Leah Jorgensen is owner and winemaker for Leah Jørgensen Cellars, a wine company operating out of Portland, Oregon. She dedicated to creating distinctive wines with an appreciation for French Loire Valley style. She takes special care with grower relationships, site selection, and paying close attention to what each unique site and vintage offer. In this engaging interview Leah shares how she began her business, the challenges she has faced as well as successes. To read more Leah Jorgenson and how her business reflects “How to do business the Wise Woman Way,” go to wisewomanpadcast.com. This interview is the 5th part of the one year anniversary of “Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs.” by Kaya Singer wiserandwilder.com
Marcia Chadly is the co-founder of the Creative Life Center in Westminster, Colorado, a place where women come to to replenish their souls and create the life they want. In this interview as Marci shares her journey of leaving a career as an engineer when she realized it wasn’t fulfilling her soul and the challenges to building her own business. Being a creator of community, she enjoys the alchemy of connection, creativity, and sacred space. To read more Marcia Chadly and how her business reflects “How to do business the Wise Woman Way,” go to wisewomanpadcast.com. This interview is the 4th part of the one year anniversary of “Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs.” by Kaya Singer wiserandwilder.com
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Lori Park is an aromatherapist and feng shui specialist but her main passion is helping women to face their fears Lori realized that the clutter comes from deeply within oneself so her clients begin with what is holding them back from living a life of their soul purpose. This heartfelt interview begins with her own story which almost all women will relate to, being in a career that was burying her spirit and what she had to do to find herself again. To read more aboutLori Park and how her business reflects "How to do business the Wise Woman Way," go to wisewomanpadcast.com. This interview is also part of the one year anniversary of "Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs." by Kaya Singer wiserandwilder.com
Barbara Techel is an author and Soul Collage and workshop facilitator. Part of her unique story is how her disabled dog, Frankie changed her life and was a catalyst for her starting her business. Barbara's books include two memoirs: Wisdom Found in the Pause - Joie's Gift and Through Frankie's Eyes - One woman's journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way, and a children's book series, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog. You will love this interview as Barbara's story is heartfelt and any woman who is struggling with self-confidence will relate to her journey To read more about Barbara and how her business has been influenced by connecting to her Wise and Wild Woman go to wisewomanpadcast.com. This interview is also part of the one year anniversary of "Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs." by Kaya Singer wiserandwilder.com
Paula Nuspl is more than a decorator. She helps women to create soulful places. She knows that when they are surrounded by things they love they are able to do their best work in the world and also have a happy place for their family. This interview is inspiring and just listening to Paula will make you want to relook at your space. To read more about Paula and how her business reflects "How to do business the Wise Woman Way," go to wisewomanpadcast.com. This interview is also part of the one year anniversary of "Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs." by Kaya Singer wiserandwilder.com
In this episode we mixed it up and Kaya Singer, host of this
Podcast and Women Empowerment mentor, is interviewed about the
story behind her new book, "WIser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for
Visionary Women Entrepreneurs." She shares what it means to be
wiser and wilder and how walking through the fire is essential part
of opening your vioice. Kaya helps women to grow their visionary
businesses so they can help more people, grow in prosperity and
make a bigger difference in the world. You can find her on kayasinger.com
Find out more about her book on Wiser and Wilder.com -
In this interview we hear from Sallena Pool, a leadership dynamics specialist.
Sallena's mission is to help birth a new form of leader who is a unifying and integral change agent – leaders whose presence, creative capacity, and finesse evolves the ethos of conscious business.
She shares what this means and how it will make a difference!
If you enjoyed this, subscribe on iTunes and give us a review.
Check out wisewomanwaypodcast.com
Then find out more about how to grow your own visionary business at: AwakeningBusiness.com -
Mona Das - Super Connector and more...
Mona Das combines her passion for inspiring and connecting people by building community. She launched MOXY!, to inspire, coach and mentor women to live their life and earn their livelihood by following their true purpose. She has been a sought after residential and commercial lender and loan consultant for the past 11 years. Listen to find out about how to discover your three super powers.
I'm Kaya Singer, your host and we interview new and interesting VISIONARY WOMEN! If you enjoyed this, subscribe on i tunes and give us a review.
Find out more about how to build your own visionary business: Here -
Jocelyn Mozak, Word Press Specialist
In this interview Joceclyn speaks to the many women who began in a high powered corporate career and then chose to leave in order to be a good parent and eventually to start their own business.
She shares about all the shifts, changes, and adaptations she has had to make in order to stay in balance and healthy. As a result Jocelyn has developed a successful company, is a wonderful mom, and a dedicated mentor to her staff.
To read more about her and to get her contact information go to www.wiseWomanWayPodcast.com -
Joanne McCall is a media expert and publicist mentor
If you aren't exactly sure what a media person does, you won't want to miss this episode. Joanne shares her story about how she stepped into this field and unlike many of my guests, she began in high school.
