
  • This October marks the Animal Behavior Management Alliance's (ABMA) fourth annual Behavior Month featuring daily animal training videos from zoological professionals from around the globe. The goal is to share training ideas and examples to enhance species' well-being in zoos, aquariums, as well as with companion animals. These contributions are available to anyone interested in animals and the science of operant conditioning through positive reinforcement.

    Plus, our colleagues at Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue and Recovery (ZDR3.org) provide a brief update on response efforts in the wake of hurricane Helene.

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  • According to American Humane and its leadership team, the newly released sequel to 2020's award-winning "Escape from Extinction," introduces the science of "rewilding," a proven method for sustainable conservation that has the potential to bring back hundreds of thousands of species from the brink of extinction. Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane and the film's Executive Producer, along with Director and producer from MRB Productions, Matthew Brady, discuss the science and optimism behind rewilding projects from all over the world. The examples in "Escape From Extinction Rewilding" suggest the long held promise of modern zoological facilities and the professionals that care for threatened and endangered species to safeguard and return species into the wild in a manner that is beneficial to local communities is real. It's happening with greater success and sense of urgency as more habitats and species face threats from human activities such as climate change, pollution, encroachment, overfishing and so on. The film is in theaters in select cites now with streaming planned for later this year.

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  • Peter Giljam is a long time animal trainer and cofounder of the training resources website Zoospensefull.com. In his spare time from his role as Behavioral Curator at SeaWorld Australia, he's also developed into an avid triathlon athlete. We asked him about his physical and mental health journey since COVID and whether the pain, frustration, dedication, and euphoria of such endurance competition has affected his animal training and behavioral management approach. Given the industry-wide concern and focus on enhancing the well-being of species in our care, how do those goals mirror the physical and mental fitness of caregivers?

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  • Jim Nemet is a long time marine and terrestrial animal trainer and serves as the Director of Wildlife for the Cleveland Natural History Museum. We asked him about the somewhat dated and artificial distinctions between training and enrichment, especially at a time when zoological facilities are increasingly concerned about improving animal welfare or well-being. Jim talks about the wider applications of operant conditioning and behavioral management, of which enrichment is a component, not just for public display animals in zoos and aquariums, but rescue, rehab and return of native species, as well as, threatened and endangered wildlife in national parks.

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  • Dr. Jason Bruck and his collaborator, Dr. Jamey D. Jacob, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma Sate University describe their efforts to develop a suitable drone platform to study small cetaceans in the wild. Known as PHASM, Passive Health Assessment in Sea Mammals, the team has already worked through several iterations of the emerging technology to best collect and assess respiratory samples from bottlenose dolphins. Rather than rotary technology, the team settled on a fixed wing drone design to prevent dolphin blow samples from being dispersed by the downward rotary action of most drones. The latest stage of the project involved working with Dolphin Quest staff, animals and student researchers and pilots to beta test the drone and sample collection.

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  • The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium announced the significant birth of several weedy seadragons. It is the first successful birth of these uncommon animals at Columbus, one of only a handful of institutions that have successfully bred seadragons. Senior Aquarist Aaron Jeskie, who was instrumental in the successful outcome, describes these unique creatures and some of the reasons they are so challenging to display and maintain.

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  • Jasmin Graham describes her unique path as a shark scientist at Mote Marine Lab and Aquarium, as well as, her efforts to increase diversity among the biological sciences, especially in marine science. She's also the president and CEO of Minorities In Shark Sciences (MISS), an organization dedicated to "see representation of gender minorities from historically-excluded communities of color and the Global South in shark, ray and other marine sciences is the norm rather than the exception." Her new book is entitled "Sharks Don't Sink: adventures of a rogue shark scientist."

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  • Dr. Jeremy Goodman President and CEO of the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium returns to discuss the organization's rural 1000 acre offsite conservation center. Originally acquired to facilitate African elephant breeding and closed to the public, the International Conservation Center (ICC) has added a few additional species and developed educational programming and other recreational activities to meet the needs of its rural farm community neighbors as well as school kids and families from the greater Pittsburgh area. The future of the facility includes developing conservation breeding programs for additional colder climate exotic and native species.

