
  • Two years ago I overheard a conversation at a local farmers' market about Clam Gardens.

    Being a nosy podcast host, I eavesdropped, eventually inserted myself, and got some contact information.

    Today I caught up with Ala̱g̱a̱mił Nicole Norris, of Halalt First Nation on what's now known as Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

    Nicole is a Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, Intergovernmental Communicator, Cultural Support Worker; knowledge holder, and language preserver for the Hul’qumi’num.

    She's also incredibly fun to talk to and not afraid to get deep and trippy from the beginning, as you will soon hear.

    I had several shifts in understanding during our interview, especially around how we as humans relate to the other species around us, as well as how we relate to our ancestors and our descendants.

    Let's jump in.


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    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • In this episode I present what I learned from William Ury's The Third Side.

    The basic idea is that our communities and societies are the most important element in developing an effective conflict management system, and that the essence of being effect is to exert peer pressure on resolving the conflict instead of taking the "side" of any of the parties.

    Hence, the 3rd side...

    (For the video version, go here: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes)


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


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  • For the last few months I've been reflecting on How to Prevent a Civil War.

    Here's why I think we need to act:
    - It is in the avowed interests of multiple powerful actors -- both inside and outside of the US -- to foment widespread discord, confusion, and animosity.
    - The logical conclusion of widespread discord, confusion, and animosity is civil war.
    - The people working on this have lots of resources and effective technology (ie AI chatbots) at their disposal.

    Basically, in absence of our concerted actions, things are going to get worse.

    The most effective tool I have come to so far is conversation.

    Honest, deep, vulnerable, heart-opening conversation.

    This podcast is V1 of a model I'm playing with that I'd like to try out.

    (For the video version, go here: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes)


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • The concept I want to present today is the Six Dimensions of Conflict, which comes up in Chapters 2 and 3 of The Crossroads of Conflict by Ken Cloke.

    Ken has a model where he breaks down conflict and how we approach it into six areas, and then looks at that sextet from 4 different angles:

    - Orders of Resolution
    - Math/Geometry
    - Location in the body
    - Mediation style


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • As part of my journey towards understanding what brings us together and what keeps us apart, today I want to share three examples of social dialogue I learned about in the past couple of weeks. I will resist the temptation to draw conclusions prematurely, but just let us all ruminate together with these three examples.

    The first is from Nelson Mandela's autobiography -- Long Walk to Freedom (PDF) -- which I'm currently reading.

    The second is a description of traditional dispute resolution in pre-partition Punjab from a recent interview I did with Somia Sadiq.

    (From: http://10kh.show/00117-every-conflict-hides-a-story-with-somia-sadiq
    28:30 - 31:30)

    And the third is from a listener who called me yesterday and shared his experiences with a facilitator named Bob Chadwick. I'll share a little bit of what I learned in the call and then read a passage from Chadwick that I found online.

    (From: Bob Chadwick, https://managingwholes.com/chadwick.htm/)

    So, I don't know how you see yourself in this moment, but I see you as someone, like me, who is interested in and capable of preventing a civil war. Someone whose actions or inaction will have a lot of consequences where you live, not just this year or this election cycle, but for the next generation and the next phase in our social development.


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • As Lao Tzu used to say:

    "Do the hard thing while it is still easy."

    According to my guest, Ward Hayes Wilson, it's a pretty good time to work on nuclear disarmament.

    This is precisely the opposite of all my reflections on the issues, which usually end in hopeless shrugging and attempts to resign myself towards guaranteed nuclear annihilation.

    (Much harder when you have kids!)

    Ward has a very different take, which is rooted in 30 years of obsessive study of the issue and the fundamental premise -- which he has confirmed will military leaders around the world -- that nuclear weapons are simply not useful for warfare.

    Bonus: He's also smart, hilarious, and does great accents.

