let's get back to reality. The only way to make it happen is by sleeping less, but would that actually work without turning you into a tired grouch?
    If your life is like one big to-do list that you just can't seem to keep up with, then polyphasic sleep is probably for you. All jokes aside, I definitely became more productive, and I have a lot of spare time that allows me to do everything I want and even more.
    On the other hand, it can be difficult since the whole world is on a completely different regimen. Your friends and family might think it’s weird when you tell them you can't go out with them or ask them to pause a movie so you can take a nap. In any case, it's your choice to make. Just do your homework first, and then go for it!
    If this sort of dramatic change isn’t for you, don't worry! There are still lots of things you can do to improve your productivity.
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  • Do you feel lonely? Maybe you're sitting at home, all alone, just hopelessly watching through the window, or you're surrounded by people, but still feel like no one even knows you're there.
    It's like no one understands, and no one is really there for you. Everyone has someone for themselves! Well… Everyone, except for you.
    Okay, take a deep breath now. Exhale. Feeling lonely is not something to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean you're weak nor you shouldn't blame yourself for being in such a state of mind. Now it's time to make it a little bit easier for yourself.
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  • Hi there. How was your day? Not that good, huh? I'm sorry to hear that. In life, sometimes, there are tough moments, but there is nothing that we can do about it.
    Remember: there's nothing wrong with having a bad day. It's okay to let yourself go down when you're feeling like that. Try to think of everything that happened today. There was at least a grain of something good and bright in it, right? If there's nothing positive coming to your mind, that's okay too. It's okay to feel not okay.
    Some days are simply more challenging than the others. But, still remember - your life is in your hands, and you have the power to decide what you will do next!
    So, tomorrow is the new day, but before it comes, what do you think - do you deserve a little comfort after a hard day? Of course! Please yourself! What are the things you love doing the most?
    How about a soak in the bathroom? Or maybe you'd prefer to watch some interesting movie, read a book, talk to someone you love? You deserve something that will cheer you up and fix the bad day.
    Get in peace with all that happened. Tough times are a short phase of life; embrace them with gratitude because they give you a chance to be stronger. Whatever happened, it remained as a thought in your head – and thoughts can be changed.
    And, remember, it's not your fault. Repeat with me: IT'S NOT MY FAULT. We all go through difficult moments sometimes. Forgive yourself if you're not happy with the way you'd dealt with your day. You're not your mistakes, and it's okay to fail sometimes. Accept yourself for who you are because no one is perfect, nor will we ever be.
    Be proud of yourself for being strong enough to cope with life and wanting to get up after failing. Being vulnerable doesn't mean you're weak; it's one of your greatest strengths!
    So, take a deep breath now. That's better, do it one more time. Breathe in confidence and love, exhale fear. After the black stripe, there is always a light one.
    In other words, the day has already passed, and there is no turning it back. But, the rest of it is in front of you! Better think about how beautiful the new day will be!
    Just say to yourself: I can't affect all the things going on around me, but I know I have the power to make myself happy today. The Universe supports your effort – when you want to live your life the best way, your dreams will manifest into reality!
    You're the one in control, not your emotions. It's okay if you sometimes forget about it; we all do when not feeling well.
    Your life is in your hands; take it one step at a time. You have the power to create change. You can decide what's next because you're capable of that.
    Whatever was going on before, it's behind you now.
    You get to choose what's next!
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  • Good morning! The night may not have been that good, but there's a whole new day ahead of you.
    You don't have to make big plans; all you need right now is to get up. Step by step, time to start a new day. You can do it!
    It's hard to deal with the world some days, but you've already started and, by that, sent the Universe a clear message - "I'm here, ready to make dreams come true, starting from today!" And the whole Universe revolves around you today so that all your grandiose plans come true.
    What's the next big thing waiting for you today? Work? Studying? Doing chores and cleaning your place? Family?
    Before you get down to business, think about things you care about in your life and the people you love. Isn't it great to be alive and be surrounded by such great folks? After you finish all your work and other tasks, you'll be able to relax and hang out with your people. Or, you're up for staying home today and enjoying some alone time? Excellent, whatever works for you! Use your day the best way possible.