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  • In 2021, Dr. Jeremy Goodman succeeded long time leader Dr. Barbara Baker to become the president and CEO of the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the US. Following years working as a clinician, Dr. Goodman elected to change his professional focus to serve as chief administrator of several other zoological institutions leading them through periods of significant change. He describes the rich history of his current facility, partnering with other major philanthropic organizations, and his vision for the future.

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  • Dr. Tim Shu is the founder and CEO of VetCBD, a California based company that specializes in cannabis products for domestic, farm and zoological animals. As the legal cannabis industry for humans and animals grows across the US, state by state, the public has many questions as to the safety and efficacy of extracts like CBD or full spectrum products that include low doses of THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Dr. Shu reminds us that while the plant has largely been demonized for the past century, its extensive medicinal use by humans dates back thousands of years. Research on the use of cannabinoids in animals suggests it has therapeutic effects to relieve and treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, nausea, and seizures. Products containing THC will also help stimulate appetite. As zoological populations continue to age well past typical lifespans found in the wild, Dr. Shu suggests we ought to be using every tool available to us to improve animal health and welfare, ensuring the best possible quality of life for animals.

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  • Troy Hayden has been a journalist and TV news anchor for over 35 years. We asked for his perspective concerning the news industry's views on zoos and aquariums and whether a reporter's approach varies if the names "sanctuary" or "rescue" are attached. Troy admits to being a fan of zoos as a kid but admitted major controversies like that portrayed in Blackfish have tarnished the zoological community's reputation and created greater skepticism among some of his peers. A skepticism he doesn't share thanks in part to being married to a zoo and aquarium president who has opened his eyes to the important conservation work being done. Troy offers some advice on the importance of telling the great stories that zoos have to offer and how to get those on air.

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  • Shelley Ballmann is the force behind Ocean Futures and its nonprofit wing, Ocean Connections. Starting her career as a dolphin trainer, Shelley earned her niche working with pinnipeds at a time when everyone was more focused on cetaceans like bottlenose dolphins and orcas. She believes that training sea lions truly hones one's skill as a trainer in ways unique to pinnipeds. Following the closing of operations after 30-plus years at their original facility at Milwaukee County Zoo and a name change/addition, Shelley has expanded her programs and animal teams to two new locations, in addition to her longstanding facility at Hershey Park, as part of the Dolly Parton family of attractions. She is particularly thrilled to be able to bring educational components to these highly theatrical cirque-type shows which include sea lions, birds and domestic dogs. As evidence of Ocean Connections' success, Shelley and her team are preparing another animal team for a third location in the Dolly company to begin in 2025.

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  • Hurricane Beryl's effect on the Texas power grid still being felt by millions of people reminds us all that natural disasters like wind, fire, or flood can can occur anywhere with devastating consequences. Fortunately the team at Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue and Recovery (ZDR3) has experience helping facilities plan for and if needed, respond to emergencies that can disrupt the lives of animals, staff, and the surrounding community. With over 180 zoological facility members united in support of each other in just a few years of operation, ZDR3 Executive Director, Julia Wilder describes the lessons learned thus far, and steps all facilities should take today to be better prepared, even with hurricane and wild land fire season already well underway.

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  • Dennis Christen, Senior Director, Animal Wellbeing & Behavior for the Georgia Aquarium was one of the architects that helped move two beluga whales from the NEMO Dolphinarium in Putin-ravaged Ukraine to the safety of Europe's largest aquarium, Oceanographic, in Valencia, Spain. This story made international headlines recently and involved a host of zoological facilities and other agencies to rescue these animals from worsening conditions such as power interruptions, food and other supply chain issues, and the inherent danger posed to NEMO staff caring for these and other animals over the past several years of Russian aggression. It is another amazing example of conservation and compassion by zoological professionals and institutions concerned for the welfare of animals regardless of cost or risk. It is a tale that honors the bravery, national pride, and dedication of the people of Ukraine as they strive to maintain some degree of normal life even as they fight for survival against a powerful aggressor.

