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There's a different in having TikTokers and Instagrammers post about your brand and actually driving influence. Welcome to Winfluence - The Influence Marketing Podcast, where we explain the difference and help your brand shift from influencer marketing to influence marketing.
Hosted by industry expert Jason Falls, acclaimed author of "Winfluence: Reframing Influence Marketing to Ignite Your Brand," this podcast takes you on a strategic journey through the world of influence marketing. Jason's wealth of experience ensures that your influence efforts are not just about buzz, but also about real, measurable business impact. And you'll learn that influence marketing (without the 'r') is more than just social media. It can involve offline influence, media, thought leaders, community members and beyond.
🎙️ Episode Highlights:
Join us as we dive deep into enlightening conversations with a diverse range of guests, including brand managers, agency strategists, software vendors, and influencers themselves. Get ready to uncover the intricacies of the art and science behind influencing audiences to take action, whether that's trying, buying, or thinking differently.
🔥 What You'll Explore:
📊 Strategic Insights: Gain a new perspective on influence marketing by understanding how to align your influence efforts with concrete business objectives. From increasing brand awareness to driving tangible sales, we unveil the strategic keys to success.
🤝 Collaborative Brilliance: Delve into the secrets of successful collaborations as we chat with brand managers and influencers who have perfected the delicate dance of co-creation. Discover how authenticity, alignment, and creativity drive powerful partnerships.
🔬 The Influence Science: Explore the science behind influence, dissecting the psychological triggers that inspire action. Learn how to craft messages that resonate deeply with your target audience, prompting them to engage, purchase, and advocate for your brand.
🌐 Beyond Online Borders: Dive into the world of offline influence and discover how it complements digital strategies. Unearth the strategies that translate seamlessly from online to offline, creating a unified brand presence that captivates audiences across all touchpoints.
📚 Learn from the Best: Benefit from the wisdom of industry leaders who have mastered the delicate balance between utilizing influencers and creating genuine influence. Gain practical insights that empower you to create meaningful, lasting connections.
🚀 Stay Connected and Informed:
If you're committed to turning influence into impact, Winfluence is your one-stop source of inspiration and knowledge. Subscribe now to receive a steady stream of episodes that will revolutionize the way you approach influencer marketing.
🎧 Where to Tune In:
Listen to Winfluence wherever you get your podcasts or watch the show on its Tuesday streams at 11 a.m. ET/8 a.m. PT on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and on @jasonfalls's Twitter stream.
📲 Engage and Connect:
You can find Jason Falls on most social media platforms @jasonfalls or look for Winfluence on YouTube or Facebook. -
Το audio ανήκει αναμφισβήτητα στα trends της εποχής και η Ogilvy έρχεται να αφήσει το ηχητικό της αποτύπωμα. Ακούστε τα Ogilvy Podcasts, με συζητήσεις, αναλύσεις και συνεντεύξεις, γύρω από τον χώρο της διαφήμισης, των social media και του digital marketing.
電通是台灣市佔率與影響力最大行銷傳播集團,想知道行銷案例的幕後祕辛、最熱門的企業趨勢、最FUN最好玩的行銷大小事嗎? dentsuology電通學雙週準時開講,帶你一起探索電通! 想了解更多集團資訊,請參閱:
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Carbon Economist is the podcast for operators, engineers, policymakers, and experts from finance, law, consultancy, and academia, focusing on carbon capture and sequestration. We offering cutting-edge insights and analysis tailored for the C-suite, senior management, and partner levels.
Join us as we navigate the complexities of the carbon economy, providing our listeners with the knowledge and perspectives necessary to lead in an evolving market. -
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Agile marketing expert John Cass shares insights, interviews, and more about the state of agile marketing from around the world.
我們分享那些檯面下的實業家,他們如何使用最新的科技、策略,和方法,把事業推展到數億新台幣的規模。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Welcome to The Knowledge Catalyst! In this podcast, we help small business owners accelerate their growth by using knowledge as a strategic asset. Our show is focused on discovering hidden knowledge insights small business owners and entrepreneurs can use to build stronger customer relationships, create better products, and increase profitability.
