
  • Find out how a naive approach can actually help your business!

    In this episode of the Business Growth Architect show, I sit down with Joshua Berry, author of "Dare to be Naive," to go deep into the power of questioning assumptions and embracing naivety in business. Joshua shares profound insights into how challenging ingrained beliefs can lead to breakthroughs in customer service and business innovation.

    One key strategy Joshua advocates for is asking better questions to truly understand customers and their needs. He stresses the value of active listening and curiosity in uncovering insights that can drive business growth. By challenging assumptions about customer preferences and behavior, businesses can tailor their products and services more effectively, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Throughout the episode, Joshua shares real-world examples and practical advice for implementing these strategies. He discusses how his company, Econic, transformed its compensation system by questioning the underlying beliefs and practices. By challenging the assumption that client-facing roles are inherently more valuable than back-office roles, Econic was able to create a more equitable compensation structure that aligns with our values as a certified B Corp.

    As the episode draws to a close, we reflect on the intersection of ego, purpose, and drive in entrepreneurship. We emphasize the importance of finding balance and giving ourselves grace amidst the pressures of business ownership. Joshua leaves listeners with a powerful message: to embrace naivety as a superpower and approach each day with openness and curiosity.

    In conclusion, this episode offers insights and strategies for business owners looking to innovate with purpose, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. I encourage you to subscribe to the Business Growth Architect Show and share the episode with your networks. You can also connect with Joshua and learn more about his work at daretobenaive.com and econic.co.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 - Introduction
    01:03 - Discussing 'Dare to Be Naive' concept
    03:15 - Understanding your customer's needs is critical
    05:22 - Sales approach levels
    07:26 - Intuition and spirituality in business
    10:45 - Understanding non-judgmental naivety
    12:28 - Navigating insecurities with curiosity in business
    14:13 - Overcoming limiting beliefs and exploring entrenched views
    16:16 - Promoting awareness of beliefs and fostering growth
    18:21 - Implementing transformation in company practices
    20:21 - Self-awareness, vulnerability, and personal growth in business leadership
    22:41 - Balancing vulnerability and growth in business teams
    24:49 - Exploring drive, purpose, and self-judgment in business motivations

    Resources Mentioned: Website | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

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  • I'm excited to share "Your Guide to a Better Life: The Seven Pillars of Abundance" with you! In this captivating episode, Rebecca Whitman takes you on a transformative journey towards balance, beauty, and abundance. From her humble beginnings as an actress in Hollywood to her surprising success as an entrepreneur, Rebecca's mission is to empower women to embrace holistic well-being and success.

    This episode dives deep into the concept of balance, emphasizing how you can cultivate it in your life and enhance overall satisfaction, starting right where you are. Rebecca introduces the seven Pillars of Abundance as a framework for achieving balance, with health being a key pillar. She underscores the significance of prioritizing your health, represented by the acronym "H N M" for hydration, nutrition, movement, and meditation, within the context of abundance.

    Going deeper, Rebecca explains the transformation needed to shift from scarcity-based emotions to an abundance-based perspective. She highlights the importance of mindset and emotional well-being in shaping your own experience of abundance. By cultivating positive emotions and abundance-oriented thinking through the seven Pillars of Abundance, you can create a roadmap to a more enriching and fulfilling existence.

    Time Stamps:

    0:00 - Introduction
    1:06 - Rebecca Whitman's Background and Journey
    2:06 - Finding Success Amid Loss and Transition
    3:06 - The Seven Pillars of Abundance and Life Transformation
    4:14 - Role of Spiritual Development in Success
    4:31 - Importance of Spirituality as the Foundation
    5:32 - Harnessing Spirituality for Stability and Growth
    6:34 - Navigating Business Challenges with Spirituality
    7:42 - Surrendering Control and Trusting the Process
    8:44 - Pragmatism in Spiritual Business Practices
    9:50 - Strategies for Surrender and Letting Go
    10:52 - Overcoming the Fear of Surrender
    11:55 - Embracing Curiosity and Letting Go of Expectations
    12:59 - Finding Happiness in the Process and Redefining Failure
    14:01 - Embracing Failure and Removing the Fear of Failure
    14:16 - Importance of Enjoying the Process
    16:41 - Prioritizing Health as Wealth
    17:46 - Transitioning from Scarcity to Abundance Through Mantras and Gratitude
    19:17 - Discovering Feminine Energy and Balancing Personal and Work Life
    21:29 - Importance of Continuous Learning for Mental Growth
    23:29 - Building Community and Immunity Through Social Connection
    25:23 - Balancing Financial Abundance with Overall Well-being
    27:29 - Prioritizing a Full and Abundant Life in the Present

    Resources Mentioned:

    Rebecca Whitman: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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  • This episode of Business Growth Architect Show features Lance Graulich who provides insights drawn from his personal journey, tracing his path from a career on Wall Street to becoming the “Donut King.”