    Then, write down all of your tasks for today. Don't quite feel like doing all of them? Don't worry, some days you'll be enthusiastic about your job, while the other days you won't feel like working at all.
    We can't be 100% productive all the time, and that's okay. But, remember how you didn't feel like getting up from the bed in the morning? You still did it! You can do the same with work; after you start, things will get easier, and you'll feel better about yourself! You're strong enough to deal with both good and bad moments!
    It's hard sometimes, but believe in yourself, you will succeed, and you know it. Still not feeling it? Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself.
    Let's do this together! Repeat after me:
    Today is the new day.
    You took the first step and got out of bed; a way to go!
    You have all that it takes to turn this day into something incredible!
    C'mon, you're fantastic, and you will rock this!
    You're a powerful creator, and you live the life you want.
    If something is missing, you will work on it. You know you can do it!
    You deserve to be happy and live to your full potential!

    Rain, blizzard, sun, retrograde Mercury… Whatever is out there, everything is working today to make sure that you have an amazing day.
    Now, take a deep breath, and exhale. Time to let go of all of the negative feelings about yourself, the weather, and whatever is bothering you. Everything will work out as it should or only better! Even if something goes wrong, everything will be much better than you could have imagined. That's life; it brings ups and downs, but you're awesome, and you can deal with it. There are so many great things waiting for you, so - let's rock the day!
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  • How to Change Your Life through Your Sleep Cycle. We keep hearing how early birds are way more productive and successful. We decided to conduct an experiment to find out whether it's truly helpful or necessary to wake up super early every day. If you want to try to change your sleep cycle and transform your life you can follow some simple tips on how to become an early bird.
    -The first couple of days were the worst. I could barely keep my eyes open, and I dreamed about getting back to sleep.
    -After the first week, however, I learned an eye-opening truth about myself: mornings are the most productive time of day for me. I started to wake up with a clear mind, a well-rested body, and the ability to immediately concentrate on important tasks and set goals for the following day.
    -My new sleeping regime gave me 2 extra hours before I had to leave for work. All the spare time I had opened doors to new possibilities, habits, and hobbies.
    -If you're an introvert and enjoy spending time alone in silence, you'll definitely have a new level of appreciation for early rises: no kids yelling, no babies crying, no cars honking, and no television noise.
    -I had enough time not only to prepare breakfast but to sit down and enjoy it as well. And after that, I'll never go back to my old “I'll just grab a snack” ways.
    -During this monthlong experiment, I realized that I don’t need to stay in bed for 10–12 hours to get enough sleep. Waking up at 5:30​, I feel rested and full of energy to start a new day.
    -To become an early riser, open your curtains before going to bed. Withdraw from your phone, tablet, and TV at least an hour before bed if you want to improve the quality of your sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try reading in bed or listening to an audiobook.
    -Jerry Seinfeld has a big wall calendar, and for every day that he writes new material, he puts a big red “X” on it. He aims to create an unbroken chain of these “X” marks for as long as he can.
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  • How to relieve stress? While a certain amount of stress in our lives is normal and even necessary, excessive stress can interfere with normal daily activities and take a toll on our personal lives and health. Try an ancient Japanese technique of self-relaxation that will not take you more than 5 minutes and can be done just about anywhere. To practice the technique, it is important to understand that each of the fingers of our hand represents a different feeling or attitude.
    - The thumb helps combat emotions like anxiety and worry. The index can help you combat fear. The middle finger helps you control anger and resentment.
    - The ring finger can help you fight depression and sadness. Also, it’s responsible for making you more decisive. And the pinky helps to calm anxiety and increases optimism and confidence. This finger represents self-esteem.
    - To harmonize the life energy in the body, grasp the finger with the opposite hand, wrapping all the fingers and thumb around it. Now hold each finger for one to two minutes.
    - If you want to calm your mind, slightly press in the center of the palm with the thumb of the opposite hand and hold it for at least one minute.
    - Practice this technique every day to stay calm and re-establish the balance within yourself.
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