Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit?
In this episode of 2084, Stephen sits down with Brad Wammes & Jordan Whelan for a very real conversation covering social inclusion, sustainability, and homosexuality.
Points Covered Include:
The intersection of Medicine and Homosexuality Male Emotional Constipation The masks we wear in society“Straight Acting”Moving past gender normsUltimately, one of the pillars of sustainable development is social inclusion, and this episode is a thought provoking way we as a society can let go of traditional gender assumptions, and move forward in a more socially inclusive manner.
Contact: @jordanjwhelan ~ http://greysmokemedia.com
Of Note:
Our recording device picked up some random radio station, so please disregard the background inconsistency.
Be advised, this episode does touch of some sensitive subject matter.
If you have yet to watch our film, you can view it at SustainableJoes.com
If you are interesting in being the next SustainableJoes intern, send us a message at http://www.facebook.com/SustainableJoes/
Lastly, you can become a Patron of SustainableJoes here - https://www.patreon.com/sustainablejoes
We hope you enjoy this positive, powerful, and thought provoking episode…a perfect follow up to last weeks Social Justice, Society, & Impact Actions w/ Alex Gill. If you didn’t listen to last weeks episode you can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts ~ http://www.sustainablejoes.com/2084/2084-ep-19-social-justice-society-impact-actions-alex-gill-founder-mendicant-group-live/
Sustainably yours,
Looking to solve a problem in your business or society?
In this episode of 2084, Stephen sits down for a uncut and candid live conversation with social entrepreneur Alex Gill. Alex Gill is a CoFounder of the Toronto based social consultancy, Mendicant Group. Folding Director of Ryerson University’s Social Venture Zone, and one of Canada’s Social Justice All Stars.
In this conversation Alex sheds some light on what social justice is. Strategies you can use to move your organization forward…AND how we can use the market to positively impact social justice issues.
If you want to connect with Alex, the best way is via twitter @AlexGill
Announcement, we are looking for our first SustainableJoes 2084 intern. If this is you, please send us an email at 2084@sustainablejoes.com. AND if you have yet to watch our documentary, you can view it at SustainableJoes.com.
We hope you enjoy.
¿Faltan episodios?
Happy 2018 everyone!
We are back at it and happy to be releasing out first episode of the year.
We have been working hard over the last few weeks to get our film released online, AND we are over the moon to announce that it is live. You can watch it for free right now at www.SustainableJoes.com/movie
Look back at 2017, it has been a wild ride! In this bonus episode of the 2084 podcast, we share our road map for 2018.
We have some pretty exciting things in the works and want to say a BIG THANK YOU to YOU for belonging to this community.
Please let us know if there are any people you would like us to interview in 2018, AND if you would like to get more involved in the podcast, send us a message at info@SustainableJoes.com.
Lastly, our podcast is publicly funded. Thank you to all our Patrons who support the production of this content. You too can become a Patron here - https://www.patreon.com/sustainablejoes
Make it a good week everyone!
It is with a great deal of thanks and humility that we release our film today.
‘SUSTAINABLEJOES – The Time Is Now’ is an entertaining and fast paced crash course in the space of sustainability, focusing on less doom and gloom, more hope and solutions; with a behavioural economics twist, featuring Dr. Dan Ariely.
Like our film, this episode turned into an emotional journey I didn’t expect.
You can watch it for free right now at SustainableJoes.com
I look forward to hearing what you think and I thank you all for being a part of this community.
Sustainably Yours,
In this week’s episode 2084, Stephen sits down with Jim Lord, Co-Founder of EcoVert and Organizer of GreenDrinks Toronto. EcoVert is one of Canada’s largest sustainability consultancies, and Green Drinks is an international organization bringing people together to have ‘green’ conversation over ‘drinks’.
In this episode we talk about the early days of Green Drinks. Consulting in the space of sustainability; challenges, obstacles, opportunities, and what moving forward looks like.
We are also excited to announce that we will be releasing our film next week! If you want a free copy and have not signed up to our mailing list yet, now would be a great time to do so www.SustainableJoes.com
Relevant Links:
SustainableJoes.com/contactThank you all for being a part of this conversation.
Make it a great day and I hope you enjoy episode 18,
We are hard at work prepping for our third live podcast recording event this evening and have two special opportunities for you to attend.
