
  • Bosse Bildoktorn och Hasse P tillsammans med gäster, aktuella ämnen och ovärdeliga tips.

  • Bosse Bildoktorn och Hasse P tillsammans med gäster, aktuella ämnen och ovärdeliga tips.

  • Salut moi c’est Juliette, bienvenue dans le podcast Bosse comme un Boss !


    Bosse comme un Boss c’est podcast sur l'orientation, les opportunités et la valeur travail.


    Dans chaque épisode, nous recevons un(e) invité(e) qui nous expose sa propre expérience.

    Nous revenons avec elle/lui sur ses rêves d’enfant, son parcours scolaire, mais aussi sur sa conception de l’orientation, la pression de l’entourage et de la société, les choix et les opportunités qu’elle/il a saisi ou laissé passer ou encore les défis plus difficiles auxquels elle/il a dû faire face. 


    Vous entendrez des histoires personnelles qui -j’espère- pourront vous toucher et vous inspirer, et qui vous montreront que malgré les obstacles, il est possible de réussir et de trouver une activité qui correspond à ses aspirations ✨💪🏽

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Bosses Bundesliga Blog ist dein Podcast zur Fussball-Bundesliga mit Sportradio- und Sky-Reporter-Reporter Ralf Bosse. Wer wird Deutscher Meister? Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund oder eine Überraschungsmannschaft? Ralf spricht mit Trainern, Spielern, Managern, Fans und Legenden des Fussballs. Neue Folge: Jeden Donnerstag.
    Ralf Bosse ist seit knapp 30 Jahren Fussball-Reporter und Sport-Moderator. Er freut sich auf sportlichen Austausch über "Bosses Bundesliga Blog". Schreib ihm gerne oder schick ihm eine Sprachnachricht:
    [email protected]

  • Are you ready to step up as the boss of your life? Emilie Aries breaks down career conundrums with expert interviews to help women navigate career transition and step up as the boss of their careers. Whether you're in the job search, starting a side hustle, climbing a corporate ladder, or an experienced entrepreneur, join Bossed Up's community of courageous women who lift as they climb.

  • En podcast om de mange rejser, som former vores identitet. Det er en samtale i øjenhøjde om emner, som fylder vores hjerter og vores sociale medieplatforme med fordomme, følelser og forundring. I hvert afsnit vil vi reflektere over nogle af de konflikter, som vi møder i os selv og i verden omkring os, i jagten på vores egen identitet, og på forståelsen af andres.

  • Le premier podcast collectif qui parle de carrière et maternité : témoignages, réponses d'expertes et favoris. Je suis Marie, fondatrice du collectif, et j'ai créé cet espace de parole pour montrer comment et pourquoi la maternité impacte nos vies professionnelles. Maman Bosse poursuit 3 objectifs : Favoriser la sororité et briser la solitude des femmes en les rassemblant Sensibiliser les femmes aux impacts possibles de la maternité sur leur carrière Mettre à disposition des ressources pour aider les femmes à prendre des décisions éclairées pour leur carrièreA travers des témoignages de femmes nous montrons la réalité des trajectoires professionnelle des mères. Nous visibilisons comment et pourquoi la maternité impacte la carrière d'une femme : nous montrons tous les parcours, aussi bien les succès que les difficultés. Recueillir le récit et le ressenti des femmes, sans porter de jugement sur leur situation ou leur décision.Nous accompagnons les femmes en mettant à disposition des ressources et des conseils pratiques sur la façon d'évoluer dans le monde professionnel en tant que mère et de gérer au sa carrière.Maman Bosse c'est aussi : - un site web & le blog Maman Bosse ( - une compte Instagram : @mamanbosse_podcast ( soutenir Maman Bosse, vous pouvez noter le podcast avec 5 ⭐ et laisser un commentaire sur Apple Podcast ou Spotify - ça nous aide beaucoup à faire connaître le projet ! 🙏 Crédits :🎛️ Habillage sonore et mixage de l'émission par Alice, Les Belles Fréquences (🥁 Musique du générique composée par @mathilde drummer ( Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • The BBU Podcast is a weekly podcast that teaches purposeful women how to be uncompromising in their faith, business, and total life success with God as the CEO. Get ready to be empowered, emboldened, and receive divine strategy to fulfill God’s plan for your life and business. Your host + sister in Christ and success, Tatum Temia Ayomike, is an award-winning entrepreneur, executive producer, author and devoted Christian who has committed her life to help women bridge the gap between faith and business. Her impact as the CEO of Anchored Media includes a global reach of millions of listeners across 75+ produced podcast shows in just 2 years. Through her personal brand, Tatum has cultivated a community of businesswomen who give God full authority to use their business as a vessel for the Kingdom. Using the word of God as her platform, Tatum's prayer journal and published books offer instrumental guidance to ‘boss up’ in any entrepreneurial venture. Tatum has been featured in several magazines and publications and has been named as a Top 30 under 30 in the Washington, DC area.

  • Je Bosse en Grande Distribution est la première communauté francophone des professionnels de la grande distribution, de la grande consommation et de toute la sphère du retail.

    Animé par Jonathan Le Borgne, ancien chef de rayon au sein d'enseignes indépendantes et éditeur du site depuis 2010, le podcast part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui participent à la transformation du secteur : dirigeant d'enseigne, fondateur de start-up, chef d'entreprise, consultant, responsable en magasin.

  • I'm Dr. Lara Devgan, and I'm a plastic surgeon in New York City, the CEO of Scientific Beauty, and of course, a major beauty enthusiast. You are listening to Beauty Bosses, where we chat with fellow industry leaders who are shaping beauty, fashion, wellness, and all things pretty.

