
  • In our final episode, we have our friend Rob Shaw back on the show to laugh about society. Without taking ourselves too seriously, we ponder personal outlooks and how to measure the value of our lives. Thank you for listening!


    2:53 Unexpected Spoilers
    Rob's internet adventures landed him into accidental spoiler territory for Avengers Endgame. Oops!

    10:57 Fake Internet Lives
    From d-bags on Twitter to privacy issues on Facebook, our internet lives are as fake or real as we make them out to be.

    22:26 Personal Outlooks
    Depending on how we measure success and where we place blame, recognizing the varying degrees of desire

    32:53 Visionaries on a Leash
    Rob rants about the artistry of movies being overrun by business decisions, which leads into discussions about various perspectives reflecting on what is, what was, and what can be.

    49:13 Time Is on Our Side
    Some say it's never too late to learn, start a new hobby, or even change your career path. We're all in our 30s and hopeful as ever that the societal pressures of "what have you done with your life" are only as valid as we allow.

    58:43 What's the Point?
    An incredible amount of mental fortitude is sometimes necessary to break patterns of self-doubt. Sometimes "what's the point" is the question that comes to mind. We give energy to a discussion about this.

    1:08:53 Farewell Banter
    We break the news to Rob that we are going on an indefinite hiatus. This doesn't have to be the end, but it certainly is a break for now. Other aspects of our lives take precedence, although we have truly, madly, deeply enjoyed our time creating this show, and we are ever grateful to have listeners.

  • Kevin Gray joins us again (previously a guest in episode 7), this time to discuss the multiverse, nostalgia, and the impact of memories. Within every memory is a lesson.


    1:22 Multiverse
    Life indeed is strange. Could each decision and circumstance in your existence ultimately have a ripple effect that decides your path or that of others? Some refer to this as the butterfly effect. We use it as a topic to launch this episode's overarching discussion.

    15:58 Nostalgia is a Hell of a Drug
    The power of nostalgia can directly influence our choices and values. Sometimes we put the past on a pedestal.

    50:59 Lame Labels
    Okay, so we may or may not be triggered by labels. We rant for a bit about labels being a tool used by bullies and businesses. This naturally leads us into talking about societal rules.

    1:06:31 Separating Artists From Their Art
    In this age of social media, we are able to gain insight on the personal lives of artists (musicians, filmmakers, comedians, etc.) on a scale that can directly affect our opinions of their creations. Can we separate the art from its creator if we lose respect for the artist?

    1:21:34 Memory Lessons
    From a discussion on memory itself, we remember stories from our younger days. Stories of pain, embarrassment, and humor.

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  • The one and only Jim Robinson joins us to discuss his journey with parenting, cultural norms, and when it's okay to stop learning (never -- it's never okay to stop learning).


    2:53 | Passion Parenting
    Priorities tend to undergo great change when one becomes a parent. Our guest Jim gives us insight on this and we discuss emotional growth.

    9:50 | Cultural Norms
    Using parenting as a launch pad for conversation, we talk about cultural norms and expectation. There sometimes is a certain kind of uncertainty about maturity that we each may feel at certain ages or milestones in our lives.

    14:17 | Pivotal Lessons
    We look back at lessons we learned at pivotal times in our younger lives and how those lessons shaped our perspectives on the world.

    30:41 | Eternal Learning
    It's worth pointing out the potential impact of otherwise non-important moments. Immature minds are impressionable, but there is never a day to stop learning.

    36:57 | Life Planning
    The comforts of home should be exactly that: comfortable.

    51:35 | Dog Years
    We close the episode with more thoughts about purpose and fulfillment.

  • We take a break from the paranormal and fantasy topics to talk about something else we enjoy: visual and audial media. From the struggles of streaming on Twitch to the subjective opinions about "good" music, our conversation is more laid back this time, but still with sprinkles of analytical insight about how these things affect daily life.


    2:10 Streaming Struggles:
    Doing that Twitch thing can be a daunting experience. Whether it's a career or a hobby, it takes dedication like any other job.

    ​8:12 Danny Has a Job:
    Danny works at a local TV station as a behind-the-scenes employee for live news production. It's the live production part about it that's fun while the news side of it isn't interesting. This gets us talking about about the availability of jobs for people who go to college for audio/video degrees.

    ​12:33 Music and Repose:
    Music is relaxing, whether you're listening or performing. Would it be worthwhile turning it into a job?

    ​18:13 Music Influences:
    What is "good" taste in music? Well, the short answer is all music is good. Listening to music is a subjective and personal experience for each and every individual person.

    ​26:10 Machine Mentality:
    Make no mistake -- the music business is a machine. We discuss some of the effects this can have on people.

    ​30:16 Music Influences Continued:
    Life circumstances can influence when and how you discover and indulge in certain kinds of music.

    37:23 Movie and TV Banter:
    A question about trivia knowledge leads to a talk about how religion and science are represented in creative fiction. Then, Danny pitches one of his favorite shows.

