
  • In this solo episode Callie explores the depths of the human experience and personal growth.

    She delves into the inevitable aspect of pain and how embracing it can lead to profound growth and healing.

    Understanding pain:
    Pain comes in various forms—disappointment, jealousy, anger, and more—each carrying its weight in our emotional landscape. Society often teaches us to avoid or suppress pain, but what if we shifted our perspective?

    Embracing Pain:
    Callie shares personal insights and stories on how embracing pain has been a transformative journey in her own life. By naming and acknowledging her pain without judgment, creating space for healing and growth.

    Navigating Pain:
    Callie explores and offers practical strategies for navigating pain:
    - Identifying underlying wants or needs behind the pain.
    - Practicing self-compassion and self-validation.
    - Seeking support from loved ones or professionals.
    - Using pain as a catalyst for learning and personal development.

    Cultivating Resilience:
    Embracing pain isn't about wallowing; it's about building resilience and emotional intelligence. Callie discusses tools and practices for cultivating resilience and promoting overall well-being.

    As we wrap up, remember that pain is a natural part of life. Embracing it with courage and compassion can lead to profound growth and healing. In this episode Callie invites you to share your thoughts, comments, questions and experiences on embracing pain for growth and resilience.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Enough Already.

    Stay tuned for more insightful solo conversations on personal development, conscious living, and meaningful connections.

    Huge Love xx

    Drop your comments to @calliecoach on instagram or [email protected].

  • A solo ep to kick of Enough Already Podcast for 2024!!

    Callie unpacks the process of experiencing tangible change.

    Callie breaks down the process into bite sized chunks, hopefully gifting you an embodied practice to take out into your every day life.

    How often do we hear the quote "Life is about the journey, not the destination" - but what is the journey and how do we stay invested and focused on the process when we feel so distant or unsure of what we actually want or what we are moving toward?

    Callie shares 5 steps to embracing the process and experiences tangible change - speaking to real and true relationship challenges that arise for her when swimming in the unknown alongside her Hubby who processes life, challenges and change in a very different way to her.

    This episode is about awareness, permission, getting clear on your non-negotiables, reigniting your meaning and tools to become aware of how you behave in the face of change.

    Let us know what you loved in this Episode by leaving a comment on Callie's instagram page or dropping an email to [email protected] - we love hearing your comments and take-aways

    Remember to hit subscribe and share the podcast with your friends - thank you!

  • Welcome to this deeply grounded and wildly soul stimulating episode with Brittany Laidlaw.

    Britt is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over a decade of experience leading embodied nature-connection programs. Britt holds a Masters of Environment in Somatic Ecology, a Bachelor degree in Sustainable Enterprise, and is currently completing a pioneering PhD in eco-somatics. She is also the Co-Founder of Natureculture, an enterprise which offers immersive programs that reconnect people to the natural world and the wild parts of themselves.
    Within the business, Britt's programs specifically focus on midwifing the dormant potential within women by connecting to the wild feminine. Today, her work primarily focuses on guiding women through The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for conversing with the body, soul, and nature based on her PhD research.
    Prior to this, Britt also co-founded Wildsong, a nature mentoring business for children and families that is currently in evolution and awaiting rebirth.

    Britt talks to what it takes to live having access and approval to all parts of your personal ecology.

    She opens up about what living is about for her and from her persecutive what the purpose of feeling is.

    Giving us a breakdown of her EARTHED framework and how our bodies and emotional experience/sensations can be supported by looking at and connecting to nature.

    If you are yearning to live and move through your world in a more embodied and connected way - this conversation with Britt will be inspirational.

    Love to hear what resonated most for you!

    Big Love
    Cal x


  • In this episode of Enough Already we chat with Tamica Wilder.

    Tamica is a sexologist, author and multi-qualified therapist with a deep passion for teaching women how to re-connect with their power and unapologetic self-expression while giving full permission to shamelessly prioritise pleasure and play.

    Tamica brings over 19 years of facilitation and group work experience and guides with wisdom, compassion, humour and love in all that she does.

    Her work arms you with the tools you need to create lasting and meaningful change and reconnects you with all that's possible inside your feminine embodiment and full, authentic sexual expression.

