YES! I am still here!
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Follow your process ... pre-shooting and before you ever get to the range!
Episode 011: ……rrrrrr Crash! Now, get back on course!
The old Marine saying .. "improvise, adapt, and overcome!"
Episode 010: Create a routine to trigger your focus
Disclaimer: The opinions stated about possible changes to the USPSA production rules is just that...my opinion. Just like everyone...I have a couple!
If you disagree ... let us agree ... to disagree ... don't get me started on the PCC (pistol caliber carbine) division! ;)
This is ONLY my opinion. Hell, I just want to shoot!
Episode 007: Acquiring the tools: How to learn to do what we do
Mainly for USPSA, but applies to most all of the practical shooting sports
NOTICE: Taking an in-person class or private instruction for a TRUE teacher/coach will always surpase what you read in just about ANY of these books for TECHNICAL skills. Mental skills .. well maybe, maybe not.
*** MUST READ once you realize that there REALLY IS a huge mental component to the Practical Shooting sports! ***
Lanny Bassham
“With Winning in Mind”
NOTABLE INSTRUCTORS and Champions that teach and enlighten us!
Steve Anderson
“The Dry-Fire Guy” and Pod-Father
Refinement and Repetition Principles of Performance Get to work 4/5 e-book due out Summer 2018http://shop.andersonshooting.com/Books/
Ben Stoeger
Multi-year USPSA and IPSC Production Division World Champion
Books AND DVDs!
Also offers reduced size dry-fire targets
Dry-Fire Training Reloaded: For the Practical Pistol Shooter Practical Pistol Reloaded Skills and Drills Practical Pistol: Fundamental Techniques and Competition SkillsDVDs:
Training to Win Practical Pistol Foundationshttp://benstoegerproshop.com/books-dvds/
Tim Gallwey
The Inner Game of Tennis The Inner Game of GolfAMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_8?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=tim+gallwey&sprefix=Tim+Gall%2Cstripbooks%2C137&crid=8ZU0CKXE7KHU&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Atim+gallwey
Michael Seeklander
Mike has a lot of books out that focus on multiple areas of the shooting disciples. Well worth the money and reading time. Below are the competition focused books
Your Competition Handgun Training Program Competition Handgun Training DrillsAMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_gnr_fkmr0?rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Amichael+seeklander&keywords=michael+seeklander&ie=UTF8&qid=1516903120
AFTER you get experience in the sport… 1-2 years.
Brian Enos
Practical Shooting: Beyond the Fundamentals
Saul Kirsch
Thinking Practical Shooting
Perfect Practice
Daniel Coyle
The Talent CodeAMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Talent-Code-Greatness-Born-Grown-ebook/dp/B0026OR1UK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1516903584&sr=8-1&keywords=the+talent+code
Episode 006 – I am HOOKED, part 3 “Everything else” …. And saving you $ and YEARS of practice
In today’s episode of the Adventures in Practical Shooting and Life we start looking at what other items or gear you might consider to make your dive into practical competitive shooting more fun and easier!
Hearing protection
Range Bag
Getting started – Practice and Instruction
If you can afford it – Take a Competitive shooting class!
Skills and Drills books for “Dry Fire” practicing - Episode 007!!
Episode 005:
CR Speed VERSA Magazine Pouch Modification
In today’s episode of the Adventures in Practical Shooting and Life we answer a special email request about the modifications that can be made to the CR Speed VERSA magazine pouches to get them away from the body a little more, but still remain ‘Legal’ in the USPSA Production division world.
Parts needed:
Drill and Drill Bit
Drill Bit slightly larger than head of button head M6x30mm screw.
*I HIGHLY recommend that you do this drilling on a DRILL PRESS. Make a jig that will hold the magazine pouch SECURELY while you drill and expand the hole on the exterior of the VERSA Pouch
Spacers (Black)
Round Spacer, Nylon, M6, 10mm, 10-Pack
Item # 3ZMT5 Mfr. Model # 13ME079 Catalog Page # N/A UNSPSC # 31161816GRAINGER:
M6-1.00 x 30mm Button, 25-Pk
Item # 5YMK4 Mfr. Model # UST187490 Catalog Page # N/A UNSPSC # 31161501GRAINGER:
M6 Shakeproof, A4 SS Washer (DIN6798)
*Note the DIN #. This type of locking washer works best!
Item # 23NJ96 Mfr. Model # M51460.060.0001 Catalog Page # N/A UNSPSC # 31161801GRAINGER:
1) Remove bolt from inside of magazine pouch that holds together the pouch and the belt attachment. This separates the VERSA pouch into two parts 1) the mag pouch and 2) the C-Bak belt attachment.
2) There is a hole on the OUTSIDE of the CR Speed Versa pouches. You will need to drill that hole LARGER to fit the longer M6x30mm screw though the pouch. Make SURE you are drilling the EXTERIOR (Facing away from body) hole in the VERSA pouch..not the INTERIOR (towards body) hole. Compare Button Head of the M6x30mm bolt with a drill bit to get just a TAD large size. Now, Drill the hole.
3) Replace bolt with M6x30mm bolt through the magazine pouch. Ensure it is all the way through the magazine pouch and button-head is touching the interior BACK of the pouch.
4) As bolt sticks out externally of the magazine pouch, insert washer #1 on the bolt and push flush onto the magazine pouch.
5) Insert one Spacer on the bolt and push flush onto washer #1 and magazine pouch
6) Place washer #2 on the bolt and push flush onto the spacer.
