Een podcast waarin Elindo Avastia & Diego González-Clark iedere week hun volgspot schijnen op alles voor én achter de schermen in de wereld van musical en theater. Ze delen hun musical ervaringen, bespreken belangrijke onderbelichte onderwerpen en taboes, geven je een exclusief kijkje in de keuken en ze leuteren over het laatste musicalnieuws. Ze bellen met bekende en minder bekende musical artiesten en beantwoorden iedere week een vraag van de luisteraars in de ShowsTopper van de week.
Comic Book Saga explores Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Manga, Anime, and related Video Games, as we discuss, review, and theorize on your favorite topics! Comic Book Saga features celebrity guest appearances, fellow podcast hosts, and Comic Book/Manga writers on our segments Fandom Discussions, Comic Book Corner, and Minute of Manga.
In deze podcast duiken presentator Patrick Martens en musicaldeskundige Eline de Ruig in de wereld van de grootste musicalproducties van Stage Entertainment. Ze praten met castleden, makers én BN’ers. Ontdek unieke backstage geheimen, feitjes over de musicals die nog nooit eerder zijn verteld en leer de producties beter kennen.
Bekijk alle musicals en bekijk data & tickets hier!
Volg ons op Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & TikTok
Geproduceerd door: Stage Entertainment -
The Cocoa Pod Cast is a place where we amplify voices in the Chocolate and Cocoa Industry in search for true sustainability. We will be interviewing knowledgeable people from along the entire supply chain, from cocoa farmers, to chocolate makers, activists, journalists, film makers, and more!
Chita Rivera: A Life in Motion (1933-2024) Chita Rivera, a name synonymous with grace, power, and unwavering passion, blazed a trail across the Broadway stage for over seven decades. Born Dolores Conchita Figueroa del Rivero in Washington D.C. in 1933, her life became a dazzling tapestry woven from dreams, determination, and an unparalleled talent for dance, song, and acting. Sadly, we lost this theatrical treasure on January 30, 2024, but her legacy continues to shine brightly. Chita's love for performing blossomed early. Her basement became her first stage, where she and her brother staged productions for their adoring family. Formal training in ballet, voice, and piano soon followed, culminating in a scholarship to the prestigious School of American Ballet under the legendary George Balanchine. At 19, Chita's professional journey began in the chorus of "Call Me Madam," showcasing her captivating stage presence. But it was in 1957, when she landed the role of Anita in Leonard Bernstein's electrifying musical "West Side Story," that her star truly took flight. Anita, the fiery Puerto Rican girlfriend of Bernardo, was a role tailor-made for Chita's vibrant energy and raw emotional depth. Her powerful rendition of "America" became an instant classic, showcasing the complexities of a woman caught between two cultures. The role earned Chita her first Tony Award nomination, propelling her into the pantheon of Broadway greats. The following decade saw Chita conquer a diverse range of roles. She charmed audiences as Rosie in "Bye Bye Birdie," brought vulnerability to Velma Kelly in the original production of "Chicago," and soared to new heights as the titular Rose in "The Rink," finally claiming her first Tony Award in 1984. While her stage presence was mesmerizing, Chita's life wasn't solely defined by the limelight. She faced personal challenges head-on, raising her daughter Lisa as a single mother and navigating the ups and downs of a demanding career. Through it all, her resilience and unwavering dedication to her craft shone through. Throughout the 80s and 90s, Chita continued to defy expectations, tackling dramatic roles in "Kiss of the Spider Woman" (earning her second Tony Award) and reinventing herself with each new decade. She ventured into film, television, and cabaret, her infectious energy and captivating artistry leaving audiences breathless. In 2018, Chita received the Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre, a testament to her enduring impact on the world of musical theatre. But her legacy extends far beyond awards and accolades. Chita has inspired generations of performers with her unwavering commitment to excellence, her fierce independence, and her ability to breathe life into the most diverse characters. Even in her later years, Chita showed no signs of slowing down. She captivated audiences in the revival of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood," shared her extraordinary journey in her autobiography "Chita: A Memoir," and continued to champion new talent through her masterclasses and workshops. On January 30, 2024, the world lost a theatrical icon when Chita Rivera passed away after a brief illness. While her absence leaves a void on the stage and in our hearts, her incredible career and infectious spirit will continue to inspire and captivate audiences for generations to come. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
Marcel van Roosmalen en Gijs Groenteman bellen elke dag en praten je bij over de dagelijkse actualiteit. In 12 minuten nemen ze het nieuws door maar klagen tussendoor ook over het leven, vieren hun succesjes en halen herinneringen op. Elke dag opnieuw.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Teun van de Keuken en Yvette van Boven bespreken hun lievelingskost. Van een spannend — of juist doodgewoon — ingrediënt tot een praktisch keukenapparaat en van horeca-ervaringen tot kooktips. En wat gaan ze vanavond zelf eten?
Teun en Yvette vertellen het elke maandag- en donderdagmiddag in 20 hapklare minuten, zo vlak voor etenstijd, rond de klok van 5. Aan tafel!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Elke week bespreekt Kees van den Bosch een diepgravend artikel uit De Groene Amsterdammer en interviewt betrokken journalisten. In Buitenlandse Zaken komen onze buitenlandspecialisten aan het woord over geopolitieke ontwikkelingen.