    48:00 Danny's Past and Future:
    Before we close out the episode, Danny shares more interesting bits about his past in relation to where he is now. This gets us thinking about education standards in different parts of the world -- we'll explore this more in the future.

    ​52:27 Closing Banter

  • Continuing from our previous episode, and a bit deeper into our bottle of red blend, we think back to episode 2 about the "be a man" phrase. From there we discuss masculinity, femininity, and some perspectives on equality and superiority in modern times.


    2:11 Gender Perspectives: Is this a man's world? We begin to explore our thoughts and opinions on the balance of power between genders, but more importantly whether that "power" needs to exist in the first place.

    7:34 "Strong Women" in Movies: We discuss whether movies these days should be hyped up as being commentaries on how gender is represented.

    23:01 Adapted to American Screens: When an original piece of work becomes an adapted screenplay for US audiences, should the gender, ethnicity, and/or race of the actors match the original work?

    34:23 Celebrity Influence: If you have a platform, you have a choice with how to use it. No matter how you use it, though, you cannot please everyone. Still, you would have influence. In our culture, we are able to voice our opinions, so does that make it our responsibility to do so?

    39:41 Relative Perspective: What we know is what we know. Individual experiences need not be compared/contrasted in the form of a competition.

    42:11 Gender Superiority: People are people are people are people. We discuss the awareness and impact of the #metoo movement.

    54:16 Young Life Choices: Marriage, starting a family, and so on. When is it too soon or too late to make choices about these things? Influences all around us (religion, family, friends, etc.) can shape our path toward settling on such decisions.

  • We explore the world of vampires with how they are portrayed in media. We take particular interest in their immortality. With all the time in the world, there are endless choices with how to spend your time.


    3:43 Vampires:
    Of all the folkloric creatures, vampires tend to be popular in modern day pop culture. Whether we know of them through media, books, or history, there's no denying their glamor.

    7:47 Immortality:
    Perhaps the most alluring aspect of vampire lore, immortality has its ups and downs.

    11:47 Slow Death:
    Before science and technology broke through to our modern day understanding of the moment a human body dies, misunderstandings from history paved the way for stories of torment. Imagine being conscious and fully aware for a period of time after being declared dead.

    18:55 All the Time:
    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you. However, what if time lost its value? Continuing the discussion on immortality, what is there to do with your time as you live forever?

    27:11 Vampires on TV:
    Circling back to a blood-sucking topic, we discuss TV shows that discern vampires in interesting, humanistic ways.

    38:05 Dani Hates Chad

    39:13 Purpose:
    It is purpose that defines us, that drives us, that connects us, that binds us. Without connecting with other people, what is our purpose?

    49:37 Love Languages:
    Relationships can thrive if we understand each other's love language. Whether it's words of affirmation, acts of service, giving and receiving gifts, quality time, and/or physical touch, your love language can help define your relationships.

  • We share listener-submitted stories about flying saucers, ghosts, and spirits (some loving, others malevolent). The emotional impact resulting from such experiences can be difficult to thoroughly understand, but one thing is certain: there is life after death.


    2:01 Intro Banter4:21 Flying Saucers7:59 Ghosts & Spirits18:28 Dimensions & Transcendence23:08 There's Something in the Kitchen29:46 Emotional Network35:03 Shadow People
  • Josh Merrell, creator of MidnightHorrorShow.com, joins us in conversation about Atlantis, a 12,000 year old asteroid impact, aliens, time, and space. We then delve into the world of horror movies to appreciate the art and honest work in that industry.


    1:38 Atlantis in Africa12:56 Asteroid 12,000 Years Ago20:28 Aliens, Time, and Space36:51 Midnight Horror Show46:43 The State of Horror
  • Ally connects with her inner Poppy while her husband serves nog. Dani asserts dominance while Michael loses points. Tanis is along for the ride to Mars.


    1:47 Poppy Is

    4:26 Grimes, Musk, and Mars

    13:12 Mike vs. Dani

    15:36 Poppy-bot

    24:27 Santa-bot

    28:55 Best Frans

    30:18 Bob Lazar

    36:04 Shared Consciousness

    38:15 Storytime with Joel

    42:07 Mandela Effect

    47:28 Swog on da Nog

  • Kevin shares ghost stories while Chad finds out life is a simulation, Tanis thinks too much about words, and Michael provides insight into his fasting experience. Get paranormal with us this holiday season!


    ​1:49 Christmas

    3:38 Ghost Stories

    13:13 Dictionary Words

    16:29 More Ghosts

    18:00 Paranormal Believability

    23:13 Simulation Theories

    28:05 Cool Ways to Die

    35:31 Irrational Fears

    39:43 Scary Movies

    42:15 A Time to Live

    50:21 If We Could Know What Happens After Death

    53:29 From Other Eyes

    1:02:56 Travel

    1:05:31 Measuring Time After Death

    1:09:27 Eating Habits

    1:22:00 Closing Banter

  • What if humans on a grand scale could willingly communicate telepathically as easily as we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel? Would we be able to maintain our emotions? In this episode, we theorize around this topic. Aliens may or may not be involved. Plenty of movie banter and general conversation as usual!


