
  • 耶戶寫信給耶斯列首領
    1 亞哈有七十個兒子在撒馬利亞。耶戶寫信送到撒馬利亞,通知耶斯列的首領,就是長老和教養亞哈眾子的人,說: 2「你們那裏既有你們主人的眾子和車馬、器械、堅固城, 3接了這信,就可以在你們主人的眾子中選擇一個賢能合宜的,使他坐他父親的位,你們也可以為你們主人的家爭戰。」 4他們卻甚懼怕,彼此說:「二王在他面前尚且站立不住,我們怎能站得住呢?」 5家宰、邑宰,和長老,並教養眾子的人,打發人去見耶戶,說:「我們是你的僕人,凡你所吩咐我們的都必遵行,我們不立誰作王,你看怎樣好就怎樣行。」
    6 耶戶又給他們寫信說:「你們若歸順我,聽從我的話,明日這時候,要將你們主人眾子的首級帶到耶斯列來見我。」那時王的兒子七十人都住在教養他們那城中的尊貴人家裏。 7信一到,他們就把王的七十個兒子殺了,將首級裝在筐裏,送到在耶斯列的耶戶那裏。 8有使者來告訴耶戶說:「他們將王眾子的首級送來了。」耶戶說:「將首級在城門口堆作兩堆,擱到明日。」 9次日早晨,耶戶出來,站着對眾民說:「你們都是公義的,我背叛我主人,將他殺了;這些人卻是誰殺的呢? 10由此可知,耶和華指着亞哈家所說的話一句沒有落空,因為耶和華藉他僕人以利亞所說的話都成就了。」 11凡亞哈家在耶斯列所剩下的人和他的大臣、密友、祭司,耶戶盡都殺了,沒有留下一個。
    12 耶戶起身往撒馬利亞去。在路上、牧人剪羊毛之處, 13遇見猶大王亞哈謝的弟兄,問他們說:「你們是誰?」回答說:「我們是亞哈謝的弟兄,現在下去要問王和太后的眾子安。」 14耶戶吩咐說:「活捉他們!」跟從的人就活捉了他們,將他們殺在剪羊毛之處的坑邊,共四十二人,沒有留下一個。
    15 耶戶從那裏前行,恰遇利甲的兒子約拿達來迎接他,耶戶問他安,對他說:「你誠心待我像我誠心待你嗎?」約拿達回答說:「是。」耶戶說:「若是這樣,你向我伸手」,他就伸手;耶戶拉他上車。 16耶戶說:「你和我同去,看我為耶和華怎樣熱心」;於是請他坐在車上, 17到了撒馬利亞,就把撒馬利亞的亞哈家剩下的人都殺了,直到滅盡,正如耶和華對以利亞所說的。
    18 耶戶招聚眾民,對他們說:「亞哈事奉巴力還冷淡,耶戶卻更熱心。 19現在我要給巴力獻大祭。應當叫巴力的眾先知和一切拜巴力的人,並巴力的眾祭司,都到我這裏來,不可缺少一個;凡不來的必不得活。」耶戶這樣行,是用詭計要殺盡拜巴力的人。 20耶戶說:「要為巴力宣告嚴肅會!」於是宣告了。 21耶戶差人走遍以色列地;凡拜巴力的人都來齊了,沒有一個不來的。他們進了巴力廟,巴力廟中從前邊直到後邊都滿了人。 22耶戶吩咐掌管禮服的人說:「拿出禮服來,給一切拜巴力的人穿。」他就拿出禮服來給了他們。 23耶戶和利甲的兒子約拿達進了巴力廟,對拜巴力的人說:「你們察看察看,在你們這裏不可有耶和華的僕人,只可容留拜巴力的人。」 24耶戶和約拿達進去,獻平安祭和燔祭。
    耶戶先安派八十人在廟外,吩咐說:「我將這些人交在你們手中,若有一人脫逃,誰放的必叫他償命!」 25耶戶獻完了燔祭,就出來吩咐護衛兵和眾軍長說:「你們進去殺他們,不容一人出來!」護衛兵和軍長就用刀殺他們,將屍首拋出去,便到巴力廟的城去了, 26將巴力廟中的柱像都拿出來燒了; 27毀壞了巴力柱像,拆毀了巴力廟作為廁所,直到今日。
    28這樣,耶戶在以色列中滅了巴力。 29只是耶戶不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列人陷在罪裏的那罪,就是拜伯特利和但的金牛犢。 30耶和華對耶戶說:「因你辦好我眼中看為正的事,照我的心意待亞哈家,你的子孫必接續你坐以色列的國位,直到四代。」 31只是耶戶不盡心遵守耶和華-以色列神的律法,不離開耶羅波安使以色列人陷在罪裏的那罪。
    32在那些日子,耶和華才割裂以色列國,使哈薛攻擊以色列的境界, 33乃是約旦河東、基列全地,從靠近亞嫩谷邊的亞羅珥起,就是基列和巴珊的迦得人、呂便人、瑪拿西人之地。 34耶戶其餘的事,凡他所行的和他的勇力都寫在以色列諸王記上。 35耶戶與他列祖同睡,葬在撒馬利亞;他兒子約哈斯接續他作王。 36耶戶在撒馬利亞作以色列王二十八年。

  • Ahab’s Family Killed
    1Now there were in Samaria seventy sons of the house of Ahab. So Jehu wrote letters and sent them to Samaria: to the officials of Jezreel, to the elders and to the guardians of Ahab’s children. He said, 2“You have your master’s sons with you and you have chariots and horses, a fortified city and weapons. Now as soon as this letter reaches you, 3choose the best and most worthy of your master’s sons and set him on his father’s throne. Then fight for your master’s house.”
    4But they were terrified and said, “If two kings could not resist him, how can we?”
    5So the palace administrator, the city governor, the elders and the guardians sent this message to Jehu: “We are your servants and we will do anything you say. We will not appoint anyone as king; you do whatever you think best.”
    6Then Jehu wrote them a second letter, saying, “If you are on my side and will obey me, take the heads of your master’s sons and come to me in Jezreel by this time tomorrow.”
    Now the royal princes, seventy of them, were with the leading men of the city, who were rearing them. 7When the letter arrived, these men took the princes and slaughtered all seventy of them. They put their heads in baskets and sent them to Jehu in Jezreel. 8When the messenger arrived, he told Jehu, “They have brought the heads of the princes.”
    Then Jehu ordered, “Put them in two piles at the entrance of the city gate until morning.”
    9The next morning Jehu went out. He stood before all the people and said, “You are innocent. It was I who conspired against my master and killed him, but who killed all these? 10Know, then, that not a word the Lord has spoken against the house of Ahab will fail. The Lord has done what he announced through his servant Elijah.” 11So Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel who remained of the house of Ahab, as well as all his chief men, his close friends and his priests, leaving him no survivor.
    12Jehu then set out and went toward Samaria. At Beth Eked of the Shepherds, 13he met some relatives of Ahaziah king of Judah and asked, “Who are you?”
    They said, “We are relatives of Ahaziah, and we have come down to greet the families of the king and of the queen mother.”
    14“Take them alive!” he ordered. So they took them alive and slaughtered them by the well of Beth Eked—forty-two of them. He left no survivor.
    15After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Rekab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, “Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?”
    “I am,” Jehonadab answered.
    “If so,” said Jehu, “give me your hand.” So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot. 16Jehu said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” Then he had him ride along in his chariot.
    17When Jehu came to Samaria, he killed all who were left there of Ahab’s family; he destroyed them, according to the word of the Lord spoken to Elijah.
    Servants of Baal Killed
    18Then Jehu brought all the people together and said to them, “Ahab served Baal a little; Jehu will serve him much. 19Now summon all the prophets of Baal, all his servants and all his priests. See that no one is missing, because I am going to hold a great sacrifice for Baal. Anyone who fails to come will no longer live.” But Jehu was acting deceptively in order to destroy the servants of Baal.
    20Jehu said, “Call an assembly in honor of Baal.” So they proclaimed it. 21Then he sent word throughout Israel, and all the servants of Baal came; not one stayed away. They crowded into the temple of Baal until it was full from one end to the other. 22And Jehu said to the keeper of the wardrobe, “Bring robes for all the servants of Baal.” So he brought out robes for them.
    23Then Jehu and Jehonadab son of Rekab went into the temple of Baal. Jehu said to the servants of Baal, “Look around and see that no one who serves the Lord is here with you—only servants of Baal.” 24So they went in to make sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had posted eighty men outside with this warning: “If one of you lets an

