How many times have you heard us say that Black Girl At A PWI isn't just about where you go to school but the predominantly white spaces that we exist in societally? If you're wondering where this episode is going, just now we go THERE. With our special guest Jordyn Clark--a Howard University graduate--this episode is dedicated to the Black Girls thinking about HBCUs, attending HBCUS, at PWIs, and just existing in majority white spaces. Per usual, we leave almost no stone left unturned--bridging the gap between two experiences worthy of not being so mutually exclusive.
Black Girl At A PWI is back for another season, and what better way to re-enter the scene than with an episode on Loving While Black in Black History Month? In this episode, we unpack what really goes into loving ourselves, others and our community authentically and fully. Grab your friends, pull your headphones on and get ready for a necessary conversation to kick off a beautiful semester!
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There's no doubt that systemic racism, discrimination, misogynoir and everything else that tells our Black bodies that we don't belong in a space is EVER-present. But have we stopped to think about how these consistent environments impact our relationships with ourselves?
In this episode, we cover the realities of what it looks like to be in our own way, while unpacking some things that can help us PROPEL into greater ways of being, living and loving our lives.
We've talked about a lot on Black Girl At A PWI--but have we actually spilled the tea about how toxic relationships can set us back from becoming the best versions of ourselves that we actually aspire to be?
Up until today, we haven't. But in THIS episode, we are joined by Kaylah Lightfoot, a member of the Black Girl At A PWI Community, who helps us unpack every bit of how our personal encounters with relationships that aren't the best for us can negatively impact our belief in ourselves and the very purposes we're designed for!
SIS--this past February was NO joke, trust me.. we know. But in the midst of posting our exciting "February is over" photos on Instagram and TikTok, have we taken the time to set our intentions for a new season and month that will be crucial in our becoming?
In this episode of Black Girl At A PWI, we recognize all that February has been and set our sights on all that March and the incoming spring season will be: a period of BLOOMING. So if you haven't set any March goals yet or started adding to your planner--you're in great company. We're here to help you ease your mind before you pack your schedule sis, and after this--you will be all the better for it 💕😉.
Sis! Around almost every corner of communication and empowerment for Black women--we see the encouragement to "show up" in every space--but at what cost? In this episode, we unpack what it looks like to show up for ourselves first and foremost, and what it means for that to be enough for the lives we will forever live.
It's no secret that we're in the month of love on this end of the earth. So why have we yet to hold space for all that love is trying to offer us in the midst of imposter syndrome, oppression, being overworked and especially being underpaid? Per usual--we might tell you a joke, but in the area of love--we will never tell you a lie.
Tune into a well-needed warm, audio hug as we share our recent reflections on love and what it's teaching me, and as a result, should teach us in this season. You won't want to miss it! 💕
We're taking it back to an unreleased episode from 2023, getting you further rooted in the fact that SETTLING is NOT an option by any means at all. You deserve more in this life, and to settle in the face of your purpose will keep you from ALL of the more that you have been promised🖤. So take a break sis, today we got your heart and your ear--giving you a friendly reminder to keep growing. Settle WHERE? Settle WHO?
Kicking off Season 2 getting BACK to the Black Girl At A PWI Basics ANDD celebrating Black History Month the oNLY way we know how! Welcome back to the regular degulars AND the newfound friends of Black Girl At A PWI🖤.
We've missed you, and we only HOPE that you've missed us just as much. Now that the formalities are out the way--let's get back to the basics, shall we??
There's no doubt that there is purpose inside of you and an indescribable value that you and all your intellect adds to any space and person that you come into contact with. But what happens when everyone but YOU gets to experience you? In this episode we get into the nitty-gritty of not just boundaries, but the importance of access.
Who told us that we didn't deserve to be soft in a world that seems to only benefit from our hardness? We started this season with rest, and we're ending it in the softness that we deserve! While this is our season finale, you do NOT want to miss out on what we're calling the kickoff to Soft Girl Summer.
As many of us are existing in a transitional period, we can start to feel like Decision Day is our destiny and that every decision we make is life or death. In this episode we answer the question by being fully transparent and real about the decisions that we make in life, especially as Black women at PWIs.
This episode isn't quite like our "traditional" Black Girl at a PWI episode but trust, I'm still keeping it real. In this episode, we start to have a more in depth conversation about color lines, and more specifically color lines that is especially evident for Black Girls at PWIs. We're taking it a step further with a scholarly conversation about the imbedded cultural dynamic of most PWI's, even in the midst of diversity and inclusion advocacy.
DISCLAIMER Please adjust your volume as necessary. We experienced some mild technical difficulties when producing this episode, but we still want to make your listening experience enjoyable. Thank you!
Black self-love hits different compared to self-love, and we're sure that all the Black Girls and Black folks at PWIs can relate! In this episode, we unpack what Black Self-Love really is, especially if you're in predominantly white spaces or institutions.
There’s a lot to say about this journey of becoming, but how much do we really talk about what prevents or propels us to being the best versions of ourselves? In this episode we have a necessary conversation about glass ceilings and everything that comes with it. Per usual, you do not want to miss this!
It’s easy to encourage people to “find community” if they’re Black at PWIs—but it becomes a totally different story when we talk about the current state of community in these spaces and how to create a community of love. In this episode, we go deeper than we’ve ever gone to discuss the complexities of finding your people at PWIs as a Black person, and then more specifically as a Black girl. It’s time that we really, spill the tea because the tea needs to be spilled!
Being a Black woman at a PWI can have us feeling like we have to carry the institution on our back, while also trying to maintain a social life that pours into us—but is that always what it takes for us to thrive? Tune into a conversation with Kaylah Lightfoot as we unpack the difference between surviving and thriving in predominantly white spaces as a Black girl!
DISCLAIMER Please be kind to your ears and adjust your volume as necessary.
Being a Black Man is one thing, but being a Black Man at a PWI (predominantly white institution) hits different—and not always in a good way. Join me and three of my greatest friends for an in house conversation about their experiences as Black Men at a PWI.
Although it's the last day of Black History Month (BHM), embracing our Blackity Blackness doesn't stop here. It's Black History YEAR, for the rest of our years! This episode I want to pour into all of you, all of the ways you can unapologetically show off your Blackness in every way and in every space. Who we are, as Black people, and what we contribute, as Black people, is more than enough to keep showing up!
Being a Black student at a PWI can seemingly catapult us into a field of advocacy and community work, on top of already being a Black student and getting to know yourself—but what does it mean to do the work at a PWI or in a predominantly white space? In this episode, Maya Jenkins—UMW’s NAACP College Chapter President joins in the conversation about the real work done within our campuses. You do NOT want to miss this!
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