1. Free tickets available to Patrons ~ https://www.patreon.com/sustainablejoes
2. Free live stream via Facebook @SustainableJoes starting at 5:30.
We are always working hard at SustainableJoes.com to bring you the best sustainability and business based content and we thank you for being a part of this community.
Make it a great week everyone,
n this week’s episode we visit our podcast KPIs, Key Performance Indicators, with our monthly income report episode.
Our intention behind this series of income report episodes is to add value through transparency, and support your project and business growth, through our experience.
As we grow, develop and work to add more value, we would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think and make it a great week!
In episode 17 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Laural-Lee & Oren, two Toronto based comedians, who also host the Bunz ISO Podcast.
This is a fun episode, and it certainly takes a different tone than every other episode of 2084. We are calling it Sustainability Fact or Fiction
This episode was recorded a few weeks ago in SteamWhistle’s boardroom, overlooking the CN tower, and simply put, we had a great time!
My hope is that as we move through the episode, you will try to answer the questions for yourself, test your own knowledge, and hopefully learn something too.
We will be back next week with a new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
In episode 16 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sats down with Curt VanWalleghem, the CEO of Hydrostor for Part 2 of our conversation about the future of energy.
HydroStor operates in the space of energy storage and went from near collapse to Billions of dollars in their project pipeline...all to empower us to store and consume renewable energy better.
This podcast is candid, was recorded live, and full of value added content.
We would love to hear from you! Send us a message @SustainableJoes
We will be back next week with a new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
In episode 15 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Mark Chabot of RBC Wealth Management.
A few weeks ago Mark screened our documentary to his cliental and his SRI & ESG presentation was so engaging, we asked to record a episode in an effort to bring more value your direction…and empower you to ask better questions when it comes to how you invest.
This episode is the basics behind socially responsible investing.
Not only does Mark bring decades of financial experience to our conversation, but he is also a superdad, committed community volunteer, and one heck of a Montreal Canadians Hockey fan!
This episode is candid and personal for me, as Mark is a dear friend. You can connect with Mark at www.MarkChabot.com
We will be back next week with a new episode, I hope you enjoy.
Sustainably Yours,
Welcome you to our second SustainableJoes’ income report episode.
Our intention with this series of income report episodes is to add value through transparency, and support your project and business growth, through our experience.
In this episode we are excited to share our new KPIs, as we begin measuring Key Performance Indicators for both SustainableJoes and 2084.
Lastly, as we grow, develop and work to add more value, we would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think @SustainableJoes
In episode 14 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, we are proud to release part two of our conversation with the Emmy Award Winning team of the Netflix Original Documentary, Chasing Coral.
This episode is candid, personal, full of laughs, and alliteration. It was an absolute privilege to sit down with this team, and we plan to release the full / complete recording soon.
Some big take aways include:
How to better communicate scienceHow to reframe issues, both environmental and social The unsung heroes in this climate crisis How to get students involvedWhat moving forward looks like.Ultimately, from Hot Docs, to Sundance, to the United Nations; it has been amazing to watch the journey of the Chasing Coral! Proud of you Larissa, Jeff, Zach & Mark!
Lastly, as mentioned in the podcast, if you have yet to see our Indiegogo campaign, below is the link. We have done the work, you simply have to make the choice. Small Cards —> Big Impact —> Sustainable Future! <3
CAMPAIGN LINK - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/good-card-co-cards-done-right-holidays-art/x/8366802#/
We will be back next week with a new episode.
Please leave us a review now…and subscribe if you liked the content.
Sustainably Yours,
In episode 13 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Bea Johnson.
From the European Parliament to the pages of The New York Times, Bea is a global leader in the space of zero waste living, and the change agent behind Zero Waste Home.
Some big take aways from this episode include:
What voluntary simplicity looks like The role consumers have to playHow to live a life with less stuffZero waste fashionHow do you declutter your lifeThis episode is sure to add value when you think about the convergence between capitalism, consumerism, and our natural world.
Bea is also in Toronto for two presentations on October 26th & 27th. You can join me at both by getting your tickets at the following links:
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bea-johnson-author-of-zero-waste-home-at-csi-tickets-38665887711LASTLY, we need your support to complete our Indiegogo campaign successfully. We have done the work, you simply have to make the choice. Small Cards —> Big Impact —> Sustainable Future!