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  • 以色列王約蘭被殺
    14這樣,寧示的孫子、約沙法的兒子耶戶背叛約蘭。先是約蘭和以色列眾人因為亞蘭王哈薛的緣故,把守基列的拉末; 15但約蘭王回到耶斯列,醫治與亞蘭王哈薛打仗所受的傷。耶戶說:「若合你們的意思,就不容人逃出城往耶斯列報信去。」 16於是耶戶坐車往耶斯列去,因為約蘭病臥在那裏。猶大王亞哈謝已經下去看望他。
    17有一個守望的人站在耶斯列的樓上,看見耶戶帶着一羣人來,就說:「我看見一羣人。」約蘭說:「打發一個騎馬的去迎接他們,問說:平安不平安?」 18騎馬的就去迎接耶戶,說:「王問說,平安不平安?」耶戶說:「平安不平安與你何干?你轉在我後頭吧!」守望的人又說:「使者到了他們那裏,卻不回來。」 19王又打發一個騎馬的去。這人到了他們那裏,說:「王問說,平安不平安?」耶戶說:「平安不平安與你何干?你轉在我後頭吧!」 20守望的人又說:「他到了他們那裏,也不回來;車趕得甚猛,像寧示的孫子耶戶的趕法。」
    21 約蘭吩咐說:「套車!」人就給他套車。以色列王約蘭和猶大王亞哈謝各坐自己的車出去迎接耶戶,在耶斯列人拿伯的田那裏遇見他。 22約蘭見耶戶就說:「耶戶啊,平安嗎?」耶戶說:「你母親耶洗別的淫行邪術這樣多,焉能平安呢?」 23約蘭就轉車逃跑,對亞哈謝說:「亞哈謝啊,反了!」 24耶戶開滿了弓,射中約蘭的脊背,箭從心窩穿出,約蘭就仆倒在車上。 25耶戶對他的軍長畢甲說:「你把他拋在耶斯列人拿伯的田間。你當追想,你我一同坐車跟隨他父亞哈的時候,耶和華對亞哈所說的預言, 26說:『我昨日看見拿伯的血和他眾子的血,我必在這塊田上報應你。』這是耶和華說的,現在你要照着耶和華的話,把他拋在這田間。」
    27 猶大王亞哈謝見這光景,就從園亭之路逃跑。耶戶追趕他,說:「把這人也殺在車上。」到了靠近以伯蓮的姑珥坡上擊傷了他。他逃到米吉多,就死在那裏。 28他的臣僕用車將他的屍首送到耶路撒冷,葬在大衛城他自己的墳墓裏,與他列祖同葬。
    29 亞哈謝登基作猶大王的時候,是在亞哈的兒子約蘭第十一年。
    30 耶戶到了耶斯列;耶洗別聽見就擦粉、梳頭,從窗戶裏往外觀看。 31耶戶進門的時候,耶洗別說:「殺主人的心利啊,平安嗎?」 32耶戶擡頭向窗戶觀看,說:「誰順從我?」有兩三個太監從窗戶往外看他。 33耶戶說:「把她扔下來!」他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上;於是把她踐踏了。 34耶戶進去,吃了喝了,吩咐說:「你們把這被咒詛的婦人葬埋了,因為她是王的女兒。」 35他們就去葬埋她,只尋得她的頭骨和腳,並手掌。 36他們回去告訴耶戶,耶戶說:「這正應驗耶和華藉他僕人提斯比人以利亞所說的話,說:『在耶斯列田間,狗必吃耶洗別的肉; 37耶洗別的屍首必在耶斯列田間如同糞土,甚至人不能說這是耶洗別。』」

  • Jehu Kills Joram and Ahaziah
    14So Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, conspired against Joram. (Now Joram and all Israel had been defending Ramoth Gilead against Hazael king of Aram, 15but King Joram had returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds the Arameans had inflicted on him in the battle with Hazael king of Aram.) Jehu said, “If you desire to make me king, don’t let anyone slip out of the city to go and tell the news in Jezreel.” 16Then he got into his chariot and rode to Jezreel, because Joram was resting there and Ahaziah king of Judah had gone down to see him.
    17When the lookout standing on the tower in Jezreel saw Jehu’s troops approaching, he called out, “I see some troops coming.”
    “Get a horseman,” Joram ordered. “Send him to meet them and ask, ‘Do you come in peace?’ ”
    18The horseman rode off to meet Jehu and said, “This is what the king says: ‘Do you come in peace?’ ”
    “What do you have to do with peace?” Jehu replied. “Fall in behind me.”
    The lookout reported, “The messenger has reached them, but he isn’t coming back.”
    19So the king sent out a second horseman. When he came to them he said, “This is what the king says: ‘Do you come in peace?’ ”
    Jehu replied, “What do you have to do with peace? Fall in behind me.”
    20The lookout reported, “He has reached them, but he isn’t coming back either. The driving is like that of Jehu son of Nimshi—he drives like a maniac.”
    21“Hitch up my chariot,” Joram ordered. And when it was hitched up, Joram king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah rode out, each in his own chariot, to meet Jehu. They met him at the plot of ground that had belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite. 22When Joram saw Jehu he asked, “Have you come in peace, Jehu?”
    “How can there be peace,” Jehu replied, “as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?”
    23Joram turned about and fled, calling out to Ahaziah, “Treachery, Ahaziah!”
    24Then Jehu drew his bow and shot Joram between the shoulders. The arrow pierced his heart and he slumped down in his chariot. 25Jehu said to Bidkar, his chariot officer, “Pick him up and throw him on the field that belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite. Remember how you and I were riding together in chariots behind Ahab his father when the Lord spoke this prophecy against him: 26‘Yesterday I saw the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons, declares the Lord, and I will surely make you pay for it on this plot of ground, declares the Lord.’ Now then, pick him up and throw him on that plot, in accordance with the word of the Lord.”
    27When Ahaziah king of Judah saw what had happened, he fled up the road to Beth Haggan. Jehu chased him, shouting, “Kill him too!” They wounded him in his chariot on the way up to Gur near Ibleam, but he escaped to Megiddo and died there. 28His servants took him by chariot to Jerusalem and buried him with his ancestors in his tomb in the City of David. 29(In the eleventh year of Joram son of Ahab, Ahaziah had become king of Judah.)
    Jezebel Killed
    30Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window. 31As Jehu entered the gate, she asked, “Have you come in peace, you Zimri, you murderer of your master?”
    32He looked up at the window and called out, “Who is on my side? Who?” Two or three eunuchs looked down at him. 33“Throw her down!” Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot.
    34Jehu went in and ate and drank. “Take care of that cursed woman,” he said, “and bury her, for she was a king’s daughter.” 35But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. 36They went back and told Jehu, who said, “This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh. 37Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot at Jezreel, so that no one will be abl

