
  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Maya Angelou 生活的好坏不在于我们活得多久,而是我们活出了多少让我们难忘的时刻。(活得久不如活得好。)

    Day 30 问题挑战:

    Write a day in life: what does it look like now that you are living your purpose? How do you feel?


    In the early morning, I wake up from a sweet dream feeling content, knowing that today is another beautiful day to pursue my goals. The first thing I do after getting up is some exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading to energize and calm myself.


    Then, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast to fuel my body with energy. Before starting work, I take some time to write down the day's goals and plans, ensuring I have a clear direction.


    During work hours, I immerse myself fully in my career because I know it's where my talents lie and what I strive for. Whether it's communicating with clients, creating new content, or solving problems, I feel passionate and driven.


    At lunchtime, I enjoy a meal with friends, exchanging stories about life and goals. This relaxing time brings me joy and relaxation.


    In the afternoon, I continue to work hard but also give myself some rest and relaxation time. I might go out to explore a new place and work in a nearby cafe, or read a book to recharge myself.


    After returning home in the evening, I spend quality time with my family or my friends, sharing stories of the day. I feel fulfilled and happy knowing that I am living my purpose and mission.


    Before bedtime, I write down my gratitude and achievements for the day, looking forward to tomorrow's challenges and opportunities. The whole process is filled with joy, satisfaction, and meaning because I know I am pursuing a life that truly makes me happy and fulfilled.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


     "Live by your values, fulfill life's purpose." 活出自己的价值观,成就生命的意义。

    Day 29 问题挑战

    What do you love to do that you're good at, you can be paid for and the world needs? 你喜欢做的事情,你擅长的,你可以从中获得报酬,世界也需要的是什么?

    After a month of soul-searching, I realize that this is the final question in my IKIGAI journey, combining the four major areas to find my life's purpose. And that purpose is: through traveling and the stories that unfold along the way, I can continue to share my lifestyle and creative teaching projects, to spread the power of love and healing, and to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and live passionately!

    经过一个月的灵魂探索,我意识到这是我 IKIGAI 旅程中的最后一个问题,结合了四个主要领域,找到了我生命的目的。而那个目的就是:通过旅行和途中发生的故事,我可以持续分享我的生活方式和创意教学项目,传递爱和疗愈的力量,并激励年轻人追寻梦想,充满热情地生活!



    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

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  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


    Life is about finding your purpose and goals, and the journey itself is part of the happiness.


    Day 28 问题挑战

    What do you love to do that you can be paid for and the world needs?


    One of my greatest passions is traveling. I love exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and lifestyles. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my travel experiences and stories to inspire and influence others through writing or visual media. I believe the world needs more love, healing, and passionate individuals. Therefore, I hope to combine my travel experiences and stories with these values to earn a living. This way, I can use my interests and expertise to make a positive impact on the world while fulfilling my dreams.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


    We only live once, but if we do it right, once is enough. 我们只能活一次,但如果活得精彩,一次足够。

    Day 27 问题挑战:

    What do you love to do that you're good at and the world needs?


    What I love to do and what the world needs often intersect. As I mentioned earlier, the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people. What I enjoy doing is sharing my travel stories, discussing tales of love and healing, and connecting with new friends. Teaching is also something I excel at. Perhaps I can combine these passions by sharing stories of love and healing from my travels and offering teaching sessions to inspire others to embark on their own journeys.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


    “Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.” 人生不是在寻找自己,而是在创造自己。

    Day 26 问题挑战:

    What are you good at that you can be paid for and the world needs?


    I am skilled in teaching, and I can earn a decent income from it. However, I believe that my students don't necessarily need to learn a lot; what they truly need is inspiration, support, and guidance. I think the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people!




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透過我的網站flywithlily.com/30 下載

  • 想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以在FlywithLily.com网站上注册观看系列课,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!

    立即到 Flywithlily.com观看我们系列免费课程,我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!


    "The purpose of life is not to reach the destination, but to enjoy every step of the journey." 成功的人生不是达到目的地,而是享受旅途中的每一步。

    Day 25 问题挑战

    What do you love to do that you are good at and can be paid for? 你喜欢做什么,又擅长且能够获得报酬?

