True Crime – Luxembourg – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • "You Probably Think This Story's About You" is an exploration of love, betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of one man's deceit, told through the eyes of the women whose lives were irrevocably changed by it. 

    Brittani Ard is on a quest for the truth. She wants to understand how Kanon — the man she once believed to be her soulmate — could have deceived her so deeply. As the devastating revelations unfold, exposing the depths of his lies, Brittani embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. The road to understanding is paved with Brittani’s complex childhood, marked by addiction, sisterhood, and the deep family ties that shaped her. But there’s one question left: who is this story really about?  

    One thing's for sure – it's not him anymore. 

  • Gripping true crime stories from neighbourhoods across the UK.

  • True and terrifying near-miss stories told weekly by Going West: True Crime co-host and upcoming thriller author Daphne Woolsoncroft.
    If you'd like to hear your story on the show, email it to [email protected].

  • Der Tod - ein Mysterium und Tabuthema. Was passiert, wenn man ertrinkt? Wie gefährlich ist Strahlung? Was ist die schlimmste Todesart?

    Jeden Monat erzählen wir dir tragische Schicksale von Menschen, die auf die unterschiedlichsten Arten ums Leben gekommen sind und erklären dabei die medizinischen Hintergründe.

  • Mord, Raub oder Betrug: Wir nehmen in unserem Podcast Kriminalfälle aus Trier, Eifel, Mosel, Saar und Hunsrück unter die Lupe - Verbrechen, die die Menschen in unserer Region und ganz Deutschland beschäftigten. Zusammen mit unseren Gästen gehen wir den Fällen auf die Spur und sprechen über die Ermittlungen, die Beteiligten und die Urteile.

  • On January 31, 2000, just hours after Super Bowl XXXIV, Baltimore Ravens star linebacker Ray Lewis and a group of friends got into an altercation outside of a club in Atlanta’s affluent Buckhead neighborhood. Within seconds, two men -- Richard Lollar and Jacinth Baker -- were dead in the street. 

    Lewis and two friends, Joseph Sweeting and Reginald Oakley, were charged with murder. A media frenzy ensued, but in the end, all three defendants walked free. 

    Less than a year after the killings, Lewis became a Super Bowl champion. He ended his Hall of Fame career with another title in 2013, and is widely regarded as the greatest middle linebacker in NFL history. He has made millions on and off the field since 2000 and always professed his innocence, but the victim's families still believe there’s more to the story. 

    Host Tim Livingston ('Whistleblower') investigates the double homicide, one of the most infamous crimes in sports history, and unveils new evidence that paints a vivid picture of what happened that tragic night in Atlanta. Football, murder, and the man in the middle... this is 'The Raven'.

  • Wissenschaft trifft Freundschaft
    Lydia Beneckes Live Talk Format findet alle 14 Tage Montags auf Twitch statt.

    Zum Live-Kanal geht es hier:

    Der WTF Talk ist eine Produktion der Festivalia GmbH & Lydia Benecke

  • Ricorda il mio nome - Storie di femminicidi è un podcast che racconta le storie di donne uccise perché donne, affinché possano essere ricordate come persone, e non come l'ennesimo caso di femminicidio. Ogni episodio racconta la storia e il femminicidio di una donna diversa, i suoi sogni e la sua vita. Delle modalità in cui un uomo a lei vicino ha deciso di prendersi la sua vita e di come è stato giudicato quest'uomo in tribunale.

    Il podcast è realizzato con la collaborazione dell'avvocata Roberta Sandri.

  • Every year hundreds of people die preventable deaths at the hands of police, whilst in prison, or in the care of mental health services in the UK. Some of the names you’ll know. Most of them you won’t.  

    Bereaved families are left fighting for answers, demanding justice, and campaigning for change, in a system that is stacked against them.

    Drawing on four decades of campaigning and in conversation with those at the forefront of these struggles, hosts Lee Lawrence and Lucy Brisbane shine a light on injustice, amplify stories of resistance that need to be heard and explore the best way forward.

    A podcast by INQUEST, the only charity fighting for justice alongside families bereaved by deaths involving the state, including police, prison and mental health services.

    Support this show

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Join Kurt Money and Kateline as they discuss the newest episode of Dateline, the greatest and most important of all true crime shows.