  • 耶戶被膏立為以色列王
    1先知以利沙叫了一個先知門徒來,吩咐他說:「你束上腰,手拿這瓶膏油往基列的拉末去。 2到了那裏,要尋找寧示的孫子、約沙法的兒子耶戶,使他從同僚中起來,帶他進嚴密的屋子, 3將瓶裏的膏油倒在他頭上,說:『耶和華如此說:我膏你作以色列王。』說完了,就開門逃跑,不要遲延。」
    4於是那少年先知往基列的拉末去了。 5到了那裏,看見眾軍長都坐着,就說:「將軍哪,我有話對你說。」耶戶說:「我們眾人裏,你要對哪一個說呢?」回答說:「將軍哪,我要對你說。」 6耶戶就起來,進了屋子,少年人將膏油倒在他頭上,對他說:「耶和華-以色列的神如此說:『我膏你作耶和華民以色列的王。 7你要擊殺你主人亞哈的全家,我好在耶洗別身上伸我僕人眾先知和耶和華一切僕人流血的冤。 8亞哈全家必都滅亡,凡屬亞哈的男丁,無論是困住的、自由的,我必從以色列中剪除, 9使亞哈的家像尼八兒子耶羅波安的家,又像亞希雅兒子巴沙的家。 10耶洗別必在耶斯列田裏被狗所吃,無人葬埋。』」說完了,少年人就開門逃跑了。
    11 耶戶出來,回到他主人的臣僕那裏,有一人問他說:「平安嗎?這狂妄的人來見你有甚麼事呢?」回答說:「你們認得那人,也知道他說甚麼。」 12他們說:「這是假話,你據實地告訴我們。」回答說:「他如此如此對我說。他說:『耶和華如此說:我膏你作以色列王。』」 13他們就急忙各將自己的衣服鋪在上層臺階,使耶戶坐在其上;他們吹角,說:「耶戶作王了!」

  • Jehu Anointed King of Israel
    1The prophet Elisha summoned a man from the company of the prophets and said to him, “Tuck your cloak into your belt, take this flask of olive oil with you and go to Ramoth Gilead. 2When you get there, look for Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. Go to him, get him away from his companions and take him into an inner room. 3Then take the flask and pour the oil on his head and declare, ‘This is what the Lord says: I anoint you king over Israel.’ Then open the door and run; don’t delay!”
    4So the young prophet went to Ramoth Gilead. 5When he arrived, he found the army officers sitting together. “I have a message for you, commander,” he said.
    “For which of us?” asked Jehu.
    “For you, commander,” he replied.
    6Jehu got up and went into the house. Then the prophet poured the oil on Jehu’s head and declared, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anoint you king over the Lord’s people Israel. 7You are to destroy the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the Lord’s servants shed by Jezebel. 8The whole house of Ahab will perish. I will cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel—slave or free. 9I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha son of Ahijah. 10As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and no one will bury her.’ ” Then he opened the door and ran.
    11When Jehu went out to his fellow officers, one of them asked him, “Is everything all right? Why did this maniac come to you?”
    “You know the man and the sort of things he says,” Jehu replied.
    12“That’s not true!” they said. “Tell us.”
    Jehu said, “Here is what he told me: ‘This is what the Lord says: I anoint you king over Israel.’ ”
    13They quickly took their cloaks and spread them under him on the bare steps. Then they blew the trumpet and shouted, “Jehu is king!”

  • 書念的婦人回原住地
    1 以利沙曾對所救活之子的那婦人說:「你和你的全家要起身往你可住的地方去住,因為耶和華命饑荒降在這地七年。」 2婦人就起身,照神人的話帶着全家往非利士地去,住了七年。 3七年完了,那婦人從非利士地回來,就出去為自己的房屋田地哀告王。 4那時王正與神人的僕人基哈西說:「請你將以利沙所行的一切大事告訴我。」 5基哈西告訴王以利沙如何使死人復活,恰巧以利沙所救活、她兒子的那婦人為自己的房屋田地來哀告王。基哈西說:「我主我王,這就是那婦人,這是她的兒子,就是以利沙所救活的。」 6王問那婦人,她就把那事告訴王。於是王為她派一個太監,說:「凡屬這婦人的都還給她,自從她離開本地直到今日,她田地的出產也都還給她。」
    7 以利沙來到大馬士革,亞蘭王便‧哈達正患病。有人告訴王說:「神人來到這裏了。」 8王就吩咐哈薛說:「你帶着禮物去見神人,託他求問耶和華,我這病能好不能好?」 9於是哈薛用四十個駱駝,馱着大馬士革的各樣美物為禮物,去見以利沙。到了他那裏,站在他面前,說:「你兒子亞蘭王便‧哈達打發我來見你,他問說:『我這病能好不能好?』」 10以利沙對哈薛說:「你回去告訴他說,這病必能好;但耶和華指示我,他必要死。」 11神人定睛看着哈薛,甚至他慚愧。神人就哭了; 12哈薛說:「我主為甚麼哭?」回答說:「因為我知道你必苦害以色列人,用火焚燒他們的保障,用刀殺死他們的壯丁,摔死他們的嬰孩,剖開他們的孕婦。」 13哈薛說:「你僕人算甚麼,不過是一條狗,焉能行這大事呢?」以利沙回答說:「耶和華指示我,你必作亞蘭王。」 14哈薛離開以利沙,回去見他的主人。主人問他說:「以利沙對你說甚麼?」回答說:「他告訴我你必能好。」 15次日,哈薛拿被窩浸在水中,蒙住王的臉,王就死了。於是哈薛篡了他的位。

