
  • Sexual sin remains one of the most prolific yet overlooked issues within the Christian community. Despite the prevalence of church teachings on purity and righteousness, hidden struggles with sexual sin abound. Despite Jesus' promise of freedom in Scripture, pornography, illicit romantic novels and television shows, and sexual indiscretions continue to keep many believers in bondage. Statistics reveal a startling reality:

    50% of American Christians ages 18 to 30 actively seek out porn annually. 68% of churchgoing men regularly view pornography. 20% of practicing Christians ages 18 to 30 actively seek out porn weekly. 15% of Christian women say that they watch porn at least monthly. Only 13% of Christian women say that they never watch porn. 20 % of youth pastors currently struggles w/ porn use. 68% of churchgoing men regularly view porn. 50% of pastors regularly view porn. 76% of Christians age 18 to 24 actively and regularly spend time searching porn sites. The average age kids see porn is 11. 95% of kids see porn by 14 .

    These hidden battles often lead to feelings of shame, isolation, and a performance-based relationship with God, making it harder to experience His grace, true intimacy, and freedom

    In this episode of "Christian Parent/Crazy World," Catherine is joined by Dr. Lina Abujamra, a pediatric ER doctor and founder of Living With Power Ministries, who delves into her own experiences and insights on breaking free from hidden sexual sin. Lina sheds light on how purity culture's unrealistic expectations can lead to a dangerous form of idolatry, causing individuals to ignore deeper issues and seek fulfillment through temporary distractions.

    Key Highlights:

    Purity Culture’s Impact: Lina unpacks how purity culture sets unrealistic expectations about marriage and intimacy, fostering a performance-based relationship with God. The Danger of Idolatry: Learn why idolizing a perfect life leads many to overlook deeper issues and lean on temporary distractions like TV, movies, and frivolous novels. Dealing with Hidden Sins: Lina emphasizes the necessity of addressing hidden sins openly and highlights the ease of falling into habits like consuming erotic content. Women like Lina have particularly struggled with pornographic novels and desire to be set free. The Importance of Safe Conversations: Lina shares her personal experiences, including the emotional hurt she faced within the church, and underscores the need for transparent discussions in our homes and communities. Sexual Sin in the Church: Catherine and Lina explore the alarming statistics on porn addiction among Christians, including pastors, and the urgent need for transparency.

    Guest Bio: Dr. Lina Abujamra is a distinguished pediatric emergency room doctor, author, speaker, and the founder of Living With Power Ministries. Known for her dynamic and heartfelt approach, she offers practical biblical insights to help people navigate life's challenges with faith and resilience. She has authored several impactful books, including Fractured Faith: Finding Your Way Back to God in an Age of Deconstruction, Resolved: 10 Ways to Stand Strong and Live What You Believe, and her most recent book, Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This: A Christian Doctor’s Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues, which offers a candid look into her sexual struggles and the grace that brought her freedom.


    Featured resource: Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This: A Christian Doctor’s Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues

    Ep. 110 How To Talk To Your Kids about Pornography (w/ Kristen Jensen)

    Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn Proofing Today’s Young Kids by Kristen Jensen

    What’s Next?

    Stay tuned for our next episode, where Lina and I dive even deeper into purity culture, the impact of the prosperity gospel on views of sex and our parenting, and the role of shame in sin. This is a journey toward uncovering freedom and truth, one conversation at a time.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Do you know what your family's unique purpose or identity is? Can you and your kids name your family’s core values?

    If you feel like a deer in headlights when asked those questions, you aren’t alone.

    Families are at the heart of God's plan for the world, serving as unique units designed to fulfill His divine purposes. Yet churches often zoom in on assessing individual callings and miss the bigger picture of the family's role. As a result, most parents never discover their family’s unique God given design or purpose. They never consider what their family’s core values might be.

    In this episode of Christian Parent/Crazy World, host Catherine Segars chats with Derek England, the Executive Director of Family ID. Together, they unpack God’s timeless design for the family and why understanding your family's unique purpose is vitally important.

    Episode Highlights:

    Family Identity and Purpose: Catherine and Derek dive into how each family has a distinct place in God's plan. They talk about the importance of establishing core family values that guide everything from daily decisions to long-term goals. From Past to Present: The conversation touches on traditional family roles, modern challenges, and key insights from Nancy Pearcey's book, The Toxic War on Masculinity. Creating Core Values: Derek shares his own family's journey in developing core values, values like being radically protective of quality time and maintaining unwavering integrity. Living Intentionally: Emphasizing the need to be intentional, Derek offers practical advice on defining and living out your family’s unique identity and values. Free Resources for Families: Take advantage of Family ID's free tools and resources, including a family assessment and masterclass, available at family-id.com. These resources are packed with activities, short videos, and worksheets to help you uncover your family's special purpose and core values.

    When the family is strong, each individual member is strong. Family ID helps parents embark on a journey of intentional family living, equipping them with invaluable tools and wisdom to foster a stronger, more unified family dynamic that glorifies God. Explore the divine importance of family in God's plan and begin your intentional family journey at www.family-id.com.

    Guest bio: Derek England is the Executive director of Family ID, an organization that is dedicated to transforming families by helping them discover and embrace their family identity, purpose, and direction. Family ID is founded on the belief that every family has a distinct role to play in God’s plan. To equip that plan, Family ID provides a ton of practical tools and resources to guide families in discovering their unique identity, purpose, and core values.


