
  • 【聊了什么 The What】 新新人类紧急召集!🎶各种颜色的皮肤,各种颜色的头发,嘴里念的说的开始流行中国话🎵 谁能料到,由于TikTok可能会被美国封禁,上百万的“洋抖难民”突然涌入小红书,一周之内完全改变了小红书的内容和用户生态。有的中国用户积极帮忙翻译,有的中国创作者利用这个机会吸了一波粉,但也有不少人在吐槽外国人的受欢迎程度或者小红书一夜变味的观感。 不少听众朋友们都希望我们来聊聊这个现象,因此我们紧急录制了第六期播客,想探讨为什么是小红书在这一刻承接住了泼天的流量,为什么这种突发的、充满了不确定性的中美交流让我们更加怀念互联网1.0时代,以及小红书这样的好日子还能过多久。我们请到了隔壁《大波福娃》播客的主播小苕串台,作为一个在小红书兼职营业的创作者,聊聊她亲身经历的这个“亿洋迁徙”时刻。 Who could have guessed? With the looming possibility of TikTok getting banned in the U.S., millions of “TikTok refugees” have suddenly flooded Xiaohongshu, completely transforming its content ecosystem in just a week. Some Chinese users are helping with translations, while local creators are seizing the opportunity to rake in new followers. Yet, plenty of others are grumbling about how popular the newcomers are—or lamenting how Xiaohongshu feels so “off” overnight. Many of our listeners have asked us to unpack this phenomenon, so we rushed to record episode 06. We’re diving into why Xiaohongshu became the go-to platform for TikTok refugees, how such unpredictable events make us nostalgic for the Internet 1.0 era, and just how long Xiaohongshu can sustain its virality. We’ve invited Shao, host of the Dat Beauvoir podcast and a part-time creator on Xiaohongshu herself, to join us and share her firsthand experience of this epic TikTok exile to Xiaohongshu. 【时间轴 The When】 15:18 小红书官方对这个意外事件的反应 20:02 TT难民为什么选择来到小红书而不是Instagram、Lemon8、抖音 37:08 如何理解小红书原生用户对外国人的不满情绪 44:46 外国“老嫂子”在小红书迅速找准定位 50:20 难得的互联网“真人味儿” wholesome 时刻 54:13 接下来故事怎么收尾?难民会留在小红书吗? 15:18 Xiaohongshu’s official reaction to the unexpected development 20:02 Why did these “TikTok refugees” choose Xiaohongshu instead of Instagram, Lemon8, or Douyin? 37:08 Unpacking the grievances from Chinese users of Xiaohongshu 44:46 How a foreigner immediately found his niche on the platform 50:20 The rare, wholesome, genuine internet moment that is now 54:13 How will the story end? Will the refugees stay? 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 小苕:一颗泛薯类,最近的自我认同是夜市上的旋风大土豆,《大波福娃》主播 【拓展链接 The Links】 小红书用户:大牙 中国红脖(BigTooth),@Daya_Redneck 小红书用户:Joey,@Joeynoble 美国记者Ryan Broderick对TT难民为什么选中小红书的考证:https://www.garbageday.email/p/america-s-youth-longs-for-chinese-e-commerce 《今生缘》在TT是怎么火起来的:https://www.whatsonweibo.com/the-chinese-viral-tiktok-song-explained-no-its-not-about-samsung/ 《大波福娃》播客 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 2024年底的美国大选之后,社交媒体平台迎来了一次“大迁徙”:数以百万计的用户离开了X(推特),寻找可能的替代产品。在这个过程中,一个叫做Bluesky(蓝天)的平台脱颖而出,一时间吸引了大量新用户和外界的关注。 Bluesky到底是一个什么样的平台,和推特有什么相似和不同之处?去中心化是否真能解决平台治理的困境?在社交媒体日益碎片化的今天,一个统一的公共对话空间还有可能存在吗?在本期节目中,我们深入分析了以Bluesky和Threads为首的新兴文字社交平台,讨论了各自的使用体验,以及那个所有人最关注的问题:推特能够被取代吗? After the 2024 U.S. elections, social media witnessed a "mass migration" as millions of users left X (formerly Twitter) in search of alternative platforms. Amid this shift, a platform called Bluesky emerged, quickly drawing a surge of new users and external attention. What exactly is Bluesky, and how does it compare to Twitter in terms of similarities and differences? Can decentralization genuinely solve the governance challenges of these platforms? In an era of increasingly fragmented social media, is a unified public discourse space still possible? In this episode, we delve into emerging text-based social platforms like Bluesky and Threads, discussing their user experiences and addressing the most pressing question on everyone's mind: Can Twitter be replaced? 