
  • Debate and disagreement are part of the human condition. We are all unique and we all see the world differently. It should come as no shock, therefore, that disagreements exist between different people. Our nation has made debate into a favorite pastime - just visit any Yeshiva and you will see what I mean. But why must we debate? And what are the pillars of a productive debate? In this week's podcast, we learn the art of argumentation.

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  • Everyone is going through something. Everyone has difficulties in life. That is the human condition. It is also all by design. But we are instructed to empathize with others in whatever challenge they may be undergoing. We are supposed to help them bear their burden. We are supposed to identify with their pain, validate it, and try to do whatever we can to suffer alongside them. This quality is the mark of the giants of our history, and it is also the Attribute of God that we are shown repeatedly. In this Ethics Podcast we learn how it is also a means through which we can acquire that that we cherish more than anything else: a connection with the Almighty and His holy Torah.

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  • In this week’s parsha, Moshe and Aaron’s first cousin, a man named Korach, launches a rebellion claiming that Moshe is guilty of nepotism in appointing his brother as High Priest. What ensued should give one serious pause before engaging in any similar sort of divisive activities.

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  • Prior to initiating the war of conquest of the land of Canaan, the nation did the prudent thing: they undertook a reconnaissance mission to scout out the enemy defenses. Moshe selected 12 righteous men, one from each tribe, to traverse the land and inspect it from the inside. The result was a catastrophic disaster: the scouts brought a devastating report about the land, prompting the people to lose faith in God and in the prospect of entering Canaan. In this Parsha podcast, we explore three elements of the Parsha: the first segment orients around one of the descriptions of the land offered by the scouts. The second and third segments relate to the end of the Parsha: The execution of a person who was gathering twigs on Shabbos, and the commandment to tie fringes to corners of our garments.

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  • One of the most unfortunate events in our history is chronicled in this week's Parsha. The nation was on the doorstep of entering the Land of Canaan and actualizing the promise made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In an effort to not to rely on Divine miracles, Moshe commissioned 12 righteous men to reconnoiter the Land. The report that they returned with was devastating, eventually leading to the nation being condemned to spend 40 years in the wilderness. That storyline is told in our Parsha's beginning. It then transitions to talk about something very different: libations in sacrifices, the challah gift given to the Kohein, sacrifices for egregious sins, an episode of a person who gathered twigs on Shabbos resulting in his execution, and finally we read the third paragraph of the Shema, which talks about the Mitzvah of Tzitzis. Is there a central theme in our Parsha? On the surface it seems that the answer is no. In this podcast, we swim deep beneath the surface and discover some gems.

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    This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leilui Nishmas Yosef Binyamin ben Avraham Chaim, George Topas, whose fourth Yartzeit falls out on 19th of Sivan, the day that this podcast is being released.

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  • We have made enormous strides in our pursuit of a deep, and comprehensive study of Rambam's 13 principles of faith. We have plumbed the depths of these 13 tenets of our religion to the best of our ability. This podcast marks the final installment of this series. In it we explore some of the various quandaries and uncertainties regarding Resurrection. While our exploration of the 13 principles has been completed, we hope to, with the help of the almighty, continue studying and parsing out various subjects related to our philosophy and religion on this podcast channel. We hope you enjoyed the ride and continue with us as we proceed onward.

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  • The Jewish people were on the cusp of entering the Land of Canaan, and made a prudent, but ultimately tragic, decision: To send a contingent of scouts to reconnoiter the Land, to examine its vulnerabilities and weaknesses in order to best plan the conquest. Unfortunately, the report of the scouts sent the nation into a tailspin and caused them to remain in the Wilderness for 40 years.

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  • After nearly a year at Sinai, the nation is on the move: in perfect formation, each tribe perfectly positioned and oriented, the nation finally departed the site of the Sinai Revelation. Following the cloud, the nation traveled. In this very special Parsha podcast, we go deep and deeper in trying to plumb the depths of the Torah to the best of our abilities. The first segment revolves around the nature of the nation's frequent travels throughout the wilderness, in contrast with the year that they spent in one location at Sinai. The second segment focuses on two mysterious figures, Eldad and Meidad, who were catapulted prophecy. The final segment shares a fascinating and perhaps a bit terrifying insight into the nature of the arrival of Messiah and what to do about it.

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  • Traveling in the wilderness was not simple. The nation was guided by the clouds of Glory. When the clouds of Glory would depart from a top of the Tabernacle, that signaled it was time to go and the nation decamped and began to move. Where to? No one knew ahead of time. Wherever the cloud settled, that is where the next encampment was. When we examine this system of traveling, we find incredible lessons. On a basic level, it shows us the degree of commitment that the nation had to God. On a deeper level, it shows us the essence of the 40 years in the wilderness, and the nature of our navigation throughout the challenges and conflicts of our lives.

