
  • (0:00) Jason's new brand deal

    (1:18) Bestie updates

    (9:12) "Ligma/Johnson" blunder outside of Twitter HQ

    (15:38) Surge of tech layoffs at Twitter, Stripe, Lyft, Opendoor, Chime and others; preparing for a longer downturn than originally anticipated

    (35:28) Macro trends, big tech freezes hiring, how founders can think about the last 3 years and the next 3 years

    (54:04) Midterm election preview, understanding the shift toward populism

    (1:17:32) Science corner: Understanding Meta's AlphaFold competitor

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  • Mike is away this week, but never fear because we’re lucky enough to have a guest joining us who is one of the wisest heads in the crypto space. Rob Wolff is the man behind Digital Asset News, one of the best crypto-focused YouTube channels out there. Rob is a seasoned investor and businessman, but also the sort of person who never rests on his laurels or stops being curious. As such, what he has to say about the crypto space, about investing and heck, about most things, is always worth hearing.

    So this week, Rob and I dialled in to talk about, well, a lot of things. We cover Rob’s fascinating career up to now and how he discovered crypto. We talk about his five rules for investing which everyone should know and how he’s learned from past mistakes to become wiser and more resilient. We also dive into the current state of the crypto market and where it could be heading. And that’s just for starters.

    Rob is one of crypto’s good guys. He’s bullish on the future of the industry, but doesn’t deal in hype or hopium. His philosophical approach to crypto, to investing and to life in general is just what’s needed in these difficult, uncertain times. A gentleman, a scholar and a damn nice guy into the bargain.

    Digital Asset News, Rob’s brilliant YouTube channel can be found at: and you can follow him on Twitter at @NewsAsset. His website is an amazing source of FREE educational resources about crypto and can be found at

    The book ‘This Time is Different’ that Rob mentions is also essential reading.

    It was an absolute pleasure having Rob on the show and we hope he’ll come back and join us again soon.

    We hope you enjoy the show.

    Executive Producer for iHeartMedia: Noel Brown

    Editor: Sam Moult

    Theme music composed by: Noel Brown

    See for privacy information.

  • Deus já sabe o que é bom para nós, para a nossa família e para a nossa nação. Por que, então, precisamos pedir insistentemente? Qual o sentido de “rezar sempre, e nunca desistir”? Assim como o Deus onipotente quis precisar da súplica de Moisés, Aarão e Ur para dar ao povo de Israel a vitória sobre os amalecitas, também hoje, é por intercessão de Nosso Senhor e de seus sacerdotes que a Igreja obtém e obterá a vitória sobre os inimigos terrenos e os espíritos infernais.

    Assista à homilia dominical do Padre Paulo Ricardo e saiba como participar desse grande combate espiritual.

  • Si beaucoup connaissent l'analyse technique, qui consiste à analyser les cours des cryptomonnaies, peu connaissent sa petite soeur, l'analyse on-chain. Propre à notre écosystème, et permise par la nature de l'audibilité des blockchain, cette activité consiste à analyser les données de la chaîne pour en tirer des informations.  

    Qui possède quoi ? Depuis combien de temps ? Quel est le prix d'achat moyen de l'ensemble du réseau ? Ces informations essentielles sont publiques mais nécessitent d'être déchiffrées.  C'est le rôle de notre analyse, prof chaîne, qui analyse pour Cryptoast chaque semaine ces flux.  Comment cela fonctionne ? Et quels avantages tirer de cette discipline nouvelle ? 