    Family ID

    Family ID Facebook Page

    Family ID Instagram Page

    “That the World May Know” with Ray Vander Laan

    The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcy


    “5 Lies about Motherhood That Most Women Believe” – The Girl Defined Podcast

    “I don’t want to have kids
 I want to pursue my career” – The Girl Defined Podcast


    Ephesians 5:25-33

    John 17:24

    Proverbs 29:18

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Many parents face the dilemma of sending their kids to a secular college or university. These institutions claim to be diverse, equitable, and inclusive, and yet they only present one view on the most salient issues of our day. In this episode, Catherine shares her disconcerting experience at her oldest child's college orientation at a state-funded school.

    At the student orientation, student leader after student leader after student leader shared their name, their major, and their preferred pronouns. No other political references were made. No other religious beliefs were stated. Yet despite claiming a commitment to rigorous intellectual debate and freedom of thought, this school presented only one view on gender. And while insisting on preparing the next generation to live in the “real world,” university faculty and administrators aren’t even preparing kids to live in their “real bodies.”

    When Catherine discussed this blatant progressive evangelism on the part of the university with other Christians at the orientation, parents just shrugged this indoctrination off as being “the way it is.”

    When “the way it is” is harming children, we have to speak up.

    To lay the foundation for this conversation, Catherine explores perspectives on preferred pronouns from both Christian and secular sources. She highlights:

    Rosaria Butterfield, a former radical lesbian activist turned Christian, who underscores the impact of using preferred pronouns and affirming false ideologies. Preferred pronouns aren’t a matter of terminology. They are a matter of ideology. No good can come from affirming a false ideology. The viral cancelled article "Pronouns Are Rohypnol," which sheds light on the perception shifts and safety implications associated with preferred pronouns. The tragic story of Richie Herron, a young man who underwent gender reassignment surgery after being groomed by a gender clinic, who highlights the dangers of promoting gender ideology without recognizing the consequences.

    These tragic stories begin with a small word—a simple, loving, culturally-approved preferred pronoun. But they end in unfair and unsafe spaces for women and girls, excruciating pain, infertility, butchered bodies, and broken lives.

    Catherine urges listeners to not remain neutral when it comes to the truth about gender. If our state schools want to claim a standard of diversity, equity, and inclusion, then all views should be represented. They must not claim a DEI standard while practicing uniformity, inequity, and exclusion.

    The episode culminates with Catherine sharing her open letter to the university, urging them to uphold true diversity by considering all perspectives and challenging the status quo.

    “A truly valuable education should challenge one’s ideology and deeply held convictions, not acquiesce or coddle. Not show favor or bias. Not proudly promote DEI while practicing ideological uniformity, preference, and exclusion. Not embrace bandwagons or reject them without rigorous consideration.”

    Christian parents must stand firm in their beliefs, resist pressure to conform to harmful ideologies, and speak up. The next generation won’t hear the truth about who they are if we don’t speak it.


    Episode 115: Exposing the Lost Landscape of Higher Education (w/ David Richardson)

    Episode 112: Navigating Tough Conversations about Pronouns with Your Kids (w/ Ryan & Bethany Bomberger)

    Episode 49: How Does a Committed Church Kid become a Drag Queen? (w/ Blake Howard)

    Episode 50: How Does a Drag Queen become a Minister of the Gospel? (w/ Blake Howard)


    “Why I no longer use Preferred Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either” by Rosaria Butterfield

    The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey into Christian Faith, by Rosaria Butterfield

    “Pronouns are Rohypnol,” by Barra Kerr

    “Woke Doctors TRICKED me into Gender Surgery—Ritchie Herron” (Andrew Gold/Heretics)

    ‘I Immediately Experienced Regret’: British Man Recounts Horror of Gender-Transition Surgery,” National Review

    “Time to Think—What went wrong at the Tavistock Clinic,” Financial Times

    “Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry's Story,” CBN

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • We are all assuming something about the nature of reality. Our core assumptions exist because there isn’t definitive proof for any belief system. In this thought-provoking episode, Catherine and her guest, David Richardson, take a deep dive into the core assumptions that shape our beliefs about reality. In his first book Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You, Dave defines the three primary types of assumers: Type I, Type II, and Type III, each with distinct perspectives on the nature of reality.

    Type I Assumers believe in a materialistic world where only physical matter and energy are considered real and important. This perspective is the foundation for understanding the world through a purely physical lens.

    Type II Assumers view reality as primarily non-physical, emphasizing beliefs that focus on spiritual or idealistic objectives. This perspective leads to beliefs in spiritual evolution or sociopolitical perfection as driving forces in the universe.

    Type III Assumers recognize a dual reality where both physical and non-physical aspects coexist, all created by a higher power. This perspective highlights the importance of acknowledging the Creator and creation in shaping one's view of reality.

    The impact of these core assumptions are vast and explain virtually everything that is going on in our world today, like how extreme progressives are siding with radical Islamists on college campuses.

    Have you been wondering why that is?

    If you look at what Islam teaches, it is the opposite of what Progressivism preaches. They are diametrically opposed. Dave explains how such divergent belief systems are finding a kinship on college campuses across the country. Spoiler alert: It has something to do with their underlying assumptions.

    Dave also shares his critical assumptions test, an invaluable evangelistic tool that helps individuals evaluate a person’s core assumptions and their alignment with reality. This test consists of eight questions that prompt someone to reflect on their beliefs about the nature of reality, the origin of knowledge, and the purpose of human existence. By engaging with this test, you can quickly assess what a person believes and see how their core assumptions affirm or deny reality.