  • Elisha Again Helps the Shunammite Woman
    1 Now Elisha advised the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “You and your family should go and live somewhere else for a while, for the Lord has decreed that a famine will overtake the land for seven years.” 2 So the woman did as the prophet said. She and her family went and lived in the land of the Philistines for seven years. 3 After seven years the woman returned from the land of the Philistines and went to ask the king to give her back her house and field. 4 Now the king was talking to Gehazi, the prophet’s servant, and said, “Tell me all the great things which Elisha has done.” 5 While Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had brought the dead back to life, the woman whose son he had brought back to life came to ask the king for her house and field. Gehazi said, “My master, O king, this is the very woman and this is her son whom Elisha brought back to life!” 6 The king asked the woman about it, and she gave him the details. The king assigned a eunuch to take care of her request and ordered him, “Give her back everything she owns, as well as the amount of crops her field produced from the day she left the land until now.”
    Elisha Meets with Hazael
    7 Elisha traveled to Damascus while King Ben Hadad of Syria was sick. The king was told, “The prophet has come here.” 8 So the king told Hazael, “Take a gift and go visit the prophet. Request from him an oracle from the Lord. Ask him, ‘Will I recover from this sickness?’” 9 So Hazael went to visit Elisha. He took along a gift, as well as forty camel loads of all the fine things of Damascus. When he arrived, he stood before him and said, “Your son, King Ben Hadad of Syria, has sent me to you with this question, ‘Will I recover from this sickness?’” 10 Elisha said to him, “Go and tell him, ‘You will surely recover,’ but the Lord has revealed to me that he will surely die.” 11 Elisha just stared at him until Hazael became uncomfortable. Then the prophet started crying. 12 Hazael asked, “Why are you crying, my master?” He replied, “Because I know the trouble you will cause the Israelites. You will set fire to their fortresses, kill their young men with the sword, smash their children to bits, and rip open their pregnant women.” 13 Hazael said, “How could your servant, who is as insignificant as a dog, accomplish this great military victory?” Elisha answered, “The Lord has revealed to me that you will be the king of Syria.” 14 He left Elisha and went to his master. Ben Hadad asked him, “What did Elisha tell you?” Hazael replied, “He told me you would surely recover.” 15 The next day Hazael took a piece of cloth, dipped it in water, and spread it over Ben Hadad’s face until he died. Then Hazael replaced him as king.

  • 亞蘭軍棄營逃命
    3在城門那裏有四個長大痲瘋的人,他們彼此說:「我們為何坐在這裏等死呢? 4我們若說,進城去吧!城裏有饑荒,必死在那裏;若在這裏坐着不動,也必是死。來吧,我們去投降亞蘭人的軍隊,他們若留我們的活命,就活着;若殺我們,就死了吧!」 5黃昏的時候,他們起來往亞蘭人的營盤去;到了營邊,不見一人在那裏。 6因為主使亞蘭人的軍隊聽見車馬的聲音,是大軍的聲音;他們就彼此說:「這必是以色列王賄買赫人的諸王和埃及人的諸王來攻擊我們。」 7所以,在黃昏的時候他們起來逃跑,撇下帳棚、馬、驢,營盤照舊,只顧逃命。 8那些長大痲瘋的到了營邊,進了帳棚,吃了喝了,且從其中拿出金銀和衣服來,去收藏了;回來又進了一座帳棚,從其中拿出財物來去收藏了。
    9那時,他們彼此說:「我們所做的不好!今日是有好信息的日子,我們竟不作聲!若等到天亮,罪必臨到我們。來吧,我們與王家報信去!」 10他們就去叫守城門的,告訴他們說:「我們到了亞蘭人的營,不見一人在那裏,也無人聲,只有拴着的馬和驢,帳棚都照舊。」 11守城門的叫了眾守門的人來,他們就進去與王家報信。 12王夜間起來,對臣僕說:「我告訴你們亞蘭人向我們如何行。他們知道我們飢餓,所以離營,埋伏在田野,說:『以色列人出城的時候,我們就活捉他們,得以進城。』」 13有一個臣僕對王說:「我們不如用城裏剩下之馬中的五匹馬(馬和城裏剩下的以色列人都是一樣,快要滅絕),打發人去窺探。」 14於是取了兩輛車和馬,王差人去追尋亞蘭軍,說:「你們去窺探窺探。」 15他們就追尋到約旦河,看見滿道上都是亞蘭人急跑時丟棄的衣服器具,使者就回來報告王。
    16眾人就出去,擄掠亞蘭人的營盤。於是一細亞細麵賣銀一舍客勒,二細亞大麥也賣銀一舍客勒,正如耶和華所說的。 17王派攙扶他的那軍長在城門口彈壓,眾人在那裏將他踐踏,他就死了,正如神人在王下來見他的時候所說的。 18神人曾對王說:「明日約到這時候,在撒馬利亞城門口,二細亞大麥要賣銀一舍客勒,一細亞細麵也要賣銀一舍客勒。」 19那軍長對神人說:「即便耶和華使天開了窗戶,也不能有這事。」神人說:「你必親眼看見,卻不得吃。」 20這話果然應驗在他身上;因為眾人在城門口將他踐踏,他就死了。

  • 3 Now four men with a skin disease were sitting at the entrance of the city gate. They said to one another, “Why are we just sitting here waiting to die? 4 If we go into the city, we’ll die of starvation, and if we stay here we’ll die! So come on, let’s defect to the Syrian camp! If they spare us, we’ll live; if they kill us – well, we were going to die anyway.” 5 So they started toward the Syrian camp at dusk. When they reached the edge of the Syrian camp, there was no one there. 6 The Lord had caused the Syrian camp to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a large army. Then they said to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has paid the kings of the Hittites and Egypt to attack us!” 7 So they got up and fled at dusk, leaving behind their tents, horses, and donkeys. They left the camp as it was and ran for their lives. 8 When the men with a skin disease reached the edge of the camp, they entered a tent and had a meal. They also took some silver, gold, and clothes and went and hid it all. Then they went back and entered another tent. They looted it and went and hid what they had taken. 9 Then they said to one another, “It’s not right what we’re doing! This is a day to celebrate, but we haven’t told anyone. If we wait until dawn, we’ll be punished. So come on, let’s go and inform the royal palace.” 10 So they went and called out to the gatekeepers of the city. They told them, “We entered the Syrian camp and there was no one there. We didn’t even hear a man’s voice. But the horses and donkeys are still tied up, and the tents remain up.” 11 The gatekeepers relayed the news to the royal palace.
    12 The king got up in the night and said to his advisers, “I will tell you what the Syrians have done to us. They know we are starving, so they left the camp and hid in the field, thinking, ‘When they come out of the city, we will capture them alive and enter the city.’” 13 One of his advisers replied, “Pick some men and have them take five of the horses that are left in the city. (Even if they are killed, their fate will be no different than that of all the Israelite people – we’re all going to die!) Let’s send them out so we can know for sure what’s going on.” 14 So they picked two horsemen and the king sent them out to track the Syrian army. He ordered them, “Go and find out what’s going on.” 15 So they tracked them as far as the Jordan. The road was filled with clothes and equipment that the Syrians had discarded in their haste. The scouts went back and told the king. 16 Then the people went out and looted the Syrian camp. A seah of finely milled flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, just as the Lord had said they would.
    17 Now the king had placed the officer who was his right-hand man at the city gate. When the people rushed out, they trampled him to death in the gate. This fulfilled the prophet’s word which he had spoken when the king tried to arrest him. 18 The prophet told the king, “Two seahs of barley will sell for a shekel, and a seah of finely milled flour for a shekel; this will happen about this time tomorrow in the gate of Samaria.” 19 But the officer replied to the prophet, “Look, even if the Lord made it rain by opening holes in the sky, could this happen so soon?” Elisha said, “Look, you will see it happen with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of the food!” 20 This is exactly what happened to him. The people trampled him to death in the city gate.

