The Marketing Technology Podcast is a weekly podcast on marketing technology. We have interviews with software vendors and users like CMO‘s.Host Elias Crum (CEO of also discusses artificial intelligence, buyer persona’s, customer journeys, customer experiences, and more martech stacking & hacking. Podcasts are in English.
De Nederlandse Magento community helpt (nieuwe) webwinkeliers, ontwikkelaars en andere online professionals met e-commerce in het algemeen en Magento in het bijzonder. Wij organiseren ook events zoals Meet Magento, Magento User Groups en de Unconference!
Gold Partner: Adyen >
Alle podcasts in dit kanaal zijn in het Nederlands en je kan je abonneren via. Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify of Google Podcasts. -
In het kleinste kamertje van De Nieuwe Zaak bespreken we de trends in digital. Wat brengt de toekomst ons? We kijken verder dan onze neus lang is en zijn op zoek naar trends en ontwikkelingen die de digitale wereld van morgen vormgeven. Wat ga jij overmorgen doen?
De best gelezen longreads van zijn nu ook te beluisteren. Omdat het soms fijner of handiger is om te luisteren dan om te lezen, bieden wij de best gelezen en mooiste artikelen aan als luisterartikel.
Aangeboden door, mede mogelijk gemaakt door audio agency Airborne. Met een beetje hulp van AI.
Zorg dat je geen artikel mist en volg ons in je favoriete podcast-app. -
In deze podcast gaat nieuwspresentator Roelof Hemmen op zoek naar hoe bedrijven hun merk digitaal dichter bij de klant kunnen brengen. Hoe kunnen zij digitaal een impact maken? Samen met deskundigen van Handpicked agencies en hun klanten en relaties beleeft hij een zoektocht naar de best practices.
Onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn digital marketing, e-commerce, marketplaces, AR & VR, personalisatie, data & AI, digitale sportmarketing, tech, webdevelopment, app development, chatbots, cro en innovatie.
Dit is een serie van Handpicked agencies en en wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Lexus. -
Podcasts van Roel van Heel, Marketing Strateeg van Skillz Online. Nuttige tips die je helpen om woest aantrekkelijk te worden op social media en om een onvergetelijke indruk te maken op je volger (zodat hij je na 5 minuten nog niet vergeten is).
Where developer marketing leaders from top companies all over the world share their insights, experience, and opinions.
From developer communities to DevRel and everything in between, DevMar Debugged covers a range of topics that'll help you level up your strategies and ops. -
In 'AI AI, Wat een Marketingstrategie' ga ik (Rogier) op avontuur om te ontdekken of AI de ultieme partner in marketingstrategie is. Met ChatGPT als co-host, verken ik de verschillende aspecten van marketingstrategie op een luchtige en vermakelijke manier. We duiken in de wereld van marketing en onderzoeken samen of AI echt de game-changer is waar marketeers op hebben gewacht. Verwacht een zoektocht vol inzichten, verrassingen en misschien zelfs wat magie, terwijl we enkele geheimen van marketingstrategie ontrafelen.
Topical debate and insight for the UK Financial Services marketer community, brought to you by Miles Lamont and Joanne Taylor with special guests. Stay up to date with what's happening and coming up - hit subscribe to be notified of new episodes.
Join veteran marketer Dave Davies and his guests as they explore the impact of artificial intelligence on marketing. What new opportunities lie in front of us? What threats lie within? And, how can you stay one step ahead of it all?
Successful product management isn’t just about training the product managers who work side by side with developers everyday to build better products. It’s about taking a step back, approaching the systems within organizations as a whole, and leveling up product leadership to improve these systems. This is the Product Thinking Podcast, where Melissa Perri will connect with industry leading experts in the product management space, AND answer your most pressing questions about everything product. Join us each week to level up your skillset and invest in yourself as a product leader.
Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson is for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to learn what it takes to build a successful business. Lisa walks you through exactly what it takes to create passive income, how to build an online audience, how to improve your marketing for your business, and how to launch your products and services so that your ideal customers are ready to buy. Each episode with Lisa is designed to help you take immediate action to make money, by teaching you the simple steps and most important strategies for starting, scaling and marketing your online business.
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, two of the most well-known experts in the content marketing space, talk about the latest content marketing trends and discuss how businesses can use content to attract and retain customers. Each podcast show features a discussion of content marketing headlines, rants from Joe and Robert on what's going on in the industry, and a "This Old Marketing" example from the past (that we can learn from). Always useful, entertaining and never more than 60 minutes.
