Fiction – Popular podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas!

    Quadros do canal:
    Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade;
    Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante;
    Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério;
    Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas;
    Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas;
    Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais.

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • En la tradición de los clásicos de la radio, aquí se cuentan las historias, relatos y leyendas que habitan las calles de México e Iberoamérica.

  • Sherlock Holmes Short Stories narrated by Hugh Bonneville.
    A woman struck dead after hearing a haunting whistle. A series of child-like drawings scrawled throughout a country estate. A prize horse wandering the moors without an owner.
    To the regular observer, these are merely strange anomalies. But for the master detective Sherlock Holmes they are the first pieces of an elaborate puzzle.
    New episodes every Thursday. For ad-free listening and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to 

  • A crónica criminal das Três da Manhã, apresentada por Cláudio Almeida e que conta com Inês Lopes Gonçalves em “modo jornalista” e Joana Marques e Ana Galvão como as piores especialistas/testemunhas oculares/praticantes de crime.
    Da cliente que se entala em Shoppings para receber indemnizações à mãe que jura que o filho quer fugir num Fiat Punto com uma tribo da Amazónia, passando pela automobilista que tem um megafone para gritar com a polícia, garantimos que no “Alerta Estupidez” só há espaço para criminalidade mesmo, mesmo palerma.
    Todas as quintas-feiras, às 8:45h, na Renascença.

  • Relatos, experiencias paranormales y leyendas escalofriantes. Si tienes alguna experiencia que quieras contar, contáctanos por Facebook o envía tu experiencia al correo oficial del canal.

    * YouTube

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Ang Kwentong Takipsilim Pinoy Tagalog Horror Stories ay handog ang mga nakakatakot na kwento. Dadalhin kayo sa mundo ng hiwaga, katatakutan at kababalaghan. Mga aswang horror stories, engkanto, multo horror stories, tagalog mystery stories, at kung anu-ano pa. Mapa-true story tagalog horror man o tagalog fiction na kukurot sa inyong mga puso, magpapakilabot ng inyong katawan at magbibigay ngiti sa inyong mga labi.

    Visit our Youtube Channel for more stories :

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Kumpulan Cerita Horor True Story. Kurasi cerita oleh @mizter.popo. Follow & kirim pesan ke Instagram untuk diskusi dan berbagi kisah / pengalaman horor kalian.

  • جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

  • Não importa o que você esteja fazendo. Ouvir João Vicente de Castro e Gregorio Duvivier conversando aleatoriedades e não chegando a nenhuma conclusão lógica sobre qualquer assunto é o que você não precisa na rotina. Ou talvez até precise. Esse é o Não Importa, o programa de conversas em que alguns dos sócios da nossa empresa são obrigados a trabalhar enquanto outros estão viajando. Episódios novos toda quinta!

  • Schahrasad erzählt um ihr Leben – und wir hören zu. Diese Hörspiel-Adaption des neu übersetzten Literaturklassikers “1001 Nacht” führt uns in Paläste und auf Partys, nach Kairo und Bagdad, zu selbstbewussten Frauen und verzauberten Wesen.

  • Experiencias PARANORMALES
    - Creepypastas
    - Relatos de HORROR
    - Historias de TERROR
    El Miedo nunca había sido tan Relajante.

  • Pinoy Horror Stories. Mga totoong kuwentong kababalaghan mula sa mga taong nagpadala ng kanilang mga kuwento. Multo, aswang, engkanto at iba pa! Siguradong titindig ang inyong mga balahibo sa aming mga kuwento.

    Share your scary experience. Email us at [email protected]

    Tagalog horror stories. Sitio bangungot / Kwentong Takipsilim. #pampatuloghorrorstories #tagaloghorrorstories #tagalogstories

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hola! Bienvenido a este tu espacio, donde pasaremos muchas horas hablando de temas extra anormales que mis seguidores me hagan llegar, prepárate y disfruta de mucho terror.!

    Distribuido por Genuina Media

  • Historias de terror, misterio, casos reales, hechos inexplicables... Cada martes te traemos una nueva historia que no te dejará dormir. Con Emma Entrena y Silvia Ortiz. Realizado por Yes We Cast. Ilustraciones TheGray.Art
    Hazte con una suscripción de pago:

  • Boletín informativo de Biotopía, centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico avanzado. En Biotopía, lo imposible perdió su significado hace mucho tiempo. Una ficción sonora creada, escrita y producida por Manuel Bartual.

  • Los más intrigantes sucesos paranormales analizados en profundidad por personas normales.
    OVNIs, misterios sobrenaturales, fantasmas, esoterismo, brujería y el mundo paranormal. Host: @fepomx

  • A weekly podcast that reads out ghost stories, horror stories, and weird tales every week. Classic stories from the pens of the masters Occasionally, we feature living authors, but the majority are dead. Some perhaps are undead.
    We go from cosy Edwardian ghost stories (E. F. Benson, Walter De La Mare) to Victorian supernatural mysteries (M. R. James, Elizabeth Gaskell, Bram Stoker, and Charles Dickens) to 20th-century Weird Tales (Robert Aickman, Fritz Lieber, Clark Ashton-Smith, and H. P. Lovecraft) and wander from the Gothic to the Odd, even to the Literary, and then back again.
    Each episode is followed by Tony's take on the story, its author, its content and any literary considerations, which may be useful to students!