  • Bienvenue dans Recherche coupable, le podcast de la rédaction consacré aux cold cases, ces dossiers d'enquêtes criminelles irrésolues. En mars 2022, un pôle dédié à ces affaires criminelles ouvrait ses portes à Nanterre, dans les Hauts-de-Seine.

    Dans cette série de podcasts, nous vous racontons certaines des affaires reprises par ces juges d’instructions. De la disparition de la famille Méchinaud au soir de Noël 1972 au meurtre de Danièle Bernard à Auxerre en 1989 en passant les disparus du Fort de Tamié, en Savoie …

    Proches, familles et avocats témoignent à notre micro. Plongez avec nous dans ces affaires criminelles toujours irrésolues en 2023.

    Montage : Mathilde Guilbaud

    #enquêtes #crimes #disparitions #meurtres #affaires #criminelles #justice #judiciaires #coldcases #dossierscriminels #podcasts

  • A podcast about the finer things, a little true crime, a little spooky and a lot of weird history.

  • In this multi-part limited series, host and journalist Jason Cavanagh conducts a real-time investigation into the murders, crimes, and conspiracies of hitman, Charles Harrelson, father to actor Woody Harrelson. The investigation will uncover new evidence never shared before, but seeking the truth comes at a risk. There may be people out there - serious, dangerous people - who have an interest in keeping Charles Harrelson’s secrets buried. Produced by Spotify Studios and Tradecraft in association with High Five Content. 

  • A UK based true crime podcast that takes a deep dive into little-known and fascinating cases from both the past and present. New episodes released every two weeks.

  • Elf studenten, één moordzaak. In deze zevendelige podcastserie volgt NRC elf studenten in hun maandenlange analyse van een zaak uit 2012. Antonio zit een gevangenisstraf uit van 24 jaar voor de moord op zijn jeugdvriend Guido. Zowel de rechtbank als het gerechtshof is ervan overtuigd dat hij zijn vriend in een Maastrichtse loods doodmartelde, en daarna probeerde te verbranden om de sporen te wissen. Maar klopt dat wel? Heeft justitie het verhaal van Antonio voldoende onderzocht? Wat schreef de politie allemaal níet op?

    De studenten vormen de nieuwste lichting van het project Gerede Twijfel, dat mogelijke rechterlijke dwalingen onderzoekt en in ruim twintig jaar meerdere baanbrekende onthullingen deed. Gaan ook deze elf studenten voldoende aanwijzingen vinden voor een heropening van de zaak? Is er sprake van Gerede Twijfel?

  • Ultime notizie flash e breaking news. Cronaca, politica e attualità, Resta aggiornato in tempo reale con le ultime notizie del giorno.

  • Crime fiction super fan and host Abby Endler talks to the authors behind the crime stories you can’t put down.

  • In Staffel 2 geht es um die spektakulärsten Mordfälle.
    Was ist Mord? Aus Habgier, grausam oder aus niedrigen Beweggründen: Strafverteidigerin Dr. Jasmin Haider stellt dem charmanten Moderator Moritz Schleich die spektakulärsten Mordfälle zu den 9 Mordmerkmalen vor. Die Tat, der Mörder, das Opfer: jeden Dienstag beleuchten sie pikante Details und menschliche Abgründe. Kurz & knapp für unterwegs.

    In Staffel 1 ging es um Skurrile Sex-Fälle, an Absurdität kaum zu übertreffen:
    Im Gespräch mit dem smarten Moderator Moritz, erzählte Anwalt Dr. Alexander Stevens von seinen pikantesten Fällen als Strafverteidiger und Spezialist für Sexualdelikte. Jeden Dienstag gab er Einblick in eine Welt von bizarren Abgründen aus Deutschen Schlafzimmern. Diese Staffel 1 musste zu wirtschaftlichen Zwecken von Dr. Alexander Stevens genutzt, heruntergenommen werden.

  • Become a Paid Subscriber: or Obsession is A True Crime storytelling podcast. People make deadly decisions out of "love" but the host of the podcast Queen wonders if it's love or obsession. Tune in every Tuesday!

  • Podcast d'opinion qui ne s'interdit aucun sujet, en passant par les affaires criminelles célèbres non résolues.