  • 圍困撒馬利亞
    24此後,亞蘭王便‧哈達聚集他的全軍,上來圍困撒馬利亞。 25於是撒馬利亞被圍困,有饑荒,甚至一個驢頭值銀八十舍客勒,二升鴿子糞值銀五舍客勒。 26一日,以色列王在城上經過,有一個婦人向他呼叫說:「我主,我王啊!求你幫助。」 27王說:「耶和華不幫助你,我從何處幫助你?是從禾場,是從酒醡呢?」 28王問婦人說:「你有甚麼苦處?」她回答說:「這婦人對我說:『將你的兒子取來,我們今日可以吃,明日可以吃我的兒子。』 29我們就煮了我的兒子吃了。次日我對她說:『要將你的兒子取來,我們可以吃。』她卻將她的兒子藏起來了。」 30王聽見婦人的話,就撕裂衣服;(王在城上經過)百姓看見王貼身穿着麻衣。 31王說:「我今日若容沙法的兒子以利沙的頭仍在他項上,願神重重地降罰與我!」
    32那時,以利沙正坐在家中,長老也與他同坐。王打發一個伺候他的人去;他還沒有到,以利沙對長老說:「你們看這兇手之子,打發人來斬我的頭;你們看着使者來到,就關上門,用門將他推出去。在他後頭不是有他主人腳步的響聲嗎?」 33正說話的時候,使者來到,王也到了,說:「這災禍是從耶和華那裏來的,我何必再仰望耶和華呢?」

    1 以利沙說:「你們要聽耶和華的話,耶和華如此說:明日約到這時候,在撒馬利亞城門口,一細亞細麵要賣銀一舍客勒,二細亞大麥也要賣銀一舍客勒。」 2有一個攙扶王的軍長對神人說:「即便耶和華使天開了窗戶,也不能有這事。」以利沙說:「你必親眼看見,卻不得吃。」

  • The Lord Saves Samaria
    24 Later King Ben Hadad of Syria assembled his entire army and attacked and besieged Samaria. 25 Samaria’s food supply ran out. They laid siege to it so long that a donkey’s head was selling for eighty shekels of silver and a quarter of a kab of dove’s droppings for five shekels of silver.
    26 While the king of Israel was passing by on the city wall, a woman shouted to him, “Help us, my master, O king!” 27 He replied, “No, let the Lord help you. How can I help you? The threshing floor and winepress are empty.” 28 Then the king asked her, “What’s your problem?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Hand over your son; we’ll eat him today and then eat my son tomorrow.’ 29 So we boiled my son and ate him. Then I said to her the next day, ‘Hand over your son and we’ll eat him.’ But she hid her son!” 30 When the king heard what the woman said, he tore his clothes. As he was passing by on the wall, the people could see he was wearing sackcloth under his clothes. 31 Then he said, “May God judge me severely if Elisha son of Shaphat still has his head by the end of the day!”
    32 Now Elisha was sitting in his house with the community leaders. The king sent a messenger on ahead, but before he arrived, Elisha said to the leaders, “Do you realize this assassin intends to cut off my head?” Look, when the messenger arrives, shut the door and lean against it. His master will certainly be right behind him.” 33 He was still talking to them when the messenger approached and said, “Look, the Lord is responsible for this disaster! Why should I continue to wait for the Lord to help?”

    1 Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord says, ‘About this time tomorrow a seah of finely milled flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.’” 2 An officer who was the king’s right-hand man responded to the prophet, “Look, even if the Lord made it rain by opening holes in the sky, could this happen so soon?” Elisha said, “Look, you will see it happen with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of the food!”

  • 找回斧子的頭
    1先知門徒對以利沙說:「看哪,我們同你所住的地方過於窄小, 2求你容我們往約旦河去,各人從那裏取一根木料建造房屋居住。」他說:「你們去吧!」 3有一人說:「求你與僕人同去。」回答說:「我可以去。」 4於是以利沙與他們同去。到了約旦河,就砍伐樹木。 5有一人砍樹的時候,斧頭掉在水裏,他就呼叫說:「哀哉!我主啊,這斧子是借的。」 6神人問說:「掉在哪裏了?」他將那地方指給以利沙看。以利沙砍了一根木頭,拋在水裏,斧頭就漂上來了。 7以利沙說:「拿起來吧!」那人就伸手拿起來了。
    8 亞蘭王與以色列人爭戰,和他的臣僕商議說:「我要在某處某處安營。」 9神人打發人去見以色列王,說:「你要謹慎,不要從某處經過,因為亞蘭人從那裏下來了。」 10以色列王差人去窺探神人所告訴所警戒他去的地方,就防備未受其害,不止一兩次。
    11 亞蘭王因這事心裏驚疑,召了臣僕來,對他們說:「我們這裏有誰幫助以色列王,你們不指給我嗎?」 12有一個臣僕說:「我主,我王!無人幫助他,只有以色列中的先知以利沙,將王在臥房所說的話告訴以色列王了。」 13王說:「你們去探他在哪裏,我好打發人去捉拿他。」有人告訴王說:「他在多坍。」 14王就打發車馬和大軍往那裏去,夜間到了,圍困那城。
    15神人的僕人清早起來出去,看見車馬軍兵圍困了城。僕人對神人說:「哀哉!我主啊,我們怎樣行才好呢?」 16神人說:「不要懼怕!與我們同在的比與他們同在的更多。」 17以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這少年人的眼目,使他能看見。」耶和華開他的眼目,他就看見滿山有火車火馬圍繞以利沙。 18敵人下到以利沙那裏,以利沙禱告耶和華說:「求你使這些人的眼目昏迷。」耶和華就照以利沙的話,使他們的眼目昏迷。 19以利沙對他們說:「這不是那道,也不是那城;你們跟我去,我必領你們到所尋找的人那裏。」於是領他們到了撒馬利亞。
    20他們進了撒馬利亞,以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這些人的眼目,使他們能看見。」耶和華開他們的眼目,他們就看見了,不料,是在撒馬利亞的城中。 21以色列王見了他們,就問以利沙說:「我父啊,我可以擊殺他們嗎?」 22回答說:「不可擊殺他們!就是你用刀用弓擄來的,豈可擊殺他們嗎?當在他們面前設擺飲食,使他們吃喝回到他們的主人那裏。」 23王就為他們預備了許多食物;他們吃喝完了,打發他們回到他們主人那裏。從此,亞蘭軍不再犯以色列境了。