    Bonne écoute, et retrouvez-nous sur 

    Réalisation : Valentin Demé

  • In this episode Mark sits down with Nick Agar, the founder of AXIA—a new digital currency establishing a revolutionary economic paradigm that puts power and opportunity back in the hands of everyday people. Join the pair as they dive into the nuance of the unique hyper-deflationary tokenomics of AXIA and its community-based ecosystem consisting of a suite of apps, encrypted telecom project, as well as a vision for an economy that pays you to be a part of it. Follow along with the AXIA story through the project’s social channels, and join the AXIA movement at and

    AXIA Web

    AXIA Twitter

    AXIA Facebook

    AXIA Telegram

    AXIA Reddit

    AXIA Discord

    AXIA Medium

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  • Para o mundo atual, afundado no indiferentismo religioso, parece desnecessário o conflito travado por Jesus contra os doutores da Lei e os fariseus no Evangelho de hoje. Se tivessem vivido há dois mil anos, muitos sabichões do séc. XXI certamente ousariam dar conselhos ao Senhor, dizendo: “Jesus, não sejas tão intolerante… O importante é crer em alguma coisa. Afinal, religião não se discute”. Mal sabem estes paladinos da “tolerância” que fazem as vezes de instrumentos de Satanás: além de não entrarem no caminho da salvação, tampouco deixam que os outros entrem!

    Assista à homilia do Padre Paulo Ricardo para esta quinta-feira, dia 13 de outubro, e rezemos pela conversão daqueles que querem corrigir Nosso Senhor.

  • It’s time for some more hits from our YouTube channel to brighten your week. Today you’ll hear all about the recent mini financial crisis in the UK and our investigation into a company that could be poised to dominate the crypto industry.

    The UK has a new Prime Minister and a new Chancellor of the Exchequer and it’s safe to say they haven’t got off to the most auspicious of starts. Once parliament had reconvened following the period of mourning for the Queen, Chancellor Kwazi Kwarteng announced a so-called ‘mini budget’ that was focused on growth. The only problem was, this involved borrowing billions of pounds to not just cover soaring energy bills, but also to effectively fund a tax cut for the rich.

    The markets were unimpressed and the pound plunged. What was more disconcerting however was the state of the UK bond market. The yield on UK gilts (government bonds) shot up, while the price went the other way. As a result, it became much, much more expensive for the government to borrow money. It also meant that UK pension funds became dangerously exposed, all of which is explained in the first part of this episode. It’s a sorry tale and a bitter pill for us Brits to swallow.

    Then, in the second part of this episode, you’ll hear all about Circle, the company that is fast becoming one of the richest and most powerful forces in crypto. For those unfamiliar, Circle issues USDC, the second largest stablecoin by market cap. It also has some seriously heavyweight backing from the likes of BlackRock and Goldman Sachs.

    Circle has been around for a few years now and began life as a bitcoin-focused payments company before moving into the stablecoin sector. It is also due to go public later this year, which would make it only the second crypto company after Coinbase to take this massive step. Suffice to say, this is a company you need to be aware of.

    We hope you enjoy the show.

    Producer for iHeartMedia: Noel Brown

    Editor: Semir Mutapcic

    Theme music composed by: Noel Brown

    See for privacy information.

  • Alex Leishman is the founder and CEO of River, a platform for buying Bitcoin that also happens to be one of the largest players on the Lightning Network.

    In our conversation, Alex explained why River launched their Lightning integration way back in 2019, we explored some of the new use cases Taro could unlock on Lightning, and examined the risk-reward tradeoffs of earning yield on Lightning vs. other forms of yield.

    → River:


    → Voltage:

    → ZEBEDEE:

    Before every show, I ask listeners on Twitter to send in their best questions for future guests. I read off all the questions for the guest, and pick one listener to receive a split of the sats earned for the episode.

    To ask a question, send a message, or to support the show, download Fountain from the App Store and load your wallet with a few sats.

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    00:00 - Intro

    02:51 - Alex Leishman Intro

    04:48 - Why Alex Built River

    11:23 - Why River Integrated the Lightning Network

    17:19 - Important Lightning Trends for River

    25:59 - Will River Facilitate Asset Exchanges on Taro?

    35:27 - Lessons Learned from Operating Lightning Routing Nodes

    45:01 - Earning Yield on the Lightning Network

    53:26 - Will Bitcoin Flow to Lightning As Yields Rise?

    57:00 - Risks of Operating a Hot Lightning Wallet

    59:14 - Exponential Lightning Network Growth

    1:01:48 - The Lightning Round