This is the second episode in the series "Talent Development Trends". This series will focus on the latest trends, challenges, and strategies in talent development. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Susan Minaya, COO, Chief Learning Strategist and Executive couch with Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode will focus on AI in workforce development and corporate training.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the first episode in the series "Talent Development Trends". This series will focus on the latest trends, challenges, and strategies in talent development. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Susan Minaya, COO, Chief Learning Strategist and Executive couch with Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode will focus on the future of on the job training.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
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This is the fifth episode in the series "AI + HI: Shaping the Future of Work." This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Dr. Guido Minaya CEO and Chief Learning Officer of Minaya Learning Global Solutions as well as Cynthia Mackey, Principal of Winning Strategies LLC. This episode is part two of a two part episode where we will looking at AI business strategies and applications. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the fourth episode in the series "AI + HI: Shaping the Future of Work." This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Dr. Guido Minaya CEO and Chief Learning Officer of Minaya Learning Global Solutions as well as Cynthia Mackey, Principal of Winning Strategies LLC. This episode is part one of a two part episode where we will looking at AI business strategies and applications. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the third episode in the series "AI + HI: Shaping the Future of Work." This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Dr. Guido Minaya CEO and Chief Learning Officer of Minaya Learning Global Solutions as well as Angelo Biasi, Founder of Solvably and Credably AI. This episode is a continuation of the conversation between Dr. Guido Minaya and Angelo Biasi, looking at how we can reimagine how we live, learn and work with AI.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the second episode in the series "AI + HI: Shaping the Future of Work." This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Dr. Guido Minaya CEO and Chief Learning Officer of Minaya Learning Global Solutions as well as Angelo Biasi, Founder of Solvably and Credably AI. This episode we will looking at how we can reimage how we live, learn and work with AI.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the first episode in the series "AI + HI: Shaping the Future of Work." This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Dr. Guido Minaya CEO and Chief Learning Officer of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the the recent launch of the Minaya AI Center of Excellence. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the fifth episode in the series "5 Things Training Wants the Business to Know". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya the Learning Leaders executive coach, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the fifth thing training wants the business to know. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the fourth episode in the series "5 Things Training Wants the Business to Know". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya the Learning Leaders executive coach, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the fourth thing training wants the business to know.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the third episode in the series "5 Things Training Wants the Business to Know". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya the Learning Leaders executive coach, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the third thing training wants the business to know. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the second episode in the series "5 Things Training Wants the Business to Know". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya the Learning Leaders executive coach, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the second thing training wants the business to know. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the first episode in the series "5 Things Training Wants the Business to Know". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya the Learning Leaders executive coach, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions. This episode we will looking at the first thing training wants the business to know. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the sixth episode in the series "E/B Resource Group". This series will focus on Employee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Joey Aviles, Transformational Speaker, Lead Researcher and Executive Coach. This episode we will looking at the Perspectives from a Transformational Leader in DE&I. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the fifth episode in the series "E/B Resource Group". This series will focus on Employee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Joey Aviles, Transformational Speaker, Lead Researcher and Executive Coach. This episode we will looking at the Perspectives from a Transformational Leader in DE&I. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the Fourth episode in the series "E/B Resource Group". This series will focus on Employee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Monica Sklodowski, Senior Program Manager at Nokia. This episode we will looking at the perspective lens of a Global ERG Leader. Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the third episode in the series "E/B Resource Group". This series will focus on Employee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Cecilia Chavez, President and CEO of Competitive Edge Consulting. This episode we will be discussing Employee Resource Groups and Business Resource Groups in the context of Remote and Hybrid challenges, Impact and Measurement as well as Trends in our Political Climate Stay tuned to learn more.
This is the second episode in the series "E/B Resource Group". This series will focus on Eployee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC and Cecilia Chavez, President and CEO of Competitive Edge Consulting. This episode we will be discussing Employee Resource Groups and Business Resource Groups in the context of participating in, best practices and allyship.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the first episode in the series "E/R Resource Group". This series will focus on Eployee and Business Resource Groups. This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Guido Minaya, CEO and CLO of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC. This episode we will be discussing Employee Resource Groups and Business Resource Groups along with the value they bring to a larger company in today’s world.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the fourth episode in the series "Crisis Leadership". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC. Special Guests joining us are Rachell Gallagher, a Crisis Manager in the Private Sector for National Critical Infrastructure, as well as, Gary Avin, Director and CCO of LCEC. This episode how crisis can create progress and innovation.
Stay tuned to learn more. -
This is the second episode in the series "Crisis Leadership". This conversation is hosted by Dario Minaya, with insights from Susan Minaya, COO and Chief Learning Strategist of Minaya Learning Global Solutions LLC. Special Guests joining us are Rachell Gallagher, a Crisis Manager in the Private Sector for National Critical Infrastructure, Gary Avin, Director and CCO of LCEC and Matt Devitt, Chief Meteorologist of WINK NEWS. This episode we focus on the importance of adapting to a changing environment or getting left behind, the six stages of change readiness and strategies for change as well as how Crisis Leaders need to identify obstacles and barriers to change readiness! Stay tuned to learn more.
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