All I really need to say is that we ALL need this!!! I would go so far as to say this may be the most important podcast/episode the Lord has ever had me to do. (That's NOT CLICKBAIT-- I don' like or do that!). Please listen and do what it says, don't just think about it; you'll have no one to blame but yourself. In Christ's love.
Always let the Lord God Almighty be the determining factor (not man, not feelings or emotions) in all important matters. The Lord sets up and removes kings, it just looks like we do. And the standard is slight, it seems, but different than what you might believe.
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Praise is generally good, but flattery is not. The Bible talks and warns about this more than you might think and the Word-- the Hebrew and the Greek-- has a lot of specific things to teach us. Stay out of the snare!
Ooh, Boy! This is a GOOD one. Thank You, Holy Spirit! Please listen to this wonderful Word from 1 Corinthians 10:13. It may mean much more than you think (and I thought).
The prophet that Almighty God sent to the Governor, the High Priest and the people in the Old Testament, He uses today to speak to us what we really need to honestly take an inner look at. God loves us as His sons and daughters-- if we've been born again-- and so He says, "Consider Your Ways."
What does this mean? And how do we live it out? What has to change in our hearts and minds? Why is this important? Join us and find out so God's will and your will can align, and others can be rescued as we have been. It's crucial.
We do try to obey the Lord and His commandments, we try to do heavenly tasks that are pleasing to Him and we may even be involved in a "ministry," but God wants-- first and foremost-- to do something else.
Assimilation and Compromise OR a Commitment to Holiness? Are you a CHRISTian? Let's find out. If yes, this HAS to mark your life. If not, THIS is required.
Holiness and SO much more (without which we won't see the Lord!)
I am being transparent with you, from the leading of the Lord. King David had one issue, and you may have one too. God is calling us to confess it to one another, especially for the sake of our integrity and His Holy Name.
Changing a noun or an adjective doesn't really work. We know this, but have allowed ourselves to "buy the lie" because we see benefit from a wrong or an untrue reality. Please listen to the truth, even when it seems to rub you the wrong way. Truth leads to life. Lies lead to death.
Please listen and obey the short but important command from our Lord Jesus. It's significance won't be misunderstood.
Can we see and identify the goads in our lives? They couldn't. They are from the Father and for our good. They and we push against them and it hurts us.
The Word tells us we are to give God the Father glory, so we need to know what it is. Otherwise, how can we be obedient? How will others know Who loves us, Who saved us, Who gives us hope?
What the Father Himself dealt with me about one day recently concerning an unknown habitual sin, and what Romans 12:18-19 means.
What is truly meant by the phrase "filled with the Spirit"? Man may mean one thing, but what does the Word, the Bible, tell us? Words, especially the Lord's words, are important. So, let's all get on the same page with the Spirit Himself to communicate truth and understand more accurately.
A timely and much-needed Word from the Father concerning how we approach Him, especially in our time entering His presence in His House or anywhere else. We all need this. Please Hear, Listen, Receive and Heed His truth to us.
Let's address a topic that needs to be discussed and dealt with, especially-- but not limited to-- pastors! It's biblical, it's for the Christian, the foreigner and the sojourner... in our midst.
You guys, my heart and brotherly love go out to you! Let me get you to listen to this, PLEASE. If it doesn't apply to you (other than the "Young Christian" part), I still need you to hear the Lord Jesus out on this; maybe there's someone you know that needs to hear this or you need the boldness from the Holy Spirit to speak this truth in love to them. Or you need this BEFORE you are tempted and end up in the same place.
God uses a person, one of His vessels, to post a sign. What is He telling you through it? Why does it matter? Now He's using another one of His vessels-- me-- to explain what that sign means and what it means FOR YOU.
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