  • Elisha Makes an Ax Head Float
    1 Some of the prophets said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we meet with you is too cramped for us. 2 Let’s go to the Jordan. Each of us will get a log from there and we will build a meeting place for ourselves there.” He said, “Go.” 3 One of them said, “Please come along with your servants.” He replied, “All right, I’ll come.” 4 So he went with them. When they arrived at the Jordan, they started cutting down trees. 5 As one of them was felling a log, the ax head dropped into the water. He shouted, “Oh no, my master! It was borrowed!” 6 The prophet asked, “Where did it drop in?” When he showed him the spot, Elisha cut off a branch, threw it in at that spot, and made the ax head float. 7 He said, “Lift it out.” So he reached out his hand and grabbed it.
    Elisha Defeats an Army
    8 Now the king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his advisers, who said, “Invade at such and such a place.” 9 But the prophet sent this message to the king of Israel, “Make sure you don’t pass through this place because Syria is invading there.” 10 So the king of Israel sent a message to the place the prophet had pointed out, warning it to be on its guard. This happened on several occasions. 11 This made the king of Syria upset. So he summoned his advisers and said to them, “One of us must be helping the king of Israel.” 12 One of his advisers said, “No, my master, O king. The prophet Elisha who lives in Israel keeps telling the king of Israel the things you say in your bedroom.” 13 The king ordered, “Go, find out where he is, so I can send some men to capture him.” The king was told, “He is in Dothan.” 14 So he sent horses and chariots there, along with a good-sized army. They arrived during the night and surrounded the city.
    15 The prophet’s attendant got up early in the morning. When he went outside there was an army surrounding the city, along with horses and chariots. He said to Elisha, “Oh no, my master! What will we do?” 16 He replied, “Don’t be afraid, for our side outnumbers them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes so he can see.” The Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw that the hill was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18 As they approached him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike these people with blindness.” The Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha requested. 19 Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the right road or city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you’re looking for.” He led them to Samaria.
    20 When they had entered Samaria, Elisha said, “O Lord, open their eyes, so they can see.” The Lord opened their eyes and they saw that they were in the middle of Samaria. 21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Should I strike them down, my master?” 22 He replied, “Do not strike them down! You did not capture them with your sword or bow, so what gives you the right to strike them down? Give them some food and water, so they can eat and drink and then go back to their master.” 23 So he threw a big banquet for them and they ate and drank. Then he sent them back to their master. After that no Syrian raiding parties again invaded the land of Israel.

  • 乃縵得醫治
    1 亞蘭王的元帥乃縵在他主人面前為尊為大,因耶和華曾藉他使亞蘭人得勝;他又是大能的勇士,只是長了大痲瘋。 2先前亞蘭人成羣地出去,從以色列國擄了一個小女子,這女子就服事乃縵的妻。 3她對主母說:「巴不得我主人去見撒馬利亞的先知,必能治好他的大痲瘋。」 4乃縵進去,告訴他主人說,以色列國的女子如此如此說。 5亞蘭王說:「你可以去,我也達信於以色列王。」於是乃縵帶銀子十他連得,金子六千舍客勒,衣裳十套,就去了; 6且帶信給以色列王,信上說:「我打發臣僕乃縵去見你,你接到這信,就要治好他的大痲瘋。」 7以色列王看了信就撕裂衣服,說:「我豈是神,能使人死使人活呢?這人竟打發人來,叫我治好他的大痲瘋。你們看一看,這人何以尋隙攻擊我呢?」
    8神人以利沙聽見以色列王撕裂衣服,就打發人去見王,說:「你為甚麼撕了衣服呢?可使那人到我這裏來,他就知道以色列中有先知了。」 9於是,乃縵帶着車馬到了以利沙的家,站在門前。 10以利沙打發一個使者,對乃縵說:「你去在約旦河中沐浴七回,你的肉就必復原,而得潔淨。」 11乃縵卻發怒走了,說:「我想他必定出來見我,站着求告耶和華-他神的名,在患處以上搖手,治好這大痲瘋。 12大馬士革的河亞罷拿和法珥法豈不比以色列的一切水更好嗎?我在那裏沐浴不得潔淨嗎?」於是氣忿忿地轉身去了。 13他的僕人進前來,對他說:「我父啊,先知若吩咐你做一件大事,你豈不做嗎?何況說你去沐浴而得潔淨呢?」 14於是乃縵下去,照着神人的話,在約旦河裏沐浴七回;他的肉復原,好像小孩子的肉,他就潔淨了。
    15 乃縵帶着一切跟隨他的人,回到神人那裏,站在他面前,說:「如今我知道,除了以色列之外,普天下沒有神。現在求你收點僕人的禮物。」 16以利沙說:「我指着所事奉永生的耶和華起誓,我必不受。」乃縵再三地求他,他卻不受。 17乃縵說:「你若不肯受,請將兩騾子馱的土賜給僕人。從今以後,僕人必不再將燔祭或平安祭獻與別神,只獻給耶和華。 18惟有一件事,願耶和華饒恕你僕人:我主人進臨門廟叩拜的時候,我用手攙他在臨門廟,我也屈身。我在臨門廟屈身的這事,願耶和華饒恕我。」 19以利沙對他說:「你可以平平安安地回去!」
    乃縵就離開他去了;走了不遠, 20神人以利沙的僕人基哈西心裏說:「我主人不願從這亞蘭人乃縵手裏受他帶來的禮物,我指着永生的耶和華起誓,我必跑去追上他,向他要些。」 21於是基哈西追趕乃縵。乃縵看見有人追趕,就急忙下車迎着他,說:「都平安嗎?」 22說:「都平安。我主人打發我來說:『剛才有兩個少年人,是先知門徒,從以法蓮山地來見我,請你賜他們一他連得銀子,兩套衣裳。』」 23乃縵說:「請受二他連得」;再三地請受,便將二他連得銀子裝在兩個口袋裏,又將兩套衣裳交給兩個僕人;他們就在基哈西前頭擡着走。 24到了山岡,基哈西從他們手中接過來,放在屋裏,打發他們回去。 25基哈西進去,站在他主人面前。以利沙問他說:「基哈西你從哪裏來?」回答說:「僕人沒有往哪裏去。」 26以利沙對他說:「那人下車轉回迎你的時候,我的心豈沒有去呢?這豈是受銀子、衣裳、買橄欖園、葡萄園、牛羊、僕婢的時候呢? 27因此,乃縵的大痲瘋必沾染你和你的後裔,直到永遠。」基哈西從以利沙面前退出去,就長了大痲瘋,像雪那樣白。