7) Place a small amount of BLUE Loctite on the end threads of the bolt
8) Screw in bolt until you have a slightly snug fit
9) Orient your magazine pouch to the angle desired
10) Tighten down bolt as much as possible. Ensure that it is tight enough for ‘teeth’ of locking washers to dig into the magazine pouch, the C-Bak belt attachment AND both sides of spacer.
**Careful! Use a quality Allen wrench to do this tightening. If using a ball-end wrench, the torque may bite the end off. Make sure it is EXTREMELY tight whereas the magazine pouch will NOT move
Episode 004 – I am HOOKED, part 2 “The Rig”
In today’s episode of the Adventures in Practical Shooting and Life we start looking at what other things do we need after we have chosen a firearm(s) to compete with.
The Rig – basically this refers to the belt and all accessories you wear when competing. These items include, but are not limited to:
Inner and Outer belt
Magazine carriers
*Note – Belt and holster requirement differ per sport. Ensure you review the rules for what you can utilize!
2 & 3Gun Sports
Inner and Outer belt
Pistol Magazine carriers
Rifle Magazine carriers
Shotgun Shell carriers
Since I do not participate in 3Gun, my knowledge is limited. A couple of GOOD resources if your interest is there is listed below:**IMPORTANT – Save yourself a little $$ - look and ask around! Get other’s experience with various choices of rig and accessories! Others may have a different opinion than I do. ALSO – someone maybe upgrading … and YOU can buy their old gear for CHEAP and get started discovering what YOUR preferences are before making large investments! ***
As a reference … For USPSA - my current rig consist of:
SIG P320 X5 (Custom trigger Action Job by GrayGuns)
Custom carbide grip texture by Alma ColeBelt:
Outer: Double Alpha Academy DAA Premium Belt
Inner: CR Speed Recomp Super Hi-Torque Inner Belt
Magazine Pouches:
CR Speed VERSA Magazine Pouches with C-Bak
*Additional customizations also
Red Hills Tactical Competition Holster for SIG P320 X5
I choose the Dual-layered Kydex. Red on the interior and black carbon on the exterior. This holster is stiffer than the commercial available holsters and is of excellent quality!Holster Hanger:
BOSS DOH holster hanger
Show Links:
Gray Guns: http://grayguns.com
Vendors I have used that carry multiple products listed above:
Shooters Connection http://shootersconnection.com
Ben Stoeger ProShop http://benstoegerproshop.com/
Double Alpha Academy https://www.doublealpha.biz/
Red Hills Tactical https://redhilltactical.com/
Episode 003 – I am HOOKED, part 1 “The Sport & the Tool”
In this week’s episode of the Adventures in Practical Shooting and Life we start looking at what do we do when we have chosen the sport we want to participate in.
First things first
Go to a couple of matches or events. Closely watch the competitors interactions.
Is this a ‘culture’ of something you feel you will fit into? Are the present competitors welcoming? Chatting you up a lot? Telling and bragging about their particular sport? What are they saying about OTHER practical shooting sports? Are they open and encouraging you to check those sports out? Or, are their opinions surrounded by non-factual negativity? Observe the group as a whole, it is a good-ole-boy/girl club? Difficult or easy to join? Is there a particular challenge of that sport that interest you?Okay, you have decided!
How to get started Make sure to JOIN the organization for your chosen sport Most are required to become ‘classified’ or ‘ranked’ within the sport – we are starting to compete, right? What division do you want to shoot? Can you shoot a firearm(s) that you already have? Do you have to purchase something else? What other gear is needed??The Firearm(s)
Do you already own the type and model of firearm for your chosen sport and division?
If not, a couple of recommendations:
DO NOT BUY anything until you do your research. A couple of questions to ask yourself before laying out one hard earned dime: Do you already OWN a firearm you can compete with in the division chosen? At least to get started. Is the firearm you select on the ‘approved list’ for the chosen division? Are you brand and model bias? What is the ‘cost’ of running the gun (caliber, bullets, quality) ASK QUESTIONS – why are other shooters running particular brands and models of firearms…this is tricky! Like asking the Ford v/s Chevy question!All these are food for though. There are plenty of more questions to be asked and YOU must evaluate what is BEST for you!
MY ADVICE: Narrow your selection down to maybe 3-4 firearms per platform required (platform meaning pistol, rifle, shotgun) Now … Go shoot each one at a range where you might be able to rent them. If not see if you can borrow..or ask to shoot someone else’s firearms after a match you attended to ‘observe’. Make your choice on what YOU feel is best FOR YOU…not anyone else!
Episode 002 - Where to find Practical Shooting Sports
In this week’s episode of the Adventures in Practical Shooting and Life we start looking at HOW to find and get started in the practical shooting sports is also covered.
Off Topic Opinion rant. Weather, meteorologist, and the modern times of scare tactics in the media!
United States Practical Shooting Association
International Defensive Pistol Association
Georgia Defensive Pistol Association
NRA Action Pistol Competition
NRA Bianchi Cup
3Gun Nation
Outlaw Matches
Outlaw matches are interesting in themselves. Utilizing a combination of competition and safety rules. I have not personally been to any of these ‘official’ outlaw matches…but what could YOU lose by going and watching and or participating? Just one concern – make sure you understand the rules of the match and especially the safety rules!Up and coming shooting sports
2 Guns (pistol and rifle/shotgun) Rifle only Shotgun onlyI really do not know of good web references for these types of matches, but I have friends that are deep into these types of practical shooting sports – maybe we can get them to join us and tell us all about it and where to participate!
Episode 001 - Welcome and Introductions
introductions including 4 yr old child noise and basset hound dog noise!
Find out who I am and why I want to do a PodCast!