    Guest bio: David Richardson, author of Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You, is the founder of the Assumptions Institute and its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding the Assumptions Institute, Richardson served for 30 years on the staff of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, devoting most of his ministry to university professors. He holds a B.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Portland, and an M.A. degree in Theological Studies from the International School of Theology. Richardson also holds an MTh. degree in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford.


    UC Berkeley’s campus is in turmoil. It’s unlike anything in recent memory – Politico (4/21/24)

    BLM spent at least $12M on luxury properties in LA, Toronto – New York Post (5/17/22)

    Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought a $6 Million House – New York Mag: Intelligencer ((4/4/22)

    Jennifer Fulwiler Testimony - From Atheist to A Daughter of God – Godstrong Faith


    Gen. 11 – The Tower of Babel

    Rom. 7:18

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Does the concept of worldview have a fatal flaw baked into the premise? Could the Christian worldview possibly be leading kids away from the faith?

    David Richardson, author of Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You, reveals the shocking origin of this term and challenges the way it is used by almost everyone in our culture. There is an inherent flaw in the term “worldview” that we need to be aware of, and we need to make sure our kids don’t fall for it.

    Those of us who profess a Biblical worldview recognize the underlying concept of absolute truth. However, inherent in the term “worldview” is the idea that the way each individual person views the world is where truth is found. Reality is defined by what we perceive. It is defined by our senses. It is defined by the worldview glasses we choose to put on. So, in other words, reality is defined by our worldview and our worldview is what we choose for it to be. That makes truth subjective, even if our particular worldview maintains that truth is universal.

    We have to realize that subjectivity is baked into how most people use the term worldview. We’re not on the same page. We’re not even in the same universe.

    In this episode, Catherine and Dave dive into the origins of the term worldview, which was a concept coined by the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant. Then Dave encourages parents to adopt a more nuanced and effective approach based on assumptions rather than rigid and subjective worldviews.

    Looking ahead, the podcast promises to delve deeper into the three primary assumption types and their implications for navigating diverse beliefs and perspectives. By equipping parents with a fresh way to engage with differing worldviews, the upcoming episode aims to empower listeners to guide their children's faith journey with clarity and understanding.

    Guest bio: David Richardson is the founder of the Assumptions Institute and its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding the Assumptions Institute, Richardson served for 30 years on the staff of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, devoting most of his ministry to university professors. He holds a B.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Portland, and an M.A. degree in Theological Studies from the International School of Theology. Richardson also holds an MTh. degree in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford. His dissertation,

    “Accepting Christian Faith in the Academy” was an important exploratory study of the religious attitudes and beliefs of university professors and how to reach them for Christ. He understands education and educators very well. Richardson’s first book, Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You released from Clovercroft Publishing.

    Dave's Website: Learn to Discern


    Barna Research: American Worldview Inventory 2024 (Release 3) - Explaining America’s 40-Year Drop in Biblical Worldview- And How to Reverse that Decline

    Barna Research: American Worldview Inventory 2024 (Release 2) - Millions of Americans Embrace Common Unbiblical Perspectives, Survey Shows

    Barna Research, American Worldview Inventory 2024 Release 1) - America Needs Spiritual Renewal More than a Political Majority

    Barna Research: “Emerging Gen Z May Deliver Huge Blow to Religion in U.S.” (6/8/18)

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Philosophy Professor Peter Boghossian notoriously claimed that “faith is a cognitive sickness that’s been turned into a moral virtue.” He went on to say that every class is an opportunity to help students lose their faith.

    When the instructors our kids sit under in higher education come in with an agenda like that, Gen Z’s sharp exodus from the faith makes sense. A child would have to be well prepared to withstand that kind of onslaught to their faith.

    In this episode of "Christian Parent, Crazy World," Catherine delves into the critical question of how higher education is leading Christian kids away from their faith. Her special guest, David Richardson, brings a unique perspective on the landscape of higher education. With over 32 years of experience working with college and university professors, Dave sheds light on the challenges faced by Christian youth in academic settings.

    Dave's journey from atheist student to faith in Christ provides a powerful testimony of God's transformative work on college campuses. His insights into the beliefs and attitudes of professors shed light on the disconnect between faith and academia. Catherine and Dave explore the impact of higher education on the youth exodus from Christianity and the role of Christian parents in navigating this challenging terrain.

    The conversation delves into the importance of connecting faith to real-world issues and the need for Christians to live out their beliefs authentically. Hypocrisy and the lack of a tangible connection between God and academic disciplines are identified as key concerns for atheist and agnostic professors.

    The episode highlights the historical roots of the formalized discipline of science in Western Christian culture and the role of faith in shaping scientific inquiry. The discussion sets the stage for a deeper exploration of core assumptions that influence belief systems in the next episode.

    As parents grapple with the decision to send their children to secular institutions, Catherine and Dave offer valuable insights into understanding the challenges faced by Christian youth in higher education. By addressing the disconnect between faith and academia, this episode aims to equip parents with the knowledge and tools to support their children's faith journey in an increasingly secular world.

    Guest bio: David Richardson is the founder of the Assumptions Institute and its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding the Assumptions Institute, Richardson served for 30 years on the staff of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, devoting most of his ministry to university professors. He holds a B.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Portland, and an M.A. degree in Theological Studies from the International School of Theology. Richardson also holds an MTh. degree in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford. His dissertation,

    “Accepting Christian Faith in the Academy” was an important exploratory study of the religious attitudes and beliefs of university professors and how to reach them for Christ. He understands education and educators very well. Richardson’s first book, Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You released from Clovercroft Publishing.


