Sarah Both traf eine lebensverändernde Entscheidung: Sie gab ihren Job im Controlling auf, zog mit ihrer Hündin Alma in einen Camper und fand ihre wahre Berufung. In dieser Episode teilt Sarah ihre inspirierende Geschichte, wie sie den Schritt aus der Corporate-Welt wagte, um Menschen mit reaktiven, überdrehten und besonders sensiblen Hunden zu helfen. Mit ihren Büchern, Onlinekursen und personalisierten Online-Trainings zeigt Sarah, dass Hundetraining mehr ist als nur Problemlösung – es geht um Verbindung, Vertrauen und darum, auf die eigenen Instinkte zu hören. Egal, ob du Hundebesitzer bist oder über eine mutige Lebensentscheidung nachdenkst – Sarahs Reise wird dich inspirieren, ein Leben zu gestalten, das wirklich zu dir passt.
In this episode of Transformative Leadership: Embracing Sustainability & Purpose Driven Impact, we have a conversation with Jo Smith, an unconventional coach with 20 years of experience in leadership development and executive coaching. Jo brings a fun, authentic, challenging, immersive, empathetic, and open approach to her work. Together, we explore the power of serendipitous moments, the importance of human connection, and the evolving landscape of leadership that prioritizes sustainability and social impact. Jo shares her insights on navigating challenges, inspiring emerging leaders, and the necessity of aligning business practices with meaningful causes. Join us as we dream big for a better world and connect with the transformative spirit of coaching!
Key Themes: Serendipity and Self-Discovery, Human Connection, Sustainability and Social Impact, Emerging Leadership, Navigating Challenges, Dreaming Big
Chapters and Timecodes:
(00:11) Exploring 26 Lightbulb Moments
(16:46) Transforming Leadership for Climate Consciousness
(27:34) Shifting Leadership Towards Purpose and Impact
(31:54) Navigating Leadership Challenges With Purpose
(45:01) Dreaming Big for a Better World
(49:35) Connecting With Joe Smith for Coaching
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In this episode we explore the importance of energy, presence, and authenticity in both our personal and professional lives. Rachel shares her journey as a co-active coach, discussing how alignment and self-care play a pivotal role in showing up as our best selves. We dive deep into the concept of “recharging your battery” and how emotions can serve as powerful information that guide us in everyday life.
Through candid conversation, we reflect on experiences in the coaching world, the power of listening to your body, and how to cultivate emotional resilience. We also explore how creating space in your life for presence can lead to richer, more meaningful experiences.
Key Topics Discussed:
The importance of energy alignment and how it impacts your ability to show up fully.How we first met during a co-active coaching training.Why recharging your "emotional battery" is essential for maintaining balance and energy.The role of emotions as information and how to move beyond fear to live with greater joy.Insights into the Irish language and how it offers a different perspective on emotions.How to create more space in your day for presence, and why life is happening right now.Where to Find Rachel Allan:
Website: https://rachallan.com/ -
In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Maren Wölfl, einer Expertin für Coaching und weibliche Führung. Maren teilt ihre inspirierende Reise und ihre wirkungsvolle Arbeit. Sie erläutert ihre innovativen Coaching-Ansätze, die Entwicklung ihrer Plattform, dem Female Wake-Up Call, und wie diese Frauen bei der Verwirklichung ihrer beruflichen Ziele unterstützt. Zudem gibt sie Einblicke in ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, wie sie Herausforderungen durch Naturspaziergänge und Puzzles bewältigte. Maren reflektiert die Bedeutung starker Werte in der Führung und gibt Einblicke in ihre Arbeit im deutsch- und englischsprachigen Podcasting. Besucht ihre Website für mehr Informationen: femalewakeupcall.com.
What happens when a seasoned branding expert decides to reshape her career and become a coach? Meet Annie, a visionary in the branding and design world with over three decades of experience, whose unique rituals and thoughtful practices have sparked countless creative insights. From her serene tea ceremonies with Earl Grey to reflective walks with her dog Benny, Annie explains how these daily rituals influence her coaching and branding expertise. Join us as we discuss the importance of cultivating a comfortable environment and embracing core values to create a space where personal and professional growth can flourish.
In this episode, Gina Bee shares her journey into the world of change management, discussing key principles such as engagement, inclusivity, and human-centered approaches. She recounts memorable experiences, including an initial consulting project and her involvement in organisational transformations. The conversation touches on mental health, personal growth, and the significance of resilience.
Gina emphasises the importance of taking ownership of change, both professionally and personally, and offers valuable insights for navigating continuous change in modern organisations.
00:00 Introduction to 26 Lightbulb Moments
00:58 A Warm Welcome in Germany
01:18 Discussing Transformation and Change
01:32 The Beginning of a Consulting Journey
03:14 Embracing Change Management
07:18 The Human Approach to Change
12:17 Challenges and Strategies in Change Management
16:35 Data-Driven Change Management
20:11 The Continuous Evolution of Skills in the Age of AI
21:07 The Human Factor in Organizational Change
21:51 Navigating Uncertainty with AI
24:07 Mental Health and the Power of Cold Water Swimming
30:29 Personal Journeys and Embracing Change
36:33 Core Beliefs in Transformation and Change Management
37:56 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
In this episode of "26 Lightbulb Moments," Anja interviews two prominent advocates of the Working Out Loud (WOL) method: John Stepper and Katharina Krentz. John, the creator and founder of WOL, and Katharina, a transformation facilitator and certified WOL coach, discuss the impact of this peer-to-peer learning method on personal and cultural development in various organizations. They share insights into how WOL promotes collaboration, networking, and lifelong learning, and why it's essential for future success.
John Stepper: Creator and founder of Working Out Loud (WOL). Develops peer-to-peer learning methods to empower and connect employees.
Katharina Krentz: Transformation facilitator, team developer, and consultant. Founder of "Connecting Humans oHG," advising on change, collaboration, and leadership. Certified WOL coach and founder of the WOL movement in Germany.
Working Out Loud, Peer-to-Peer Learning, Personal Development, Cultural Development, Collaboration, Networking, Lifelong Learning, Transformation, Leadership, New Work, Innovation
In the debut episode of "26 Lightbulb Moments," host Anja introduces the podcast and sets the stage for an inspiring journey ahead. This series delves into those pivotal moments when sudden clarity strikes and life takes a new direction. Throughout the podcast, Anja will engage in intimate conversations with 26 remarkable individuals, exploring their moments of revelation and the significant changes that followed.