
  • ** #121 Alma 7: Bowels of Mercy **

    :: Shitteth down from Heaven ::

    Brother Benjamin and Sister Patience discuss the latest Mormon related news, and then read Alma 7 where Joseph unmercifully shits "bowels of mercy" over every reader.

    Here are some "highlights" from this terribly poor chapter of the Book of Mormon. The only changes to the quotes are ALL CAPS and new-lines for emphasis.

    :: Alma 7:7 - What are they beholding x 3? Why is "they" not "them"? ::

    For BEHOLD, I say unto you there be many things to come;
    and BEHOLD, there is one thing which is of more importance than THEY all -
    for BEHOLD, the time is not far distant that the Redeemer liveth and cometh among his people.

    :: Alma 7:12 - Joseph rambling so hard he repeats himself. ::

    ... that his bowels may be filled with mercy,
    ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, that he may know

    :: Alma 7:19-20 - I perceive a false prophet, besotted with wordy pompous prose, contradicting himself. ::

    For I perceive that ye are in the paths of righteousness;
    I perceive that ye are in the path which leads to the kingdom of God; yea,
    I perceive that ye are MAKING HIS PATHS STRAIGHT.
    I perceive that it has been made known unto you, by the testimony of his word, that
    neither doth he vary from that which he hath said;
    neither hath he a shadow of turning from the right to the left,
    or from that which is right to that which is wrong; therefore,

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  • ** #120 Alma 6: Library Emergency **

    :: Gideon Gideon Gideon ::

    Sister Gigi recounts a library emergency, and encourages Sister Patience to run for some kind of local office. They read Alma 6 and discuss recent Mormon related news.

    Verse 7 wins silliest verse from this chapter: " ... into the valley of Gideon, there having been a city built, which was called the city of Gideon, which was in the valley that was called Gideon ... ". Joseph Smith repeated the location of the city, all while sounding "King-Jamesy", because he was a regular human, and a conman, not inspired by an un-erring god.

    :: Church News Discussed: ::

    Growth in LDS membership is hot in Africa, but tepid in the United States. Someone commented on the Salt Lake Tribune article: "Church growth is mainly in uneducated third world countries? I guess the collective IQ of the church is in a death spiral."

    The church increases the "Young Single Adults" cut-off age to 35. Is that a fancy way of saying "we're running out of marriage material"?

    In Tonga, the church has a sit-down chat with the Prime Minister. Seems the church is lobbying to ensure they stay part of the education-to-job pipeline, because that's a membership pipeline too.

    In the MormonShrivel subreddit, some data was posted that charts the decline of members in the Bonneville Stake of Salt Lake City. It's interesting data, but since the church gerrymanders ward and stake boundaries so wildly that politicians are probably jealous, it's not hard proof of membership decline.

    Another Redditor had the subjective observation that only 30% of Mormons wore their garments during some recent July 4th celebrations. This seems like progress. It's too hot to wear that shit. God wouldn't want you to wear them either. It's anti-life during Summer to wear extra underwear with silly Masonic symbols on them. Keep it for winter where there is a fleeting chance it might be practical.

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  • ** #119 Roasting Saints 23: Fresh Outta Spoons **

    :: Religious Freedom is not Heathen Subjugation ::

    Brother Jones and Sister Patience dissect episode 23 of the LDS "Saints" podcast. An episode packed with nonsensical "faith affirming stories", that when given a minimum of contemplation become "faith removing stories that have no place in a history book".

    :: Also Irreverantly Discussed... ::

    The first 2024 Biden vs Trump debate.

    Louisiana's new law to put the 10 Commandments in classrooms.

    Pride month activities.
    The "spoon analogy".

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  • ** #118 Alma 4-5:30 A dingo ate my Book of Mormon **

    :: and shat it into the Waters of Mormon ::

    Brother Benjamin and Sister Patience read 1.5 chapters from Joseph's Smith's tome of dingo shit AKA the Book of Mormon. They had a good time with it.

    Sister Patience sets the record straight. A dingo really did eat an infant in 1980. Australia's shitty legal system bungled the evidence, accused the parents of killing their child, and sent them to prison. They have since been exhonerated. But the parents never totally lost the stigma of "baby killer", despite overwhelming evidence they were not at fault.

    Let's hope humanity learns how to do the law better.

    On a lighter note... Dingoes are adorably cute! They have big ears, look like dogs, but don't generally bark like domesticated dogs. Should they be called dogs? Maybe. Dingoes can interbreed with domesticated dogs.