    Dave's Website: Learn to Discern

    Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

    5 Views on Apologetics , Steven B. Cowen editor

    Expelled: No Evidence Allowed by Ben Stein

    Ben Stein Interview with Richard Dawkins

    Barna Research: “Emerging Gen Z May Deliver Huge Blow to Religion in U.S.” (6/8/18)

    Peter Boghossian interview PragerU: “We Should Burn the University System to the Ground

    PSU philosophy teacher wants to question students' faith-based beliefs – The Oregonian 11/10/11)

    “Should We Challenge the Beliefs of Our Students?” (Sandwalk, 3/9/12)

    “Faith No More: Professor Peter Boghossian on Why You Should Kick Your Faith to the Curb” (Portland Mercury, 4/5/12)

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Ryan Bomberger has been told that he should have never been born, that he doesn’t deserve to live. Repeatedly.


    Because Ryan was conceived in rape.

    Less than 1% of pregnancies begin in the violent act of rape. Yet despite this extremely uncommon occurrence, the pro-choice narrative myopically centers around this rare circumstance as a justification for ending an innocent life. But people seldom ask:

    Is a child conceived in rape less human, less valuable to society?

    Is he or she less valuable to God?

    Pro-abortion advocates say that a child conceived in rape is, and some pro-lifers even make that exception as well.

    Ryan’s remarkable testimony of being conceived in rape but adopted in love serves as a powerful reminder that every life is sacred, valuable, and has purpose—regardless of the circumstances of their conception.

    Catherine and Ryan also explore the wonderful gift of adoption and the pervasive misconceptions surrounding the pro-life movement by highlighting the comprehensive support provided by pro-life organizations to women facing unplanned pregnancies. These workers provide holistic care before and after birth, offering housing, work opportunities, health care, furniture, baby supplies, childcare classes, and physical and emotional care for moms who don’t have a support system.

    Their conversation also touches on the book "Pro-Life Kids" authored by Ryan's wife, Bethany, which brilliantly simplifies complex arguments about the value of life for children to comprehend. The book reinforces the idea that every human being, regardless of their circumstances, possesses intrinsic value and dignity.


    Ryan Bomberger, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer, The Radiance Foundation (www.radiance.life). Ryan has been named “one of the 50 greatest pro-life leaders in the last 50 years” in the book “Legacy of Life.” Author of the book “Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong” (www.notequalbook.com). Co-author of the children’s books “He is He” (www.HeIsHe.org) and “She is She” (www.SheIsShe.com).

    To learn more information about Radiance Foundation, visit www.radiance.life

    Radiance Foundation Social Media Pages:

    Radiance Facebook Page (@radiancefoundation): facebook.com/radiancefoundation

    Radiance Twitter Page (@lifehaspurpose): twitter.com/lifehaspurpose

    Radiance Instagram Page (@radiancefoundation): instagram.com/radiancefoundation

    Radiance YouTube Page (RadianceFoundation): youtube.com/user/RadianceFoundation


    “My Life Has Purpose” Interview with Lila Rose of Live Action

    “Ryan Bomberger: Woke Culture, Critical Race Theory, and Protecting Life” with ReFOCUS Jim Daly


    Romans 4:17

    Psalm 139

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In our culture, the use of preferred pronouns has become ubiquitous among Gen Zers and beyond. As a parent, you may have noticed this trend and wondered how to approach the subject with your children, especially your younger ones. It's crucial to start having conversations about pronouns and gender identity very young as many schools have embraced an agenda to "break the binary" in kindergarten.

    Ryan and Bethany Bomberger, co-founders of the Radiance Foundation, recognize the importance of addressing this issue and have created valuable resources to help parents navigate these conversations. In this episode, the Bombergers share their insights on the topic and discuss their groundbreaking books, She is She and He is He, which aim to reinforce simple, biological truths about gender. Ryan and Bethany emphasize the significance of bridging the gap between personal worldviews and addressing difficult topics with confidence.

    Episode highlights:

    The importance of addressing the issue early. The "Break the Binary" initiative in kindergarten. The importance of reinforcing simple biological truths with young children. The rise of the “T” in gender ideology creating a contradiction in the LGBTQ+ community. The dangers of hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones on young individuals. The deceptive nature of the transgender ideology and its impact on society. The role of Planned Parenthood in promoting gender confusion. How parental rights are under assault. Long-term studies on the effects of sex reassignment. Finding freedom in embracing one’s biological gender. The power of love, truth, and faith in guiding children towards their authentic selves .

    As parents, it is our responsibility to engage in honest, open conversations with our children about the complex issues they face in today's world, including the topics of pronouns and gender identity. By equipping ourselves with the knowledge and resources necessary to navigate these conversations, we can help our children understand the importance of embracing their biological sex and the freedom that comes with living authentically as the individuals God created them to be.


    Ryan Bomberger, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer, The Radiance Foundation (www.radiance.life). Ryan has been named “one of the 50 greatest pro-life leaders in the last 50 years” in the book “Legacy of Life.” Author of the book “Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong” (www.notequalbook.com). Co-author of the children’s books “He is He” (www.HeIsHe.org) and “She is She” (www.SheIsShe.com).

    Bethany Bomberger, Co-founder and Executive Director, The Radiance Foundation (www.radiance.life). Author of the book “PRO-LIFE KIDS!” (www.prolifekids.com) as well as co-author of the children’s books “He is He” (www.HeIsHe.org) and “She is She” (www.SheIsShe.com).

