
  • Is water fluoridation affecting childrenā€™s IQ? A federal court ruling says it might be. In this eye-opening episode, we dive into a recent federal court decision that challenges the long-held belief in fluorides safety. A judge in California has ruled that fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water may pose an ā€œunreasonable riskā€ to childrenā€™s brain development, particularly in pregnant women and young kids. We break down the science behind the ruling, what it means for public health, and the potential consequences for the EPA. Should we rethink fluoride in our water systems? Tune in to find out more!Show Links:Link to the federal court caseAsk the Dentist Collected Articles about fluorideFluoride in Water & Toothpaste: Uses, Dangers & Side Effects [2020 Update]Fluoride and IQ: Does prenatal exposure to fluoride lower IQ? Fluoride For Kids & Cavities: The Myths & The Science [Parentā€™s Guide]Check out Fygg.comMore From Dr B:Check out Dr. Bā€™s website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. Bā€™s newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletterCheck out Fygg.com

  • Hey there, it's Dr. B welcoming you back to another enlightening episode of Ask The Dentist! Today, I'm thrilled to have Dr. David Lin, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Bristle, joining me to talk about the fascinating world of oral microbiome health. Exciting news - FYGG & Bristle are teaming up, and we're here to explore everything from probiotics to prebiotics and beyond. Tune in as we dissect the intricacies of these gut-friendly elements, from defining terms to understanding their impact on gum health. We'll uncover the benefits, discuss practical applications, and even cover the Bristle test case study. Don't miss out on valuable insights into maintaining a healthy microbiome and optimizing your oral care routine!Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Timestamps: 00:57 - FYGG & Bristle are collaborating!!02:54 - Defining pro, pre, post, and sym- biotics 04:37 - The six species that support gum help 06:52 - Taking care of the oral microbiome08:01 - The primary benefits of prebiotics & how they ā€feedā€09:53 - Prebiotics vs probiotics 12:43 - The beneficial strains & reading tests15:37 - Bristle test case study 18:13 - the importance of maintaining low levels of inflammatory species 20:09 - Nitrate 24:11 - The halitosis score 25:50 - The risks of pro & prebiotics 30:41 - Why we need Xylitol now 32:56 - The ingredients of Bristles probiotics34:28 - The practical uses of probiotics 35:58 - When to take the probiotic39:48 - Who needs probiotics 40:03 - Explaining the costs of probiotics 40:26 - Other forms of probiotics 41:25 - Differentiated Bristleā€™s probiotics Show Links:Go to FYGG.com and use code ATD15 for 15% offWeed, feed, or seed the oral microbiome? Troubleshooting the oral microbiome with David Lin PHDMore From David Lin: Bristle ProbioticMore From Dr B: Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

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  • In todayā€™s episode of Ask The Dentist, weā€™re exploring the latest research surrounding a crucial aspect of adolescent dental health: White Spot Lesions in patients undergoing clear aligner treatment. Throughout this episode, weā€™ll unravel the mystery behind these lesions, examine their root causes, and dissect a recent study that sheds invaluable insights into their prevalence and seriousness. From understanding the implications of anterior attachments to exploring the phenomenon of rapid decalcification, weā€™ll navigate through pivotal findings and conclude with actionable recommendations derived from the study's conclusions. Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Timestamps: 01:40 - What is a white spot lesions 03:35 - The causes of white spot lesions 05:35 - White spot lesions in adolescence study overview 08:26 - Anterior attachments and rapid decalcification 12:52 - Study conclusions 16:28 - My recommendations Show Links: Incidence, Severity, And Risk Factors For White Spot Lesions In Adolescent Patients Treated With Clear AlignersInvisalign: Know Before You GoPur Xylitol GumSonicare ToothbrushProbiotic Soft Replacement HeadsSlate Flosser Couto Medicinal Toothpaste from PortugalMouth Tape: End Mouth Breathing for Better Sleep and a Healthier MouthMouth Breathing: What Every Parent Needs to KnowMouth TapePod Ultrasonic Aligner Cleaner10 Reasons to Get Invisalign That Have Nothing to Do With LooksFurther Listening: Is It Safe To Have My Teeth Filed Before Aligner Therapy?28 Reasons to Nose BreatheCheck out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Welcome