Another funky technique to create more space within the ribcage & the heart space. Start by acknowledging your current state : the breathe, the thoughts, the body. Finish with a simple embodiment practice that applies pressure to the heart & allows you to create more space for your breath to flow.
A visualization technique to help you protect your energy. A funky way to repel negative vibes. Enjoy with an open mind.
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A great quick meditation for when your screen time is higher than it should be. Explore the concept of palming & how you can add it to your "self-care kit". Good for all levels any time of day.
Connect with your breath, listen & bring awareness to the posture you've chosen to be in
The first episode of a short series of intro to meditation. Good for all levels - we just breathe here & listen. A nice short episode just to notice whats up.
A shorter meditation to help you start your day with a clear head. We perform a quick body scan & set intentions for the day.
In this meditation we breathe, check in with with body as a whole & reflect on how we feel. An episode to help you detach from your day,
We start by listening & taking in our surroundings. We breathe & we take note of tension in the body in order to come back to the present moment. Enjoy.
A long overdue new episode : We take a break to listen to our outside world, We breathe & connect with our environment. A great one to create space within. Enjoy
Six minutes pour calmer l'esprit. Nous travaillons avec la technique de respiration carré "box breathing" pour retrouver un équilibre intérieur.
A quick moment to calm your thoughts & help you disconnect. We work with box breathing, a simple breathwork technique that helps restore balance within.
Cette méditation de visualisation apaisante vous guide a travers de la création de votre "jardin intérieur". Nous créons un espace sécuritaire dans lequel vous pouvez venir respirer et vous détacher des vos pensées.
This calming visualization meditation takes you to an inner garden. We create a safe space that you can come to to breathe and forget whats on your mind.
Bienvenue dans la saison du Verseau! Cette méditation débute avec la « respiration carré » une technique intéressante pour vous aider à ralentir. Nous terminons par une pratique de gratitude et quelques devoirs « d'état d'esprit positif » pour le reste de votre journée. Namaste!
Welcome to Aquarius season! Start today with "box-breathing" a nice technique to help you slow down. Finish with a gratitude practice & some "positive mindset" homework for the rest of your day. Enjoy!
Une variation de la méditation "Loving Kindness" - Une petit mix de respiration, d'amour & de gratitude.
This one is a mashup of loving kindness, gratitude and embodiment. Use it to bring calm into your day, when you feel happy, sad, frustrated, tired - or just for a little motivation. Enjoy!
Respirez, ressentez & écoutez. Une courte meditation pour laisser une pause a vos yeux & tourner votre regard a l'intérieure.
A quick practice to bring you back to reality. Where are you, how do you feel, what can you hear?
Une pause pour respirer & une pratique d'ancrage rapide.
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