    As usual we discuss recent Mormon happenings, like how Rusty needs his faithful followers to go merge church-and-state so he can have the tallest steeples around. Why does Jesus need a tall steeple? Matthew 27:51 indicates that God's prescence is not confined to a temple, because the temple veil was miraculously wrent when Jesus died.

    Jesus isn't even at the top of a Mormon temple steeple. It's the graven image of Moroni. I guess Mormons interpret the 3rd commandment (from the Ten Commandments), in their own unique way.

    Mormons would be more relatable, if they were more Christlike as indicated in this heavily paraphrased story Jesus told in Matthew 25:41-46

    Then God said to those on his left, "GTFO, go live with Satan!" I was starving and thirsty, and you ignored me. I was a stranger and you didn't welcome me. My clothes were threadbare, and you did nothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't realise how lonely I was.

    Those on the left of God then replied, "Whoa, where did that come from?" So God explains, "You never showed any love for the other humans I put you on the planet with. Living with other humans is the ultimate test, and you failed! Your innaction of kindness was like an innaction of kindness to me."

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  • ** #117 Roasting Saints 22: Mormon War Never Changes **

    :: A mob of their own ::

    This episode is about the 1838 nastiness called "the Mormon war". We pull apart what the Saints podcast says about it, and also add a few extra tid-bits. It wasn't the first scuffle, and it won't be the last, as we make our way through early Mormon history.

    In a 24 hour period Joseph Smith's attitude goes from "fight like angels", to pleading with George Hinkle to "beg like dogs for peace". Why do people call Joseph a prophet again?

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  • ** #116 Roasting Saints 21 and Alma 3 **

    :: Waffle of Mormon ::

    As Joseph Smith loses his focus repeatedly in Alma 3, and the scribe rolls his eyes and continues to write - THINK CELESTIAL.

    When Joseph Smith introduces racist doctrine, and then incase anyone might explain it away continues to reiterate - THINK CELESTIAL.

    When Joseph Smith makes up a stupid new word like "Ishmaelitish", or goes infantile and literally calls people "good" or "bad" - THINK CELESTIAL.

    When false-prophet Rusty gets even rustier because all the speakers at General Conference keep sucking his metaphorical and unprophetic phallus - THINK CELESTIAL.

    When you thought you were finally out of that unhealthy Masonic underwear, and the heavies at General Conference tell you to put them back on, and to waste your time alive doing nothing in a temple - SAY "NO", AND THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS.

    When Joseph Smith tries to tell you that Communism is God's will, follow Oliver Cowdry's example and RESIGN FROM THE CHURCH.

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  • ** #115 Alma 2: Too Many Captains Spoil the Plane **

    :: Happy MORMON Xmas on APRIL 6! ::

    This Chistmas episode, that includes our mockery of Alma chapter 2, was 3 months in the making. Sorry. But on the upside, it's just in time for a popular date in Mormonism for Christ's birth - April 6!

    We hear a wide variety of Christmas traditions, funny stories, and a few serious ones, based on the disparate cultural and religious backgrounds of the guest hosts.

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  • ** #114 Roasting Saints 20: Nibble Nobby's Nibley **

    :: Before Smitty Nibbles Yours ::

    In episode 20 of the LDS Saints podcast, we are presented with the Kirtland Safety Society. A bank that Smitty false prophesied would become the biggest swinging dick around, and eat all competitor cocks (banks). Nothing went right with this venture, and many unfollowed him on X (formely known as Twitter).

    Yet, Smitty was so charismatic, he still managed to have his first extra-marital affair, that he justified with a secret marriage. Why secret? I guess God thought that was an excellent way to show his people the example they should follow. Hang-on, that doesn't make sense. Maybe it was just easier than divorcing his legal wife Emma? Or maybe this never happened? Or maybe the truth is in between? For a cult that prides itself on being the "Standard for Truth" (see the title for episode 1 of Saints), why is the truth so full of bullshit?

    If all that seems like a faith shattering downer for any God fearing Mormon (because it is), the hosts of Saints add a little saccharine in the form of all the "miracles" happening overseas. And by "miracles" they mean "converts to Mormonism". These aren't miracles, just bad ideas spreading. Like so much of human history.

    :: Mormon News Discussed: ::

    Apostle M. Russel Ballard died at age 95. And we were only just talking about him on the last episode!

    Rusty appointed a new apostle to take Ballard's place - Patrick Kearon. Poor fucker. That guy now has no agency in his life until he dies.

    :: Brother Jones teaches Sister Patience about: ::

    The fun times that can be had with initials and apostle names.

    The Fallout-style vault where the LDS church keeps all it's most precious records. It's at 6279 Little Cottonwood Canyon Rd. Unfortunately, there isn't a good Google street view of the facility because the road past the gate is private property.