    Lance explains the core concept of franchising – the acquisition of a license to utilize another entity's established system and brand identity and its viability as a business model. Lance stresses selecting the perfect franchise for you, underlining the pivotal role the right fit plays in the ultimate success or failure within this business model. Lance emphasizes the strategic significance of choosing the right franchise as a fundamental step toward achieving positive cash flow positions as an entrepreneur.

    Lance expounds on the advantages associated with franchising. He explains the support structure inherent in franchise systems, highlighting how this framework can shortcut success because you use a proven system. The potential for fast profitability within franchising vis-Ă -vis a standalone enterprise is a key point of focus during the conversation.

    Illustrating his points with a practical success example from the HVAC industry, Lance Graulich recounts a scenario where an established service provider engaging with a franchise resulted in rapid revenue growth, far outpacing the trajectory of an independent business route. Through this anecdote, he underscores the transformative impact that aligning with a franchise model can have on business expansion and financial performance.

    Lance underscores the strategic wisdom in considering franchise investments as a means to access established systems, valuable expertise, and a robust support network. These factors collectively serve as pivotal drivers for accelerated business

    Resources Mentioned:

    Lance Graulich: Website | Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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  • This episode of Business Growth Architect Show takes on communication. Especially in the age of bad LinkedIn pitches we were looking for a guest to share best practices around making meaningful connections.

    Meet Jake Stahl who designed a principle he calls the 2/10 rule," which serves as a guiding framework for effective communication and engagement in conversations. Jake emphasizes the power of the 2/10 rule to maintain interaction and elicit responses from conversational partners every two minutes. Additionally, Stahl underscored the importance of periodically reviewing and summarizing the dialogue after every 10 minutes to ensure clarity and understanding between participants. By adhering to the 2/10 rule, you can enhance the quality of your conversations, foster meaningful exchanges, and avoid potential pitfalls of passive communication.

    Then we moved to exploring strategies for initiating conversations in a manner that captures the interest and attention of the other party. Stahl gave insights into approaching interactions with authenticity and a genuine curiosity about their perspective and experiences. By showing a sincere interest in the other person, asking thoughtful questions, and actively listening, you can lay the groundwork for engaging and fruitful dialogues.

    Focus on the other person in the first few minutes of a conversation, refrain from self-centered monologues, and instead, prioritize understanding, connection and rapport. Creating a positive and engaging atmosphere from the outset as it sets the stage for productive communication and meaningful exchanges.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Jake Stahl: Website | LinkedIn

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  • In this episode of Business Growth Architect Show we are featuring Gary Rochlin, the owner of Blue Sky Energy, a company specialized in microgrids and renewable energy. Our key themes are mentorship, the role of anger in business, and the integration of spirituality with strategic decision-making in the business.

    One of the most memorable moments of the episode showcases the discrepancy of Gary's introspection on his leadership style, and the actual feedback he received about how he led and his handling of his anger. When faced with the reality of how he was perceived he used it as a catalyst to become more aware and start his personal transformation journey, prompting him to work on managing his anger effectively and redirecting it toward positive outcomes. Gary's journey of self-improvement and development on emotional intelligence serves as a powerful example to embrace and channel one's emotions for personal growth and professional success.

    Beyond his own journey, Gary also touches upon broader themes of forgiveness, ongoing personal development, and giving back to the entrepreneurial community through mentorship. His holistic approach to business leadership, intertwining personal growth with professional endeavors, underscores the profound impact of aligning inner values with external actions in fostering sustainable business practices and meaningful relationships.

    The episode encapsulates the fusion of personal evolution, leadership philosophy, and business strategy, illustrating how introspection, emotional intelligence, and a strategic mindset can synergistically drive innovation, resilience, and success in the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship and sustainable energy solutions.