【时间轴 The When】 00:01:51 大选后的社交媒体大迁徙 00:07:11 2023年社交媒体的百花齐放与洗牌 00:14:10 Bluesky的用户增长奇迹 00:49:42 Threads的数据与实际使用感受的差距 01:09:01 谁能真正取代推特?核心用户的重要性 00:01:51 The Post-Election Social Media Migration 00:07:11 The Proliferation and Shake-Up of Social Media in 2023 00:14:10 Bluesky’s Remarkable User Growth 00:49:42 The Gap Between Threads’ Data and Actual User Experience 01:09:01 Who Can Truly Replace Twitter? The Importance of Core Users 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 【拓展链接 The Links】 The Vergecast: Bluesky’s quest to be the next Twitter On with Kara Swisher: Leaving X? Where Next? On Bluesky, Threads and the “Fediverse” The Verge: Federation is the future of social media, says Bluesky CEO Jay Graber MIT Technology Review: Why Threads is Suddenly Popular in Taiwan 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]

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  • 【聊了什么The What】 如果要在2024年这个节点提名硅谷现在最有影响力也最具争议性的人物,应该很少有人能和伊隆·马斯克竞争。无论是他创立的特斯拉、spacex等公司,还是他在收购社交媒体推特以后所做的一系列出格动作,和最近的保守转向,都让他稳稳坐在硅谷话题榜的首位。 这个毁誉参半的超级科技领袖是一个充满矛盾的人。爱他的人认为他是硅谷的救世主,一位真正不受当今世界思想定式和传统规训的天才。但恨他的人觉得他是一个冲动,自私,厌女和狂妄的小丑。但不管他到底是哪一个,不可否认的是马斯克已经超越了普通的商业人物和科技领袖,成为了一个职业公众人物,也是我们这个时代被大众津津乐道的神话和隐喻。 马斯克到底是一个什么样的人?我们应该怎样评价他?从他的传记,新闻作品和对掌控自己叙事的迷恋中,我们能看到今天硅谷的哪些不满?在本期节目中。新新人类的三位主播安蕤,马修和一闻与嘉宾Afra一起,试图在这些扑朔迷离的叙事中看到这位超级科技偶像的底色。 If we had to name the most influential and controversial figure in Silicon Valley in 2024, few would come close to Elon Musk. Whether it's through companies he founded, like Tesla and SpaceX, or the series of bold moves he made after acquiring the social media platform Twitter, followed by his recent conservative shift, Musk firmly holds the top spot on Silicon Valley’s list of talking points. This larger-than-life tech leader is a bundle of contradictions. Supporters see him as the savior of Silicon Valley, a true genius who’s unafraid to break free from conventional thinking. But critics argue that he’s impulsive, selfish, misogynistic; an arrogant clown. Whichever side you’re on, there’s no denying Musk has gone beyond being just another business mogul — he’s become a public figure, a myth, and a kind of cultural metaphor for our times. What kind of person is Musk, really? How should we assess him? What can we learn about Silicon Valley’s current discontents from his biographies, the media coverage, and his obsession with controlling his own narrative? In this episode, Anrui, Matthew, and Yiwen — along with guest Afra, attempt to peel back the layers of mystique around Musk, to uncover the essence of his character. 【时间轴 The When】 04:20 天才还是疯子:马斯克形象的两面性 20:04 从PayPal到SpaceX:马斯克的商业帝国如何建立 36:28 推特收购案:神话开始破碎的转折点 54:28 硅谷的政治转向与马斯克的右倾 01:18:31 反思"马斯克主义":技术精通但心智未成熟的时代 04:20 The controversial perception of Musk 20:04 From PayPal to SpaceX 36:28 Twitter acquisition: when the myth began to crumble 54:28 Is Elon leading a right shift of silicon valley’s political ideology 01:18:31 Reflecting on “Muskism” 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 Afra:一个科技行业从业者 【拓展链接 The Links】 Elon Musk by Walter Issacson 中文版:《埃隆·马斯克传》沃尔特·艾萨克森著 ,刘佳琦译,中信出版社 The Surreal Case of a CIA Hacker’s Revenge - Patrick Radden Keefe Character Limit by Kate Conger & Ryan Mac The X-Man – Jill Lepore 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 这一期节目里,两位从小看网文长大的主播马修和一闻终于有机会交流他们当年痴迷网文的故事。