    (For the video version, go here: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes)


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • Somia Sadiq is a peacebuilder and entrepreneur focused on Conflict Transformation. Our conversation was so wide-ranging I thought it would be worth a brief rundown of what we covered: - Resilience and Fasting - Definitions: Settler and Newcomer - Identity politics - Ancestral guilt and shame - How to approach history (and history of oppression) without guilt - The role of public apologies - The limits of apologies - The necessary components of an apology - intentionality - acceptance of harm - remorse - how it impacted you - Description of traditional mediation in Punjab (from her grandparents' house) - Highlights from William Ury's The Third Side: Community as the Conflict Management System - What makes something feel fair? - Is taking sides ethical? - How do global conflicts affect our individual experience? - What do people mean by "trauma-informed"? - The Mice and the Cherry Blossoms Experiment - Trauma vs Agency and Free Will While it was a stellar interview, I have to say my favorite moment was her story at the end. Listen for it. 🦸‍♀️🦸🏾🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏿🦸 ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes. ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again. http://tenthousandheroes.club

  • Casper ter Kuile is like a better version of myself.

    He's on a mission to rescue spiritual truths from religious dogma to fill the voids in modern life.

    We talk about what atheism and spirituality mean to us, gain inspiration from a John O'Donahue essay on "The Priestliness of the Human Heart," discuss the current struggles in El Salvador (and how to handle it), and finally, I broach the topic of:

    How To Prevent A Civil War.

    If you're concerned about the divisiveness in our culture and want to do something about it, I suggest you tune in ;)


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • Wolf Sherman has dealt with excruciating pain 24/7 since being hit by a car a couple of years ago.

    The relationships he has developed between pain, drugs, and gratitude struck me as something every single one of us can learn from.

    We also get into modern masculinity and communication with whales.

    Yeah, You heard me right.



    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • In this episode, I talk with one of my greatest mentors, John Giuliano, about how the Régimen de excepción is affecting his small community. Specifically, we discuss the situation of the co-director of the Tamarindo Foundation, Santos, who was arrested 54 days ago (as of March 6, 2024).

    The second half of the show (@ 16:02) covers John's response to the arrests, the difference between revenge and justice, and the unhealed wounds from the Salvadoran civil war.


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • Here’s a gratitude-forward recipe for Sourdough Bread. I go through the 4 main ingredients that go into the bread, and then go into the ingredients that go into those, and then the ingredients that go into those…

    It’s a gratitude practice. Try it out on literally anything in your life and see where you end up.

    If you’re actually looking for my recipe for sourdough bread, it’s here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w12kQ54EpnQ&t=0s

    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


  • If what I’m trying to do with this podcast is:

    Go deep immediately without any fluff, and

    Help us all understand how purpose shows itself empirically, even when things look horribly gnarly,

    Then I give this conversation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

    It’s deep. It deals with horrible things (sexual trauma). It’s hopeful.

    And Abby Carl is an absolute hero for turning all her experiences into something everybody who interacts with her can benefit from.

    Check it out.

    Abby's website: www.growstrong.one

    Abby's Instagram: @growstrong_one

    Abby on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grow.strong.5

    Note: All my cameras flipped out during the recording of this in-person interview, so the last few minutes have no video. I didn’t feel like deep-faking the rest, so I threw an audiogram in there so you’d have something pretty to look at.


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • Jason Taylor runs deep.

    He’s an ecologist and Five Elements acupuncturist with a lot to share about living a healthy and balanced life.

    But what I liked best is how deeply he engaged with the questions.

    That’s part of what I love about this show – it’s not just Information handed down from On High, but a mutual exploration, where we’re all learning about our paths, through the vessel of the interview.

    Tune in to hear the throughline in Jason’s journey from environmental education to bat research to acupuncture, and how the Seasons of Life are present not only in the year, but also in each day and your own life and moods.


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • Crystal Beasley is a trip. She’s a high priestess of the heart and listening to her journey is the auditory equivalent of getting tickled (for me) at least.

    At one point she tells me she is here to protect the place of women.

    Then she mentions a finishing school she runs, to turn Men into Gentlemen.

    And then she reveals the How: Teaching them to Ask for what they Need.

    It seems simple, but every day I run into it.

    Sometimes with myself, sometimes with a colleague, sometimes with a daughter.

    How much time could we save,

    Looping narratives could we cut short, and

    Sleep could we gain?

    Just by knowing what we Need, and asking for it?

