* The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
* Prof. Cochrane’s Blog
* The Fiscal Theory, as applied to Bitcoin and Ethereum
* Blockchains as Government more broadly
* Foreign token reserves?
* Fees paid as tokenized bonds?
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* Why I think the subfield of cryptographic proofs is interesting and worthwhile
* Why I keep coming back and thinking about it
* Why you want machines to check proofs (eventually)
* Some ideas for a new graphical proof language for protocols
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* Generic groups.
* A trio of interesting papers:
* To Label, or Not To Label (in Generic Groups)
* The Algebraic Group Model
* An Analysis of the Algebraic Group Model
I should also mention that Léo Ducas had some similar ideas way back in 2009
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* An anecdote about idealized hash functions
* https://cronokirby.com/posts/2022/04/canettis-paradoxical-encryption-scheme/
* My preliminary thoughts on developing a theory of meta-cryptography using category theory.
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* A little bit about MPS.
* A little bit about Cait-Sith.
* Bulletin Boards for MPC.
* Applications of the bulletin board model.
* Robust Schnorr Signatures.
* Some deception around group reconstruction circuits.
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* What is Threshold ECDSA again?
* What is a CAIT-SITH?
* Simulating networked benchmarks
* API design for protocol libraries
* The advantage of key-independent preprocessing
* Planned improvements
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* 1:10 Thoughts on why AI will not cause as much economic growth as people think
* 16:10 Why ML techniques would benefit from better integration with classical techniques
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 1:00 Legibility, and an overview of the rest of the episode.
* 2:50 What is fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)?
* 7:28 Some applications of FHE.
* 8:15 Contrasting this with MPC.
* 11:50 Why you shouldn’t need to care about implementation details for applications.
* 14:28 Why I’m annoyed when people conflate Machine Learning and computing.
* 23:20 The legibility problem, and why these kinds of conflations are inevitable.
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 2:20 Why I prefer alphabetical references to numeric ones.
* 8:42 Why round complexity in MPC is of limited utility.
* 23:25 Replacing identifiable aborts with bulletin boards?
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 4:05 The basic components of a signature.
* 6:00 A primer on cryptographic groups.
* 11:52 How ECDSA works.
* 25:55 Bringing ECDSA to the threshold setting.
* 29:29 Inversion from multiplication.
* 31:50 The big approaches to multiply numbers.
* 33:22 Homomorphic encryption in a nutshell.
* 40:30 Multiplication via Oblivious Transfer in a nutshell.
* 48:21 Back of the napkin comparison of the two approaches.
* 50:19 The difficulty of getting malicious security.
* 54:00 How to implement homomorphic encryption (and why I don’t like Paillier).
* 59:40 The Paillier lineage of papers.
* [Lindell17] https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/552
* [GG18] https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/114
* [GG20] https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/540
* [CGGMP] https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/060
* 1:06:50 The Dörner paper.
* [DKLS18] https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/499
* [DKLS19] https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/523
* 1:07:57 Tweaking generic MPC to handle group operations.
* Securing DNSSEC Keys via Threshold ECDSA From Generic MPC
* https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/889
* 1:10:45 Using triples to isolate the complexity into a pre-processing phase.
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 00:54 What are threshold signatures?
* 04:33 Example use-case: code signing.
* 06:50 Example use-case: asset custody.
* 11:08 Example use-case: validators.
* 14:30 What kind of signatures are usually thresholdized?
* What makes Schnorr signatures easier to thresholdize: https://cronokirby.com/posts/2021/07/signatures_from_identification/
* 20:10 How distributed key generation works, at a high level.
* 27:34 On the utility of key refresh.
* 30:50 On the utility of pre-signatures
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 4:20 The difficulties in comparing SNARKs together
* 14:52 SNARKs with varying security parameters
* Justin Thaler’s blog post on SNARK security parameters.
* https://a16zcrypto.com/snark-security-and-performance/
* 25:35 A proposal for a uniform benchmarking system for SNARKs.
* 28:40 It would be nice to be able to compare the cost of different gadgets.
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 1:40 The fundamental advantage of an attacker.
* 3:02 The need for threat modelling.
* 5:49 Security games.
* 13:13 What does it mean for games to be secure?
* 15:43 How do you prove that no adversary can break a game?
* 19:24 What kind of cryptographic assumptions are there?
* 28:58 How modelling security can fail in practice?
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 1:30 What the Fiat-Shamir transform is.
* 6:50 What you need to include in the hash function.
* 11:35 Rewindable soundness for multi-round protocols.
* 15:36 What to hash over multiple rounds?
* 19:25 Merlin & Magikitten
* https://merlin.cool
* https://github.com/cronokirby/magikitten
* 31:18 A note on sponge functions.
* 34:06 Some thoughts on SAFE
* (SAFE) https://hackmd.io/bHgsH6mMStCVibM_wYvb2w
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 0:00 “On Security Against Time Traveling Adversaries”
* https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1148
* 3:47 Why time travel is sort of relevant to Cryptography.
* 5:53 “On the effectiveness of time travel to inject covid-19 alerts”
* https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1393
* 10:42 A brief primer on security games.
* 15:30 Creating a uniform grame for cryptographic schemes.
* 20:37 The basics of time travel.
* 23:12 Rewinding back one step.
* 26:26 Rewinding many steps backwards.
* 28:13 The forking model of time travel.
* 31:14 The stack restriction on forking.
* 34:14 Forking without restrictions.
* 40:48 How time travel can break some games for encryption and signatures.
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 00:28 On using ZK Proofs in the context of Machine Learning.
* 14:00 On the centralized force of ML.
* 25:00 On economies of scale in ZK proving.
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 00:50 What exactly counts as a SNARK?
* 08:12 SNARKs with sublinear verification time
* 12:34 Algebraic Automatons and structured computation
* Linear-Time Probabilistic Proofs Over Every Field: https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1056
* 16:59 On the limits of structured computation
* Miden VM: https://maticnetwork.github.io/miden/intro/main.html
* 21:17 Why Boolean Circuits are more natural than Arithmetic Circuits
* Measuring SNARK performance - Justin Thaler: https://a16zcrypto.com/measuring-snark-performance-frontends-backends-and-the-future/
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 00:43 Models of security for MPC.
* 07:00 To what extent is the Semi-Honest model useful?
* 11:15 Connecting MPC with consensus
* 19:42 On identifiable aborts.
* A blog post of mine on the subject: https://cronokirby.com/posts/2022/06/on-identifiable-aborts/
* 28:00 Some thoughts on block producer privacy
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Topics covered in this episode:
* 1:00 ZK Proofs + MPC in the head recap.
* 2:57 Boolean circuits and their representations
* 14:11 Why WASM is an interesting bytecode, and thoughts on compiling WASM to circuits.
* 19:40 A few thoughts on my Rem-Boo project
* Rem-Boo: https://github.com/cronokirby/rem-boo
* Reverie (not by me, but mentioned here): https://github.com/trailofbits/reverie/
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Topics covered in this episode:
0:55 What is Tornado Cash (briefly).
2:00 The U.S. Treasury sanctions Tornado Cash.
4:35 How Tornado Cash works, from the bottom up.
15:19 Why smart contracts are really a “service”.
19:27 Broader consequences of this decision.
28:00 How I’d like to see regulation in this space evolve.
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