Kelimenin Ham Anlamıyla siz kıymetli dinleyenlerimize ortamlarda satmalık çil çil kelimeler, ışıl ışıl etimolojik hikayeler vaat ediyoruz. Bendeniz Ali İhsan İhsan Varol, Podbee Media ile hazırladığımız podcast serimize hoşgeldiniz!
Akademiklink ekibi olarak psikolojiden bilime, kültürden yaşama farklı birçok konuyu eğlenceli ve anlaşılır bir dille ele alıp masaya yatırıyoruz. Her hafta ilgi çekici konular ile biz de artık podcast dünyasındayız! :)
Güven Güzeldere ve konuklarıyla bilim ve felsefe sohbetleri.
Tüm dünyadaki çözülmüş ve çözülmeyi bekleyen cinayet ve kayıp vakalarını beraber incelediğimiz Karanlık Dosyalar'a hoş geldiniz!
Ben Sezgi Aksu, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladığımız bu podcast serisinde dinleyici olarak sizleri davanın içine bir üçüncü şahıs olarak yerleştireceğiz. Meraklısını fazlasıyla doyuracak, daha önce deneyimlememiş olanlar için de bağımlılık yaratacak. Ne dersiniz? Hazırsanız başlayalım.
Hiçbir şeyden emin olmamak lazım.
Deniz Göktaş'a Ayıracak Vaktim Yok, bütün vaktini Deniz Göktaş'a ayırmak zorunda olan birinin, hayat hakkındaki ipe sapa gelmez düşüncelerini anlattığı bir podcast serisidir.
Dünyanın gidişatını ele alan haftalık tartışma ve eğlence podcast'i.
It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.
Hosted by skincare enthusiast James Welsh and professional makeup artist Robert Welsh, The Double Cleanse Podcast gets our listeners involved in a weekly discussion about everything beauty. We will try and cover everything including dealing with pimples, how to perfect your makeup and the realities of social media influencing and advertising.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.
Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content: -
Season 4: When Rhoda Nathan's lifeless body was discovered in her hotel room, it was assumed she'd had a heart attack. The autopsy proved otherwise: Nathan, 67, had been viciously beaten to death, punched so hard by her assailant that two of her teeth had been knocked out. Days later, a hotel employee went to the hospital to be treated for an infection in his hand, which was teeming with a bacteria most often found in human mouths. That, plus a pendant an officer said was discovered in the trunk of his car, sealed the fate of Elwood Jones, who awaits execution on Ohio's death row. For nearly 30 years, Jones has maintained his innocence -- and accused police of straight-up framing him. The journalists of Accused are reexamining the case to learn if Jones truly belongs on death row, or if a botched investigation let someone else get away with murder.
Follow Accused on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or the Wondery App. Start your free trial by visiting now.
Season 3: In 1984, a father of three disappeared while working at a mysterious Cincinnati plant. It turned out he’d met a gruesome fate: Pieces of bone, his eyeglasses and walkie-talkie were uncovered inside a vat that reached 1350 degrees Fahrenheit. Two months later, the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center was revealed to have been processing uranium – and polluting the region. The dead man’s children believe their father was murdered because he intended to expose how the plant had been releasing millions of pounds of uranium dust into the atmosphere. We’re hoping to figure out: Did 39-year-old David Bocks kill himself, as Fernald officials alleged, or was he more likely killed?
Season 2: A soft-hearted prison minister was found killed in her Kentucky apartment, and Newport police zeroed in on an ex-convict she’d counseled. Thirty years later, the conviction is overturned and the case is once again unsolved. The Cincinnati Enquirer investigates: Was William Virgil wrongly convicted for murder?
Season 1: When Elizabeth Andes was found murdered in her Ohio apartment in 1978, police and prosecutors decided within hours it was an open-and-shut case. Two juries disagreed. The Cincinnati Enquirer investigates: Was the right guy charged, or did a killer walk free?
Hosts Nic and the Captain invite you to grab a chair, grab a beer and join them as they talk some true crime. This is no ordinary garage: it’s a rabbit hole of true crime, with a generous supply of alcohol and banter to lighten the load. From international atrocities to heinous stories on (US) home turf, dive head-first into a different case each week, and enjoy a cold one whilst your there.
If you consider yourself an armchair detective, you’re in the right place, and you’re amongst friends. For the mystery-seeker, True Crime Garage presents an archive of missing persons, unsolved and cold cases, plus accounts of infamous serial killers and chilling solved cases.
True Crime Garage has just one rule: don’t litter. Remember to not take yourself too seriously because if you do, nobody else will.
Missing persons (including):
Maura Murray
Brandon Lawson
Asha Degree
Wiliam Tyrell
Emma Fillipoff
Brian Shaffer
Jaliek Rainwalker
Madeleine McCann
Jennifer Kesse
Unsolved cases (including):
Mitrice Richardson
Kendrick Johnson
JonBenet Ramsey
The Delphi murders
OJ Simpson
The Tylenol Murders
Elisa Lam
The Photo: Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon
The West Memphis 3
Amy Mihaljevic
Serial killers (including):
The Long Island Serial Killer (LISK)
Ted Bundy
The Backpacker: Ivan Milat
BTK: Dennis Rader
John Wayne Gacy
Jeffrey Dahmer
Edmund Kemper
Ed Gein
Solved cases (including):
Chris Watts
The Unabomber
John Lennon
Scott Peterson
Son of Sam
Room 309: Sidney Teerhuis-Moar
Kenneka Jenkins
Rae Carruth -
Seks, cinsellik, cinsel sağlık, cinsel şiddet, toplumsal cinsiyet ve hazza dair kavram ve konuların, konuklarla beraber masaya yatırıldığı Mental Klitoris’e hoşgeldiniz. Soru, öneri, (yapıcı) eleştiri ve gevezelik için: [email protected]'a yazabilirsiniz.
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“Felsefenin İzinde” hem zihinsel hem fiziksel bir yolculuğa davetlisiniz! Bu programda, bildiğimizi sandığımız ama muhtemelen yanıldığımız ya da belki de üzerine hiç düşünmediğimiz ama düşünmemiz gereken konuları ele alacağız.
Host | Pelin Dilara Çolak
İçeriklerimizin tamamına kanalınımızdan erişebilirsiniz.
Kanalımızda birçok yerli ve yabancı yazara ait romanlar, öyküler ve şiirler bulabilirsiniz.
Seslendirmeler Zeynep ve Burak Aşkın, çizimlerse Sezen Özyıldız Aşkın tarafından yapılmaktadır... Yeni kitaplarda buluşmak dileğiyle... Sevgiyle kalın... -
Podcast by Kafa Radyo
House of Highlights brings you the ultimate NBA fan podcast, hosted by four childhood friends talking all things NBA both on and off the court. Whether you're a casual fan or live and die for basketball, you won't want to miss Kenny, Pierre, Mike and Darrick bringing their hot takes to the mic, two times a week.
Girişimcilik ve teknoloji hakkında Türkçe bir podcast. Barış Koçdur, Sami Can Tandoğdu ve Tuna Yaprak tarafından sunulmaktadır.
Haftalık yayınlanan bu Podcast’de Zeki Eser ve Emel Caba; sizleri hayatın stresinden biraz olsun uzaklaştırmak, bilgi dağarcığınızı genişletmek, eğlenmek ve eğlendirmek amacıyla hiçbir şeyi ve her şeyi irdeleyecekler. Biraz ondan, biraz da bundan olsun diyorsanız, Organik Beyinler tam size göre...
Nisan Kumru'dan Sesli Öyküler
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