    To learn more information about Radiance Foundation, visit www.radiance.life

    Radiance Foundation Social Media Pages:

    Radiance Facebook Page (@radiancefoundation): facebook.com/radiancefoundation

    Radiance Twitter Page (@lifehaspurpose): twitter.com/lifehaspurpose

    Radiance Instagram Page (@radiancefoundation): instagram.com/radiancefoundation

    Radiance YouTube Page (RadianceFoundation): youtube.com/user/RadianceFoundation


    Resources cited & consulted:

    Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden (Published in the National Library of Medicine

    4 out of 5 kids, who question gender ‘grow out of it’: Transgender expert New York Post

    Planned Parenthood: Less Care, No Matter What (The Radiance Foundation, 1/25/24)

    Planned Parenthood, LGBT Inc. and Comprehensive Sex Miseducation (The Radiance Foundation, 4/8/22)

    Planned Parenthood Steps Deeply into Transgender Hormones, Including for Minors: Annual Report (The Washington Stand, 4/28/23)

    Planned Parenthood Offering Transgender Hormone Therapy to Minors across the Country (KATV, 7/13/22)

    Laura Perry Smalts Testimony on The 700 Club

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • There is a truth to glean from a Pennsylvania field that can save the world. And we will miss it
 if we don’t turn our eyes to see and our ears to hear.

    A lot of us are taking stock of where our country is right now. Our heads are spinning as we have watched these recent heartbreaking events unfold. We are dazed and confused.

    How do we make sense of it all?

    In this episode, Catherine breaks down the recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump with a prophetic ear to hear what God is saying through these supernatural events. Throughout Scripture, God speaks symbolically through the events that happen in our world. This is how He communicates, and He hasn’t stopped. We must listen to what He is saying through the crazy events unfolding in our time. He has a lot to say if we will give him our ear.

    Through a narrative that intertwines political events, civic duties, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the episode emphasizes the message of salvation and redemption. Catherine urges listeners to open their ears to God's voice and turn their eyes towards the light of Jesus, highlighting the eternal truth that human leaders cannot save us, but only through accepting Jesus' sacrifice can true salvation be found.

    Join Catherine as she delves into a profound exploration of spiritual truths amidst the chaos of the modern world.


    To receive a FREE list of Scriptures to pray over our nation and a book mark listing our national leaders, subscribe HERE.]

    Episode 110: How Do We Heal Our Nation: 9 Ways To Unite and Restore

    9 Ways We Can Unite and Restore Our Nation (article)

    "Former fire chief killed at Trump rally hailed as a 'hero,' two more victims identified" (NBC News)


    Matt. 11:15

    Mark 4:9. 23

    John 3:16-21

    Matthew 13:1-23

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Against the backdrop of recent troubling events and escalating tensions, Catherine delves into the profound divisions that have permeated society, emphasizing the critical role of faith in bridging these divides. In this timely episode, Catherine offers 9 guidelines to help heal our nation and bring about unity. These guidelines are not only spiritual but also relational, aiming to bridge the divide by the disciplines of prayer and fasting, and then fostering understanding and a shared sense of humanity with these best practices during contentious exchanges.


    Seek God's Perspective: Spend time in God's presence daily, disengaging from the world and engaging with Him to understand His perspective for our nation. Fast Regularly: Set aside longer periods of time to disengage from the world and engage with God through fasting. Prioritize Prayer: Specifically pray for our nation and leaders, seeking God's guidance and protection for them. Pray with Your Children: Model prayer for your children, involving them in praying for the nation and its leaders. Pray Corporately: Join with other believers in your church to pray for the nation, seeking unity and healing together.


    6. Challenge Policies, Not People: Focus on discussing policies rather than attacking individuals, respecting differing viewpoints.

    7. Respect, Don't Ridicule: Avoid using derogatory labels and show respect towards those with opposing views.

    8. Don't Assume a Motive: Refrain from assuming the motives behind someone's political stance, focusing on discussing methods rather than intentions.

    9. Focus on Experience, Not Argument: Recognize that personal experiences can be more persuasive than arguments, aiming to share experiences that lead others to God.

    The episode culminates in a heartfelt prayer for the nation, calling for divine intervention, restoration, and a renewed sense of unity among individuals and communities. Catherine inspires listeners to embrace faith, prayer, and compassion as transformative tools in navigating the challenges of a divided society.


    2 Chronicles 7:14-16

    Matthew 5:43-45

    Proverbs 22:6

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • If we want our kids to stand strong in their faith, we need to have real answers to some of their hardest questions about God and His Word.

    Why did God use men to write His book?

    In this episode, Catherine unpacks this question and the powerful, life-altering answer. The fact that God used anointed men to write the Bible reveals this unmistakable truth: God's works through human beings to accomplish His will here on earth. This means that God wants to use our lives and the lives of our kids to write His story in our own time. This truth gives us incredible hope and purpose.

    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
    Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth by Dutch Sheets

    Bible Verses Discussed in This Episode:
    2 Chronicles 16:9; Matthew 13:54-58

    Find Catherine at https://catherinesegars.com/

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Trying to find wholesome entertainment can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. As Christians, the most we usually hope for is entertainment that doesn’t undermine what we believe. But finding entertainment that actually reinforces Biblical values while wrestling through tough issues, does that even exist?

    It does.

    In this episode, Catherine is joined by author Felicia Ferguson to explore the world of redemptive fiction, a genre that tackles real-life issues from a biblical perspective. Felicia's latest novel, When Secrets Come Calling, could be ripped from today's headlines. The story centers on a dark secret that threatens to destroy the lives of a former couple. Felicia's characters turn to each other and then to God for hope and answers.