Now she's on a first-name basis with hundreds of the world's top-rung producers, editors, writers, and journalists, Joanne holds the key to outlets such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Self, More, Investment Business Daily, The View, Today, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Yahoo, and many others.
This is a fun interview and I know you will enjoy it!
Visit our blog to find out how to connect with Joanne. www.wisewomanwaypodcast.com -
Virginie Paradis is owner of French Truly and a French educator and an expert of the French Culture. Listen to this podcast to hear how she developed this unique business that has literally no real competition. She is a joy to listen to as well as fun.
Read more about her on WiseWomanWayPodcast.com -
Sonia Miller's best-selling book, "The Attraction Distraction: Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working for You and How to Get Results - Finally!" reaches international audiences with translations now available in five countries.
Sonia Miller embodies the unique ability to illuminate people's blind spots to expose their untapped power. She is a coach and teacher and has helped people find greater inner peace and confidence, saved marriages, improved health, healing improved team performance to name a few. You will oove her story and her wisdom in this interview. -
Dr. Lisa Van Allen is the 'Biz Doctor', a clinical psychologist and certified professional life & business coach with over twenty years experience. Dr. Lisa is an inspirational speaker and the award-winning author of Your Belief Quotient: 7 Beliefs that Sabotage or Support Your Success.
As a result of her own process she developed a mantra for herself that says, "I have more than enough." Listen to the interview to hear about how she developed this mindset. -
Téa Silvestre Godfrey is all about The Story. Telling them, listening to them and figuring out what they mean. She's also the author of "Attract and Feed a Hungry Crowd: How Thinking Like a Chef Can Help You Build a Solid Business" and the "Tarotic Story Prompts Deck for Business Storytellers." Find her online at StoryBistro.com.
Read about all of our Podcasts at WiseWomanWayPodcast.com -
Michelle Grace Lessirard is a shamanic teacher and healer who helps you design your business by the light of the moon.
When I heard this I was intrigued, and after this conversation I am keeping my eye more clearly on the moon.
Listen to the interview as she shares her process of working with the moon energy.
For more information read the blog onwww.WiseWomenWayPodcast.com
Please subscribe to be the first to hear about each new episode! -
Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the self-care movement with her first book, "The Woman's Comfort Book".
She's the author of 7 additional books on well-being and whole living and has been teaching retreats and leading workshops since 1992 and creating vibrant on-line communities and innovative learning experiences since 2000.
In this wonderful interview she shares about following the"threads in our lives" and tells her own story in this context.
To read more go to www.WiseWomenWayPodcast.com
Please subscribe so you will find out about each new episode -
Melody LaBaron is a Professional Organizer, Space Clearing practitioner, Feng Shui consultant, and Success Coach. The question Melody LeBaron helps her clients answer is: In how many ways can the spaces you live and work in support your greater success?
Her clients call her "The House Whisperer" because she senses the subtle energies that need to be cleared, and how each space longs to support those who live and work there.
In this interview she tells her story and offers some wonderful tips and things you can do to support your abundace and successful life.
For more information go to www.WiseWomanWayPodcast.com -
Katie Cavanaugh is the president and founder of Clear Path Success Coaching, LLC, a company committed to empowering Women Entrepreneurs to awaken their Intrepid Nature - to be Bold, Courageous and Fearlessly seek their sacred Destiny which fuels the highest and truest expression of themselves.
In this interview she shares how she moved from a corporate high powered job to launching her own business helping women to be empowered and courageous about breaking free.
For more information go to: www.WiseWomanWayPodcast.com -
Lindsey Dawson says, "Everyone has a story that is unique." In this creative interview she shares her own story from where her career began to where she is now. Lindsey, a native New Zealander, has written seven books now - a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Several have spiritual themes and she has an historical novel coming out this year. Lindsey's offers her wisdom for the listeners. "There is no such thing as an ordinary life. All of us have potential to be extraordinary." Lindsey offers writing courses, workshops and mentoring and focuses on helping women gain confidence through reflecting on their own stories.
To find out how to contact Lindsey go to WiseWomanWayPodcast.com
Are you a creative and visionary woman who needs help developing your own business? Contact me: kaya@awakeningBusiness.com -
Denise Michaels helps wisdom professionals to become authors. In this captivating interview Denise shares her own story.
She is a good story-teller and you will find out about how she began as an advertising copywriter when she was 26, and as a result of experiencing sexism she left that job.
Denise shares how she always wanted to be a writer but was told by her parents that she would starve if she went that direction, so instead she pursued other things, including buying a telephone answering service and then selling it for a profit a couple years later.
Denise worked for a big guru as a marketing trainer for a number of years, which is where we met when I took a class from her in how to write a book proposal. I enjoyed Denise then, 15 years ago and I still love her energy and appreciate her expertise. - Mostrar más