In deze superlekkere podcast kookt Samuel Levie in zijn eigen keuken, samen met zijn vrienden, een gerecht met een heel bijzonder verhaal. Om je vingers bij af te likken!
☕️ Alle recepten zijn te vinden op
💼 Deze podcast is onderdeel van het podcastnetwerk Dag en Nacht Media. Heb je interesse om te adverteren in deze podcast? Neem dan contact op met Dag en Nacht Media via [email protected]
Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food podcast features the pioneers in the regenerative food and agriculture space to learn more on how to put our money to work to regenerate soil, people, local communities and ecosystems while making an appropriate and fair return. Hosted by Koen van Seijen.
Man Seeks Adventure - "Cars, Bars, Eats & Adventures"
Hosted by Brad Fanshaw, Dave Marek & Heather Storm the show is a robust look at men's interests and is strong on humor. The trio will inform you about travel, food, hot spots and have interseting guests and celebrities. Our resident mixologist Heather will even show you how to mix a cocktail on every eopisode. Brad, Dave and Heather are people that live life to the extreme and make the world exciting. #ActLikeAMan #DrinkLikeAMan #EatLikeAMan #DriveLikeAMan #TravelLikeAMan #DressLikeAMan #LiveLikeAMan -
Longer Tables with José Andrés explores how food shapes the world and makes us who we are
In each episode, José talks to friends from worlds of culinary and creative arts, politics and media to show listeners a new side of the most fascinating people on the planet: Who taught them to cook? What do they crave when times are hard? What do their food stories reveal about their lives? José also takes listeners into his home kitchen and answers their burning culinary questions.
New episodes drop every other Tuesday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
De BLVD Podcast gaat verder waar ons programma stopt. Luuk Ikink, Rob Goossens, Bridget Maasland en Eric de Munck nemen wekelijks het laatste entertainmentnieuws door vanaf de redactie van RTL Boulevard. Ze geven hun ongezouten mening en duiken dieper in dé onderwerpen van het moment. Na het luisteren van De BLVD Podcast ben je niet alleen bijgepraat, maar kun je zelf ook meepraten over alle ins en outs van de showbizzwereld.RTL Boulevard, elke avond om 18.35 uur bij RTL 4 en altijd online via
Wil je adverteren in deze podcast? Neem contact op met [email protected].
Mr. Bram Moszkowicz, volgens velen een van de beste strafpleiters die Nederland ooit gehad heeft, gaat in gesprek met zijn voormalig vakbroeders. Hij bevraagt hen op geheel eigen wijze over hun beroemdste zaken, over de advocatuur en of het echt allemaal zo verhard is. Maar ook de ups en downs in hun privé-leven komen aan bod.
Elke week praat Petra Possel (voorheen van Radio Mangiare!) tussen de kookboeken en wijnflessen met gasten uit de culinaire wereld over lekker eten, koken, kookboeken, de zin van en in wijn, mooie eetculturen en alles wat verder ter tafel komt. Er wordt gepraat, geproefd, gegeten en gedronken dat het een lieve lust is!
Voor actuele info en recepten: kijk op onze website.
“Dizney Coast to Coast” features honest, passionate, and clear-eyed Disney discussions that both celebrate and question one of the largest and most beloved entertainment companies in the world. Entertainment-obsessed host Jeff DePaoli is an avid Disney fan who has studied and experienced Disney content his entire life. Listen as Jeff spreads his Disney knowledge, and come along for the ride hearing passionate conversations celebrating (and sometimes questioning) Disney theme parks, movies, theatricals and more. Plus, witness Jeff's top rate interviewing skills as he chats with Disney Legends, Academy Award winners, Golden Globe winners and other talented folks from various Disney projects.
“Dizney Coast to Coast” is a fan podcast and is not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company. -
Star Wars news and rumors are discussed. Please rate us and subscribe to help more fans find our show. Learn more, contact us, and check out our other podcasts at
The Outlaws Radio Show is one of the most influential programs in the media landscape, making waves both locally and nationally. With its unique blend of entertainment, politics and culture, the show has become a powerful platform for discussion and dialogue, attracting a diverse audience eager for insightful commentary and engaging interviews.
Jan Jaap (@sommeljj) en Nadien (@leclubdesvins) raken niet uitgepraat over wijn en nemen dat gekeuvel op in een podcast. YES!
Heb je tips, een brandende wijnvraag of een idee voor een leuk onderwerp? We zijn te vinden op instagram. Laat je horen! Vinden we leuk.
Jan Jaap Altenburg - @sommeljj Nadien de Visser - @leclubdesvins
Goed nieuws! Elke twee weken verschijnt er een nieuwe podcast op #winewednesday -
The talk show where we talk all about coffee over a cup of coffee (or more)! Hosted by Joseph Robertson of Extracted Magazine and Jesse Nelson of Conduit Coffee. We share everything from tips/tricks to making and enjoying better coffee, to news/stories of what's going on in the coffee world, and insights into the people who make it all work.