CAMPAIGN LINK - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/good-card-co-cards-done-right-holidays-art/x/8366802#/
We will be back next week with a new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
@SustainableJoes -
In episode 12 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Monika Patel, Director of Programs & Communications at the Forest Stewardship Council.
FSC is one of the worlds largest NGOs, out to protect our global forests.
This podcast is candid, it is live, and full of value added content. Some of big take aways from the episode include:
The value of a forestsThe role consumers have to playHow to get opposing sides to work together, and find middle groundHow to successful balance multi stakeholder interestHow ecosystem services fit into all of thisAnd the future of forestryWhen you think about the intersection of our natural world and business based society, this is episode is sure to adds value!
As mentioned in episode, our campaign is at 30% and we need your support to have our start up be successful. Small Cards —> Big Impact —> Sustainable Future!
CAMPAIGN LINK - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/good-card-co-cards-done-right-holidays-art/x/8366802#/
We will be back next week with a new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
You may or may not know this. A big problem with renewable energy is our inability to store it.
Think about it, wherever you are right now, the wind isn’t always blowing nor is the sun always shining. However, as a society, we are always using energy!
So what is the solution?
In episode 11 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Curt VanWalleghem, the CEO of Hydrostor is a man on a mission.
In part one of our conversation with Curt, we talk about the future of energy. How HydroStor went from near collapse to Billions of dollars in their project pipeline; and the importance of finding the intersection between profit-driven business and purpose.
This podcast is candid, recorded live, and full of value added content.
ANNOUNCEMENT - As mentioned in the episode, here is the link to our newly launched crowdfunding campaign - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/good-card-co-cards-done-right-holidays-art/x/8366802#/
Please spread the word and thank you for your support!
We will be back next week with another new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
In episode 10 of SustainableJoes’ 2084, Stephen sits down with Sacsha Darius Mojtahedi, CEO at Bunz, one of Toronto’s largest online community platforms.
This podcast is candid, it is live, and full of value added content.
Some of big take aways from the episode include:
How to raise capital as a startup How to add value via an appHow To ScaleProduct Market FitWhat user aligned roadmaps look likeWhen you think about the future, entrepreneurship, technology, and adapting to make your product stand out and add value, this episode will support your growth!
Adding even more value, at the end of this episode we share audience stories, as we invited our guests from the audience to come to the mic and share 30 second sound bites of the sustainable good they are up to.
BIG NEWS - As mentioned in episode, we just launched a new product, you can support it here on Indiegogo - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/good-card-co-cards-done-right-holidays-art/x/8366802#/
Please spread the good word and thank you for your support!
We will be back next week with a new episode!
Sustainably Yours,
Welcome you to our first SustainableJoes’ income report episode.
Our intention is to accomplish the following three things with this series of income reporting episodes:
As we work to produce and share content inspiring the leaders of today and tomorrow, with better ways of being, acting and developing; we want to provide a realistic view of what growing a business looks like…AND we want to provide that perspective in real time. Real time being as we transition sustianablejoes from a passion project to a successful enterprise.
At SustainableJoes we believe transparency is absolutely critical to build a foundation of trust. As such, I want to transparently Illustrate what revenues we bring in, operational costs, and other channels of support.
We want to say thank you, and share our plan for the next 30 days.
This is a vulnerable episode for us, as traditionally we would keep finances close to the chest. However, we believe this is the right thing to do and hope it supports your growth.
So lets get right to!
Yours, SustainableJoes
As we prepare for our first product launch, we are excited to share a quick update with you today ~ Highlighting 3 things.
We will be back with a series of full length episodes starting next week.
Good things keep happening at SustainableJoes and it is all because of you #JoesNation! Thank you for listening, thank you for sharing this content, and thank you for being a part of this community. We are the best place for business and sustainability talk, and together we are changing the world!We would love to hear what you are up to! You can always reach us @SustainableJoes
Make it a great week JoesNation,
SustainableJoes Team -
We all know water is important. You'll never hear a man more passionate about water and waste water than international waste water speicalist, from the city of London, Ontario, Barry Orr.
Also, thank you so much for everyone who showed up to last night's 2nd live podcast recording. If you would like to come to a recording or want to get involved please email podcast@bunz.com
So much to be excited about, we just had to share!
With our second live podcast recording event right around the corner, here is a quick, two minute, midweek update!
We hope this message finds you well and hope to see you all at our second live event! You can find tickets at SustainableJoes.com.
Make it a great week,
SustainableJoes Team
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