    Go and listen to the entire episode now.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Gary Rochlin: Website | Facebook | LinkedIn

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  • In this episode of "The Business Growth Architect Show" podcast, I am welcoming Chaz Wolfe, podcast host and CEO of "Gathering the Kings." Chaz sheds light on its significance, underlying strategies, and the fusion of business and spirituality for entrepreneurial success.

    Chaz shares some highlights of personal journey, emphasizing the weight of entrepreneurship and the isolation that often accompanies it for the founder. Reflecting on his experience as a lone wolf entrepreneur, he highlights the realization that success doesn't have to be solitary. Instead, he advocates for building a community of like-minded individuals who strive for excellence in all aspects of life.

    This is how the notion of "Gathering the Kings," was born, a community Chaz has cultivated where entrepreneurs come together as equals, shedding their crowns and egos to collaborate authentically about things that matter. Chaz and I explore the importance of transcending isolation and embracing support from peers who understand the challenges and triumphs of the entrepreneurial journey.

    Chaz and I explore the psychology of entrepreneurship, and discuss the inherent tendencies toward independence and skepticism of authority. We explore how these traits can both hinder and propel entrepreneurs, emphasizing the value of seeking help and collaborating with others to achieve collective success.

    Moreover, Chaz emphasizes the fusion of business strategies and spirituality, highlighting the need for holistic growth and development. He shares insights into how spirituality can inform and enhance entrepreneurial endeavors, fostering resilience, clarity, and purpose.

    Ultimately, our conversation offers a refreshing perspective on entrepreneurship, emphasizing the power of community, collaboration, and spiritual alignment in achieving sustainable growth and fulfillment in business and life.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Chaz Wolfe: Website | Youtube | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

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  • Is it time for you to let something go that has been sabotaging your success?

    In this episode of Business Growth Architect Show featuring Matthew Stafford, CEO and Managing Partner of Build Grow Scale, we are talking spirituality and strategy and go deep into psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on the mindset of business owners and the influence of past traumas on their professional journey. Matthew Stafford, the guest from Grow Now of Build, Growing Scale, sheds light on a profound concept—building businesses from a place of wholeness, rather than trying to heal past traumas through entrepreneurship.

    I’ve been waiting to share a conversation like this with you for a while. The topic of the intricate relationship between trauma and the stories we as business owners create about ourselves are critical to be examined if you want to be truly successful. We talk about trauma as a feeling of loss of control, leading to the formation of stories such as "I'm not good enough" or "I'm broken." By recognizing and releasing attachment to these limiting narratives, you can overcome the fear of change and unlock your full potential.

    An intriguing point raised in the episode is the attachment many entrepreneurs have to their stories and how letting go of these narratives can transform your business. Stafford touches upon the idea that these stories are often not rooted in truth but are constructs formed during early experiences. By understanding the malleability of memory and the impact of recalling and rebuilding past experiences, you can break free from the constraints of their old narratives.

    In essence, the episode with Matthew Stafford emphasizes the power of introspection, self-awareness, and healing in the entrepreneurial journey. By confronting and releasing past traumas, you can navigate change more effectively, embrace new opportunities, and ultimately achieve greater success in both you personal and professional lives. Matthew Stafford's insights provide a thought-provoking guide to grow not just your business but also yourself, by understanding the significance of mindset and emotional well-being in the pursuit of your success.

    You will be hearing a lot more about these topics going forward as we are widening our focus to include more spirituality.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Matthew Stafford: Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook

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  • In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show discusses the importance of developing the brand both internally and externally for an organization. Jennifer White, the Chief Brand Architect at Collective Memory, shares insights on Full Spectrum Branding, emphasizing that the brand goes beyond visual elements like logos and colors. She explains that brand is about the fundamentals of how a business operates, its purpose, and differentiation in the world.

    Jennifer’s proprietary Full Spectrum Brand Strategy includes the triad of consumers, employees, and shareholders. It highlights the significance of aligning internal employee values with the company's values to cultivate brand champions who are excited to contribute to the company's growth targets. Jennifer also stresses the importance of understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders, including the impact on society at large.