back to the second part of our enlightening conversation with Dr. Ryan Nolan. If you have not listened to Part 1, you can click here. In this episode, we're narrowing things down to actionable insights for your dental health. Weā€™re talking about specifics like deciphering oral care product ingredients to the impact of mouthwash on your oral microbiome. Join us as we navigate through recommendations, debunk myths surrounding ingredients like xylitol and glycerin, and unpack the fascinating realm of bioengineering in dental care. Topics Discussed7:36 - Mouthwash & your oral microbiome 14:31 - Mouthwash recommendations 19:18 - Ingredients in your dental care products 23:36 - Xylitol 26:26 - Baking soda28:41 - Nanoparticles31:54 - Bioengineering 34:44 - Nanosilver and the mouth 38:08 - The importance of biofilms 39:30 - Glycerin 44:46 - The lifecycle of nanosilverSponsored By:Eight SleepVisit eightsleep.com and use code ASKTHEDENTIST for a special discount Check Out Dr. Ryan NolanInstagramElementa Oral CareCheck Out Dr. BCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!In this episode of Ask The Dentist, join me as I explore the changing landscape of dental healthcare with pioneering dentist and researcher, Dr. Ryan Nolan. From the fusion of dental practice and scientific inquiry to the distinctions between functional, integrative, and biological dentistry, we uncover how innovative dentists are transforming patient care. Additionally, we demystify the oral microbiome and its systemic implications, while addressing topics like dental insurance, the state of dental education, and water fluoridation.Topics Discussed:07:10 - Introduction to Dr. Ryan Nolan and his background10:06 - Standard dental curriculum and critical thinking within the practice14:28 - Finding an up to date dentist and asking the right questions18:16 - Dealing with patients and misinformation24:36 - Dental Insurance 28:57 - Hot topics in dentistry30:57 - The oral microbiome and its effect on dentistry36:48 - Water fluoridation Sponsored by:Eight Sleep Use code ASKTHEDENTIST for a special discount at https://www.eightsleep.com/ Show Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletterElementa Silver Revolutionary Oral Care

  • Welcome back to another episode of Ask The Dentist. Iā€™m Dr. B, and today I am going to explore the often-overlooked benefits of nose breathing. In referencing ā€œ28 Reasons To Nose Breathe,ā€ I will delve into how nose breathing supports blood flow, immune function, and even cools the brain. Reflecting on both ancestral and modern perspectives on mouth breathing's dental risks, we spotlight the multitude of health improvements linked to nose breathing. In this episode Iā€™ll discuss the 28 reasons to breathe through your nose, plus one, for a healthier life. Topics Discussed:06:42 - #1 The nose warms the incoming air to the optimal temperature for the lungs08:28 - #2 Nose breathing moisturizes the incoming air 10:07 - #3 The hairs and membranes of the nose filter the air during inhalation 12:54 - #4 Movement of air through the nose keeps the environment around the auditory tubes free from stagnating debris14:40 - #5 Nose breathing triggers the release of antibacterial molecules helping to clean the incoming air15:44 - #6 Air coming in through the nose stimulates the release of odiferous molecules18:26 - #7 Nose breathing sensitizers us to the quality of the air 19:01 - #8 Nose breathing increases our sense of smell, linking it to the limbic system20:00 - #9 Nose breathing brings air into the sphenoid sinuses to cool the pituitary gland and help regulate body temperature21:28 - #10 Breathing through the nose keeps the nasal passages open22:23 - #11 Having a clear nasal passage allows light to reach the pituitary gland through the sphenoid sinus to help regulate sleeping patterns23:39 - #12 Nose breathing activates movement at several head and neck joints25:33 - #13 Breathing through the nose lightens the head and lessens the chance of sinus infections26:50 - #14 In children, breathing through the nose helps to form the sinuses by activating their growth with the movement of air 28:27 - #15 Nose breathing moves the air to pass along the nasal septum32:16 - #16 Nose breathing allows the excess tears to have a clear passageway for drainage33:05 - #17 Nose breathing facilitates the production of nitric oxide and sterilizes the air in the sinuses on the way to the lungs34:08 - #18 Nose breathing reduces the volume of carbon dioxide released during exhalation37:33 - #19 Nose breathing adds a huge reservoir of sensation to tap into and to deepen your connection