    1:16 Telepathic Communication

    13:18 Family Holiday Traditions

    20:20 Telepathy Continued

    26:27 Out of Body Aliens

    33:30 Movie Banter

    46:45 Tails from the Cat

  • Knowing your values can help you find your way in life. In this latter half of a two-parter, we continue our discussion on values, but this time with a focus on role models and influencers.


    0:27 Tragedy Affects All

    Rich or poor, you're allowed to feel the trauma of disaster.

    5:16 Role Models and Influencers

    We discuss who we look up to and why.

    24:41 Movie Banter

    33:21 Role Models (continued)

    42:13 Cats Are Cool

    Closing banter.

  • In this first half of a two-parter, our wonderful guests talk with us about cats! Yep, cats. A bigger chunk of this episode is spent discussing values with emphasis on the importance of relationships, community, awareness, and taking care of self needs.


    1:24 Cats and Other Pets

    14:59 Values

    This is the overarching topic for the rest of this episode.

    16:56 The Relevance of Awareness

    If we did not know about some things, such as art or technology, would we be better off ignorant of those?

    19:56 The Influence of Media and Material

    Every generation experiences different standards.

    22:17 Relationships

    26:44 Respect My Time, B!tch

    28:43 Family (Relationships Continued)

    Whether by blood or bond, being connected with others is an important aspect of everyday life.

    29:58 Names and Accents

    We banter about language.

    34:27 The Language of Thought

    We theorize about the language of the mind and how thoughts are given voice.

    37:03 Communication

    47:42 Comfort and Community

    The act of coming together in times of need is truly amazing, and it's okay to still focus on your own needs in such times. Everyone deals with grief in their own ways.

  • A dream is just a dream is just a dream is just a dream. A good portion of this episode consists of what dreaming can mean for real life, whether from lucid dreaming or from dealing with sleep disorders. Other topics include Halloween (the holiday as well as the movie franchise), the psychology of fear when experiencing horror movies or videogames, and the comprehension level of dogs compared to humans. We also have a segment on legacy and fulfillment. Tune in to hear us talk with our guests, Robert Shaw and Chriscielle Birr, about all of this and more!


    ​2:51 Intro Banter

    5:14 Dreams

    17:57 Halloween

    28:11 True Fear

    39:32 Entertainment vs. Real Life

    48:24 Legacy and Fulfillment

    57:34 Dog Thoughts

    1:02:22 Lucid Dreaming

    1:06:42 Measuring Happiness

    1:16:25 Closing Banter

  • In our second episode, we bring in two good friends to talk about what it means to "be a man," and we delve into other topics such as time travel, conspiracy theories, afterlife, and happiness. Plenty of time is spent bantering about movies, business ideas, and awkward moments.


    ​1:35 Intro Banter

    3:12 Masculinity and Ego

    A man is a man is a man is a man. What does it mean to "be a man" and what kind of role models are effective? We share some of our thoughts on this.

    27:43 Movie Banter

    35:33 Time Travel and Conspiracy Theories

    52:14 Afterlife

    Some say the world is black. Some also say the afterlife is black.

    58:57 Measuring Happiness

    1:09:21 Banter

    Business ideas, creative stuff, and random topics to close out the episode.

  • In our debut episode, we explore the concepts of relative perception, work/life balance, death and afterlife, language and communication, dreams, fear, and more. We also, of course, banter about movies and pop culture. Join us on this adventure!


    1:04 Intro Banter

    6:21 Work/Life Balance

    Would a 25 hour workweek be beneficial to society if it were normalized? We think yes, but we don't really know. What we do know is that it can be challenging to find time outside of work to pursue a passion. Everyone has their own energy threshold, and how people perceive the relevance of work can directly impact their home life.

    14:16 Movie Banter

    How much hype is too much hype? Some people don't like spoilers while others like to know as much as they can about a movie before seeing it. Spoiler alert.

    26:26 Accents

    Speaking is an art as much as it is a skill, and it deserves to be appreciated for its intricacies. Future episodes will touch on this as well.

    30:31 Death

    No one truly knows what the afterlife consists of. Is it nothing or is it something? How many lives do we live? We discuss.

    44:59 Fear

    Tailing from the topic of death, would life be as fulfilling if there were nothing to fear? Burning, drowning, falling, failure, swords around corners, etc. Fear can drive us to succeed and stay open-minded.

    50:34 Dreams

    Is lucid dreaming dangerous or adventurous? Well, it's both. We talk a bit about how dreams affect real life and either hinder or improve one's health and perception on reality.

    59:14 Mental/Emotional Health

    Feeling detached or uninspired can make one question the point of life. This is not a reason to give up, of course, but instead to further explore purpose. In this segment, we touch on this as well as the topics of parenting, family, and school -- all with the question of "why?"

    1:19:30 Closing Banter