Sean D'Souza made two vows when he started up Psychotactics back in 2002. The first was that he'd always get paid in advance and the second was that work wouldn't control his life. He decided to take three months off every year. But how do you take three months off, without affecting your business and profits? Do you buy into the myth of "outsourcing everything and working just a few hours a week?" Not really. Instead, you structure your business in a way that enables you to work hard and then take three months off every single year. And Sean walks his talk. Since 2004, he's taken three months off every year (except in 2005, when there was a medical emergency). This podcast isn't about the easy life. It's not some magic trick about working less. Instead with this podcast you learn how to really enjoy your work, enjoy your vacation time and yes, get paid in advance.
"Sigrun is like the FEMALE James Bond of Online Marketing! ...a True INTERNATIONAL Woman of Mystery...and Inspiration!" - James Wedmore, host of the Mind Your Business podcast....Discover through inspiring stories, case studies, and interviews how you can create your own lifestyle business. Sigrun shares the ‘7 Stages of a Profitable Online Business’ and other proven strategies that help you turn your passion into profits. Her featured experts include entrepreneurs like James Wedmore, Kimra Luna, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Jasmine Star, Rick Mulready, Jill Stanton, Zach Spuckler, Kate Erickson, Natalie Sisson, Mark Schaefer and many more. Learn from Sigrun and her experts how to master your mindset, uplevel your marketing, and succeed with masterminds....Sigrun holds four Master’s degrees; in architecture, computer aided architectural design, computer science and an MBA from London Business School, in addition to having been certified as a Dale Carnegie trainer. She was CEO in technology companies for a decade before she decided to become a lifestyle entrepreneur after a chronic illness. Today she lives in Iceland and Switzerland while also traveling the world and working on her multi-million dollar lifestyle business. Sigrun is the creator of SOMBA, the MBA program for online entrepreneurs, and runs Mastermind Days and Retreats in Iceland and Switzerland, in addition to her signature Mastermind Groups, SOMBA Momentum & VIP Mastermind.
Join our twice-weekly show as host Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project, shares proven business strategies, expert interviews, and no-fluff advice for growing an online business—your way.
With millions of downloads and recognition from INC & Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, this podcast is a must-listen for small business owners, service providers, course creators, and digital product sellers ready to take their business to the next level.
Discover how to:
✔ Launch digital products & online courses that convert
✔ Build a profitable email list that drives daily sales
✔ Create simple, effective sales funnels & automations that sell for you
✔ Design sustainable marketing systems that actually work—without burnout
No gimmicks. No outdated tactics. Just real strategies that help you create more income and impact.
📌 Grab free resources & show notes at -
Jill and Josh Stanton are a couple of wanderlusters and lifestyle business owners hell-bent on helping 9-to-5'ers take their day job and transform it into an online business.
In this show Jill and Josh dish out actionable tips, answer your burning business questions and speak to other online entrepreneurs who have taken their 9-to-5's and used them to create the business of their dreams.
It's a mix of valuable business advice, candid interviews, stories from the trenches and a curse word thrown in here and there for good measure.
Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show! -
Cybersecurity Stories is een reeks verhalen over de vele online risico’s die ons werk en privéleven bedreigen en hoe we ons daar tegen kunnen beschermen. In deze podcast hoort u de verhalen van Nederlandse en buitenlandse gasten die u meenemen in hun wereld en hun strijd tegen cybercriminelen. Waardoor u beter inzicht krijgt hoe oplichters, ransomware-aanvallers en andere kwaadwillenden te werk gaan. Daarnaast krijgt u uiteenlopende tips en adviezen om u beter tegen al die online gevaren te beschermen.
Deze podcast wordt verzorgd door ProteQtor. ProteQtor levert en beheert veilige werkplekken.
Meer weten? Bezoek onze website: -
In de podcast VSR onderzoeken journalist Doortje Smithuijsen en merkstrateeg Perre van den Brink de vragen waar het moderne leven nog geen antwoord op heeft. Zitten er te veel mensen in therapie? Waarom lukt het daten via apps niet meer? En waarom worden voetballers niet meer kaal? Met behulp van experts, gasten en jou, onze trouwe luisteraar, ontrafelen we de tijdgeest en bieden we houvast aan jonge mensen in de stad.
Iedere donderdag om 16.00 een nieuwe aflevering.
Volg hier VSR op Instagram om op de hoogte te blijven.
Abonneer je hier op onze Substack nieuwsbrief.
Artwork: Hester Lincke
Audiodesign: Jaro Heijster
The Futur Podcast is a show that explores the interesting overlap between design, marketing, and business. Our host (and CEO of The Futur), Chris Do, hold candid conversations with inspirational people from the worlds of design, technology, marketing, business, philosophy and personal development. These conversations go deep. With the aim of understanding who these incredible people are, what drives them to do what they do, and what can we--the listener--learn from it all. Visit for show notes and additional information from each episode.