    Catherine and Felicia also discuss the importance of finding inspiring stories that shine God's light, especially in a world where such content can be hard to come by. Together, they dive into the impact fiction can have in addressing tough topics and encouraging listeners to make a difference for God's kingdom.

    Join Catherine and Felicia for a laid-back conversation that offers a refreshing break from the usual tough topics discussed on the show, and find the perfect beach read for your summer vacation.

    BOOK GIVEAWAY!: Enter for a chance to win a copy of Felicia’s award-winning debut novel, The Choices She Made by subscribing HERE or responding to Catherine's Instagram post.

    GUEST BIO: Felicia achieved master’s degrees in Healthcare Administration and Speech-Language Pathology, but has written since childhood and dreamed of authoring books that teach and inspire others. An award-winning fiction and non-fiction freelance writer, she has published several devotions and sweet romance short stories. Her passion, however, is writing women’s fiction and romantic suspense with strong female characters who work through their traumas and tragedies using biblical principles and counseling techniques.

    She is the past president of the Destin chapter of Word Weavers International, a member of the Pikes Peak Word Weavers chapter, the American Christian Fiction Writers Association, and incoming vice president of ACFW Colorado Springs. In 2024, she served as the conference coordinator for ACFW Colorado Springs’ Write in the Springs Conference. Her radio devotional, Build Faith for the Journey, airs Saturdays on Christian Mix 106.


    Felicia Ferguson’s Website & Instagram

    When Secrets Come Calling

    The Choices She Made (debut novel)

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • As parents, we spend a lot of time and energy ensuring that our kids are safe in their physical spaces. We put up safeguards around hour homes. We go to great lengths to live in a safe neighborhood and send our kids to a safe school.

    But what about our kid’s digital spaces?

    The threats for our children are as significant in cyberspace as they are in their physical space.

    Catherine welcomes back Kristen Jenson, founder of Defend Young Minds, to discuss the threats our children face in cyberspace and how to protect them. Defend Young Minds creates powerful resources to protect children online.

    Our culture says that our children deserve privacy online, but no child deserves to face these threats alone. We may think that our child is just upstairs playing a video game, but there are dangers in digital spaces. You wouldn’t drop your child off in Central Park and say, “Have fun! I’ll see you in a few hours
” And yet we often leave our kids vulnerable to dangerous influences from around the world when we hand them an unprotected, unmonitored device.

    Some digital dangers that can ensnare kids include:

    Pornography Sexting Cyberbullying Sextortion Trafficking

    Tackling all the technology surrounding our kids may seem like an insurmountable task, but while our kids may have more tech savvy, we have wisdom. And we must use it to protect our kids.

    About the Guest: Kristen A. Jenson, MA is the founder of Defend Young Minds and #1 best-selling author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books which have translations in 10 languages. She is also the executive producer of the Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum and the owner and CEO of Glen Cove Press, LLC.


    To enter the giveaway for a free set of Kristen’s books, SUBSCRIBE HERE.

    Defend Young Minds: All Articles

    Defend Young Minds: Tackle the Tech (section)

    7 Essential Rules for New Tech to Safeguard Your ChildDo Kids Deserve Digital Privacy? 3 Myths Debunked for Smart ParentsBrain Defense: Digital Safety (curriculum)

    Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Book Series

    CPCW Episode 105: Social Media and Our Kids: What Every Parent Needs To Know

    Defend Young Minds Website

    How To Talk to Kids about Pornography (free guide)

    My Kids Saw Porn, Now What (guide)


    Gryphon Parent Control Router

    Canopy Filtering Software

    The Ultimate Comparison of the Best Smartphones for Kids in 2023: Pinwheel, Gabb, Troomi, Bark and MMGuardian

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Few conversations make parents fill more ill-equipped and tongue-tied than discussing the topic of pornography with our kids. How do we even broach the subject?

    Catherine’s guest has created a book series that does all of the hard work for us. Kristen Jenson is the #1 best-selling author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books, which have been translated into 10 languages. These books define pornography and warn against the threats, and then they provide parents and kids with a game plan to defend young minds against the dangers.

    In this episode, Kristen walks parents through the Defend Young Minds triple defense plan for parents:

    Get the facts. Arm your kids. Continue the conversation

    As parents, we must give our kids the proper vocabulary to discuss this threat while explaining the dangers lurking behind enticing pictures and videos. And we need to empower our children to resist the temptation.

    Pornography isn’t your child’s fault, but it is their problem. No child deserves to face the porn industry alone. They need to be educated and they need to have a strategy for the moment when they encounter pornography.

    About the author Kristen A. Jenson, MA is the founder of Defend Young Minds and #1 best-selling author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books which have translations in 10 languages. She is also the executive producer of the Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum and the owner and CEO of Glen Cove Press, LLC.


    To enter the giveaway for a free set of Kristen’s books, SUBSCRIBE HERE.

    Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Book Series

    Defend Young Minds Website

    How To Talk to Kids about Pornography (free guide)

    My Kids Saw Porn, Now What (guide)

    How God Made Your Body by Jim Burns (ages 3-5)

    How God Makes Babies by Jim Burns (ages 6-9)

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • The Surgeon General came out with a very troubling report recently on social media usage among children that should concern us as parents. What are those warnings and what do we as parents need to know to safeguard our kids?

    Catherine has invited Dr. Walt Mueller back to break it all down for us.

    Covered in this episode:

    *Often overlooked good things to celebrate in the area of technology and social media.