    How early European converts were lied to and enticed to move to the US, to work for the cult in various ways, with little hope of upward mobility.

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  • ** #113 Alma One: Poke the Bear **

    :: Neee-Hawww and Gideon have a preach battle ::

    Don't worry, Neee-Hawww AND Gideon die!

    :: Mormon related news discussed: ::

    Homelessness in Salt Lake City. How do you help people? Benjamin, Gigi and Patience each have different perspectives.

    James Huntsman's fraud case against the Church is being appealed (naturally). Brother Benjamin explains where the "Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals" sits in the United States judicial system.

    The October 2023 LDS General Conference! Rusty phones-in an alienating message, and Dalin Oaks looks like a Cheshire Cat that's licked the cream!

    Brother Benjamin and Sister Gigi explain the whole "Tim Ballard" fiasco. Since this podcast recording in early October 2023, LDS Apostle, Melvin Russell Ballard (no relation to Tim, yet key to the story, yes it's confusing) has died at 95 years old. So Rusty will be announcing a new Apostle to take his place soon. Assuming the 99 year old lives long enough to do that.

    :: Key amusements from Alma One: ::

    The gang learn about Priestcraft, sort of. A word that Joseph Smith invented, and that you'll never hear in a mainstream Christian denomination.

    Smitty kicks off his new book by jumping straight to the action, and then spends half the chapter rambling the back-story he forgot to put in sequence. Grammar left the building.

    Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Pronoun Problem. Again!

    Neee-Hawww and Gideon have a preach battle in which Gideon dies. Oh, and not THAT Gideon from the Bible. And not THAT donkey that spoke to Balaam.

    Alma Jnr is High Priest AND Chief Judge, which sounds a lot like "king" where there isn't seperation of Church and State.

    :: Memorable Quote: ::

    SISTER GIGI: "History is written by the victor..."

    BROTHER BENJAMIN: "... and fiction is written by the author."

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  • ** #112 Mosiah 29: Boredom Shared, Burden Halved **

    :: Presented by Friends in Iniquity ::

    Sister Divchina joins Sister Patience in reading the final horrible chapter of Mosiah. They also discuss the poorly regulated "troubled teen industry" in Utah, which sadly stole the life of 17 year old Taylor Goodridge on 20th December 2022.

    ** "Things" learned from Mosiah 29 **

    Joseph Smith loves non-specific pronouns like "things". Everyone else can't tell what he's talking about.

    Derivations of the word "expedient" can be used to make anything sound authoritative. The word's meaning is irrelevant.

    If you get bored during one of Smitty's run-on sentences, find a place to pause (good luck), and interject "In the bedroom!". The results are often amusing. Your mileage may vary.

    God is like a Twix bar.

    The pitfalls of Smitty's theocracy mixed with democracy outlined in this chapter. It's a structure that the church tries to use today.

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  • ** #111 Mosiah 28: Hyrum Smith's Sunglasses **

    :: The people of the run-on-sentence of Limhi ::

    Brother Jones and Sister Patience try to read Mosiah 28 with a straight face (not possible), and also discuss recent Mormon related news.

    ** A Slightly Interperative Summary of Mosiah 28 **

    The people of Zerahemla had "great anxiety" and were "desirous beyond measure" to know the history of a dead people group. So King Mosiah used Hyrum Smith's Sunglasses to aquire this information from some etched metal plates.

    Old King Mosiah couldn't bestow his kingdom on one of his sons, because they all wanted to pursue careers as missionaries. Everyone was happy to see them go too. It's not like there was high-demand for them in primary food production, defence, or in the skilled trades that built and maintained their advanced civilisation.

    But with so much joy, there was also deep sorrow. For these new converts, who had never committed any crimes, were apparently "the very vilest of sinners" before their conversion. And "they suffered much anguish of soul because of their iniquities".

    Their wives thought this was a lot of emotion and superlative for a lifestyle of skipping church for a few beers with friends on the weekend. So, they were thrilled to lose the dead weight. The endless religious discussions and naval-gazing had become an imovable hindrance around the home.

    :: Mormon News Stories Discussed: ::

    Drifter steals 4 chicken nuggets from amazing fully equipped LDS Ward kitchen. The real crime here is that this kitchen has only ever been used for producing generic Mormon-Pot-Luck(TM) meals.

    LDS donates 48 million to alleviate hunger. They could donate 1 billion a year and still grow their capital by a very large margin.

    Court overturned a former judgment, and allows James Huntsman's fraud case against the church where he alleges LDS used tithes wrongly.