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  • The festival of Shavuos marks the anniversary of the most momentous and consequential event in all of human history: the Sinai Revelation. A mere 50 days after the Exodus, the nation coalesced around the mountain and witnessed when no other people has had witnessed prior or since: They heard the Ten Commandments directly from the Creator Himself. In this very special and very unique podcast, we explore a fascinating question regarding one of the commandments. That question is used as a springboard analyze a very interesting and compelling citation featured in the literature. This is one of the most unique and fascinating podcasts you will ever hear. It is more enjoyable with the visuals on the slideshow. If you would like to receive them, please send me an email ([email protected]) and I will send it to you.

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  • There was a need to render halachic rulings. Sometimes there was uncertainty and there's a need to have a halachic decisor render a ruling. But what is the attitude necessary for a halachic arbiter? In way to wisdom #37 we learned that he is not supposed to be enthusiastic and eager to render rulings.

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  • The Jewish nation has been encamped at Mount Sinai for nearly a year; in this week’s parsha they finally depart from the Mountain of God, and sadly leave gleefully as a child escaping school. This kick starts a series of missteps that carry harsh consequences.

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  • Parshas Nasso is the longest Parsha in the Torah by verses. In this very special Parsha podcast we explore three different elements of the Parsha: We offer a deep examination of the banishment of the various impure people from the camp; a profound approach to the system of change featured in the Nazir; and a sharp analysis of Moshe's role in constructing the Tabernacle.

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  • Our Parsha contains the interesting law of the Nazir. A Nazir is someone who has accepted upon themselves a vow to abstain from wine, haircuts, and contact with the dead for a given period, typically 30 days. The details of this law are featured in our partial and elaborated upon in appropriately named book of Talmud, the book of "Nazir." What is the meaning behind this law and what can we learn from it? When we study the Nazir we discover the mechanism for rapid, accelerated, and dramatic transformation.

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  • It is a mark of Torah ignorance to be content with the degree of Torah study that you have. It is broader than the land and deeper than the sea. Torah is effectively infinite. To have a swelled heart - to feel supremely confident in your knowledge - is both foolish and counterproductive.

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  • In the longest parsha in the Torah by verses, we continue to read about the Levite families and their responsibilities, we learn about the three tiers of the Nation’s encampment, the laws of a suspected adulteress, the laws of the Nazir, the Priestly blessings, and we read a very wordy account of the gifts of the tribal leaders during the weeks following the Tabernacle’s inauguration.

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  • At first glance, the subject matter of Parshas Bamidbar is quite bland and technical. It talks of a census, and the orientation of the tribes in the camp, and the various responsibilities of the different levite families. These are not typically subjects that grab our attention. But we are trained to go deeper and deeper beneath the surface and to try to discover insights and lessons that are powerful and impactful. In this very special Parsha Podcast, we explore three different angles of this fascinating Parsha. We emerge enlightened and inspired.

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  • Our Parsha recounts - for the third time hitherto in the Torah - the episode of the untimely death of Aaron's two eldest sons, Nadav and Avihu. These two young priests were destined for greatness. Moshe believed that they were in fact greater than him and Aaron. Yet they brought an unauthorized sacrifice and died in a Divine conflagration on the same day that the Tabernacle was inaugurated. What exactly they did wrong and why they deserved such a fiery and premature death is a subject that fascinated our Sages throughout the centuries. In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast, we offer a suggestion to explain what their calculation was and why it was wrong, learning along the way a pivotal lesson needed for anyone striving to actualize their potential.

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  • Questions can be unsettling. Questions can cause dissonance. Questions can be painful. But questions can also be illuminating. They can open up new portals of insight and perspective. Questions are a central part of Torah study. Much of the Talmud is written in a question and answer format. The Passover seder is marked by the questions. Questions, in Torah study, are encouraged. In this very interesting and unique podcast, we share five fascinating questions, one on each of the five books of the Torah. These questions will hopefully expand and augment our perspective of Torah and Jewish life.

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  • We kickstart the Book of Numbers with a census of the twelve tribes of Israel – not including the tribe of Levi who is counted independently – conducted by Moses, Aaron, and the most distinguished leaders of said tribes. Subsequently, we read about the banners of the tribes and their assigned encampments, the transference of the sanctity of the firstborn to the Levites, and the designated role of each of the Levite families.

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