to yourself38:38 - #20 Breathing through the nose allows air to pass by the structures that mark the center of the head39:34 - #21 Nose breathing facilitates a deep meditation40:55 - #22 Nose breathing reduces anxiety41:19 - #23 Nose breathing reduces snoring42:49 - #24 Nose breathing activates the production of amino globulins to strengthen the immune system43:30 - #25 Nose breathing helps increase the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid44:24 - #26 Air must contact olfactory nerves to stimulate your brain45:26 - #27 Breathing through your mouth causes the tissues in your nose and other airways to swell and become congested, making it more difficult to breathe 47:31 - #28 Breathing through the mouth tends to inflate only the upper lobes of the lungs50:10 - Additional practices to help improve breathing52:46 - Mouth breathers are more prone to cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and overall poor oral healthShow Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletterHow Breathing Through Your Nose Will Change Your Life with Patrick McKeownBreath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor28 Reasons To Nose Breathe

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Today I am going to talk to you about something very seemingly simple - water. Why should you listen to a dentist about drinking water? The obvious answer is fluoride in your water, which I am going to touch on. I will give you some hints on how to get rid of fluoride in your water, but today is about distilled water. I will talk about why we should be distilling water, and if not at least filtering. Iā€™ll touch on why this is important and how it relates to your oral health.Topics Discussed:03:52 - Deciding to use distilled water07:31 - Importance of clean water10:30 - What is distilled water?11:40 - Importance of water in the body14:04 - Assessing the problem with water15:30 - Claims against distilled water16:40 - The risks of well water and the filtration process21:09 - Microplastics in water and the affect on children22:51 - Fluoride in the water24:31 - Knowing the different impurities in your drinking water25:10 - Debunking the myth that ā€œdistilled water is too pureā€31:46 - Safety and quality claims39:09 - Oral health is the key to overall healthSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderShow Links:Water DistillerReverse OsmosisTable Top and Travel FiltersElectrolytes Microplastic Free SaltCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!When it comes to womenā€™s health, we all know that it is often looked over. In a varsity team, all the information is out there on the field and sitting on the bench are very important studies and information about women. Another problem is that a lot of studies are biased towards men and their hormonal makeup and metabolic differences. Women and men are designed to do two different things and have unique health challenges. Today Iā€™ll talk about fluoride, hormones, oral health, child rearing, and will answer some specific questions. Topics Discussed:10:04 - Menstruation and effect on oral health 14:40 - Puberty and birth control 21:01 - Pregnancy gingivitis 25:42 - Menopause32:23 - Solutions and overall recommendations43:04 - Nano HydroxyapatiteSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderShow Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletterOral Health During PregnancyPeriodontal disease and womenā€™s healthEndocrinology of sex steroid hormones and cell dynamics in the periodontiumFate of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles during dynamic in vitro gastrointestinal digestion: the impact of milk as a matrixAdverse pregnancy outcomes and periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis exploring potential associationCheck Out Dr. B:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark

  • As promised, today I elucidate the facts on a certain mouth care protocol that is being talked about on the web. I will comment with my opinions of the products and why you should steer clear of them. This kit creates more disease, more problems, and more long term health issues. Listen to todayā€™s podcast for my full analysis and for alternative recommendations. Topics Discussed:04:54 - The complete mouth care system protocol06:05 - Zellie's Mints & Gums10:17 - The Closys pre rinse14:43 - Crest Cavity Protection Toothpaste16:54 - Listerine20:00 - ACT mouthwash22:54 - Negative impact of using this protocol26:32 - Dr. Bā€™s recommendations26:57 - When using this protocol makes senseSponsored By:BIOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderShow Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Today