    Resources Cris mentioned:

    Link to her film on Charles and Diana (6m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOw77x7JbGg

    Her website with a lot of different projects and resources: http://www.crisbeasley.com/

    Her course “Holy Hell Yes - Navigate Massive Change without Losing Your Shiz”: crisbeasley.com/maven

    She actually made a discount code just for you:

    “Use code 10KH for 50% off until Jan 31st”

    And, for more about the mystery school, which she can’t post online, please email [email protected]


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • Walter Faro sees himself as a protector and creator of refuge.

    His father (and mentor) was a trained assassin and mercenary, and Walter has spent his life trying to understand and integrate the skills and worldview he learned in his formative years.

    Incredibly, he brings this history and presence to his work as a DEI facilitator.

    Naturally, his vision for how to create safety and protection is much larger than that.

    Join us to hear the whole story.

    Walter’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wtfaro/

    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • I talk to world-renowned mediator Ken Cloke about:

    His personal reaction to the October 7th attacks and ensuing war

    Every Generation Has To Confront The Zero Sum Game

    Two Options When We Look At War

    What can individuals who don't live in the Middle East do?

    50 Questions To Ask In Political Arguments

    Organizations he supports: Combatants for Peace and Women Wage Peace

    Should I Talk to My Congressperson?

    The theory that "War Is The Health of the State"

    How do we live without an enemy?

    What would Ken Cloke Do (right now)

    Other interviews I've done with Ken:





    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • Melvin Myles wields music as a weapon of love. He grew up in a gospel tradition in Mississippi, discovered Jazz in college, and stumbled his way (we laugh about it) into being a professional vocal artist.

    But for me the best part is what Melvin is so effortlessly able to communicate about the heart. Deep Truths I struggle to articulate through writing books and essays and poems… they just roll out of him unbidden.

    Listen to the interview! The whole thing!

    Find Melvin at:





    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • 🦸‍♀️🦸🏾🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏿🦸

    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    Eric Grace is a kind of an angel. And he means that more literally than can you possibly imagine. He also estimates that 40% of us are in the same boat as him.

    This provenance is not always a blessing. It comes with challenges in adapting to life on Earth and mixing with the more Terran souls.

    Is that a challenging cosmology for you? It was for me. But Eric is also a pragmatist and grounds all his angelic talk in working with people to help them feel comfortable and use their gifts for the greater good.

    We also talk about his many adventures through the wilderness of isolation, community, and drama on the fringes of society.

    It’s thoroughly deep, thoroughly entertaining, and addresses head-on the questions every human has about meaning, purpose, and belonging.

    Eric’s website:


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • This is an excerpt from a conversation Jeff Salzman with the Developmental Alliance, with a brief preface from yours truly.

    Jeff posts Integral takes on the news regularly at


    (and I often join him!)


    ♥️ If you liked this episode, let us know with a review. And follow this show to get all our latest episodes.

    ♥️♥️Of course, If you really liked this episode, subscribe to The Ten Thousand Heroes newsletter to get weekly 5 minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. Plus, you’ll never miss an episode again.


    *** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


    Why are you here?

    What is this short and fragile life about?

    These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

    But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.

    Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

    But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.

    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.

    We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.

    And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.

    *** Show Links ***


    Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

    Email: [email protected]

    Show Archives: http://10kh.show

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

    Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

    Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/

    *** About Momentum Lab ***


    The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

    I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

    But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

    If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

    Accepting what is

    Transforming your situation

    We help you do both.

    The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:


  • There's two critical steps towards making the impact you want to make in the world:

    1) Knowing what you want to do

    2) Doing it Most people never figure out Step 1.

    But if you've worked hard enough to have a clear idea of what you want to do, you're still not out of the woods yet. For any plan of consequence there are lots and lots and lots and lots of things that can wrong. Most people ignore those possibilities and just "work hard" as the means to success. If you've gone down that road and know where it goes, and you're doing ignoring and avoiding all the possible pitfalls, you're ready for Night Vision!

    🪐🛸🌍 How I Can Help You 🪐🛸🌍

    📰 Weekly Inspiration on Meaning, Purpose, and Community http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

    🎤 Inspiration Database (Podcast Archives)





    🐘 Figure out and Deal with the One Thing that's blocking you (FREE 30-day course)


    🔭 Find out and address Everything Possible Thing that could go wrong (4 days, in person)


    🚀 Make more progress on what really matters next year than you did in the last 5 put together
