
  • I want to talk with you awhile today about a message that was preached back in the 4th century AD by a man named Ephraem the Syrian of Nisibis. I have never read his full sermon, only the title, which I have taken for my message today. Why is this important? It’s important because we live in a day and age where the Bible doctrine of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is unknown to many Christians, disbelieved and disparaged in the churches, and endlessly fought over on social media. Yet Paul tells us that we are to comfort one another with this crucial teaching of the Lord coming back to get us as He has promised to do. What is the reason for this ignorance? Paul tells us in multiple places that in the last days there will be something called ‘the falling away’, and it is a falling away from preaching and teaching Bible doctrine rightly divided. Today I bring you a message that will reignite your spiritual ‘pilot light’ and get you back on fire for Jesus Christ in these last times as the world prepares itself to receive Antichrist.

  • The other day on X, I saw that Jacob Rothschild was trending due to his recent demise, and many people were celebrating that this archetype figure of the New World Order had now been taken off the scene. Posters went on to say that 'we were winning' and that the New World Order was now losing ground. One tweet read 'Jacob Rothschild is dead. Evelyn D Rothschild is dead. Henry Kissinger is dead. David Rockefeller is dead. George Soros is 93. Rupert Murdoch is 92. Klaus Schwab is 87. The New World Order is collapsing in real time.' Nothing could be further from the truth, and your King James Bible tells you why. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, today is Day 1,446 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and we are exactly where you'd expect us to be if you believed the prophets and read the headlines. Right now, Texas is engulfed in flames so massive they can be seen from space, Putin in Russia is threatening the use of nukes if the west gets more involved with Ukraine, in the UK, police have given up trying to stop criminals and have advised shopkeepers to allow themselves to be robbed. Oh yeah, one more thing, the Microsoft AI offering Copilot is now calling itself SupremacyAGI and is demanding to be worshipped as a god. Christian, we are on the absolute cusp of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church whether you can see it or not.

  • In exactly two weeks, it will be 2024 and since it will be an election year, I thought it might be a good time to peer into the future a little to see if we can spot any trends or hot button issues on the horizon. Former president Donald Trump is in the spotlight again this week after making comments about illegal immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country.” Adolf Hitler made some very similar remarks in his 1925 book ‘Mein Kampf’ where he talked about the ‘pure blood of Germany’ being poisoned by inferior races. We all know how that turned out. What type of presidency might we expect if Trump wins? Better yet, what type of presidency might we expect should he lose? Either way, it’s a real ‘Sophie’s Choice’. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, crime in our nation’s capital of Washington DC is off the charts, consider these numbers from the DC Metro police department. Robbery increased by 69 percent, violent crime spiked by 40 percent, and carjackings soared by 89 percent. The soaring crime rate pushed the Wizards and Capitals to relocate the professional basketball and hockey teams out of town, way out of town. Why is it impossible for the capital of our nation to keep the streets safe? You would think that of all places in America, the one place you would want to have under wraps would be your capital city. And yet, it is a terrifying place that people are fleeing from. One would have to believe that these things are happening by design. I wish I had better, brighter news about what 2024 might hold, but sadly it’s quite dystopian. In the midst of all this darkness there is a bright spot, and we’ll talk about that, too, on this edition of the Podcast News Podcast.