    A lot has changed in the current environment along with the expectations and impact of a brand. That is why you want to focus on how companies operate with integrity, respect the environment, and engage with stakeholders to create brand champions and brand ambassadors. The concept of employee value proposition is an important element in Jennifer's Full Spectrum Brand Strategy, ensuring alignment with the company's shared purpose.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Jennifer White: Website | LinkedIn

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  • In this episode of Business Growth Architect Show, I'm thrilled to dive into a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: the 12 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs. This solo episode shares insights I gained from my extensive experience facilitating groups, coaching entrepreneurs, and working closely with successful business owners. Here is the list:

    Networking: Building a strong professional network helps entrepreneurs gain support, partnerships, and opportunities.Strategic Thinking Problem-Solving: Having a long-term vision and the ability to devise strategic plans is vital for guiding the direction of the business.Mindset: The power of thought is the key driver to success.Self-Motivation: Having the drive and determination to stay focused and motivated during challenging times is essential for entrepreneurial success.Customer Focus Market Research: Understanding customers' needs and providing exceptional customer experiences is crucial for success.Sales and Marketing: Being able to effectively promote products or services and close deals is essential for business growth.Problem Analysis: The ability to break down complex problems into manageable parts allows entrepreneurs to find effective solutions.Resilience: Entrepreneurs must navigate challenges, setbacks, and failures with resilience and determination.Decision Making: Making informed and timely decisions is crucial for entrepreneurs to seize opportunities and mitigate risks.Financial Management: Understanding financial concepts and managing resources wisely is vital for business success.Adaptability: Flexibility and the ability to embrace change are essential as entrepreneurs navigate evolving markets.Creativity: Thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions is key to driving business growth.

    So there you have it, the 12 characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs you need to know. I hope you found these insights valuable, and I encourage you to share them with others who may benefit from them. Remember, success is within reach for anyone willing to emulate the traits of the most successful people on the planet and put in the work.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Beate Chelette: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

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  • In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show we are talking about money and how to achieve financial freedom through “alternative investments.” I am chatting with Bronson Hill, a seasoned expert in passive investing, who shares his insights and experiences on navigating beyond the confines of traditional real estate.

    Bronson kicks off our discussion by recounting his journey from the world of medical device sales to the realm of passive investments. Despite a multiple six figure income and a flexible work schedule, he found himself craving more freedom—both financially and in terms of time. Bronson's initial foray into real estate, with dreams of owning single-family houses, fell short of his expectations. He discovered that while real estate can be lucrative, it often demands significant time and effort, detracting from the very freedom he sought.

    Enter alternative investments, a world where passive income reigns supreme. Bronson educates in this episode about syndications, private placements, and other passive investment avenues that offer enticing returns without the hassle of active involvement. From Car Wash to ATM, he showcases the diversity of opportunities available to savvy investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

    As Bronson and I go deeper into the mechanics of passive investing, we touch upon the criteria for participation. Accreditation requirements, minimum investment thresholds, and the importance of due diligence all come under scrutiny. We address common misconceptions surrounding alternative investments and confront the skepticism often encountered in traditional financial circles.

    So, whether you're a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the world of passive income, join us as we uncover the secrets to unlocking financial independence through alternative investments.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Bronson Hill: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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  • In this episode of Business Growth Architect Show with Bryan Clayton, the CEO and co-founder of GreenPal, we discuss his journey from being a lawn care entrepreneur (lawn mower!) to leading a successful tech startup. The conversation revolves around the transformation that businesses often follow, often reluctantly. This emphasizes the key point of this interview that your initial business idea may evolve into something entirely different.

    Bryan thought of creating GreenPal as a mobile app to match service providers with homeowners in need of lawn care services. The business model is comparable to Instacart or DoorDash. He shares that his company is now a 10-year overnight success, serving around 300,000 users nationwide in the United States.

    The discussion centers around the importance of getting started with your idea and gaining momentum by learning various aspects of running a business, such as marketing, sales, and operations. Bryan recounts his own entrepreneurial journey, starting with mowing lawns in high school, expanding and growing the idea steadily over 15 years, and eventually selling it. Inspired by the success of platforms like Uber and GrubHub, he envisioned GreenPal, a tech-driven solution for lawn care services.