    Here's a poll that helps me plan future stories, if you have the time to fill it in. It's short!

    Get exclusive members episodes on Patreon:

  • Learning a language is hard, but Easy Stories in English makes it easy! Ariel Goodbody introduces each story, explaining difficult vocabulary and talking about their life. Thanks to their high energy and clear pronunciation, the stories are entertaining and simple to understand.

    Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, there’s something for everyone. The stories cover a wide range of genres, such as fairy tales, myths and legends, drama, comedy, romance, horror, science fiction and action. There is a balance of children’s stories, as well as more mature themes for adults. While listening to the stories, you can read the transcript at and get both reading practice and listening practice. With enough time, you’ll find that your reading and writing skills improve as well.

    Ariel Goodbody has a strong background in linguistics and language acquisition, and they base the podcast on Stephen Krashen’s theory of comprehensible input. Ariel changes the level of grammar to suit each level, but prioritise comprehension and good storytelling over anything else. Vocabulary is described using paraphrase, cultural references, pictures, intonation and sound effects. British culture, especially English culture, is naturally introduced throughout the episodes.

    Ariel also has experience in theatre, and treats every episode like an audiobook performance. With character voices, dramatic timing and a range of accents, adults and kids alike will soon forget that they’re ‘learning’ at all!

    Some of the most well-known stories from the podcast are: the Doggo and Kitty stories, Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales, The Very Hungry Dragon, Sleeping Beauty, The Perfect Pet, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Why Blood is Red, Saint George and the Dragon and Pioneers of the Continuum. Many stories are adapted from famous authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Hans Christian Andersen, Isaac Asimov, Josef Čapek, Margery Williams and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa.

    Ariel studied linguistics at the University of Cambridge and started teaching in 2018. As a language teacher, they use comprehensible input techniques such as TPRS and story listening. In 2021 they published a series of graded readers. These easy readers allow fans to get their favourite stories in a physical format.

    Apprendre l’anglais facilement avec des contes de fées et histoires racontés en anglais britannique. Méthode pour étudier les vocabulaires, la prononciation, la grammaire et la lecture en anglais. Les livres audio en anglais pour les niveaux débutant, intermédiaire et avancé.

    Einfach Britisches Englisch lernen mit Märchen und Geschichten. Methode, um Vokabeln, Aussprache, Grammatik und Lesen auf Englisch zu studieren. Hörbücher auf Englisch für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

    Imparare l'inglese facilmente con fiabe e storie in inglese britannico. Metodo per studiare vocabolario, pronuncia, grammatica e lettura in inglese. Audiolibri in inglese per i livelli principiante, intermedio e avanzato.

    Aprender inglés fácilmente con cuentos de hadas e historias en inglés británico. Método para estudiar vocabulario, pronunciación, gramática y lectura en inglés. Audiolibros en inglés para todos los niveles: principiante, intermedio y avanzado.



    Легко изучать английский язык с помощью сказок и историй на британском английском. Методика изучения словарного запаса, произношения, грамматики и чтения на английском языке. Аудиокниги на английском языке для начинающих, студентов среднего уровня и продвинутых студентов.

    تعلم الإنجليزية بسهولة مع القصص الخرافية والحكايات باللغة الإنجليزية البريطانية. طريقة لدراسة المفردات والنطق والقواعد والقراءة باللغة الإنجليزية. كتب مسموعة باللغة الإنجليزية للمبتدئين والمتوسطين والمتقدمين.

  • From Roswell, to Amityville, to Loch Ness and beyond — step inside the world’s most mysterious supernatural events with SIGHTINGS. Each week unlocks a thrilling story that immerses you in the action, followed by a mind-bending discussion that will leave you questioning what’s real and what’s impossible. Chase legendary creatures, investigate lesser-known alien abductions, confront spine-tingling ghosts, and experience the paranormal stories you only thought you knew on SIGHTINGS.

  • Hidden beneath layers of secrecy and isolation, Bunker 8 plunges you into one of the most classified military outposts on Earth. Jack, a hardened Australian ex-soldier, is sent to the desolate Antarctic facility for a six-month assignment. His mission? To oversee "assets" locked away in impenetrable cells, follow strict protocols, and, above all, never ask questions.

    But as Jack descends into the depths of Bunker 8, he realizes there's far more to this facility than anyone let on. With unsettling isolation, strange anomalies, and a growing sense of unease, Jack must navigate an environment that tests his mental and physical limits. What are the "assets" he's tasked with monitoring? And why is everyone so afraid to even speak about what lies within?

    If you're a fan of intense psychological thrillers, dark mysteries, and stories that leave you questioning reality, Bunker 8 will hook you from the first episode and leave you hungry for answers.

    Created by Dean Smyth - @deansmy
    Business Enquiries: [email protected]

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.