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  • ** #110 Mosiah 27: Alma son of Alma **

    :: Hilarity with Charity! ::

    In preparation for this recording, Sister Charity ruined her Youtube search history with Mormon research. Thank you for your sacrifice! She contrasts the latter-day-cult with her own experiences of growing up as the spawn of pentecostal missionaries in the Philippines!

    Since there were two lawyers on the show, Sister Patience asked Brother Banjamin and Sister Gigi about some ways the legal system might be improved

    Mosiah 27 itself didn't fail to dissappoint, so expect amusement as the team roasts it mercilessly.

    :: Key (Dissappoint|Amuse)ments: ::

    Smitty's "the that thou" tongue twister.

    An angel with a thundering voice who forgets to announce being sent from God, until the end, where it sounds really unconvincing, even with all the thundering.

    Much to the confusion of everyone, Smitty kept his lies easy to remember by naming Alma's son after his father! C'mon even the Old Testament managed to lie better than that! He could have at least added a "Jnr" to differentiate.

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  • ** #109 Mosiah 26: Welcome to Insane Peaks **

    :: Total Assets $1,000,000 ($38,000,000,000) ::

    Brother Jones and Sister Patience blaze through a chapter, best described in the Book of Boredom group chat:

    "Jones and I just read 39 verses of some of the most boring bits of this entire shitty thing. WELL DONE JONES! We're nearly half way thru the BOM!" ~ Patience

    :: What is this chapter like? ::

    This chapter is like calling a contact-centre, and being redirected 5 times before the line finally drops, with no solution.

    This chapter is a bleeding example of the waste inherant in collectivism.

    This chapter is a game of "Pass the Parcel".

    This chapter is an example of how to hold a religious inqusition where no one dies. So, "yay!" for "no murder"! That's one small step for Smitty.

    This chapter mirrors modern day Mormon excommunication practices. Gee, I wonder where they got it from. Smitty just took 2 steps back.

    :: Other key points: ::

    Two true stories, where bad ideas from religion resulted in OCD, or OCD-like symptoms.

    Trump makes his way into 26:25.

    The church built a MODULAR TEMPLE! Ahaha.

    Tell your faithful Mormon parents about the Gospel Topic Essays. It's a mitzvah for their brain health! They will cause so much brain activity, that Alzheimers will be staved off by at least a decade!

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  • ** #108 Mosiah 24-25: Nephite As a Second Language **

    :: Amulon was a NASL teacher ::

    Brother Benjamin and Sister Patience get two chapters closer to the end of this abysmal book of Mosiah. We also loop back to some verses from the last chapter that made no sense, as Brother Benjamin interprets the atrocious prose.

    :: Key Amusements Include: ::

    Quote from Brother Benjamin: "I do not understand what is going on with this book."

    Who the fuck is Zenif again?
    The Book Of Mormon Rangers Return!

    Brother Benjamin tells us about his latest trip to the Burning-Man-esque "Element Eleven".

    Sister Patience tells about the "Dark Mofo" festival in Tasmania that made the news, and Brother Benjamin goes down a google rabbit-hole reading about it.

    God doesn't embarrass easily, clearly.

    The overtly repetative and full-of-fill Mosiah 24:23 -

    "And now the Lord said unto Alma: Haste thee and get thou and this people out of this land, for the Lamanites have awakened and do pursue thee; therefore get thee out of this land, and I will stop the Lamanites in this valley that they come no further in pursuit of this people."

    Smitty could have just written, "God said, leave quickly, the Lamanites are now awake and pursuing you, but I will stop them in the valley."


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  • ** #107 Mosiah 23: Ask your bishop if Amulon is right for you **

    :: Ignore the boredom and try AMULON ::

    In a last-ditch attempt to get Mosiah out of their lives, Gigi and Patience continue on to Mosiah 23 without a short stop roasting the "Saints" podcast. Don't worry, it will be roasted later, but right now it's in the fridge.

    Alma says: "Kings are bad", then says, "Well, they would be fantastic if only all kings were nice". From that, Smitty can still say whatever he wants later about himself.

    God decides to show how wonderful he is by not doing the obvious thing of saving the people who follow him. No, God decides to put his people into bondage, just so that he can save them later. Like a confidence trickster.

    Oh, and Amulon. Actually, if you just do whatever you want on Sunday, you won't need it.

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  • ** #106 Mosiah 22: Gideon got Back! **

    :: The back pass, thru the back wall, on the back side, BAAAAA. ::

    Sister Gigi and Sister Patience read the implausible escape story that is, Mosiah 22. Oh, and the wilderness continues to be a miraculous, yet un-mappable abyss where just about anything can happen.