    Other important parts of the interview are the challenges of scaling a business, emphasizing the need to choose a business idea that can potentially reach a mass market. Bryan highlights his unique process that he calls “hand-cranking” the business, doing things manually behind the scenes, before reaching the point of scalability. Our conversation concludes with insights into the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship and the continual process of learning and adapting to achieve success in the ever-changing business landscape.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Bryan Clayton: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

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  • In the recent episode of the Business Growth Architect podcast we are featuring Trever Acers, the CEO of Objective Investment Banking. Our topic focuses on business exit strategies and optimizing the value of a business sale. Acers emphasized the importance of both quantitative and qualitative aspects when planning an exit strategy.

    On the quantitative front, the focus is on after-tax cash in hand, an important factor in evaluating the financial outcome of your business sale. The key is for you to not just consider cash at closing but the longer term implications after-tax proceeds over subsequent years. Often around potential holdbacks and their impact on your overall financial picture.

    In addressing the qualitative aspects, Acers highlighted an often misunderstood negotiation tool that is around personal objectives and setting clear expectations. He pointed out that many business owners express dissatisfaction post-transaction, often tied to non-financial factors such as acquirer behavior, personnel treatment, culture clashes, and the overall impact on the seller's legacy. Articulating and negotiating these qualitative requirements is vital for a successful and fulfilling business sale.

    The insights from this episode are valuable for navigating the complex process of evaluating your exit strategy, providing guidance on unlocking your hidden cash-out opportunities and maximizing the value of your business sale.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Trever Acers: Website | LinkedIn

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  • In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show, we are excited to host Brandon Barnum, the CEO of HOA.com. In our interview, Brandon shares insights on maximizing client referrals, establishing profitable partnerships, and becoming a community and charity champion.

    You know how important referrals are and it is the best, low cost option to sign new business and expand your reach. But how? Join us in exploring Brandon's distinctive approach to utilizing referrals, and transcending conventional sales tactics into beneficial connections. Our episode provides a deep dive into the steps to building these authentic connections, serving others, and fostering impactful partnerships that foster mutual growth and success.

    Don't miss out on this powerful conversation that will give you the steps and tools to grow your business without additional expenses doing something that is simple. Tune in and discover how to leverage referrals in a way that goes beyond the ordinary, fostering genuine connections and sustainable growth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Brandon Barnum: Website | Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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  • In this engaging episode, Robert Indries examines the psychology of fear and the importance of living in the present and what that really means. He explains that most fears are products of our imagination and demonstrates that we cannot suffer from fear if we stay in the moment since the past is a memory and the future is fiction.

    The discussion moves to the practical side of fear, where Indries shares insights on channeling your fears into productivity. He shares that preparing for potential negative outcomes indicated by fear impulses, anxiety can be significantly reduced, transitioning fear from an obstacle to a useful alert system.

    Indries shares his personal journey from a tech enthusiast to a highly successful engineering professional who has completed over one hundred engineering projects with his companies. The spectrum of work ranges from autonomous flying drones to dermatology sensors, demonstrating his varied and consistent expertise in the field of engineering.

    One of the favorite pieces of this interview is Robert challenging what it means to achieve success and how to maintain your chosen lifestyle. This is reflected in his keeping his yearly costs under six figures. He values simplicity and he calculates in this episode how you can arrive at a lifestyle model that will work for you and how much money you need to earn to do so.

    This is why he values data-driven decision-making in business, emphasizing the alignment of decisions with personal values, ensuring that you will not regret decisions by your own standards and parameters.

    Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into fear management, decision-making, the power of living in the present, self-awareness, and the trade-offs between success and personal sacrifice.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Robert Indries: Website | LinkedIn

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  • In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show we are talking to Richard Howard. He is sharing insider strategies for securing government contracts, with a focus on how to engage early in the procurement process so that you can increase your success rate. Rick, emphasizes the importance of companies becoming involved before a solicitation, or a request for proposals (RFP) is issued. He explains how businesses can help write the solicitation and how to get awarded set aside contracts for specific business types like woman-owned or veteran-owned businesses. Richard gives insider tips on how you can showcase your capabilities, which will increase the chances of getting contracts that are set aside for your particular type of business—potentially eliminating much of the competition.

    This episode clarifies the procurement process and underscores the criticality of building relationships and conducting research early on. The government's requirement for transparency in procurement is highlighted, and the need for subject matter expertise in the market research phase is critical to obtain often multi-million dollar contracts. Richard emphasizes how to engage during this phase to ensure your unique offerings are taken into consideration.

