
  • Coingecko is the world largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator with over 150 million page views per month. Malaysian Founders, Bobby Ong and TM Lee, built the business as a side-hustle before venturing into it full-time.

    The most impressive thing about this is that they built this without a single cent from venture capital - while maintaining a great culture as seen by their 4.6 Stars Glassdoor Rating and 100% CEO approval.

    (1:47) Bobby Ong's story - From Side Hustle to the World largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator
    (7:40) What is the problem that CoinGecko is solving?
    (13:55) Why CoinGecko did not raise funds from venture capital?
    (23:55) Where does Bobby Ong's conviction in crypto come from?
    (29:45) How the ability to respond fast to trends help them scale
    (36:15) Sharing his views on the crypto space, valuation and trends on Twitter
    (40:55) What actionable steps did he take to build a great culture in CoinGecko
    (44:04) Why Bobby Ong believes that leaders need to be open and transparent
    (45:19) How to maintain culture as the team grows?
    (48:14) How CoinGecko approaches hiring?
    (53:41) What is CoinGecko focusing on during Crypto Winter?
    (55:42) What was the lowest point for CoinGecko?
    (59:29) How does to determine if you should take someone's advice?

  • When we think of companies listed in the NYSE, we rarely see locals from Southeast Asia leading them. Moneylion’s Foong Chee Mun is one of the exceptions.

    Foong Chee Mun, co-Founder of Moneylion, is the first Malaysian Founder to make it to the New York Stock Exchange in September 2021.

    MoneyLion is the go-to destination for personalised financial management, content, offerings and advice. Their main users are in the USA. They are part of a consortium with AEON and AEON Financial Services that received a digital banking license from the Ministry of Finance in Malaysia.

    In this session, we cover the story of how he founded this company - and challenges he faced and the importance of resilience, humility and objectivity in one’s journey to success.

    (01:49) Foong Chee Mun's origin story and how he founded Moneylion
    (10:35) How he and Co-Founder Dee Choubey came up with the idea
    (14:14) Learning about the importance of humility and continuous learning
    (20:53) How the Tech Winter and Covid-19 has impacted Moneylion
    (24:36) Growing as a leader: How his leadership style had to evolve as the company grew
    (30:15) The hardest part about leadership and how to take care of one's mental health
    (35:30) What are the two most important skills for success?
    (38:08) How to make objective decisions without too much influence from emotions and ego?

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  • There is a shortage of doctors in Indonesia with only 0.4 doctors for every 1000 residents. This problem is further worsened by the fact that Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with more than 17,000 islands. Not everyone gets access to healthcare and Halodoc is determined to solve this problem!

    Halodoc was founded in 2016 and their impact and growth has skyrocketed since. They now serve over 20 million patients in Indonesia every single month - that is almost 4x of Singapore's population!

    Halodoc’s Co-Founder and tech veteran, Doddy Lukito and I discuss how he got to where he is today; Halodoc’s contribution to Indonesia especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic and to uncover valuable lessons for tech workers and leaders.

    (6:07) What is the problem with the healthcare system today in Indonesia?
    (10:07) How did Halodoc help Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic
    (16:00) Coping with the surge in volume of patients
    (20:52) The biggest learning when running a business
    (24:20) The challenge with educating stakeholders
    (27:14) How to convince others to change?
    (31:39) What keeps Doddy Lukito going during hard times?
    (33:20) Halodoc performance in the current tech winter
    (37:15) Advice for tech workers facing tech winter for the first time
    (42:21) What is the best way to learn?
    (44:23) A book that Doddy Lukito recommends

    Halodoc's Website: https://halodoc.com/

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/GFleEzLxfCQ