  • 2 Kings 5
    Elisha Heals a Syrian General
    1 Now Naaman, the commander of the king of Syria’s army, was esteemed and respected by his master, for through him the Lord had given Syria military victories. But this great warrior had a skin disease. 2 Raiding parties went out from Syria and took captive from the land of Israel a young girl, who became a servant to Naaman’s wife. 3 She told her mistress, “If only my master were in the presence of the prophet who is in Samaria! Then he would cure him of his skin disease.”
    4 Naaman went and told his master what the girl from the land of Israel had said. 5 The king of Syria said, “Go! I will send a letter to the king of Israel.” So Naaman went, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten suits of clothes. 6 He brought the letter to king of Israel. It read: “This is a letter of introduction for my servant Naaman, whom I have sent to be cured of his skin disease.” 7 When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, “Am I God? Can I kill or restore life? Why does he ask me to cure a man of his skin disease? Certainly you must see that he is looking for an excuse to fight me!”
    8 When Elisha the prophet heard that the king had torn his clothes, he sent this message to the king, “Why did you tear your clothes? Send him to me so he may know there is a prophet in Israel.” 9 So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood in the doorway of Elisha’s house. 10 Elisha sent out a messenger who told him, “Go and wash seven times in the Jordan; your skin will be restored and you will be healed.” 11 Naaman went away angry. He said, “Look, I thought for sure he would come out, stand there, invoke the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the area, and cure the skin disease. 12 The rivers of Damascus, the Abana and Pharpar, are better than any of the waters of Israel! Could I not wash in them and be healed?” So he turned around and went away angry. 13 His servants approached and said to him, “O master, if the prophet had told you to do some difficult task, you would have been willing to do it. It seems you should be happy that he simply said, “Wash and you will be healed.” 14 So he went down and dipped in the Jordan seven times, as the prophet had instructed. His skin became as smooth as a young child’s and he was healed.
    15 He and his entire entourage returned to the prophet. Naaman came and stood before him. He said, “For sure I know that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel! Now, please accept a gift from your servant.” 16 But Elisha replied, “As certainly as the Lord lives (whom I serve), I will take nothing from you.” Naaman insisted that he take it, but he refused. 17 Naaman said, “If not, then please give your servant a load of dirt, enough for a pair of mules to carry, for your servant will never again offer a burnt offering or sacrifice to a god other than the Lord. 18 May the Lord forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the temple of Rimmon to worship, and he leans on my arm and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord forgive your servant for this.” 19 Elisha said to him, “Go in peace.”
    When he had gone a short distance, 20 Gehazi, the prophet Elisha’s servant, thought, “Look, my master did not accept what this Syrian Naaman offered him. As certainly as the Lord lives, I will run after him and accept something from him.” 21 So Gehazi ran after Naaman. When Naaman saw someone running after him, he got down from his chariot to meet him and asked, “Is everything all right?” 22 He answered, “Everything is fine. My master sent me with this message, ‘Look, two servants of the prophets just arrived from the Ephraimite hill country. Please give them a talent of silver and two suits of clothes.’” 23 Naaman said, “Please accept two talents of silver. He insisted, and tied up two talents of silver in two bags, along with two suits of clothes. He gave them to two of his servants and they carried t

  • 列王記下 4:18-44

    18孩子漸漸長大,一日到他父親和收割的人那裏, 19他對父親說:「我的頭啊,我的頭啊!」他父親對僕人說:「把他抱到他母親那裏。」 20僕人抱去,交給他母親;孩子坐在母親的膝上,到晌午就死了。 21他母親抱他上了樓,將他放在神人的牀上,關上門出來, 22呼叫她丈夫說:「你叫一個僕人給我牽一匹驢來,我要快快地去見神人,就回來。」 23丈夫說:「今日不是月朔,也不是安息日,你為何要去見他呢?」婦人說:「平安無事。」 24於是備上驢,對僕人說:「你快快趕着走,我若不吩咐你,就不要遲慢。」 25婦人就往迦密山去見神人。
    神人遠遠地看見她,對僕人基哈西說:「看哪,書念的婦人來了! 26你跑去迎接她,問她說:你平安嗎?你丈夫平安嗎?孩子平安嗎?」她說:「平安。」 27婦人上了山,到神人那裏,就抱住神人的腳。基哈西前來要推開她,神人說:「由她吧!因為她心裏愁苦,耶和華向我隱瞞,沒有指示我。」 28婦人說:「我何嘗向我主求過兒子呢?我豈沒有說過,不要欺哄我嗎?」 29以利沙吩咐基哈西說:「你束上腰,手拿我的杖前去;若遇見人,不要向他問安;人若向你問安,也不要回答;要把我的杖放在孩子臉上。」 30孩子的母親說:「我指着永生的耶和華,又敢在你面前起誓,我必不離開你。」於是以利沙起身,隨着她去了。 31基哈西先去,把杖放在孩子臉上,卻沒有聲音,也沒有動靜。基哈西就迎着以利沙回來,告訴他說:「孩子還沒有醒過來。」
    32 以利沙來到,進了屋子,看見孩子死了,放在自己的牀上。 33他就關上門,只有自己和孩子在裏面,他便祈禱耶和華, 34上牀伏在孩子身上,口對口,眼對眼,手對手;既伏在孩子身上,孩子的身體就漸漸溫和了。 35然後他下來,在屋裏來往走了一趟,又上去伏在孩子身上,孩子打了七個噴嚏,就睜開眼睛了。 36以利沙叫基哈西說:「你叫這書念婦人來」;於是叫了她來。以利沙說:「將你兒子抱起來。」 37婦人就進來,在以利沙腳前俯伏於地,抱起她兒子出去了。
    38 以利沙又來到吉甲,那地正有饑荒。先知門徒坐在他面前,他吩咐僕人說:「你將大鍋放在火上,給先知門徒熬湯。」 39有一個人去到田野掐菜,遇見一棵野瓜籐,就摘了一兜野瓜回來,切了擱在熬湯的鍋中,因為他們不知道是甚麼東西; 40倒出來給眾人吃,吃的時候,都喊叫說:「神人哪,鍋中有致死的毒物!」所以眾人不能吃了。 41以利沙說:「拿點麵來」,就把麵撒在鍋中,說:「倒出來,給眾人吃吧!」鍋中就沒有毒了。
    42有一個人從巴力‧沙利沙來,帶着初熟大麥做的餅二十個,並新穗子,裝在口袋裏送給神人。神人說:「把這些給眾人吃。」 43僕人說:「這一點豈可擺給一百人吃呢?」以利沙說:「你只管給眾人吃吧!因為耶和華如此說,眾人必吃了,還剩下。」 44僕人就擺在眾人面前,他們吃了,果然還剩下,正如耶和華所說的。