    :: Our co-hosts also chime in on: ::

    The recent ban of the Bible in primary schools of the Davis school district in Utah.

    Chris Christie joins the fray to be US President.

    Tractors with AI and LASERS to kill weeds!

    AI in code generation, and the legal system.

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  • ** #105 Mosiah 20-21: The burgers are better at McTemples! **

    :: And behold also there was a General Conference! ::

    Brother Jones and Sister Patience have some fun with the gaffes from the April 2023 LDS General Conference, then proceed to read Mosiah 20 and 21.

    :: A few of the stupidities: ::

    Smitty gets carried away with his "beholds" in 20:19. And behold, it was hilarious.

    The Book of Mormon is a (shitty) fantasy novel, so it's only fitting that Smitty refers to fighting like "dragons" in 20:11. However, he also forgot that his story is not just fantasy, but also fan-fiction of an earlier work: The Bible. And in so doing, created continuity issues with a beast God never created.

    The "Flirt to Convert - Convert to Marry - Marry to Fuck" pipeline.

    The anti-ASMR of gulping down Smitty's horseshit.

    More McTemples!

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  • ** #104 Roasting Saints 19 **

    :: Temple Zero ::

    On "Saints" episode 19 they discuss the dedication of the Kirtland Temple. A historic site currently owned by the The Community of Christ sect of Mormonism, rather than the main "Motherchurch".

    The dedication sounded exactly like a regular Pentecostal mass-hypnosis session, complete with charismatic speakers that everyone seemed more than happy to listen to for hours at a time. Smitty and Rigdon must have felt so validated as they regurgitated King James style bastardisations of the English language to such a captive audience.

    This first temple is a far-cry from the Masonic hybrid that Mormon temples have become. So naturally, they wheel out the ye-olde "line-upon-line" explanation, as a hypnotic trigger to let themselves off-the-hook for any cognitive dissonace.

    Ben Godfrey even convinced himself that Smitty received the plans for this white-box by devine revelation. A design so simple, that if it were red, would resemble a hotel playing-piece from the board-game "Monopoly". He even name-dropped the Joseph Smith Papers website where we could check out the revelation for ourselves.

    Turns out it was just DNC 95. Ben seemed so sure that even the interior was described. It wasn't. Instead, Smitty just says what activities are to be performed inside his silly white box.

    If the Mothership ever manages to purchase this thing, I wonder if they'll stick a giant bathtub in there, and a stupid video describing Masonic handshakes?

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  • ** #103 Mosiah 17-19 **

    :: Lim-Hi now available in Orange and Grape flavors! ::

    Brother Benjamin is back, and we're powering through another 3 chapters of A-Grade Christianese Babble. Smitty even advances his story in between all the meaningless religious phrases he endlessly decorates his verses with.

    In chapter 19 we finally meet Limhi (again). We first met him in chapter 7, but from chapter 9 it's been the implausible backstory of his nation. Or is it a town? Yet it supports a king with an army and guards. Guards who can't spot a dissident, out in the open, baptising people. Guards who need to surround an unarmed docile prisoner, already in custody, in order to place him back in his cell.

    Have fun as Smitty sends his characters in and out of the generic "wilderness", and how they somehow bump into each other out there. Smirk as flames cannot shutup the verbose Abinadi who decides to give a sermon while burning alive.

    Book of Boredom: keeping the Book of Mormon silly, because it is.

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  • ** #102 Crazy Wacky Mormon Shit **

    :: Get to the Temple and Drink the Koolaid! ::

    There's been a lot of crazy wacky Mormon shit in the news lately. Sister Divchina and Brother Ed, have been researching it all, so that YOU (and Sister Patience) don't have to!

    This might turn into a regular series, because the news stories seem to be breeding like, well... Mormons!

    :: Covered in this episode: ::

    Lori and Chad Daybell. Are they killing everyone by natural causes?

    Rusty Nelson's Temple Ritual Changes. With declining numbers willing to operate these monstrosities, Rusty streamlines your trip through hell with some automation. What's next? AI Joe?

    Heather Gay, from the show Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, comes out as a "Bad Mormon".

    Michael Haight kills everyone because his marriage breaks down.

    A giant statue of Joseph Smith finds a home in India's World Peace Dome. Whatever the fuck that is. They take a guy, who formed an army (albeit poorly), and put him in a "peace dome". Weird.

    Due to the war in Ukraine, imported leaders of the LDS church in Russia have escaped back to the US. Leaving the remaining Russian Mormons to realise, that if they can't practice English with native speakers over pot-luck meals, why go to church?

    Random silliness from the Bishop's Handbook.

    Sister Divchina has a very odd conversation in a library.

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