从男频到女频,唐家三少到水千丞,沧月到郭敬明,晋江到知乎,马修和一闻给严肃文学爱好者安蕤一点点科普网文的前世今生,最后安蕤才意识到她其实也看过不少网文,只不过是以纸质书的形式。 让我们没想到的是,当年专属于年轻人的 guilty pleasure 竟然一步步发展成了价值千亿的文化产业,原本的 txt 文件和文字中的人物变成了现在全球大火的电视剧和一线明星,我们的消费方式也从白嫖变成付费,单章购买变成付费订阅,结果又被互联网大厂带回免费阅读时代。到了今天,没有几个人能逃过网文的文化影响,网文不再是只配在被窝里看的小众爱好了,那它算不算完成了对严肃文学的复仇? In this episode, Matthew and Yiwen finally got the chance to exchange their stories of webnovel obsession. We gave Anrui, a fan of serious literature, a crash course on the past and future of webnovels—genres, top authors, online platforms—only for Anrui to realize that she has, indeed, read webnovels too. The development trajectory of webnovels has exceeded our wildest imagination. It grew from a guilty pleasure exclusive to young people to a cultural industry worth billions of dollars. What was once .txt files and the characters within them have now transformed into globally popular TV shows and A-list celebrities. Our consumption habits have also evolved from reading for free to paying, from single-chapter purchases to subscription models; now, big techs have brought us back to the era of free reading. Today, few can escape the cultural influence of webnovels. It’s no longer just a niche hobby—so has it, in a sense, taken its revenge on serious literature? 【时间轴 The When】 01:45 聊聊当年在被窝里看小说的日子 07:20 网文入门指南,男频、女频、耽美、凡人流这些都是什么 17:12 爽感与羞耻感:为什么我们觉得网文上不了台面? 21:54 网文率先开发出健康的内容付费生态 36:06 万物皆可网文:Lofter、最小说、甚至知乎?! 48:35 男读者和女读者眼里不同的耽美文 01:01:55 火遍全球的《陈情令》 1:13:24 灵魂之问:网文登上大雅之堂了吗? 01:45 Who hasn’t read webnovels past bedtime as a teenager 07:20 Webnovel 101: WTH are “nanpin,” “nüpin,” “danmei,” and “fanreliu”? 17:12 The pleasure and shame of a webnovel reader 21:54 How webnovel built a sustainable monetization business model 36:06 Reading webnovels on the most unlikely platforms: Lofter, Top Novel, and Zhihu?! 48:35 Danmei literature in the eyes of men and women 01:01:55 The unstoppable success of The Untamed 01:13:24 The million-dollar question: Are webnovels considered highbrow now? 【拓展链接 The Links】 品玩:喊了几年免费的网文,现在又开始要收你钱了 Vox记者Aja Romano对《陈情令》的英文报道 嘻嘻里买家俱乐部:网文世界源远流长,最后依旧起点飞升与晋江水长 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 新新人类的三位主播都是小红书重度用户。在这期播客中,安蕤,一闻和马修坐下聊了聊这个不知不觉中已经与我们的生活不可分割的软件。从2013年成立至今,小红书已经不仅仅是一个社交媒体应用,更是一个具有搜索引擎性质的,庞大且多元的内容宇宙。我们几个从最初的怀疑到最终的沉迷,在到现在的“万事可问小红书”,小红书到底是怎么养我们的? 从产品角度来说,小红书是中国的 Instagram 吗?为什么双列信息流这么有效?这些功能如何促成社区感和信任感?为什么海外复刻小红书的尝试屡败屡战?从文化影响来说,小红书如何塑造了中国年轻人消费和分享信息的方式? 在小红书上,我们见证了娱乐圈“真人”的兴起、算法语言的流行和对于审美文化的过度追求——这究竟是好是坏?小红书让我们都完犊子了吗? In this episode, we're diving into Xiaohongshu (RED), the app that has become deeply intertwined with our daily lives. It's more than just a social media app; it's a massive universe where people can find information, share experiences, and seek inspiration for all aspects of life—from discovering the best restaurants in Beijing to seeking advice dealing with DMV in LA. Is Xiaohongshu China's Instagram? Why is the parallel feed layout so effective? How do these features foster a sense of community and trust? We also discussed its cultural impact: how has Xiaohongshu shaped the way urban Chinese youth share and consume information? 