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Hi Lulu, hi, everyone.
What about cats? I know for a fact that black cats are seen as witches’ familiars. Yeah. So is it actually a bad thing if you see a black cat crossing your path in the UK.
Some people still believe that, I have to admit if I'm on the way to an exam or if I'm doing something very important and a black cat tries to walk across my path, I do tend to........shoo it away, or trying to scare it away.
You're like not superstitious but you're somewhat superstitious.
I don't want to .
You do not wanna jinx it.
I don't wanna tempt fate.
You don't wanna tempt fate. Yes, now to tempt fate here is a little bit like in Chinese we say宁可信其有不可信其无。
Yeah, but you also got some lores about big cats not just cat cat.
Well yeah, but these are based on modern folklore. So these are called ABCs, Alien Big Cats.
Why alien, not alien ET.
Alien as in foreign. So these creatures are described as being similar to panthers, leopards or pumas. Now this is a little bit of an urban legend. This is kind of more modern folklore. But there have been sightings of big cats in Britain and these have been reported for decades when cows, sheeps have been killed. They found strange paw prints in remote areas.
This is so weird. I mean you don't have any wild live population of these cats.
This is the thing, theories about the origin of these big cats, normally come from animals that were released after the dangerous wild animals act of 1976. So before then rich people could keep pumas, leopards.
So now it's illegal to keep these exotic animals, even if you're super rich,
Well you need to get a license.
They probably can get a license.
So some people say actually maybe these are the creatures that were released by the pet owners.
They can't just release them on the streets of England.
It does happen, it does happen.
This is ridiculous.
But they don't release them on the streets. For example, there's the Beast of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, which is.
Oh I think I've been there, Bodmin, there's a jail there, right?
There's a jail. There is a very, very mysterious part of the UK, very bleak, lots of fog, lots of mist.
Hello again and Happy New Year everyone.
So back to New Year's day, I think this is appropriate time for us to revisit the topic of New Year Resolution. 今天的节目里我们就再来谈谈 New Year Resolution.
In English New Year Resolution is a plan that you make on the first day of theNew Year or the beginning of the New Year that you wish to keep throughout the year.
基本上就是我们说的年初立的一个flag。我相信大家在年初多多少少都会立这样那样的flag. Did you know that on average, only 8% of people actually keep their new year's resolutions.
So if you didn't manage to keep last year's resolutions. Relax, it's very, very normal.
So each and every January we make all these big plans for the new year ahead, for example, I need to lose weight, going to the gym. And then you join a gym in the beginning of January. Usually people just give up in February.
So why then do we keep going around in circles? Why do we always try to make plans on the new year's day, only to give up these goals, perhaps in the following months.
Are there any ways to help us really live up to our New Year's Resolutions? That's what we're going to talk about today.
First of all, let's take a look at the most popular New Year's Resolutions people make, and then break.
Things include lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking or stop eating certain things, quit drinking, eat healthier, earn more money, read more books. Sound familiar? We've all made and quit at least one of these resolutions in the past.
The thing is I'm all for New Year's resolutions. And I do make them myself. This whole idea of starting anew is very tempting.
They also keep us more focused. The reason why we can't keep them, it's because we're often doing it the wrong way.
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Happy Hour. 欢迎回来酒馆.
Hi, 安澜.
Hi, lulu, hi everyone.
You think we're gonna talk about Britain under the microscope today, aren't you?
Well, I think most people are thinking about that.
Actually I'm thinking about bringing you on to more regular shows. Since I am a bit bored.
Well, I'm fine with that. Does it come with a pay rise?
Everything is a pay rise for you.
Then pay me money.
All right. 我们以后很多的节目会改成这种对谈的模式, 即使不是在讨论闲话英伦, 我们也希望安澜能够跟我一起来做这个节目.
So leave us comment in the comment section, first of all, about how you like this idea, how do you like this idea?
You didn't answer my question about the pay rise.
Let's move on to the topic today.
You always say that.
As some of you know, we just got back from Japan from Kyoto.
So I thought I would like to propose a very interesting topic.
Before we do that, I am going to ask you a question. How is your Japanese 安澜?
So you can order a hot coffee.
I can order a hot coffee.
What about beer?
Hi everyone, and welcome back to Happy Hour. 欢迎回来酒馆.
Hi, 安澜.
Hi, lulu, hi everyone.
You think we're gonna talk about Britain under the microscope today, aren't you?
Well, I think most people are thinking about that.
Actually I'm thinking about bringing you on to more regular shows. Since I am a bit bored.
Well, I'm fine with that. Does it come with a pay rise?
Everything is a pay rise for you.
Then pay me money.
All right. 我们以后很多的节目会改成这种对谈的模式, 即使不是在讨论闲话英伦, 我们也希望安澜能够跟我一起来做这个节目.
So leave us comment in the comment section, first of all, about how you like this idea, how do you like this idea?
You didn't answer my question about the pay rise.
Let's move on to the topic today.
You always say that.
As some of you know, we just got back from Japan from Kyoto.
So I thought I would like to propose a very interesting topic.
Before we do that, I am going to ask you a question. How is your Japanese 安澜?
So you can order a hot coffee.
I can order a hot coffee.
What about beer?
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