The podcast for any one involved on the sportsturf industry. rugby pitch maintenance, football pitch maintenance, golf course management, pitch and putt care, american football pitch care. Honest advice show for all us brothers in arms.
Welcome to the Creatrix Journey a podcast dedicated to nature connection and creativity.
Join Claire Winter, an award-winning podcaster and former journalist, to explore the journey of creators inspired by nature, walking and writing. Listen to the show to get tips, ideas and interviews to help you to ignite your creativity, connect to the source and share your words and wisdom with the world. Helping to raise the collective consciousness step by step.
Claire is a word creatrix and coach here to help coaches, creatives, healers and changemakers connect with nature and share the words that need to be written. As a former journalist and wordsmith, words, books and stories have always mattered to her. Weaving stories, ancient knowledge and modern coaching tools together to change the way we live and connect, so that we can build the new earth.
From being deeply connected to nature and the elements and having spent days walking in the lands where she was born Claire felt called to share walking and writing with a wider audience. She’s on a mission to create Creatrix Writing Circles across the world where women can connect and share their wisdom.
Meet the host:
Claire Winter is a journalist, ICF accredited coach, Nordic Walking instructor, speaker, and podcaster who loves being out in nature. She is passionate about sharing the healing medicine of walking and writing with people.
She wants to make an impact helping women to connect back to nature, ignite their creativity and share their stories and light with the world. She is on a mission to build a movement of women around the world who create the time and space to walk, write, journal, and create.
Studying Social Anthropology as her first degree Claire has always been fascinated by ritual and ceremony to mark important moments in life. Now a regular columnist for the Female CEO magazine, she started her career at ITN and has worked in radio, TV, online and in print.
Claire truly believes you can walk your way to happiness. She is a dedicated Earl Grey tea drinker and often spends her weekends going on long walks or paddle boarding with her family, friends and dog Leo.
Connect with Claire:
To find out more about the Creatrix Journey go to:
To download our free creative writing guide:
Instagram: @thecreatrixjourney
Facebook: The Creatrix Journey -
Samtale podcasten "En snak om hestetræning" er startet af BBH Træner Sarah Gerding.
Sarah lever til dagligt af at undervise, have heste i træning og at afholde kurser.
Motivationen bag, er de super interessante, sjove pinlige og nogen gange helt ubrugelige samtaler hun på daglige basis har med sine kunder, fagpersoner, elever og familie om det at træne heste, og alt det uden om.
Ofte bliver umiddelbart ligegyldige samtaler om et lille sår, en øvelse der er lidt svær, en hest der ikke er helt tilpas, en hest der er den bedste i verden, og meget mere, til nogle virkelig spændene, og måske lige frem inspirerende samtaler, som man ønskede man havde fanget på bånd.
Det har vi nu, og derfor kan du sidde med ved bordet når Sarah snakker med hestemennesker fra ind og udland om alt fra hove, til sadler, det at få familen til at hænge sammen med at have hest, og bare, helt almindelig daglig træning. -
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Showing you ways to get control of your time through tested techniques that will give you more time to do the things you want to do.
GrowCast is home to today’s best cannabis cultivation community and experts dedicated to educating growers through our top rated podcast, thriving membership and courses.
Learn more about our story, mission and the team supporting your success at -
Join renowned angler April Vokey as she explores fishing, hunting, foraging and homesteading through intimate, face-to-face conversations with some of the outdoor world's most influential people. Her intense curiosity drives her to take a behind-the-scenes, vulnerable and honest approach with her guests that often ends up uncovering never-before-heard stories. An Anchored Outdoors production.
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A podcast for people with ADHD who struggle with the last parts.
Each month The Sci-Fi survival guide explores the survival techniques you will need should the unfortunate happen. Learn month by month on surviving alien invasion, what to do when the undead march into town, how to defend yourself from unexplained giant insects and many many more. Subscribe to the podcast by clicking on THIS LINKSend us feedback by email HERE or via our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966
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Friluftsliv og vandring med tips og tricks, vandrehistorier og meget mere.
Hosted by former covert CIA intelligence officers Andrew Bustamante and Jihi Bustamante, the EverydaySpy Podcast gives you practical, powerful spy skills and insights you can use everyday. From parenthood fixes to career shortcuts, business hacks to geopolitical insights, this pod is for you if you are looking for frank, honest, and hilariously relatable truth from two real-world field operatives who have done and seen things they can't talk about (and will never forget).
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