    Additionally, Rick details the initial steps of the process, including demystifying how to register your business on sam.gov and conducting independent market research to understand opportunities during the market research phase. Keywords such as "sources sought," "request for information," and "pre solicitation" are critical indicators of this phase.

    Overall this episode is a how-to guide to increase your chances of getting lucrative government contracts.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Richard Howard: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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  • In the 2nd part of our two-part sales series on the Business Growth Architect Show we dive into the sales script with Matt Ryder, CEO of 7th Level and Founder of the Sales Sniper. If you have not watched episode one, we highly recommend that you do so.

    Matt’s mission is to dispel the myth that sales need to be difficult and complicated. Instead, his methods present sales as a simple and enjoyable conversation with the prospect.

    Matt, celebrated and admired for his expertise in sales processes, shares insights into identifying key problems and their impacts on sales outcomes. Matt and I have some good conversations about the technique he uses so naturally that it’s easy to miss them. But, I am staying with it until he gives away one of the key pieces in sales, which is how to put yourself in the same room with your prospect and feel like you are on the same level.

    The episode highlights the NEPQ sales methodology and how 7thLevel, a sales training organization in partnership with Jeremy Miner, teaches it. Basically in this episode you get Matt’s sales script. If I were you, I'd sit there with pen and paper and take lots of notes.

    Besides the script, Matt gives you viewpoints on the optimal duration of sales calls and how emotional saturation can affect the closure rate of deals are discussed, suggesting that brevity, coupled with addressing all necessary points, leads to better outcomes.

    Drawing on experiences with different businesses, we cover the importance of asking in-depth questions and having curious conversations, which can rapidly build connections, even on cold calls.

    The conversation extends to the free content and webinars provided by Matt and his team, making sure you have the opportunity to further your learning and perfecting your sales techniques and methods.

    Please share the episode and reach out with any business-related questions, with an invitation to a complimentary session for personalized advice.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Matt Ryder: Website | Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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  • This episode of the Business Growth Architect Show is the first in a series of two. Our team is thrilled to showcase one of the best salesman and sales trainers we know our our podcast, Matt Ryder, Founder of Sales Sniper and CEO of 7th Level. Matt demystifies and explains sales as a straightforward and pleasant conversation you have with people you care about. In episode one Matt unveils his professional journey from owning and running multiple gyms to becoming a sales training expert. He shares that sales did not come naturally to him but his journey to understanding and building processes around making sales.

    Matt emphasizes the critical role of sales and marketing in business success, noting that a company can prosper even with a substandard product if the sales and marketing are strong. I bet you’ve seen plenty of that yourself. Now you know why.

    Matt also confronts a common aversion to sales among business owners, stressing that sales skills are indispensable for entrepreneurs. He shares a candid moment about his personal transformation, acknowledging the emotional impact of his personal weight issues and how this led him to improve his sales abilities to create positive change in people's lives.

    He advocates for a mindset shift in sales, challenging the common notion that sales are bad and yucky, and instead suggests that sales should be about helping people make decisions that are in their best interest. To ensure that sales are conducted ethically and effectively, he recommends believing in the product being sold and continually gathering client feedback to guide business decisions.

    Matt's episode hammers down the number one issue in sales and that is connecting with people, addressing their needs, and driving growth, while also providing insights into how to approach sales with the right perspective and ethical considerations.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Matt Ryder: Website | Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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    Take our QUIZ and find out what your talent is worth in this market: What's Your Talent Worth

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  • 🎉 Drumroll
. Introducing the celebratory solo 100th episode of my podcast, the Business Growth Architect Show! Join me as I share insights into creating a customer-centric transformational journey, organizing your experience under one cohesive umbrella, and the power of our method, the 5 Star Success Blueprint. In short, it’s jam-packed with behind-the-scenes insights and shortcuts about turning your talent into a business, and subsequently growing and scaling it.

    First, I am grateful for the enriching dialogues I've had with thought leaders like David Neagle, Blaine Bartlett, David Meltzer, and JV Crum the III. Throughout these conversations, I've distilled the formula for success in entrepreneurship into three pieces: mindset, action set, and skill set.