    *The shocking statistics and serious warnings contained in the recent Surgeon General’s Report on children and social media usage.

    *Warning signs of device addiction.

    *Important questions to ask ourselves regarding our device and social media usage as parents.

    *How to have meaningful conversation with our kids on the topic of social media.

    *Vital guidelines for protecting our kids from social media and device addiction.

    Bio: Dr. Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, a non-profit organization serving schools, churches, and community organizations around the world in their efforts to strengthen families. Walt has been working with young people and families for over 35 years, and with a Masters of Divinity and a Doctorate in Postmodern Generation from Gordon Cromwell Theological Seminary, he has become a recognized authority on youth culture, family issues, and all things having to do with teens and their world. Walt is also the host of the Youth Culture Matters Podcast.


    The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

    Youth Culture Matters Podcast

    Youth Culture Matters: Episode 179 “Teens, Tech, and Social Media – A Youth Worker Roundtable”

    Social Media and Youth Mental Health – The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory 2023

    Pew Research Center: Teens, Social Media and Technology (2022)

    The Social Dilemma (Netflix)

    Tony Renke: 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You

    Greg Luukianoff & Jonathan Haidt: The Coddling of the American Mind

    Jean Twenge: IGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood

    CPYU Parent Prompt: Social Media & God’s Glory

    Unplugged (FOTF)Effective Strategies: Tips for Influencing Your Child’s Social Media Use

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Media is bombarding our children at every turn, and at the same time the generation gap is widening. Catherine’s special guest, Dr. Walt Mueller specializes in understanding the next generation—their thought processes, their challenges, and the many ways that entertainment and media are bombarding our kids’ lives with deeply concerning messages. As founder and president of The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, Walt has worked as a cross generational liaison for more than 35 years.

    Threats from the entertainment world have proliferated with endless internet and television inroads and influences. Walt and Catherine discuss concerning messages from:

    *Mr. Beast



    *Chip & Potato

    *My Little Pony


    *Doc McStuffins

    *Ridley Jones

    As Walt wisely advises, we must read, listen to, and watch what is engaging the hearts and minds of our kids. We must not to be alarmist, but we must be aware. And we must speak first on all of these topics to establish a foundation of truth for our kids.

    Bio: Dr. Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, a non-profit organization serving schools, churches, and community organizations around the world in their efforts to strengthen families. Walt has been working with young people and families for over 35 years, and with a Masters of Divinity and a Doctorate in Postmodern Generation from Gordon Cromwell Theological Seminary, he has become a recognized authority on youth culture, family issues, and all things having to do with teens and their world. Walt is also the host of the Youth Culture Matters Podcast.


    The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

    Youth Culture Matters Podcast

    CPYU Blog The Latest on Teens and Social Media Feb. 23, 2024

    EPISODE 81: Can Your Kids Be Whoever They Want to Be in Life?

    All Creatures Great and Small (Masterpiece Theater)

    Will Mr. Best ‘Indoctrinate Young Children with Trangender Propaganda?,’ SBC Leader Asks

    Romper List of Shows with LGBTQ+ Characters

    The No-Watch List: Guide to All the Kid’s Shows and Movies that Have LGBTQ Characters and Content (Scott Smith)

    FOTF: Plugged In TV & Movie Reviews

    Christian Courier: Guidelines for Children’s Entertainment

    The Social Dilemma (Netflix)



    Pureflix Kids


    Shalom World

    Faithlife TV

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • The mental health crisis in our country is at critical mass. Children are struggling like never before and parents are concerned, as they should be.

    What foundation do we need to have in place to help our kids to be strong mentally?

    Catherine’s guest, Dr. Bill Senyard, shares some warning signs that a child is struggling and offers practical ways to establish a strong foundation for your child’s mental health.

    Attachment theory, the prevailing psychological theory in child development, emphasizes a child’s emotional bond with their primary caregiver. Dr. Senyard defines the four primary attachment styles that a child can exhibit. They are:

    Secure—confident, reciprocal, non-reactive, resilient. Anxious—emotional, reactive, volatile. Fearful—composite of anxious and avoidant. Avoidant—isolated, emotionally distant.

    One relational style is mentally healthy and strong, the other three are showing signs of distress., of a breakdown in mental health. In this episode, Dr. Senyard gives practical ways to help children who exhibit those unhealthy traits.

    Dr. Bill Senyard’s bio: Bill’s career has taken him from being a Chemical engineer, a strategic management consultant, and a co-owner of an Inc. 500 high-tech company to fulltime church ministry where he served multiple congregations as a Lead Pastor for over 35 years. He is a popular conference speaker in the US and Canada as well as abroad. He has written over a dozen non-fiction books and workbooks on a wide range of important topics including, how Christians can effectively and Biblically forgive others, how frustrated parents of teens can be “good enough parents” and most importantly, God’s love for the unlovable. Bill is the creator of The Good Enough Parent, a phenomenal curriculum that has a ton of free resources for parents.

    Bill’s Website

    Good Enough Parent Curriculum

    Attachment Theory For Teens Simplified (video)

    Bill’s Book: Tale of the Unlikely Prince


    Episode 85: 8 Words Every Parent Must Say To Their Child

    Beyond Consequences by Heather T. Forbes

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and according to the CDC, our kids are facing a mental health crisis. Consider these recent statistics:

    *Suicide & homicide rates in youth ages 10 to 24 are the highest they have been in decades, since 1968.

    *42% of adolescents are feeling sadness and hopelessness, up 50% from 2011 (57% are females).