we get into oral microbiome testing and revealing how it can revolutionize dental healthcare beyond basic brushing and flossing. Delving into a case study with Bristle's Chief Scientific Officer, David Lin, I discuss how high-resolution testing of over 700 microbes pinpoints the causes of dental issues, leading to groundbreaking treatment plans. This exploration highlights the importance of precise diagnostics and interdisciplinary approaches in addressing complex dental problems, showcasing the benefits of xylitol and oral probiotics in enhancing oral health. The episode emphasizes the need for consistent testing and the potential for personalized care to transform preventative dental practices and encourage insurance support for long-term health benefits.Topics Discussed:00:18 - Case studies are the cornerstone of learning02:05 - Importance of testing your oral microbiome07:29 - Case stud - patient history10:25 - Periodontal assessment11:58 - Chief patient complaints15:38 - Complexity of gum disease17:57 - Bristle Salivary Testing21:30 - Individual microbial species findings28:32 - Systemic Testing28:56 - Attempting new solutions and the great discovery31:56 - Revised treatment plan35:04 - Incorporate xylitol and take oral probiotics 36:39 - Positive shift to health and a stabilized oral microbiomeShow Links: Case Study: A Periodontal Infection MysteryWeed, feed, or seed the oral microbiome? Troubleshooting the oral microbiome with David Lin PHDWhat to Look For in Your Oral Microbiome Test Results | Dr. David LinSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Today we tackle the stealthy issue of gingival recession. Discover how to enhance your smile's durability through smart tips and effective measures. We'll explore the intricate aspects of oral health, including genetic factors, orthodontic effects, and dietary impacts on your gums. Unexpected factors, such as dental blood supply issues and intake of crunchy foods and oral piercings, may have a strong impact on your oral health. Weā€™ll delve into prevention and treatment strategies to maintain healthy gums. Learn about the best dental care practices, the significance of diet, and when to consider surgical intervention. It's about more than just addressing existing issuesā€”it's about proactively protecting your mouth from potential threats. Tune in for invaluable insights to keep your gums in top shape. 00:42 - Gingival Recession06:00 - Surgical and Preventive Approaches08:15 - Dentinal Sensitivity11:01 - Bacterial Plaque, Inflammation, and Bleeding Gums12:45 - Orthodontic Movement of Teeth Beyond the Arch Form14:52 - Abnormal Tooth Position16:32 - High Frenum Attachment 17:35 - Oral Piercings18:12 - Direct Traumatic Injury21:53 - Aggressive or Improper Toothbrushing and Flossing27:39 - Genetics31:14 - Strategies for Prevention35:51 - Surgical Intervention42:00 - Ancestry vs Modern ChallengesSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Could your tongue be the unsung hero in your quest for better health and weight management? It's time to explore this fascinating possibility with me, Dr. B, as we delve into the intricate dance between taste perception and our eating habits. On this episode, we uncover the startling research that flips the script on traditional beliefs about satiety, revealing the immense power of our taste buds in signaling when we've had enough.Show Links:Taste, Not Stomach, Regulate Eating HabitsOral Health and Microbiome: Implications for Taste: State-of-the-Science on the Role of Oral Health and Emerging Science of the Microbiota and its Implications for TasteKey Points From This Episode0:03:31 - Fluoride and Satiety0:08:24 - Tongue's Role in Weight Loss0:12:56 - Neurons' Role in Food Intake 0:16:54 - Oral Diseases and Taste Perception 0:21:40 - Importance of High-Quality Food 0:25:31 - The Impact of Oral Microbiome DysbiosisSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Welcome back to Ask the Dentist! Join us for insightful discussions debunking online myths and the importance of asking questions at the dentist. Learn about engaging with your dental hygienist during cleanings and explore the controversial topic of fluoride use. Discover our groundbreaking fluoride-free dental varnish, a game-changer in at-home dental care. We dissect its formulation, discuss dental billing code advancements, and highlight the scientific advantages of our varnish and oral microbiome-friendly toothpaste. Look into the future of toothpaste, where our remineralizing varnish could replace it for specific oral health needs.Key Points From This Episode:00:26 - Democratize Dental Care04:56 - The Impact of Dental Varnish and Fluoride06:40 - Fluoride is Toxic07:53 - A Revolutionary At-Home Varnish19:40 - Who Should Use the Varnish24:53 - Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA26:36 - The Future of Toothpaste and VarnishCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Have you ever considered what's lurking inside your toothpaste tube? This week, we peel back the label on oral care products to uncover the truth about sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and its role as a surfactant in your daily brushing routine. It's more than just froth and bubbles; we're talking about the balance of your oral microbiome and the potential for SLS to disrupt it. From the historic use of these chemicals in our toothpaste to their classification as minimum risk pesticides, we question the necessity of such harsh ingredients in light of emerging research highlighting the importance of a healthy mouth flora. Key Points From This Episode00:04 - The Impact of Surfactants in Toothpaste04:10 - Toothpaste and the Oral Microbiome10:09 - Surfactant-Free Toothpaste Importance19:31 - Toothpaste Without Emulsifiers and Surfactants20:55 - The Importance of Toothpaste Ingredients25:07 - Tips for Maximizing Toothpaste Usage28:36 - Oral Health Tips and RecommendationsSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Join us as we wrap up an incredible year in oral health on Ask the Dentist. Reflecting on the leaps we've made, we explore groundbreaking products that have reshaped our approach to dental care. We're also buzzing with excitement over the impact of our growing podcast community and the launch of Fygg, the brainchild of myself, Dr. Staci, and my daughter, promising a fresh take on oral care.Sponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthroughwww.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderShow Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Bristle test - code DRB gets you a discountBristle probiotic - code DRB gets you a discountXlear Mouth tape Xylitol gumSlate flosser - Code ASKTHEDENTIST gets you a discountFygg Toothpaste + Varnish Tongue scraper Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!My walk down memory lane uncovers the love-hate relationship we've all had with fluoride varnish treatments, the cornerstone of dental decay prevention. Yet, it's the very same sensory shock and potential risks that have us in pursuit of something gentler, something that doesn't wage war on our mouths. Stick with me as I reveal a game-changing, fluoride-free varnish that's not just winning smiles but also changing the landscape of pediatric dentistry.Key Points From This Episode:00:05 - Evolution of Fluoride Varnish and Alternatives09:51 - The Strength of Fluoride Varnish 13:16 - Varnish Chemical Composition Concerns 19:45 - Effect of Varnishes on Oral Microbiome26:28 - Childhood Dental Trauma Affects Dental Care 31:09 - My New Line of Dental Products!Sponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthroughwww.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderShow Links:Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Guide to Its Uses, Risks, And BenefitsCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!! Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.com Subscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • Get ready to redefine your lifestyle as we unravel the complex world of toxicology with our special guest, Dr. Yvonne Burkart. Prepare to be enlightened on the intricate correlation between environmental toxins, reproductive health, and cancer. You'll also gain firsthand insights into Dr. Burkart's transformational journey to improved health through adopting a low-tox lifestyle. Let's equip ourselves with practical ways of controlling our exposure to toxins at home and at work, because surprisingly, we do have control over the toxins we come into contact with daily.We then venture into the sphere of oral health and the often overlooked role of glutathione. With Dr. Burkart's guidance, we'll shed light on the association between glutathione levels and dental decay, especially in children. But beware, there are potential pitfalls when it comes to over-supplementing. Our conversation will also cover common causes of oral health issues, from an imbalance of microbes to mouth breathing, and the underdevelopment of the oral microbiome in children. It's not all doom and gloom though, we'll share tips on managing oral health through diet and lifestyle modifications.Key points from this episode:0:00:05 - Toxicology, Environmental Chemicals, and Health0:03:24 - Avoiding Environmental Toxins0:12:46 - Glutathione in Oral Health and Disease0:21:56 - Natural Ways to Increase Glutathione Levels0:24:33 - Diet's Impact on Oral Health0:28:09 - Gum Disease and Use of Surfactants0:29:40 - Harsh Effects of Synthetic Detergents0:39:11 - Tips for Choosing Safe ProductsSponsored By:BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthroughwww.magbreakthrough.com/askthedentistCode ASKTHEDENTIST gets you 10% off any orderCheck Out Yvonne:InstagramApproved ProductsCheck Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!! Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.com Subscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • This is Part 3 of my 4 Part series on hydroxyapatite. In this series Dr. Staci joins me to answer all of your questions on this incredible yet complicated topic. In the four part series we will start off with what is it, how does it work + how does it compare to fluoride, its safety and efficacy and finally, what version is best + what toothpaste should we be using?Key points from this episode:00:39 - Debunking Controversies05:47 - Hydroxyapatite's Long History and Uses 14:13 - Regulations and Concerns Over Nano Products 20:38 - Hydroxyapatite Solubility and Carbonate's Impact 32:22 - Nano Technology Research in Portugal 37:17 - Upcoming Announcement and Toothpaste Recommendations Sponsored By:LMNTGet 8 FREE packs with any order at DrinkLMNT.com/AskTheDentistBiOptimizers + Mag BreakthroughBIOptimizers' Black Friday Mega Sale is happening right now and lasting throughout the entire month of November! The biggest discount you can get and amazing gifts with purchase are available only on my page bioptimizers.com/askthedentist with code ASKTHEDENTISTCheck Out Dr. StaciOnlineInstagramCheck out Feed Your Good Guys: https://fygg.com/Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.comSubscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • This is Part 2 of my 4 Part series on hydroxyapatite. In this series Dr. Staci joins me to answer all of your questions on this incredible yet complicated topic. In the four part series we will start off with what is it, how does it work + how does it compare to fluoride, its safety and efficacy and finally, what version is best + what toothpaste should we be using?Key points from this episode:00:00 - Exploring Hydroxyapatite and Oral Health04:08 - The Mechanism of Fluoride Replacement07:28 - Acidic Environment and Tooth Dissolution12:15 - Saliva Integrity in Dentistry27:16 - Understanding Nano Hydroxyapatite Therapeutic Dose39:42 - Dental Health Information and ResourcesSponsored By:LMNTGet 8 FREE packs with any order at DrinkLMNT.com/AskTheDentistBiOptimizers + Mag BreakthroughBIOptimizers' Black Friday Mega Sale is happening right now and lasting throughout the entire month of November! The biggest discount you can get and amazing gifts with purchase are available only on my page bioptimizers.com/askthedentist with code ASKTHEDENTISTCheck Out Dr. StaciOnlineInstagramCheck out Feed Your Good Guys: https://fygg.com/Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!! Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.com Subscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter

  • This is Part 1 of my 4 Part series on hydroxyapatite. In this series Dr. Staci joins me to answer all of your questions on this incredible yet complicated topic. In the four part series we will start off with what is it, how does it work + how does it compare to fluoride, its safety and efficacy and finally, what version is best + what toothpaste should we be using?Key Points From This Episode:0:06:20 - Benefits of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste 0:10:20 - Unpacking and Discussing Hydroxyapatite Research 0:18:07 - Nano vs Micro Hydroxyapatite0:25:30 - The Importance of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Check Out Dr. StaciOnlineInstagramSponsored By:LMNTGet 8 FREE packs with any order at DrinkLMNT.com/AskTheDentistBiOptimizers + Mag BreakthroughBIOptimizers' Black Friday Mega Sale is happening right now and lasting throughout the entire month of November! The biggest discount you can get and amazing gifts with purchase are available only on my page bioptimizers.com/askthedentist with code ASKTHEDENTISTProducts Mentioned:RiseWell Toothpaste - use code ASKTHEDENTIST for a discountFunctional Dentist DirectoryCheck out Feed Your Good Guys: https://fygg.com/Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!! Check out Dr. B's website for more information: https://askthedentist.com Subscribe to Dr. B's newsletter Mondays with Mark: https://askthedentist.com/newsletter