Struggling with your entertainment business? The Branding for Entertainers podcast is your solution. Get practical advice from Billy Diamond and top experts to polish your brand identity. Stand out, grow your business, and enjoy the journey!
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced by Andy Tate in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Velkommen til "Danske Opfindere - historierne om de opfindere, der tænkte anderledes".
Her dykker vi ned i en verden af kreativitet, innovation, og nytænkning, mens vi udforsker nogle af Danmarks mest bemærkelsesværdige opfindelser og de personer, der står bag dem.
Glæd dig til en tur gennem Danmarkshistorien - og opdag, hvordan de danske opfindere har formet din verden, med deres evne til at tænke anderledes.
Danske Opfindere - historien om de opfindere, der turde tænke anderledes" er produceret af podcast bureauet hearHEAR og udgives af AJ Produkter. -
Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Bawdy Storytelling – dubbed 'The Moth for pervs' by the LA Weekly – is the nation’s original sex and storytelling series. Founded, emcee’ed and curated by sexual folklorist Dixie De La Tour, Bawdy Storytelling features real people and rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits. Bawdy Storytelling’s one-of-a-kind approach to sex-positive personal narrative has coaxed liberating tales out of everyday people, creating unforgettable experiences for performers and audiences alike. These stories aren't memorized. Storytellers aren't reading from cue cards. This is honest-to-badness story time with true sexcapades and poignant, hilarious, transformational tales at each and every show.
Velkommen til HairButcher
Et podcast som samler håndgribelige værktøjer og viden om hvordan man driver en succesfuld frisørsalon.
Vi taler med dem som har klaret sig bedst i branchen, de som har størst erfaring og dem som gør noget ud over det sædvanlige.
Glæd dig til at høre en ny episode hver mandag. :) -
Happy Writing is a podcast for writers who want to reignite their love for writing and turn their passion into a sustainable and healthy relationship with words.
Hosted by Vivien Reis, a mechanical engineer by day and young adult author and YouTuber by night, this show is for any writer ready to reinvent and bring balance to their writing lifestyle.
Join Vivien each week for a dose of uplifting validation, thought-provoking inspiration, and practical ideas designed to transform your writing into Happy Writing. -
Træd med ind i troldmandens hule til en uformel snak om tryllekunst i selskab med Nicolaj Christensen, Anders Lilleøre og Mads Fencker.
Mønterne er palmerede, kortene lagt i stack og tryllestaven er skruet op på 100%
Igennem diskussioner, lege og kreative øvelser bliver tryllekunsten i det 21-århundrede taget til et kærligt eftersyn. -
QueenPod: The Queen Podcast is your official one-stop shop for everything related to the world's greatest rock band. Joined by comedians and Queen superfans John Robins and Sooz Kempner, host Rohan Acharya and Queen archivist and documentarian Simon Lupton will take you through all of Queen, track by track, album by album, listening along to the tunes and analyzing them (well, at least talking about how awesome they are). We'll also have news and stories about the band, fan questions and queries, and some very special guests!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Roma Army Podcast
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WATCH on FACEBOOK - mensrightsarmy
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Outro Beat: -
As I learn, You Learn. Just a small business owner trying to help you traverse the Creative Gap and get better one step at a time by taking massive action towards your next big business idea or creative project.
Have a question for me? As me on Twitter @nickvegas. -
Fortællinger om medier, kunst og det oprørske. Ud fra samtaler med kunstnere, arkitekter, erhvervsfolk, forskere, politikere, filmskabere og formidlere vil der månedligt blive præsenteret et konkret eksempel på, hvordan man med nye og gamle medier, kunsten og det oprørske hjerte kan skabe forandringer i vores ellers så lineære og målbare verdensorden. Fortællingerne har deres afsæt i en gammel bygning i hjertet af København, hvor NXT hører til.
NXT er et udviklingsfirma, der med afsæt i branding og et kollektiv af kunstnere, erhvervsfolk og kreative, arbejder med den frie tænkning inden for videnskab, arkitektur, formidling, film, politik og ledelse. -
Want to learn about the Art and Business of public speaking for Coaches, Authors, and Experts? This is the only place you'll need to go!
Here you will find everything from storytelling, stagecraft, and presentation, to selling from the stage.
You'll also learn natural client attraction methods so you don't have to "manipulate", and even everything a great speaker needs to make money and impact when they're NOT on stage!
You'll find it all here.
Request to join Manny's FB group here: -
the Dodcast is my podcast where I talk about things that I find interesting with people who are much cooler than I am.
I like photography, history, psychology, design, creativity, and pondering why people work they way they work, what makes them tick, and more. This podcast is very casual, but serious all at the same time.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Pattern To Product is a podcast for designers, artists, entreprenuers or anyone wanting to develop home decor, lifestyle and apparel products.
Danmarks sjoveste podcast.
Welcome to Video Marketing Secrets: Simple Strategies for Outrageous ROI - a podcast by The Draw Shop. Here, you will learn the most creative and cutting-edge video marketing strategies to help you attract, nurture, and convert your ideal customers throughout your sales funnel. Hosted by Summer Felix-Mulder.