we'll be back and better in 2021 :) we've been feeling like we've been needing to take a step back for a while now and we've decided that we want to take a break from doing the podcasts, regroup and come back better. sometimes you have to live life so that you can create your best work so I hope you understand. thank you so much to everyone that has listened to the show and continue to support us in everything that we do! you can find us on ig an youtube in the meantime and we'll see you guys soon - no set timeline yet but the next season of our podcast will be early next year! till then xx N&D. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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we all know someone who claims all their exes are crazy. usually they're referring to females they've dated and I call bullshit. are your exes crazy or did you make them crazy? this week we take a trip down memory lane and unpack whether or not we were crazy or if our exes made us crazy - or in dejan's case if he made them crazy. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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I hear you. I interrupt Dejan a lot! Admitting this to myself hurt my ego and made me really sad for like three days before I realized that truth hurts and this is something I can absolutely change. Moving forward I am going to be more conscious of this toxic behaviour and stop. In this super meta episode, we dive into why I tend to interrupt Dejan, surprisingly there are a bunch of different reasons and ways that I can better hold space for him in this podcast. This episode is in response to a few reviews that we recently red and I just want to say thank you so much to everyone that takes the time to leave us a review - it means the world to us when you take the time to say something nice or constructive about our work. We are so grateful and as a result we want to share the best versions of us with you all always. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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our first guest! :D let us know if you love this episode cause we had a blast and would love to know who else you'd want us to talk to. this week we had the pleasure of talking to Taylor Reiko of Taylor Reiko Design (@taylorreikodesign) all about her thriving business while still in school, going for what you want and getting it like a boss, sustainability in interior design and tips for finding your design style when moving in with a partner/roomie and making your space look bigger than it is. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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I don't believe in "finding success" anymore. It's lofty and idealistic but I believe that all of us have success in some form, it's just about recognizing it. This week we talk all about when we started to consider ourselves successful, why success is a myth and how we deal with imposter syndrome as it comes up. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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Let’s talk about friendship breakups. In this week’s episode we dive into the major friendship break ups that have helped shape us into who we are today. I broke up with my friend around the same time I started my Youtube. And before I met Dejan, he had a best friend and they were inseparable, but after a huge fight, they couldn’t find a way to make it work again. Friendship break ups are hard af and dare I say it, worse than an actual break up. Would you agree? hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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you are not alone, you are enough and you are loved. thank you for being here. this episode we dive into how Nina's been going through it with postpartum depression and how tensions are high now that Blu has started screaming to communicate. we share the best ways to comfort the people in your life when they're not feeling too hot and what we like to do when we don't feel okay. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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it's Nina's 25th birthday! we thought it'd be fun to reflect on five lessons we learned too late in life inspired by one of my favorite podcasts, bobo & flex :) lessons like, you don't need to be with every single person you find attractive and have a better work ethic (I'll let you guess whose is whose haha) so even though you're gonna have to make your own mistakes to learn from them, give this episode a listen and don't say we didn't warn you! hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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this week we talk about how we got blu to sleep through the night at 3 months, how no one was lying about the sleep deprivation, 4 month sleep regression and how weirdly enough, how fears can be passed down through our genetics. hope you enjoy this check in from your fav first time parents. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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body confidence is something we both struggled with for a long time before each working our way towards finding confidence in our bodies. we debate about the role of plastic surgery in self love, how we deal with our insecurities and our ongoing relationship with our bodies that make it easier to love it as it is. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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raising an interracial baby is going to have it's own set of challenges, especially because we aren't interracial ourselves. how will we deal with conversations about race with Blu? how do we even feel about our own identities? how do I teach Blu about Vietnamese culture when often times I don't even feel Vietnamese "enough"? there are so many unknowns but we are trying to tackle them one podcast episode at a time. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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let's talk about our goals! we have been manifesting so much the last couple of days but seriously we've manifested everything in our life the last couple of years, from the apartment we currently live in, the 4 bedroom apartment we're moving into, bb blu, our career, etc. a lot of you have been wondering where we want our life to head and in this episode we talk all about our goals, how to get there financially and the importance of saving/investing. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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this isn't something I ever thought I'd be doing but I am the breadwinner and Dejan is my "sugar baby". it was a long road to get here and we in no way have it all figured out. I wish I had all the answers but this is a hard relationship dynamic to navigate because of our internalized sexism. this is probably one of our most honest talks/arguments on this podcast lol so hope you enjoy! hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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people are always telling Dejan he's a great dad and he is, but they don't know that. all they see is him walking around with Blu and changing his diaper in public. the bar is set so low for fathers while mothers rarely get praise, the only praise we do get is whether or not we've bounced back enough yet. this week we're talking all about the sexist expectations that are set on mothers and fathers and how we tried our best to navigate this conversation pre-baby. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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do pregnant people even want to have sex? can you have sex? what's it like after a baby? you wanted to know so here we go! this has been our experience with sex as first time parents and we talked about what it was like for us growing up with the ideas our parents had about sex and how we want to talk to our kid(s) about sex when they grow up. so if you've been curious about any of it, this episode is alllll things sex woohoo! hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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was college worth it? I am not sure if we even know at this point. there are so many things we learned in and out of the classroom and so many ways in which we've grown as people and young adults but was it worth the time and money? did it prepare us to find jobs? in the episode we talk about how college failed us but also how it shaped us into who we are today and that's a balance we're kind of okay with. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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guess who is who! I've been thinking a lot about how the way I was raised has shaped the ways I express and understand emotions, deal with stress and value my own self worth. we both grew up with very different experiences and while we had great childhoods, there are definitely negative affects associated with the ways we were parented. this is by no fault of our parents because they did the best they could with the resources they were given by their own parents and all we can do is hope to do the same for our child/future children by understanding the weight of our words and actions. this conversation was a real tough one for me and I hope some of y'all can relate out there. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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fashion has always been a huge part of our lives but our relationship to it and our personal style had changed tremendously over the years. we chat all about how we developed our personal style, our relationship to fashion over the years and how you can start tapping into developing your own personal style. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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this has to be our most requested topic yet. as we talked about our parents' expectations in dating, our own dating patterns and how our culture and surroundings impacted those decisions, we started to unpack the possible reasons why we've surprisingly only ever been in interracial relationships. there is a much larger conversation about race to be had about this topic and maybe one day we'll have better clarity on our own situations but for now, enjoy this stream of consciousness. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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breastfeeding is hard as hell. it's nonstop, painful and all consuming. there are also so many ways in which society doesn't adequately support postpartum women and it sucks. this week I (Nina) am going solo and sharing all the things I didn't realize about taking care of a newborn bb and the ways in which I was naive to think it would be easier than this. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at neensanddeens@gmail.com
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