    I love teaching and helping others, and fortunately, I'm skilled at it. Whether it's tutoring, mentoring, or leading workshops, I find fulfillment in sharing knowledge and guiding others to succeed. This is something I can be paid for while doing what I enjoy.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 今日格言:

    "Life's purpose is not to arrive at a destination, but to continuously embark on the journey of self-discovery and growth." 人生的目的不在于抵达某个目的地,而是不断踏上自我探索和成长之旅。

    Day 24 问题挑战:

    How can you align your career or life to support your mission?


    I think aligning my career and life with my mission requires some adjustments in different areas:

    In my podcast, I need to continually emphasize my values and invite guests to share their stories and experiences. This will attract more listeners and expand my influence.

    When selling products and giving speeches, I should highlight how these offerings help people become more passionate and influential. This will attract more customers and audiences.

    In my Lark Lab, I can help improve people's quality of life by providing activities like exercise and gratitude journaling, which align with my mission.

    Overall, I need to continue integrating my values and mission into my work and life in a positive way, and seek opportunities to expand my impact.








    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。


    立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!


    "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.  生命中最反覆不断和迫切的问题是,“你为他人做了什么?”


    "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon 生命就是在你忙于做其他计划时发生的事。

    Day 23 问题挑战:

    How can you give your time, talents and treasure to make an impact?


    Firstly, I need to understand where I can make an impact at the moment. On my podcast, I can spend 20 minutes each day recording episodes and also start doing live broadcasts to provide free solutions to people's problems. Considering that everyone's attention is on social media platforms like IG, FB, TikTok, YT, and Little Red Book, I can also consider posting more positive content on these platforms.

    At work, I can assist others in learning English in better ways, encouraging them to break free from limitations, bravely pursue their dreams, and continue the lifestyle of morning ritual and exercise.

    In terms of wealth, although I don’t have much money at the moment, I can start actively participating in volunteer trips, using my resources to support meaningful projects and help those in need.






    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。


    立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!


    "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.  生命中最反覆不断和迫切的问题是,“你为他人做了什么?”

    Day 22 问题挑战

    What does the world need that you love to do? This is your mission.


    The world needs healing, more love, and passionate young individuals. If I can align my passions with what I believe the world needs, then that is my mission.

    I enjoy learning new things, including languages and anything interesting. Additionally, I am drawn to the realm of personal growth, such as meridian massage, spas, meditation, journaling exercises and self-improvement topics. Discussing love, engaging in volunteer work, and traveling are also my interests. My talents enable me to assist others, whether it's through sharing love, care, language skills, kindness, or experiences.

    Therefore, my mission is to heal others, share wisdom, stories, and experiences, and lead them to help others with their passion and talents!






    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。


    立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!


    "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene  生命不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。

    Day 21 问题挑战:

    Write about what the future would look like if you were paid to change the world.


    If I were paid to change the world, the future would be one where my efforts create a ripple effect of positive transformation. I've always believed that changing the world starts with changing oneself, and as I evolve, I naturally influence those around me.

    Being compensated for my efforts would provide a sense of security, ensuring that my basic needs are met and allowing me to focus entirely on making a difference. When my existence itself becomes a contribution to the world, it would be a perfect state of abundance where everything feels like a miracle.

    Changing the world might seem like a task reserved for presidents or celebrities, but I have no desire to become one of them. Instead, I envision a world where small acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity from countless individuals like myself collectively create a profound impact.

    In this future, the world would be characterized by tranquility and beauty, with each person embracing their unique role in making the world a better place. It would be a state of effortless harmony where positivity radiates from every corner, creating a truly peaceful and fulfilling existence for all.







    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。


    立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!

    "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." - Eleanor Roosevelt

    生命的目的是活着,品味经验到极致,渴望且毫不畏惧地追寻新的、更丰富的经历。 - 埃莉诺·罗斯福

    Day 20 问题挑战

    How would it feel to be paid to make a positive impact in the world?


    In the past, I've always dreamed of changing the world, but I've decided to focus on improving myself to create that positive change. One of the things I've always wanted to be is an international speaker, traveling the world to packed arenas to share my success stories and earn more rewards. Now, I want to do volunteer teaching or participate in meaningful projects around the world. If I could also be paid for it, it would truly feel like being lifted to new heights!




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。


    立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!


    "Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact." - Unknown


    Day 19 问题挑战

    What does the world need that you can be paid for? These are vocations.