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  • Growing up on the beautiful Italian island of Ischia 19 miles off the coast of Naples, Dr. Valerio Mazzella of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli grew to love the ecosystem's unique features and species. As a natural source of thermal and pH gradients due to the region's secondary volcanism, which gives rise to carbon dioxide vents, Ischia and the surrounding ocean waters have long been a natural laboratory for scientists to study the global effects of rising atmospheric carbon and the resulting ocean acidification. Dr. Mazzella's research fascination first with sea grasses and the countless species that depend upon them, and later with sea sponges and their microbiomes has implications for preserving the island's fragile balance in the face of mounting pressures from increasing tourism and boat traffic, overfishing, and pollution.

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  • Best selling author, Emmy winning actor, and fierce animal advocate, Carolyn Hennesy returns to discuss her recent comments at the annual meeting of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums (AMMPA) about how zoos and aquariums can begin to build better relationships with entertainers and influencers. In many instances, entertainers and those who work behind the camera inside the film and television industry have to be concerned about what supporting modern zoos and aquariums may do to their careers and future employment prospects. Carolyn encourages us to be persistent, inviting, and accommodating to those we wish to recruit into helping educate the world, including our detractors, about the important work of conservation we do.

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  • Long time zoological statistician and animal manager, Kevin Willis, returns to discuss dolphin demographics and other mathematical insights into current species populations in human care. The overall population of dolphins in facilities looks promising, but Kevin warns this view is not reality since the animals are not actually maintained as one but several small islands of sub-populations that are not at all sustainable as currently managed. He also argues that zoos and aquariums are in the midst of change from the Noah's Ark conservation model of the 1980s and its SSP's (Species Survival Plans) designed to one day re-populate wild habitats, once humans get their act together, to something as yet still evolving. In fact, the number of managed species has been greatly reduced and the word conservation no longer appears in the description of SSP's on the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) website. When asked what the math tells him about the future of species and genetic diversity of both plants and animals in zoos and aquariums and the wild, he shares that we as a community have some tough choices ahead about what species can and should be prioritized for preservation.

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  • The team from GRAZE (Growing Resiliency for Aquarium and Zoo Employees) Erin McNally and Hannah Fullmer return to discuss a widespread problem in most fields, including the zoological profession. While not unique to animal facilities, bullying takes a tremendous toll on an already beleaguered workforce. If social media content is to be believed, younger professionals seem increasingly disillusioned while senior staff are leaving the field from burnout. Erin and Hannah describe ways to think about and address bullying, as well as, urge individuals to develop coping strategies to improve workplace culture and not to run from the issues. It's a difficult but necessary conversation for individuals and organizations to have in order to build trust and retain experienced staff within an organization.

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  • Long time animal trainer and consultant, Jade Fountain from Animal Behavior Matters returns to discuss her latest work in East Africa with a global organization called APOPO (Anti-Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Product Ontwikkeling”, or in English, Anti-Personnel Landmines Detection Product Development. For the past 25 years, APOPO has been utilizing African Pouched Rats trained for scent detection to locate landmines in war torn countries such as Cambodia. As a result of their work and the astonishing olfactory abilities of these rats, hundreds of thousands of square meters of land have been rendered safe for people to return to farm and to build new lives. More than 160,000 landmines have been detected and destroyed. Remarkably, no rat has ever perished from mine detection work. Jade describes the training of these special animals and their unique characteristics that make them ideal for use in mine detection, but also wildlife trafficking and identifying positive tuberculosis samples. She also shares some of her doctoral work and how she hopes to validate anecdotal evidence that scent work in dogs has physiological and behavioral benefits.

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  • Dr. Jay Sweeney, cofounder of Dolphin Quest, returns to discuss the latest strain of avian flu making its way across the globe with lethal effects. It was an avian flu strain that caused the global pandemic in 1918 that killed tens of millions of humans. The current strain H5N5 seems to be mild in infected dairy cows and humans but it has caused thousands of pinniped and a handful of dolphin deaths over the past few seasons as migratory birds move up and down coastlines of North and South America. The strain has already impacted millions of birds on poultry farms and Dr. Sweeney urges zoological facilities to remain vigilant to protect heir avian and marine mammal collections.

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