    Drawing from my journey as an experienced professional, I speak candidly about the importance of maturity and depth in an age often dazzled by the flashy, and yet shallow, promises of internet marketing, which hype the dream and set unrealistic expectations. Instead, we focus on some of the basics.

    First, we explore the critical role mindset plays, emphasizing that it requires a firm decision as that decision is the catalyst for the actions that must follow.

    But actions without the required skillset are like a ship without a rudder. That's why understanding which skill sets to improve is critical, acknowledging where we excel and where we need others to complete the picture.

    Given the fear and uncertainty in the market, I have created our "profit formula," a tool that uses a mathematical calculation and will tell you what your realistic income potential is against the backdrop of inflated industry promises of 10x. You can find this free quiz "What’s Your Talent Worth" to calculate your earning and income potential based on factors that are relevant in this market right here.

    Given the fear and uncertainty in the market, I have created our "profit formula," a tool that uses a mathematical calculation and will tell you what your realistic income potential is against the backdrop of inflated industry promises of 10x. You can find this free quiz "What’s Your Talent Worth" to calculate your earning and income potential based on factors that are relevant in this market right here.

    Throughout this episode, my aim is to give you the practical advice and methods you need to transform your passion into profits and your talent into a thriving and scaling enterprise. I encourage you as an entrepreneur to aim for the attainable and to believe in your journey, laying the groundwork for meaningful growth and true success.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Beate Chelette: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

    We appreciate you, thank you for listening. Let us know in the comments what resonated in this episode, we want to hear from you.

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    Take our QUIZ and find out what your talent is worth in this market: What's Your Talent Worth

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  • The latest episode of the Business Growth Architect Show features Staсi Gray, from Organized to Scale. We connected over the trials and tribulations of the entrepreneurial journey, ensuring that you as the owner are not just relentlessly pursuing your goals but also pay attention to the creation of internal and external freedom.

    Staci shared her 'architect, build, operate' model used to structure organizations, with the first stage being particularly crucial in establishing processes, workflows, tools, and technology. Needless to say we became BFF’s when she uttered the word “architect!”

    Get deep insights into the psychological complexities that entrepreneurs face, including recognizing the warning signs and the potential for becoming a "business narcissist," which translates to a need for constant attention and recognition.

    Staсi highlighted the importance of generating the freedom that entrepreneurs seek, which often gets overshadowed by the relentless push for growth. She advocated for creating an enjoyable process and building a team that shares in the excitement and fulfillment of the journey.

    Once a client told me that I had a 'stern mom face' and we are doing this a few times in this show emphasizing the necessity of maintaining consistency and not changing the rules whimsically—underscoring the need for discipline in your entrepreneurial journey.

    Staci also has a clear message and that is how to say no to "shiny pennies"—the myriad of distractions that can lead you off course. Staсi proposed the practice of journaling your ideas without necessarily sharing or monetizing each one, reflecting on the concept that you don’t need to execute every idea but might sometimes be designated to pass those ideas on to others more suited to bringing them to fruition.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Staсi Gray: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

    We appreciate you, thank you for listening. Let us know in the comments what resonated in this episode, we want to hear from you.

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    Take our QUIZ and find out what your talent is worth in this market: What's Your Talent Worth

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  • In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show we are featuring David Galbenski and his key ideas around confronting life-threatening health challenges with a mindset of abundance, appreciating every moment, and maintaining 'realistic positivity.'

    David shares his personal journey dealing with a severe health diagnosis, focusing on how he chose to shift into an abundance mindset, treasuring every moment, and capitalizing on the chance to create impactful experiences.

    He discusses the concept of 'realistic positivity,' which he coined after being inspired by Jim Collins' book "Good to Great" and Admiral Stockdale's story, emphasizing the balance between confronting brutal facts while never losing faith in a positive outcome.

    David's story illustrates his commitment to making every ordinary moment into a special 'Moment' with a capital 'M' by understanding statistics but still remaining grounded in the present and controlling what he can. Simple because he didn’t know how many more Moments he would have.

    This resilience and determination allowed David to not only survive but also serve a greater purpose through his work with the Living Liver Foundation and the Global School of Entrepreneurship.

    Resources Mentioned:

    David Galbenski: Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

    We appreciate you, thank you for listening. Let us know in the comments what resonated in this episode, we want to hear from you.

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    Take our QUIZ and find out what your talent is worth in this market: What's Your Talent Worth

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