    We cover the importance of being connected to body, pleasure and inner deep awareness if how tuned in and turned on we are by life, our relationships and our commitments.

    Tamica also talks about the importance of prioritising self-regulation and knowing what she needs to show up to life in a way that feels good.

    We hear how Tamica found her way to becoming a sexologist and her knowing that sexual expression is a key part of whole-being living.

    This is an intimate, fun and deeply open conversation!

    Tamica is a delightful, anchored and expansive energy - enjoy!

    We all yearn for deeper connections and Tamica beautifully talks about how we can honour and prioritise the quality of our relationships through connection.

    Love to hear your takeaways from this episode.

    Cal x

  • This episode of Enough Already we welcome Sophia Leone facilitator, teacher, and mentor of a transformative practise called Authentic Relating.

    Through her business Authentikora, Sophia passionately aims to empower people with the skills and practices to have more enriching, enlivening, and meaningful human relationships. She works in all social domains of life, from the bedroom to the boardroom to create fulfilling, closer connections for the bigger vision- a more beautiful world. Sophia loves nature walks, a good boogie, and doing things slowly with silent reverence.

    This delicious conversation is like balm for the soul - Sophia speaks with such presence, tenderness and passion about the possibilities and peace available in tending to our very real feeling experience in the realm of relating.

    We talk about what Authentic Relating is , who it is for and how it can nourish, elevate and inform your relationships.

    Sophia's natural ability and intentional practiced skillset to stay open and curious makes for a rich, playful and engaged episode.

    If you wonder how you can be more present in the face of conflict, your perceived inadequacies and thrive even through a sense of opposition - this is a great episode to immerse yourself in.

    Sophia offers practical tools and solid observations to carry with you in your day to day.

    Come home to your authenticity with Sophia Leone.

    To lean more into Sophia's work and her Authentic Reality home at Authentikora - head to;




  • In this episode of 'Enough Already' we are joined by Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne.

    Jess is a Psychic Medium based in Melbourne Australia. She has the ability to connect and blend with her client’s energy to identify any current obstacles they may be facing, and provide divine guidance on how to navigate the situation.
    Simultaneously, Jess will connect with her client’s departed loved ones in the spirit world to provide support, comfort, guidance & closure. She reads with laughter, love & compassion and brings spirit forward in their truest form; raw, unfiltered and full of personality, just as you remember them.

    The conversations covers "gut feelings", to following your fascinations and recognising what energy and feelings are not your own.

    We talk about how Jessica started connecting to her abilities and her unwavering willingness to back herself and her curiosity around connecting with messages and energy from those who have passed.

    Jess is an advocate for starting before you feel ready and being willing to take the leap toward the thing you love - Jess shares about her recent decision to leave 9-5 employment and be a full time Psychic Medium and what a gift this has been even through the fear and conditioning.

    This is a raw and unfiltered convo, even Callie's sons iPad makes a cameo ringing in the background near the end because she couldn't find it to turn it off!

    If you are yearning to step outside your thoughts, judgments and clouded mental programming and move away from what you think about yourself to embrace your sensory and energetic support systems - then this episode will bring you the opportunity to re-ground and re-connect to your true spirit.

    Jess shares what she does to stay grounded and to promote more moments of stillness and lightness as she balances playing in the real world and the spirit world.

    Jess conducts her readings online so she can connect with clients all over the world.

    If you would like to connect with Jessica you can follow her on Instagram

    Check out her website

    Or listen to her Top #5 podcast "Talk Spirit To Me" on Spotify or Apple.

  • Join Callie in a heartfelt conversation with Tanya Kitto, a client and dear friend she has shared a coaching container with over the last four years. Tanya reflects on her journey, sharing the profound impact of embracing an ordinary life with self-love and acceptance. Through Tanya's exploration of spirituality and coaching, she discovered the importance of integrating human elements into her self-discovery. The episode explores the transformative power of self-awareness, self-compassion, and the value of commitment to one's authentic self. Tanya highlights the beauty of giving oneself permission to lead an ordinary yet magnificent life, emphasizing the liberation found in self-trust and the ripple effects of personal growth.