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片頭音樂由DJ Waven製作,收聽他的音樂類Podcast👉 #耳蝸漫步
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用聽的商業領袖讀書會:最適合主管與想往管理職發展者的專業心法與經驗分享|國內外商管最新資訊|連續13週台灣商業管理類榜Top1|每周1集,2020/11開播,超過560萬聽次 | [email protected]
❚ Ready to take your managerial journey to the next level? 🚀 Uncover the latest in international business management wisdom and gain those slick professional skills you've been craving. Join us for the International Leadership and Management Book Club's vibes and mind-blowing insights straight from Greater China. 🌍📚 Whether you're hungry for leadership skills or aiming for top-tier management, we've got you covered. Subscribe now and let's supercharge your path to success! 💼 Are you ready to rise?
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「最懂你的牙科開業平台」我們邀請了各大診所的院長從診所定位、經營理念,分享到員工福利、人才培育。不藏私和大家分享所有開業的眉角!Facebook: 搜尋: 台灣牙e通
我是Eric ,過去我透過下班來創業,在這跟大家分享自己創業的所有重要觀點
聯繫方式:[email protected]
透過社群媒體讓客戶找上你教學影片 -
本節目由《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版執行長楊瑪利(Mary)及 HBR-CC 資深編輯團隊所主持,帶你輕鬆學到人人都能應用的管理新知。讓我們一起拉近學習的距離,承襲著哈佛的知識觀點,做回自己職涯、人生的掌舵者! 主持人Mary擁有超過30年採訪經驗,足跡遍布全球,曾親炙佛里曼、傅高義等大師風采,個人榮獲近30座國內外新聞獎項,也曾帶領國內第一財經雜誌《遠見》拿下大大小小超過70座新聞獎項,包括金鼎獎、吳舜文新聞獎、曾虛白新聞獎和亞洲卓越新聞獎等。這回,Mary希望用最平易近人的方式,融合過去財經採訪的經驗與心得,轉譯《哈佛商業評論》的關鍵趨勢,找出人人身上的哈佛DNA。 每一週的節目由三個系列組成,分別為週一「Mary’s Talk」、週三「編輯室」以及週五的「哈佛人物面對面」。【Mary’s Talk】 週一由主持人Mary精選一篇《哈佛商業評論》繁體中文版的推薦文章,分享領導人與主管必知的管理新趨勢,快速吸收商業思維,輕鬆Get哈佛知識。【週三編輯室】週三由HBR-CC 資深編輯團隊將探討一個聽眾關心的職場難題,連結《哈佛商業評論》在職場、職涯、自我管理和自我成長方面的議題,陪伴你共同解決問題,提升職涯從 A 到 A+。【哈佛人物面對面】讓Mary用一杯咖啡的時間,彙整哈佛主題知識,邀請你我身邊各行各業的代表人物,不論是正在起步發展的新興創業家、時下最夯的YouTuber或是你家巷口的飲料店老闆,都是我們的邀約對象。擁有哈佛DNA的他們,將跟我們一起聊聊自己在經營、管理上的故事,想知道他們如何運用商業思維解決難題,聽下去就對。 了解更多《哈佛商業評論》 官網: FB: IG: LINE: provided by SoundOn
「聖經 」讓猶太人成為世上最有智慧與富有的民族,讓歐美許多國家成為世界強國,其實由來都在這小小的聖經裡,讓我方方面面的來講給你聽,成為指引你人生方向的地圖。
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危機處理是一門非常隱密及低調的工作,很多人想要學習及了解但都不得其門而入,這個頻道會介紹一系列的實務案例,裡面會提及概念、步驟、架構及個人實務經驗的分享,讓聽眾可以在短時間內學習及累積危機處理的知識與能力,進而協助大家解決各自的問題!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
領導力不是掌權高位者的專利,它存在於你我的日常生活。我是Van,領導學的白居易,讓我們一起探索超實用的日常領導力!(原:領導學院 Podcast)如果你喜歡我的節目,歡迎贊助我一杯咖啡:若有興趣進行網路訪談,請寄信至合作活動聯絡信箱 [email protected] provided by SoundOn