There are some places we just aren't meant to go, and today we have 3 stories that each give us a stark reminder to just "stay away." The audio from all three stories has been pulled from our main YouTube channel, which is just called "MrBallen," and has been remastered for today's podcast.
Story names, previews & links to original YouTube videos:
#3 -- "Not So Lazy River" -- A pair decides to float on a unique body of water (Original YouTube link -- -- "Out on a Limb" -- A search party stumbles onto a morbid discovery (Original YouTube link -- -- "Pope Lick Monster" -- A couple goes looking for a monster in Kentucky (Original YouTube link -- 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
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In the middle of the night on January 25, 2014, 80-year-old Peggy Nadell was sound asleep in her second-story bedroom. But then suddenly her phone began to ring. Peggy woke up startled and looked at the clock – it was after 1 a.m. – and to be getting a call at this house could only mean one thing… bad news. Nervously, Peggy answered the phone and quietly said "hello?" But that phone call would prove to be far worse than anything Peggy could have imagined, and moments after getting that phone call, Peggy would be fighting for her life.
For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
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In February of 2000, a police officer in a small Missouri town stepped into an apartment where a man had just taken his own life. The officer felt bad for the guy, but at the same time, when he walked in there, he fully expected this to be a pretty straightforward case… man commits suicide, the end. However, after walking over to the body, the officer spotted something odd laying on the ground near the dead man's head. It was a book, and it was open to a page with writing on it. The officer knelt down and read what was on the page, and it sent shivers down his spine. Clearly this writing was meant to be found. But before the police officer could flag this to anyone at the scene, another discovery was made. A video tape was found in the dead man’s trash can, and when the police watched it, lets just say they were not prepared for what they saw.
For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
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On April 26, 2002, a man was walking to his apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina when he noticed something moving around in the bushes. The man looked closer, and to his horror, he saw a "Peeping Tom." A person was literally standing there staring in the window of this young girl's bedroom. The man yelled aggressively at the person, which sent them running for their life. When word spread about this incident, residents of the apartment complex were hopeful that the Peeping Tom was so scared from getting caught, that they would never do it again. But unfortunately, the residents would be wrong, because that Peeping Tom was not just being creepy – no, they were also planning something... something evil.
For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
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One night in November 1999, a deputy was driving along a remote mountain road in Southern California when he spotted a car pulled off to the side of the road. The car’s engine was still on, and the passenger side door was open, but there didn't appear to be anyone inside the car. Now this was a very remote road, so the deputy assumed that the driver must be having some sort of car trouble, otherwise, why stop here? So the deputy pulled over his cruiser and began walking over to the car to see if they needed help. But before he reached the car, the deputy noticed something dangling out of the passenger side door. He reflexively put his hand on his holster and walked the last few feet up to the car. And when he finally could see into the car, he just froze. It looked like a set from a horror movie. Except this was not fake.
For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Today’s podcast will feature 3 stories that all involve terrifying encounters in the wild. The audio from all three stories has been pulled from our main YouTube channel, which is just called "MrBallen," and has been remastered for today's podcast.
Story names, previews & links to original YouTube videos:
#3 -- "A Walk In The Woods" -- Two women head into the forest to collect sap, little did they know there was a monster waiting for them (Original YouTube link -- -- "Grizzly Man" -- Bear expert pushes limits (Original YouTube link -- -- "Exposure" -- This story is about a man and his quest to get the perfect photo, he would eventually get it - but it would cost him dearly (Original YouTube link -- 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --
If you want to reach out to me, contact me on Instagram, Twitter or any other major social media platform, my username on all of them is @mrballen
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
I denne episoden gjester Linnéa Myhre Fryktløs. Forfatteren og programlederen forteller om den vanskelige veien til dit hun har kommet nå - om spiseforstyrrelser, søvnløshet og om hva hun egentlig frykter mest.
Førstemann ut er ingen ringere enn Dag Otto Lauritzen. I denne episoden snakker Dag Otto og John om frykt som konsept, om mot og om tøffhet. Dag Otto snakker om tiden som fallskjermjeger og hvorfor Skal vi danse var det tøffeste han har vært med på. OBS - episoden ble spilt inn våren 2023 - før bortgangen til Rolf Lauritzen, faren til Dag Otto. Redaksjonen kondolerer.
Kjøret går for Jan og Einar med turné, TV-innspillinger, business og familieliv, som resulterte i deres raskeste podinnspilling noensinne. De reflekterer over showet i Hønefoss da en firbeint gjest stjal showet. Jan er snart tilgjengelig for trening igjen etter operasjonen sin, mens Einar merker at algoritmene hans har plukket opp at han henger med Jan hver eneste dag.
Produsert av Martin Oftedal, PLAN-B
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In the pilot episode of RUN, FOOL!, our host travels to Minnesota, where he encounters an Ojibwe woman who claims to have survived an encounter with the bloodthirsty snow beast called the Wendigo. But nothing is what it seems.
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Norges forsvarssjef general Eirik Kristoffersen er på besøk hos kapteinen denne uken og de snakker om viktigheten av å ta vare på seg selv for å kunne ta vare på andre, om spesialoperasjoner i Afghanistan og om åpenhet i militæret.
Einar har med seg en pakke mirakelbær i studio, som han fikk tilsendt fra Andreas Wahl (programleder, men først og fremst mirakelbærimportør). Jan har vært på Ellefest og fått med storfint besøk på dragshow. De kan også røpe at de skal tilbake på skjermen som programledere for et flunkende nytt program på TV2!
Produsert av Martin Oftedal, PLAN-B
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Etter lang påske er gutta omsider tilbake! Einar har vært til fjells og nytt en klassisk hyttepåske. Jan er tåkete grunnet årsaker som forklares i podkasten og slapp unna den samme hyttepåsken med et nødskrik.
Produsert av Martin Oftedal, PLAN-B
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.