本期从肖美丽#公共场所吸烟# 引发的争议切入,讨论了西方历史中关于吸烟与健康研究,如何从只关注男性到开始纳入女性;从只关注吸烟对女性生育的影响,到关注女性作为二手烟受害者;人口与女性吸烟管控关系;烟酒与女性形象的塑造;19世纪男女在酒类生产-销售-消费中的不同角色;男女饮酒地点的差异(家庭vs酒吧)与酗酒诊断(精神疾病vs身体疾病)的差异。同时也讨论了现在国内的AA戒酒互助组织,性别在中国酒吧文化/城乡饮酒中的差异,酗酒与家庭暴力,烟酒管控与广告投放等。虽然关于性、健康、医学的课程已经结束,但之后#性史对话# 依然会不定期更新。希望大家喜欢。
Ali Haggett, A History of Male Psychological Disorders in Britain, 1945-1980, (Palgrave, 2015), Chapter 3.
Warner, Jessica and Frank Ivis. "Gin and Gender in Early Eighteenth-century London." Eighteenth-Century Life, vol. 24 no. 2, 2000, p. 85-105.
Virginia Berridge, Constructing women and smoking as a public health problem in Britain 1950–1990s.Gender History, 13(2) 2001, p. 328-48.
¿Faltan episodios?
Rebecca M. Kluchin, Fit to be tied: sterilization and reproductive rights in America, 1950-1980, (Rutgers, 2009), Chapter 3.
Stefan Kühl, The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism (Oxford University Press, 1994)
贺萧(Gail Hershatter)记忆的性别(人民出版社,2017)第六章
Susan Bordo, Unbearable weight: feminism, western culture and the body, (University of California Press, 1993). Alisa Webb, ‘Constructing the Gendered Body: Girls, Health, Beauty, Advice, and the Girls’ Best Friend, 1898–99’, Women's History Review, 15:2, (2006), pp.253-275. Morag Martin, ‘Doctoring Beauty: The Medical Control of Women's Toilettes in France, 1750–1820’, Medical History, 49:3 (July, 2005), pp.351-368.
· Faye Ginsburg, ‘Procreation stories: reproduction, nurturance and procreation in life narratives of abortion activists’, American Ethnologist, Vol.14, No.4, (Nov. 1987), pp.623636
· Mary Muldowney, 'Breaking the silence: pro-choice activism in Ireland since 1983', Chapter 7, in: Jennifer Redmond, Sonja Tiernan, Sandra McAvoy, Mary McAuliffe (eds), Sexual politics in modern Ireland, (Irish Academic Press, 2015).
· Rickie Solinger, ‘Introduction: Abortion Politics and History’, in: Rickie Solinger (ed.), Abortion Wars: a half century of struggle, 1950-2000, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), pp.1-10
· Christballe Sethna and Steve Hewitt, ‘Clandestine Operations: The Vancouver Women’s Caucus, the Abortion Caravan, and the RCMP’, Canadian Historical Review, Vol.90, No.3, (September 2009), pp.463- 495.
Jenna Healey, ‘Rejecting Reproduction: The National Organization for Non-Parents and Childfree Activism in 1970s America,’ Journal of Women’s History 28, no. 1(Spring 2016): 131-156. Laura Kelly, ‘Irishwomen United, The Contraception Action Programme and the feminist campaign for free, legal, contraception in Ireland, c.1975-1981’, Irish Historical Studies, 43:164, (November 2019). Wendy Kline, Bodies of Knowledge: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Women’s Health in the Second Wave, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), Ch.1. Jesse Olszynko-Gryn, ‘The feminist appropriation of pregnancy testing in 1970s Britain’, Women’s History Review, (July, 2017), pp.126. Deborah Gould, Moving politics: emotion and ACTUP’s fight against AIDS, (University of Chicago Press,
• Hilary Marland, ‘Disappointment and desolation: women, doctors and interpretations of puerperal insanity in the nineteenth century’, History of Psychiatry, 14 (2003), pp.303-20.
• Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, ‘The hysterical woman: sex roles and role conflict in 19th century America’, Social Research, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Winter 1972), pp. 652-678。
• Elizabeth Lunbeck, ‘A new generation of women’: progressive psychiatrists and the hypersexual female, Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Autumn, 1987), pp. 513-543.
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• J.S. Garner, ‘The great experiment: the admission of women students to St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1916-1925’, Medical History, 42:1, (1998), pp.68–88.
• Joan Burstyn, ‘Education and sex: the medical case against higher education for women in England, 1870–1900’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 117:2, (1973), pp. 79–89.
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• Julia Grant, A "Real Boy" and Not a Sissy: Gender, Childhood, and Masculinity, 1890-1940, Journal of Social History, 37:4, (Summer, 2004), pp. 829851.
• Ali Haggett, A History of Male Psychological Disorders in Britain, 1945-1980, (Palgrave, 2015), Chapter 3.
• Elizabeth Siegel Watkins, ‘Medicine, Masculinity, and the Disappearance of Male Menopause in the 1950s’, Social History of Medicine Vol. 21, No. 2 pp. 329– 344.
• Johnny Bell, ‘Putting Dad in the Picture: fatherhood in the popular women's magazines of 1950s Australia’, Women's History Review, 22:6, (2013), pp.904-929.
• 黄道炫. “二八五团”下的心灵史—战时中共干部的婚恋管控,《近代史研究》2019年第1期.