    The conversation delves into Tanya's experience with Crohn's disease, her spiritual journey, and the evolution of her relationships. Tanya expresses the profound shift in her interactions, creating a space for authentic conversations and the freedom to explore her truth. The episode concludes with Tanya's powerful permission slip: "It's not selfish to love yourself." This sentiment encapsulates the essence of the coaching container shared by Callie and Tanya—a space for genuine connection, self-discovery, and the celebration of an ordinary life infused with extraordinary moments.


  • Journey with Callie while she unpacks the meaning of life! Ha! What is this thing called life all about? Do you know the meaning of your own life? What is the quality of life you are building, living and creating? Callie talks about the importance of staying curious and attentive to your thoughts, patterning, purpose and values.This episode is peppered with powerful questions to guide you to clarity around your deeper meaning of your own existence.When you outsource your inner knowing it seeds self doubt and worthlessness. What is most important to you? What do you value most? What is your strategy to support and expand what feels most aligned and joyful for you?Here is an opportunity to lean into, discover, reflect and anchor into your personal alignment and power.Your life, your truth - create a rich connection to what life means to you. You are the creator and the creatix of the quality of your life! x

  • In This episode of ENOUGH ALREADY - Callie jumps into a solo snippet on her perspective and thoughts on the over marketed concept of "self-sabotage".

    Callie speaks to the themes of over-thinking and self sabotage - the societal narrative on these qualities vs her embodied sense of what these qualities actually serve.

    Are we actually ever in our own way or are do we simply seek to gain a deeper understanding and experience of what feels true?

    What kind of thinker are you? A practical or creative one? Callie discusses this further.

    If you are longing to think deeper or connect more expansively to your understanding of blocking yourself, sabotaging yourself or over-thinking then this is the episode for you.

    Callie always loves hearing what you gained from this ep - jump over to her INSTAGRAM inbox and share your feedback with her!

  • Callie shares her insights on where we find ourselves as a collective right now. Unpacking rambles from her heart about connection, mothers instincts, intuition and how the current societal model doesn't honour these pieces. Callie chats about the Mother/child connection and how it begins our journey of feeling into our wholeness and innate wisdom.We discuss the the outsourcing of ones inner knowing and instincts from conception. Intervention and medicalisation is the common practice in pregnancy, birth, post partum, breastfeeding, children's health/wellbeing and education - trusting our bodies, instincts and intuition is a practice taken up by the curious ones. We discuss staying curious and willing to take deep personal responsibility for what feels right moment by moment.Once a mother is separated from her intuition it is easier to separate her from her children.This is a reflective conversation about creating a fertile foundation to build our self-esteem, self appreciation and deep self connection.Callie has moments of overwhelm whilst sharing this episode as she plays with pushing the edges of conditioning and popular beliefs.It is not your fault the you do not feel enough - this is the model in which you have been raised and it has conditioned you in believing you can be better, do better and behave better.Callie talks about taking deep personal responsibility for how you respond, choosing connection over teaching and preaching.There is so many directions this discussion could've taken and Callie does her best to contain her passion and energy to bring you a concise and open dialogue around bringing back the instinctual essence, inner trust and innate wisdom we each hold.An unpacking, an exploration and a verbal diarrhea of sorts!

  • Joining us today is the wise, wondrous and wildly connected Dee light. Dee talks with elegance, grit, raw and pure light about being a Woman, a Mother and a Human in this current time in history. Dee unpacks her journey to embracing her "too much" energy and the commitment to raising her frequency in this lifetime. We uncover what it has taken for Dee to fully claim her enough-ness and stand in her own light. Dee talks about trusting in timing and how she is now ready to deliver and gift her legacy to those who are ready to receive it.

  • Callie introduces you to the inspiration for this podcast. Revealing parts of her past that had ignited the relationship and narrative around not feeling enough! Discussing her personal insights on the topic of worthiness and enough-ness. Callie uncovers how important it is to have someone to turn to who see's you, loves you and holds you as capable. We are born enough, we are born whole. Callie talks about the gift of the coaching space and how beneficial it is to have someone in your cornere seeing you in your fullness and divine truth. Know what feels good, know what bring you joy - Callie shares the story of her nervous break-through in her 20's and how this experience made her aware of a deep disconnect to joy and what had her feel good. Have you felt like there is something wrong with you, that you missed out on the "special gene"? Tune in and connect to the insights in this episode and share what is most resonant for you!