【时间轴 The When】 05:15 从海淘攻略到搜索引擎——小红书的演变 11:31 在小红书上发帖的心理和对算法的信任 22:34 为什么海外还没出现类似小红书的产品? 30:50 小红书上的"算法语言AlgoSpeak"和美貌焦虑文化 49:52 种草文化导致的同质化和软文泛滥:搜索引擎的信任危机? 42:10 分享最近在小红书上看到的有趣内容 05:15 - Xiaohongshu's evolution: From overseas shopping guide to search engine 11:31 - The psychology behind posting on Xiaohongshu and trust in its algorithm 22:34 - Why hasn't a similar product to Xiaohongshu emerged overseas? 30:50 - "AlgoSpeak" on Xiaohongshu and the culture of beauty anxiety 49:52 - Homogenization and sponsored content overload: A crisis of trust in search engines? 42:10 - Sharing recent interesting content found on Xiaohongshu 【拓展链接 The Links】 小红书十年:从小众需求到大众生活 小红书曲折的商业化之路 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 与网络一起长大的我们,终于忍不住要对播客下手了。我们(安蕤、马修和一闻)是三个生活在美国的新生代科技记者。毫不夸张地说,我们的成长经历是和互联网、科技以及社交媒体密不可分的。那么,从古早Windows游戏到人工智能应用,我们与技术的关系经历了什么样的变化?我们又是怎么成为科技记者的?当科技从边缘走向中心,谁能定义科技新闻的边界?在平台重塑媒体格局的今天,如何讲述一个更立体的科技故事?这期节目是我们的自我介绍,也是我们对这档播客的未来的畅想。如果这是你第一次发现我们:欢迎来到新新人类播客,我们是你的网上邻居。 We have a podcast! We—Anrui, Matthew, and Yiwen—are three Gen-Zish tech reporters who grew up in China and now live in the U.S. It’s no exaggeration to say that our formative years were deeply intertwined with the internet, technology, and social media. So, how has our relationship with technology evolved, from early Windows games to AI applications? How did we become tech reporters? As technology shifts from the fringes to the mainstream, who gets to define the boundaries of tech journalism? And in an era where platforms are reshaping the media landscape, how can we tell more multidimensional stories about technology? This episode is our self-introduction and a glimpse into our vision for this podcast. If this is your first time discovering us: welcome to Pixel Perfect. We’re your neighbors on the internet. 【时间轴 The When】 00:03:02 老年Gen Z的互联网记忆:从QQ空间到电脑机房 00:14:51 长大以后成为科技记者的偶然与必然 00:23:31 媒体,社交媒体和新时代信息获取方式的革命性转变 00:31:03 硅谷与科技媒体关系的演变 00:49:30 对中文科技媒体的观察 00:56:37 科技报道的本质:不止于技术本身的思考 01:14:32 播客的愿景:提供不爹的科技观察视角 00:03:02 Memories of the internet as an older Gen Z: From QQ Space to computer labs 00:14:51 The coincidences and inevitabilities of becoming a tech journalist 00:23:31 Media, social media, and the revolutionary changes in how we access information 00:31:03 The evolution of the relationship between Silicon Valley and tech media 00:49:30 Observations on Chinese tech media 00:56:37 The essence of tech reporting: Thoughts beyond the technology itself 01:14:32 The vision for the podcast: Offering a non-condescending perspective on tech observations 【拓展链接 The Links】 Taylor Lorenz – User Mag Interneting with Amanda Hess 人物 - 外卖骑手,困在系统里 【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者 【支持我们 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意支持我们: 海外用户:patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl 海内用户:afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: patreon.com/c/pixelperfect_xxrl Those in China: afdian.com/a/pixelperfectpod Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]