Геостратегия изучает вопросы стратегического планирования поведения государств и международных элитных групп, прогнозирует различные сценарии событий, определяет процент возможности их реализации.
Аудио-версия ютуб-канала геостратега Андрея Школьникова. -
«Прошедшее время» — подкаст об истории России и ее соседей. Здесь мы обсуждаем, как по-разному можно смотреть на события, про которые нам, казалось бы, все понятно с детства, и выясняем, что эти точки зрения значат для нашего настоящего и будущего. Ведущие — журналист «Медузы» Дмитрий Карцев и учитель истории Сергей Фокин.
Conflicts don’t just get resolved on their own. Most are resolved through a grueling process of give and take, usually behind closed doors. On the podcast The Negotiators, Doha Debates is partnering with Foreign Policy to put listeners in the room. Each episode features the mediators behind the world's most challenging negotiations. You’ll hear about a nuclear standoff, a hostage crisis, a gang mediation, and much more -- successes and failures that shaped people’s lives.
Основной ютуб- канал(подкасты с видео и прочие интересности):
Если хотите поддержать канал - -
Ідучи залами львівських музеїв, ми бачимо тисячі експонатів. У кожного із них – своя історія. Але про що вони мовчать? У подкасті “Код експоната” ми розшифруємо їхні історії, аби розповісти вам найцікавіші.
"24.02: Реконструкція" – це подкаст, у якому УП відтворює події дня, коли почалося повномасштабне вторгнення Росії в Україну.
Криминальная хроника, репортажи и материалы на страницах периодики 1920-х годов. Тру-крайм подкаст проекта «Тогда» и МИРА Коллекция
The Paranormal Son covers all topics paranormal, fortean, mysterious, strange,and unexplained from the viewpoint of a lifelong seeker of knowledge. Each Episode JT will present the research and information he has gathered and leaves the verdict up to you.
You can follow and support the program here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vēsturnieku un sociālo zinātņu pārstāvju esejas par valstiskuma vēsturi Latvijā dažādu gadsimtu gaitā. Pētnieki savās esejās mēģina mums atklāt valstiskuma vēstures slāņus Latvijā un meklēs sakarības, kuras veidojušas vai netieši ietekmējušas mūsu nācijas valstsgribu.
Te ir sarunas par aktuāliem jautājumiem tiesiskajā regulējumā, likumdošanas procesā un valsts attīstībā. Jaunākais ieraksts - ik trešdienu.
“Ikvienam ir tiesības zināt savas tiesības.” /Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 90. pants/
ZINI UN IZMANTO Oficiālā izdevēja “Latvijas Vēstnesis” valsts, tiesiskās un pilsoniskās informācijas platformas raidierakstu savai izaugsmei! -
Welcome to History Gems, the podcast that follows historian and author Dr Nicola Tallis as she seeks to unpick the stories behind some of history's most famous and intriguing jewels.
With a different expert on every episode, Nicola delves into a daring attempt to steal the Crown Jewels, the secrets of a supposedly cursed diamond, the creation of the world's most famous Easter eggs, and plenty more.
Check out @historygemspod on social media to see pictures of each week's gems!
Nicola's books include:
Crown of Blood: The Deadly Inheritance of Lady Jane Grey
Elizabeth's Rival: The Tumultuous Tale of Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester
Uncrowned Queen: The Fateful Life of Margaret Beaufort, Tudor Matriarch
Find her on social media:
Twitter: @NicolaTallis
Instagram: @historian_nicola -
Transportation disasters occurred every day across the world. Most disasters are learned from which makes travel safer for everyone today. We tell the story of these disasters so they will not be forgotten.
A "cornfield meet" is an old term used where two steam trains collide head-on in a field out in the country. We use this term to represent the meeting of transportation with a disaster.
Climb aboard with your host Michele Sargent and co-hosts Andy Sargent (Sargent Signals) or Mel Bee as they take you through the history of accidents in transportation (rail, air, water, and road) on this weekly podcast!
Podcast available on all major apps: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartradio, Google Podcast, iTunes, Overcast and so much more. -
Liela sabiedrības uzmanība ir pievērsta VDK aģentu kartītēm, tomēr tā ir niecīga daļiņa no tā, kas vēsturniekiem atklājies, pētot Latvijā pieejamos VDK dokumentus.
Hosts: Dina Gusejnova, Georgios Giannakopoulos
In this series, we will be inviting guests to explore topical questions in historical perspective, and to share their thoughts drawing on experiences and research from around the world.
Dina Gusejnova is an Assistant Professor in Modern European History at the LSE’s Department of International History. She is the author of European Elites and Ideas of Empire, 1917-57 (Cambridge University Press, 2016) and works more broadly on European intellectual history and political thought in the twentieth century.
George Giannakopoulos holds a PhD in Modern History from Queen Mary, University of London. His research focuses on the history and politics of Britain and Southeastern Europe since the late nineteenth century. He is teaching European history at politics at City University of London and NYU in London and is a visiting fellow at the Centre of Hellenic Studies, King’s College London. Twitter feed @giannako81
Guests: Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Associate Professor of Political Theory at CUNY, New York
Nausikaa El-Mecky, Professor of Art History at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Michal Murawski, Lecturer in Critical Area Studies, UCL SSEES, London
Alma Simba, UG student in International History at LSE, London, and Editor of Lacuna Lit literary magazine
Music credits:
Sunburst, « Vijana »; Courtesy of Strut Records. Artist: Sunburst Title: Vijana Composer: Sunburst ISRC: DEG931600830. Publisher: !K7 Publishing admin by Kobalt Music Publishing (P) 1976 Tanzania Film Co. Ltd Courtesy of Strut Records - a division of K7 Music GmbH
« Lenin » by NeuroDubel,(2010), from the album Aftary pravdy,
« Pourquoi » by Sniper, 2003), from their album Gravé dans la roche,
Desh Musique – 2564602421, East West France – 2564602421 -
Īsi stāsti par notikumiem šajā datumā tuvākā un tālākā pagātnē, tuvākās un tālākās mūsu planētas vietās. Personības, politika, karš, atklājumi, tehnoloģijas, literatūra, māksla, mūzika; ļaužu apziņa, paradumi un sadzīve.
Kultūrpētnieki un vēsturnieki skaidro dažnedažādus terminus, vēsta par interesantiem artefaktiem un neparastām idejām.
„Reiz radio…” stāsti par senu un ne tik senu Latvijas Radio vēsturi. Ik svētdienu šajā raidījumā lūkosim, kā veidojās Latvijas Radio, kas skanēja ēterā, mainoties varai. Kas bija tie cilvēki, kuri lasīja ziņas, iestudēja raidlugas, veidoja un montēja raidījumus. Kādi kvalitātes kritēriji bija diktoriem kādreiz un kādi tie ir tagad, kādas leģendāras personības ir strādājušas radio un kā attīstījusies tehnika?
If you love history, this is the podcast for you! Stories of forgotten history, presented by Josh Geiger with Lance Geiger, The History Guy, from the hit YouTube channel The History Guy: History Deserves to be Remembered. Visit the channel here: We believe that history does not have to be boring. At its heart, history is storytelling, and we believe that it should be told with passion and genuine love for the material. History might be tragic, it might be comic, but it is the story of who we are, and we should not be afraid to enjoy that story and be moved by it.
Looking at historical revelations, mysteries, legends and myths.
Japan Explained is a podcast about diverse aspects of Japanese Culture. I am tired of hearing the same old myths about Japan and I hope you are too.