Dear Listeners, what a ride we've had this season. Welcome to the season two finale. 17 EPISODES LATER, and now we say goodbye (for now) but goodness is there so much to come. In this episode, i'm sat with two fan faves as we talk about anything and everything. There's something for you here. We love you and thank you for your constant support this season. You can rest here is what it is because of you!
We are a listener funded podcast. 💌💌
If you've enjoyed this season, please consider helping us build as we pursue our desire to continue to serve our generation according to the will of God.
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In this episode Esther Longe and I talk about our lives walking with the Holy Spirit and how you can too. The Holy Spirit often is the most ignored person of the trinity. We talk about the beauty of a life with Him and how He helps us, comforts us, prunes us and makes us more like Christ. The gift of having the Holy Spirit abide within us is something we must come to understand to truly rest in God. The Holy Spirit is a person, one we have to intimately know, one who reveals Jesus to us daily.
Let this episode set a fire in your heart to know Him more!As always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏾 🧡🧡 & Follow us on youtube @youcanrestherepod // Mazino Malaka
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In this episode i get really honest with my mum about unforgiveness and how she has overcome offence. If we all got a close look at our heart, we'd see the layers of pain that have matured into decades of unforgiveness. It's time to let go and enter into the life of rest God has for you. Forgiveness is not for the other person but always for you. How free do you want to be? Forgive always.
As always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏾 🧡🧡
& Follow us on youtube @youcanrestherepod // Mazino MalakaSupport the show
A weighty but important episode. Why are we sucking at friendship so much? We have become such a convenience friendship generation, expecting good friendships to form without watering and cultivation. We journey through the word to understands God’s hope for friendships here on earth. How do you deal with losing friends as you grow? How has our reliance on technology and thoughts of self sufficiency ruined our relationships? Making and keeping adult friends may not be as hard as we think. In conclusion, be a better friend to make better friends, it always begins with you and the journey of your heart. This episode is for me and it is for you!
For more about my coaching program and how I can serve you, please reach out to the team at Narrow way HQ by sending us an inquiry email: thenarrowwaycoaching@gmail.comAs always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏾 🧡🧡
& Follow us on youtube @youcanrestherepod // Mazino Malaka
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Money money money, we all want it but why is our need of it so unhealthy? "Get your money up" They said yet you are still feeling so much unrest in your life. This episode is a must listen especially in the time we all find ourselves in economically. The lack of money is not your problem, the love of it is. Why getting the bag will continually harm your soul is because it profits man nothing to gain the whole world and then lose his soul. Find practical solutions to increase your trust in God and defeat the love of money once and for all. The love of money really does hurt more than the lack of it.
As always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏾 🧡🧡
& Follow us on youtube @youcanrestherepod // Mazino MalakaSupport the show
Say hello to the most honest and raw episode yet, on a topic we speak around and not about. It felt so good recording this with my sis Temisan. Your soul will find rest when you understand Gods design for sex. Married or single you need this! This episode will heal, convict and transform your heart. Listen with an open heart, God reveals to redeem.
We talk sex, awkwardness around sex, pornography, the effect of sexual immorality pre and post marriage, the redemptive power of God to wash our hearts clean and so much more. I love you all and I cannot wait for you to listen to this one!
As always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏾 🧡🧡Support the show
A year later, Dimma Umeh is back on the rest pod. The two best girls sit together and talk about the goodness of God and the romantic love He has brought their way. Listen to us as we talk about desiring romantic love in the right way, knowing the will of God in a relationship, overcoming your toxic traits and navigating how much of that love you want to publicly share. 🫶🏽
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Never intended to get as vulnerable as I did this episode (ew)! but learning that vulnerability is a superpower and it really does set others free. Sit with me, let’s talk love, sex and physical intimacy, mistakes and the redemptive power of the cross when it comes to romantic love. Happy Valentines day, happy festivities to all who celebrated, it's time to learn a thing or two about what no to do.
Don’t forget to read my new fiction romance letter, subscribe here: https://open.substack.com/pub/lordprepareme?r=1lvvsx&utm_medium=ios
As always! Follow us @youcanrestherepod on Instagram ✨✨🧡🧡
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This episode is a practical guide to learning and unlearning how to pray. At some point in life, we have to wonder, Why do we pray? Does God even hear our prayers? There’s a place of disillusionment we can get to when we don’t understand what prayer is and isn’t. Join me and my besty Tobi Oluseye as we talk about fostering genuine intimacy with God and the truth fruit of a thriving prayer life. We talk praying in the spirit, praying from the heart and lastly a bit on warfare.
As always, follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepodSupport the show
This episode I got to sit with a living breathing genius, my friend Nicole Asinugo as we talk about her creative journey, believing in what God has put within you and fighting to remain in your calling. Join us as two storytellers speak about the creative story the Lord is writing with our lives. What YOU carry is important and we are here to remind you to fight for excellence and the purity of what is within you. Take yourself seriously this year!