  • 2 Kings 4:18-44
    18 The boy grew and one day he went out to see his father who was with the harvest workers. 19 He said to his father, “My head! My head!” His father told a servant, “Carry him to his mother.” 20 So he picked him up and took him to his mother. He sat on her lap until noon and then died. 21 She went up and laid him down on the prophet’s bed. She shut the door behind her and left. 22 She called to her husband, “Send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, so I can go see the prophet quickly and then return.” 23 He said, “Why do you want to go see him today? It is not the new moon or the Sabbath.” She said, “Everything’s fine.” 24 She saddled the donkey and told her servant, “Lead on. Do not stop unless I say so.”
    25 So she went to visit the prophet at Mount Carmel. When he saw her at a distance, he said to his servant Gehazi, “Look, it’s the Shunammite woman. 26 Now, run to meet her and ask her, ‘Are you well? Are your husband and the boy well?’” She told Gehazi, “Everything’s fine.” 27 But when she reached the prophet on the mountain, she grabbed hold of his feet. Gehazi came near to push her away, but the prophet said, “Leave her alone, for she is very upset. The Lord has kept the matter hidden from me; he didn’t tell me about it.” 28 She said, “Did I ask my master for a son? Didn’t I say, ‘Don’t mislead me?’” 29 Elisha told Gehazi, “Tuck your robes into your belt, take my staff, and go! Don’t stop to exchange greetings with anyone! Place my staff on the child’s face.” 30 The mother of the child said, “As certainly as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So Elisha got up and followed her back.
    31 Now Gehazi went on ahead of them. He placed the staff on the child’s face, but there was no sound or response. When he came back to Elisha he told him, “The child did not wake up.” 32 When Elisha arrived at the house, there was the child lying dead on his bed. 33 He went in by himself and closed the door. Then he prayed to the Lord. 34 He got up on the bed and spread his body out over the boy; he put his mouth on the boy’s mouth, his eyes over the boy’s eyes, and the palms of his hands against the boy’s palms. He bent down over him, and the boy’s skin grew warm. 35 Elisha went back and walked around in the house. Then he got up on the bed again and bent down over him. The child sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. 36 Elisha called to Gehazi and said, “Get the Shunammite woman.” So he did so and she came to him. He said to her, “Take your son.” 37 She came in, fell at his feet, and bowed down. Then she picked up her son and left.
    Elisha Makes a Meal Edible
    38 Now Elisha went back to Gilgal, while there was famine in the land. Some of the prophets were visiting him and he told his servant, “Put the big pot on the fire and boil some stew for the prophets.” 39 Someone went out to the field to gather some herbs and found a wild vine. He picked some of its fruit, enough to fill up the fold of his robe. He came back, cut it up, and threw the slices into the stew pot, not knowing they were harmful. 40 The stew was poured out for the men to eat. When they ate some of the stew, they cried out, “Death is in the pot, O prophet!” They could not eat it. 41 He said, “Get some flour.” Then he threw it into the pot and said, “Now pour some out for the men so they may eat.” There was no longer anything harmful in the pot.
    Elisha Miraculously Feeds a Hundred People
    42 Now a man from Baal Shalisha brought some food for the prophet – twenty loaves of bread made from the firstfruits of the barley harvest, as well as fresh ears of grain. Elisha said, “Set it before the people so they may eat.” 43 But his attendant said, “How can I feed a hundred men with this?” He replied, “Set it before the people so they may eat, for this is what the Lord says, ‘They will eat and have some left over.’” 44 So he set it before them; they ate and had some left over, just as the Lord predicted.

  • 以利沙幫助一個窮寡婦
    1有一個先知門徒的妻哀求以利沙說:「你僕人-我丈夫死了,他敬畏耶和華是你所知道的。現在有債主來,要取我兩個兒子作奴僕。」 2以利沙問她說:「我可以為你做甚麼呢?你告訴我,你家裏有甚麼?」她說:「婢女家中除了一瓶油之外,沒有甚麼。」 3以利沙說:「你去,向你眾鄰舍借空器皿,不要少借; 4回到家裏,關上門,你和你兒子在裏面將油倒在所有的器皿裏,倒滿了的放在一邊。」 5於是,婦人離開以利沙去了,關上門,自己和兒子在裏面;兒子把器皿拿來,她就倒油。 6器皿都滿了,她對兒子說:「再給我拿器皿來。」兒子說:「再沒有器皿了。」油就止住了。 7婦人去告訴神人,神人說:「你去賣油還債,所剩的你和你兒子可以靠着度日。」
    8一日,以利沙走到書念,在那裏有一個大戶的婦人強留他吃飯。此後,以利沙每從那裏經過就進去吃飯。 9婦人對丈夫說:「我看出那常從我們這裏經過的是聖潔的神人。 10我們可以為他在牆上蓋一間小樓,在其中安放牀榻、桌子、椅子、燈臺,他來到我們這裏,就可以住在其間。」
    11一日,以利沙來到那裏,就進了那樓躺臥。 12以利沙吩咐僕人基哈西說:「你叫這書念婦人來。」他就把婦人叫了來,婦人站在以利沙面前。 13以利沙吩咐僕人說:「你對她說:你既為我們費了許多心思,可以為你做甚麼呢?你向王或元帥有所求的沒有?」她回答說:「我在我本鄉安居無事。」 14以利沙對僕人說:「究竟當為她做甚麼呢?」基哈西說:「她沒有兒子,她丈夫也老了。」 15以利沙說:「再叫她來。」於是叫了她來,她就站在門口。 16以利沙說:「明年到這時候,你必抱一個兒子。」她說:「神人,我主啊,不要那樣欺哄婢女。」 17婦人果然懷孕,到了那時候,生了一個兒子,正如以利沙所說的。

  • The Widow’s Oil
    1Now one of the wives of a man of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha [for help], saying “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant [reverently] feared the Lord; but the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves [in payment for a loan].” 2Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have [of value] in the house?” She said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a [small] jar of [olive] oil.” 3Then he said, “Go, borrow containers from all your neighbors, empty containers—and not just a few. 4Then you shall go in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour out [the oil you have] into all these containers, and you shall set aside each one when it is full.” 5So she left him and shut the door behind her and her sons; they were bringing her the containers as she poured [the oil]. 6When the containers were all full, she said to her son, “Bring me another container.” And he said to her, “There is not a one left.” Then the oil stopped [multiplying]. 7Then she came and told the man of God. He said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”
    The Shunammite Woman
    8Now there came a day when Elisha went over to Shunem, where there was a prominent and influential woman, and she persuaded him to eat a meal. Afterward, whenever he passed by, he stopped there for a meal. 9She said to her husband, “Behold, I sense that this is a holy man of God who frequently passes our way. 10Please, let us make a small, fully-walled upper room [on the housetop] and put a bed there for him, with a table, a chair, and a lampstand. Then whenever he comes to visit us, he can turn in there.”
    11One day he came there and turned in to the upper room and lay down to rest. 12And he said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite.” So he called her and she stood before him. 13Now he said to Gehazi, “Say to her now, ‘You have gone to all this trouble for us; what can I do for you? Would you like to be mentioned to the king or to the captain of the army?’ ” She answered, “I live among my own people [in peace and security and need no special favors].” 14Later Elisha said, “What then is to be done for her?” Gehazi answered, “Well, she has no son and her husband is old.” 15He said, “Call her.” So Gehazi called her, and she [came and] stood in the doorway. 16Elisha said, “At this season next year, you will embrace a son.” She said, “No, my lord. O man of God, do not lie to your maidservant.”
    17But the woman conceived and gave birth to a son at that season the next year, just as Elisha had said to her.