    I believe the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people. In the process of creating podcasts, I have used my experience of learning English to help many people pick themselves up again and start learning English, stepping out of their comfort zones. Whether it's pursuing personal growth or embarking on a journey, they have even paid for my courses, becoming my members or students. This has made me realize that I seem to be good at sharing my knowledge and skills through storytelling, and using this to sell products that I believe can help others. If this product can inspire people to take more positive actions and beneficial activities, I would be happy to be involved.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 今日格言:

     "Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." - Tony Robbins 生命是一份礼物,当我们变得更好的时候,它给了我们特权、机会还有回报我们家庭与社会的责任。

    Day 18 问题挑战:

    What would make the world a better place to live in? What does a better world look like?


    I've always believed that the world needs more love, healing energy, and passionate young individuals. A better world is one where there's no division, where everyone cares for, supports, and understands each other. However, I hope to initiate this change from within myself, demonstrating it through actions, and impacting lives with my own life.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

    福来生活 (Fly Lifestyle)的说明会也会在下个礼拜4.15、4.17、4.19 中午举办,请大家在Fly with Lily上注册直播说明会,或关注官方微信Englishfit 或是 官方Line @flywithlily

  • 今日格言:

    "The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others." - Albert Schweitzer  人生的目的是服务,表现慈悲和帮助他人的意愿。

    Day 17 问题挑战:

    What injustices make you angry? How can you improve them?


    Because of my easy-going nature, there aren't many things that truly make me angry. However, I have felt upset in the past with situations where people were treated differently based on their level of willingness to pay for services.. Yet, I must acknowledge that I have also exhibited similar behavior in my own life. For instance, I tend to be more friendly towards my students. I would feel impatient if it's not my students who are taking up my time. This is an area I need to improve upon. Therefore, it's those who are unwilling to contribute but still demand others' time that can make me feel angry. To improve the situation, I could establish clear boundaries and communicate effectively. For instance, I could politely explain to non-students that my time is dedicated to students during certain hours. Additionally, I could schedule my day to allocate specific time slots for student interactions and personal activities. This way, I can ensure that my time is utilized effectively.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 今日格言:

    "The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." - Robert F. Kennedy 生命的目的在于以某种方式促进事情变得更好。

    Day 16 问题挑战

    What does the world need? What causes do you care about?


    The world needs more love, healing, and young people who are passionate about life. As for the social issues I care about, they include topics related to relationships, such as marriage and parenting, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights and social status, as well as mental health and the happiness index of various countries. Additionally, as a digital nomad, I am also concerned about factors such as visa accessibility, safety ratings, and the overall appeal of destinations I can visit.




    L - Lesbian(女同性恋者)

    G - Gay(男同性恋者)

    B - Bisexual(双性恋者)

    T - Transgender(跨性别者)

    Q - Queer(酷儿,性别非二元者)

    延伸符号,代表其他相关身份和社群,如 questioning(对性取向或性别身份感到困惑的人)和其他不包含在上述缩写中的身份。



    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 今日格言:

    "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky 人类存在的神秘之处不在于活着,而在于找到值得活下去的东西。

    Day 15 问题挑战:

    How would it feel to go to work knowing you are being paid to use your strengths?


    It would feel wonderful to go to work knowing that I am being paid to use my strengths. My strengths include being spontaneous, adaptable to new experiences, proficient in English, sociable, responsible, and having rich travel experiences. If I could earn money by leveraging these strengths, I believe it would be a fantastic feeling.




    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

  • 今日格言:

    "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman 别问世界需要什么,问你是什么让你感到活有活力,然后去做。因为世界需要的是那些有活力的人。

    Day 14挑战问题

    What are some examples of times you were paid to do something you are good at?


    Some examples of times I was paid to do something I am good at include:

    1.Teaching English: I earned an hourly rate for tutoring.

    2.Sales work: I earned commissions.

    3.Creating and selling online courses: I directly received revenue from course fees.

    4.University speaking engagements: I shared my experiences of podcast production while traveling globally in recent years and received speaker fees.

    5.Podcast production: In the early stages of podcasting, I also engaged in sponsorships and listener donations.







  • 今日格言

    "Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it." - Buddha 你生命的目的是找到你的目标,并全心全意地投入其中。

    Day 13 问题挑战

    What are you good at that you can also be paid for? These are professions.


    In recent years, I've found that I excel in several areas that also generate income for me. These include English teaching and mentorship programs, such as my early risers club where I guide individuals in establishing beneficial habits like exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading. Additionally, I have a knack for consultancy work, public speaking, and sales.





    微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit

    回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。

    也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载