    *22% of all students have considered attempting suicide, up from 36%.

    *Youth and young adults (ages 10-24) account for 15% of all suicides, an increase of 52.2% since 2000.

    *Suicide has become the second-leading cause of death for youth ages 10-24.

    *46% of adolescence ages 13 to 17 say that social media makes their body image worse.

    Parents are justifiably concerned, and often they don’t know where to start when a child is struggling mentally.

    Catherine’s guest in this episode is Dr. Bill Senyard, a mental health expert who specializes in helping parents reconnect the critical bond with their child to address the foundation of their mental health.

    Every child has two primary needs from their parents:

    1. They need to feel CONNECTED.

    2. They need to feel like they are ENOUGH.

    A child must know that their parents have their back, and they must know that they are loved no matter what. If this critical foundation breaks down, a child will become disconnected from their parents and others. They will suffer in all of their relationships and in their mental health.

    Bill shares how to reestablish that connection through attunement. If one in every three interactions with our kids attune to their foundational emotional needs, we can reconnect with our child and build a strong mental foundation for life.

    Dr. Bill Senyard’s bio: Bill’s career has taken him from being a Chemical engineer, a strategic management consultant, and a co-owner of an Inc. 500 high-tech company to fulltime church ministry where he served multiple congregations as a Lead Pastor for over 35 years. He is a popular conference speaker in the US and Canada as well as abroad. He has written over a dozen non-fiction books and workbooks on a wide range of important topics including, how Christians can effectively and Biblically forgive others, how frustrated parents of teens can be “good enough parents” and most importantly, God’s love for the unlovable. Bill is the creator of The Good Enough Parent, a phenomenal curriculum that has a ton of free resources for parents.

    Bill’s Website

    Good Enough Parent Curriculum

    Attachment Theory For Teens Simplified (video)

    Bill’s Book: Tale of the Unlikely Prince


    John 3:16

    Romans 8:1

    Ephesians 3

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • The problem of pain has plagued humanity since the beginning of time. Many great apologists have grappled with the reality of suffering, endeavoring to form a theologically sound answer to life’s hardest question.

    In this poignant exchange, a couple of moms wrestle with pain and suffering from a distinctly maternal point of view. Catherine and her guest from across the great pond, Ruth Jackson, have a conversation that is real, raw, and refreshingly honest.

    Miscarriage. Postpartum depression. Premature death.

    When suffering these heartbreaking realities, the temptation is to ask WHY
 and yet answering the WHY doesn’t meet our deepest need.

    The Christian faith does offer an apologetic for suffering, but more importantly our faith tradition presents a God who came to earth and was broken on our behalf. He is intimately acquainted with suffering. He meets us in our grief. And when we weep, He weeps with us.

    As believers in Christ, we know who suffered for us. We know who suffers with us. And we know who will wipe away every tear and make all things new.

    RUTH JACKSON'S BIO: Ruth is a producer and youth specialist for Premier Christian Radio's Unbelievable radio programme and podcast, which brings Christians and non-Christians together for dialogue. ue. Ruth studied theology at Oxford University before working at the BBC’s flagship children’s television show Blue Peter. She then moved to the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, where she helped set up the youth apologetics strand Reboot. Ruth contributed to Hope Rising 365, a book for young women. She also plays bass guitar in award-winning all-girl rock ‘n roll band The Daisy Chains.

    Ruth’s Instagram

    Premier Christian Radio’s Unbelievable

    Unapologetic Podcast


    Episode 66: How Does a Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World? w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis

    Article: “Joy To The World” by Ruth Jackson

    Article: “God Is Good but This Isn’t” by Catherine Segars


    John 11:35

    Isaiah 61

    Isaiah 49

    John 1

    Habakkuk 3

    Lamentations 3

    Psalm 56:8

    Psalm 84:4-7

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In the last episode, Catherine highlighted the five primary apologetic approaches for defending the Christian faith. While varying greatly on inception points, strategy, philosophy and subject matter, all of the approaches agree on the superiority of one defense.

    That is—EXPERIENCE.

    A person’s experience with God is powerful and preeminent. Offering a personal testimony of how God has transformed your life is the one defense that no one can dispute, because it is your experience. A personal encounter with God solidifies one’s faith, making it rational, robust, and enduring.

    So how can we have a practical encounter with God?

    Catherine walks us through 10 practical ways that we can experience God:

    Make God your priority (engage with God’s Word, worship, and prayer daily). Plant yourself in the local church. Practice honest reflection and repentance. Fast regularly. Shake up your schedule with sacrifice. Get involved with a mission or ministry. Go on a mission’s trip. Go on a nature walk. Start a spiritual journal. Read a biography on a missionary or great Christian leader.

    The items on this list are not revolutionary, but implementing them are. Start with the first three, which need to be a part of every believer’s daily discipleship, and then choose a few others to try. As you commit to prioritizing God, you will experience Him in new and exciting ways.


    Resource on church wounds: Episode 44 – Have You Or Your Kids Been Wounded in the Church?

    Driven By Eternity: Make Your Life Count Today and Forever by John Bevere

    Fasting: Open the Door To a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by Jentezen Franklin

    The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boon

    A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliott

    The Intercessor (Reese Howell) by Norman Grubb

    The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun

    Hero Tales: A Family Treasury of True Stories from the Lives of Christian Heroes by Dave and Neta Jackson


    Matthew 6:21 & 33

    Hebrews 20:25

    Psalm 62:5-8

    2 Tim. 1:6-7

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.