  • We are Moms.

    We are Bosses.

    We are living abroad.

    And in this brand new season of this exciting podcast, we are boosting the Woman-to-woman connection

    Through deep, intimate conversations to pause, reflect  and go beyond the skin-deep

    And we are here to celebrate YOUR unique journey.

    No matter how old your business or your babies, OR where you are in the world, you’re not alone.

    It’s time to go deeper, understand better and lean into more harmony and fun along the way.

    We are Desiree & Iva

    And this is MOM BOSSES ABROAD.

  • I'm Dr. Lara Devgan, and I'm a plastic surgeon in New York City, the CEO of Scientific Beauty, and of course, a major beauty enthusiast. You are listening to Beauty Bosses, where we chat with fellow industry leaders who are shaping beauty, fashion, wellness, and all things pretty.

  • Join the beauty bosses Rachel & Ruby, as they talk about the hottest, trending topics to date. This bestie duo comes from different cultural backgrounds, and give you an insight on how they navigate their lives while on their own unique paths. Tune in weekly as they come together to discuss topics such as; beauty, business, health & wellness, relationships, culture and many more!

    We love to have fun and voice our opinions, but more importantly we want our listeners to be inspired, be empowered & be beautiful!

  • The Digital Bosses podcast is a biweekly snackable action-based training where you will discover the strategies and action steps to building a profitable business. Joseph and Claire explore topics from growing your brand, to building a successful online presence as a leader and beyond. Snack on these bite-sized business tips that can be implemented in your business right away!

  • Welcome to the ‘She’s Bossed It'' show, where Beauty Boss Layla Tourh brings you motivational talks, and shares her secrets on how she made it BIG in the beauty industry.

    Starting as a salon owner, Layla went on to train and distribute for some of the largest brands in the world, develop her own range of professional beauty products, and now coaches women in the beauty industry in helping them achieve the same high level success.

    You can expect a no BS approach from Layla on how to build a successful beauty empire, from the ground up.

    Ready to be inspired?

    Press play to hear inspirational stories and strategies on how to grow your beauty business.

  • Un espacio seguro para todos los que amamos la belleza. Hablaremos de la industria, cómo crecer, levantar un negocio, skin care (mi especialidad), nuevas tecnologías y demás! Con invitados que nos inspirarán a seguir nuestros sueños, me encantaría que seas parte del club y aprendas de estas personas tanto como yo.

    Sígueme en Instagram: @joliemontesbeauty

  • The Instagram for bosses podcast is all about teaching you the best tips and strategies for leveraging Instagram to position yourself as an expert, generate more leads, and land more clients.

    Hosted by Andrea Maree, Marketing Strategist and Founder of Andrea Maree Creative and Instagram Marketing Academy, these bite-sized, fluff-free episodes will teach you all things Instagram Marketing so that you can attract higher quality followers and convert those followers into paying clients.

    So boss, if you’re ready to uplevel your #instagame go ahead and press play!

  • Welcome To Blessed Momma Bosses. Are you tired of trying to scale your network marketing business and getting no where? Are you sick of being stagnant at the same profit every month, wondering what you are doing wrong, and having everyone doubt that you can have success in network marketing? Are you sick of sending cold market messages?

    There is a better way and there is a proven system for you that we have uncovered. We believe you have so much potential to grow and scale a successful 6 figure and beyond, passive revenue business.

    How? Why? What? Yeah, we have actually done this and we know exactly how to get you there too sister. We are going to work on your productivity, efficiency, set up routines and systems inside of your business, motherhood & life.

    Then, we are going to tackle scaling your business using cool strategic social media and online strategies that are going to blow your mind. We will then take all of that and pair it together, not only is your business prospering and your motherhood but also your self development. You are going to go next level with us. If you are really ready to tap into your greatest potential as a blessed momma boss, listen in.

    I am Blair Critch a retired teacher, mom of two teen boys, wife of a recovering addict, who went from Bankruptcy to Building multiple online businesses. Systems, strategies, organization, & goals are my jam.

    I am Kellie Hoover, retired pharmaceutical rep, girl mom, brain tumor survivor and a social media ninja. By setting goals and creating action plans, I Win Big and so can you… I am the connection queen, and time planner of this Duo. Are you ready to Have it all?

    Connect with us at [email protected]
    Work with us inside our Facebook community at or on Facebook at
    Connect with us Instagram @blessedmommabosses_ , @kelliehoover , @blaircritch2

  • To journalister forsvinder, mens de er ved at efterforske et mord. De har optaget det hele på 600 SD-kort. Kan lydoptagelserne opklare både mordet og deres forsvinden? Og kan man overhovedet opklare et mord med gode intentioner og et mindset som Mussolini og Progeria-Jesper? En ting er sikkert: det er ikke, hvad du lytter til, der betyder noget, det er, hvad du hører. Produceret af: Thomas Bugge og Oliver Seppo Lyddesign: Ilmo Simonsen Redaktør: Anders Stegger

  • To journalister forsvinder, mens de er ved at efterforske et mord. De har optaget det hele på 600 SD-kort. Kan lydoptagelserne opklare både mordet og deres forsvinden? Og kan man overhovedet opklare et mord med gode intentioner og et mindset som Mussolini og Progeria-Jesper? En ting er sikkert: det er ikke, hvad du lytter til, der betyder noget, det er, hvad du hører.
    Produceret af: Thomas Bugge og Oliver Seppo
    Lyddesign: Ilmo Simonsen
    Redaktør: Anders Stegger