As always follow us on instagram @youcanrestherepod 🫶🏽Support the show
Has your walk with God become impractical? Are you not sure where to start? Christianity is a lifestyle and 2024 is the year I challenge you all to live a life that is more in the likeness of Christ. This is a call to practicality and understanding your faith from this point of view. Jesus came to reconcile us to God but while he was here on earth, Jesus showed us how to live. A life in intimate fellowship with God. A life where fruitfulness doesn’t lie in the tangible things of this world but in the spiritual promises God gives to his sons and daughters.
This is a reminder that you matter, your body matters, your mind matters. Taking care of yourself is important to God because it is important for you. Don’t despise discipline even though it is hard in the moment.
Download my Fasting guide: https://youcanresthere.selar.co/6ac6
The waitlist for my Christian wellness coaching programme:
We are a listener funded podcast. 💌💌
Help us fund this podcast and everything we're doing to serve our generation.
https://paystack.com/pay/syv939k97k - for Nigerian donations.
https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/harpistharp - international donations!Support the show
Are you not tired? Why have things gotten so complicated when the gospel is simple. It's a great year not to believe in a false gospel. It's a great year not to rely on your own strength. It's a great year to not fall for false men of God who say things that sound like God but look nothing like Christ. It's a great year to rest in Jesus and lean not on your own understanding.
This episode, I speak to restlessness I have been seeing in the body of Christ and ways to recover the rest of your salvation. I touch on heavy topics and the need to know Christ for yourself.
I love you all so much, happy new year. Welcome to a year of recovering the rest of your salvation. Follow us on our instagram page @youcanrestherepod. Catch this episode on by subscribing to our channel youtube @mazinomalakaSupport the show
This episode is from a tired girl who is giving one last push to record after a tough year. This is the most vulnerable episode I’ve ever done and probably the most myself I’ve felt recording. You’re gonna laugh, you might cry too but most importantly you will feel the presence of God. Lots of conviction in this episode, don’t be angry (okay). I try to answer some of your burning questions and as always give you unsolicited biblical advice. I love you all, rest in Him this Christmas and don’t have a dirty one.🧡
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Fear might be this big giant in your life stopping you from moving forward but it ends here. Listen to clinical therapist and my close friend, Funmto Ogunbanwo and I as we break the spirit of fear into pieces and show you practical ways to recover what the spirit of fear has tried to cheat you out of. The love of God will drive out fear as you listen and pray with us.
As always, the joy of giving returns for another episode. We're so grateful for Olaedo Naturals for helping us gift you all some skincare. To nominate a winner for this weeks gifts, follow us on our instagram page @youcanrestherepod. Catch this episode on by subscribing to our channel youtube @youcanrestherepodcast.Support the show
Anybody waiting on God for something in their lives? Every hand is up because we are all on this table. This episode we talk about how hard waiting is, the errors that arise when we fail to wait and the goal of waiting. God can be trusted and the goal of this wait is not to destroy you but to build you! Lets learn how to wait well and not lose our souls on this journey.
We also announce the giving aspect of our podcast, the joy of giving initiative! listen and nominate a winner, we cannot wait to see generosity transform the earth.
Follow us on our instagram page @youcanrestherepod and on youtube @youcanrestherepodcastSupport the show
Have you ever wondered why you feel like you're not moving forward in certain areas of your life? Have you believed and spoken words over you that are simply untrue. For anyone struggling with rejection, a lack of self esteem and the accusations of the enemy, this is for you. Sit back with us in this new episode as we walk you through self deliverance and help you recover from limiting beliefs. Incase you forgot, we have a persistent mean guy on our hands and he will stop at nothing to make you believe his lies so you live a half life. Find out how not to fall for the enemies deceit any longer. You will life a full and restful life.
Join us in this episode as we find deliverance in the rest Jesus brings.✨
Find the lie detector sheet on our instagram page @youcanrestherepod & follow us on youtube: @youcanrestherepodcastSupport the show
We are back for another season.
This episode, join me as I catch you up on life, give you lots of unsolicited (but important advice), and share my heart with you in this new season of all our lives. This episode will encourage you, remind you of who God is, and restore to you the peace you may have felt you lost.Support the show
It's the final episode of Season 1, And we're excited that we're here.
In this episode, Mazino and Efua talk about the Journey to the final episode. Mazino Shares a little bit about herself and they also listen to testimonies of the listeners on how the podcast has blessed their lives.
We hope you were blessed by episodes in this season.
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The last episode was not enough, we had to make a part two for you all. This time with a guest. Join Mazino & Adenike Raks as they answer you heart felt questions in an honest conversation about sin, their journey of overcoming, how they’ve been able to love themselves through every part of this journey of becoming and how you should too. Listen to them as they show you how to shake of self condemnation and hatred in order to be accept Gods love. Here the practical meets the theory. We say yes to this journey of learning to love what God loves and hate what He hates.
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In christ, there is no sin that can overcome you. As hard as it is to believe when you’re stuck in cycles of sin, God has given us the grace to overcome.
In this episode, Mazino defines sin, and explains the effect it has on our lives beyond the scare mongering we tend to feel when we hear the word. She gives practical steps on how to break the pattern of sin.
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