Wish Luciana and Rebecca a Happy 40th Birthday! on insta @lucianaberger @RSi_themumcampaignerKeep up the couch to 5k action https://tinyurl.com/ub6wckx5Subscribe to Time Magazine https://time.com/ and read Climate is Everything (together with a whole raft of other things)In on a Saturday night? Watch (re-watch) A Star is Born on Amazon Prime https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Born-Bradley-Cooper/dp/B07Q47R8P4and listen to the soundtrack again and again on any music streaming service. Don't miss the Oscar performance: https://tinyurl.com/2xu3ecjbOr get involved with Back to the Future (why wouldn’t you?) on Netflix.comTreat yourself to a really good bottle of whisky www.thewhiskyexchange.com – top tip being a Belvenie 14 Caribbean CaskVisit The Eden Project https://www.edenproject.com/ if you’re heading to Cornwall
Follow our guest Seyi Akiwowo on social media:insta @seyiakiwowo and twitter @seyiakiwowo Visit https://tinyurl.com/6thttyv4 for more information about Glitch and to access free online resources, support and toolkits for dealing with online abuse. https://tinyurl.com/2a9c2mh4Become an activist consumer with Which which.co.uk
Watch Seaspiracy on netflix.com and then consider whether we should all stop eating fish by listening to the Guardian's Today in Focus podcast which is a great daily news briefing. https://tinyurl.com/28brbu7y
Subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
¿Faltan episodios?
Follow our guest Michal Oshman on social media
instagram: @michaloshman
facebook: facebook.com/michaloshmanofficial
twitter @michaloshman Pre-order Michal's book 'What would you do if you weren't afraid?' https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Would-You-Werent-Afraid/dp/0241472334 due to be published on 6th MayHave a pre-dinner shot of Cafe Patrón if you feel inclined https://tinyurl.com/nctyvyh8Keep ploughing on with couch to 5k https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/And make sure you have an excellent playlist to accompany it that includes Never Be Alone, David Guetta &.Morten [feat. Aloe Blacc] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c2nTiN152I or He's a Pirate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMricITrfr0 (so good!) which is available on ALL music streaming services Listen to some (other) news/ political junkie podcasts -The FT news briefing https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ft-news-briefing/id1438449989 The London playbook https://www.politico.eu/westminster-insider/
Subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
Follow our guest Natasha Langleben on insta: @tasha_17 and on twitter @tasha_a7Get involved in Natasha's social impact projects - @twogenhomeshare and @linkey_ukWatch the Bold Type https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6116060/ on www.netflix.com/theboldtypeGet involved generally with some Scandi thrillers across all streaming platforms.Enjoy some serious (but reasonable) skincare products https://share.beautypie.com/x/QbsJA9 but don't dismiss the power of Clean and Clear www.cleanandclear.co.uk - it's still working for Luciana more than 25 years on!Get your old T-shirts made into a hand made memory blanket or pillow to aid and abet your sleeping by Gwen on Etsy https://tinyurl.com/59r7tsst
Subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
Follow our guest Evie Sultman on insta and snapchat @eviesultmanFollow @everyonesinvited on insta to read testimonials exposing rape cultureGet yourself a home exercise bike (if that’s your thang) - good list of options in recent article https://tinyurl.com/nh26bbm9Download the Rummikub app and test yourself against Evie https://rummikub-apps.com/ available at android and apple app storesWatch series 3 of Shtisel on www.netflix.coms/shtiselGet some light relief with the Ken Jeong Netflix Special on https://tinyurl.com/6p49st4eRead the brilliant, thought provoking Home Going https://g.co/kgs/Ns4HC4 available at all good bookstores (online and in an actual shop https://tinyurl.com/28bannbr)Drink vodka and bitter lemon. It's good.Think about purchasing or renting a hot tub www.robertdyas.co.uk or www.hirehottub.com and Happy BIG Birthday @nickyaustin_mua
Download the couch to 5k app for free: https://tinyurl.com/ub6wckx5
Subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
Our Guests: Anna and Charlotte, Ace LifestyleFollow them on insta @ace.lifestyle Find out all about ace transform programme www.ace-lifestyle.com/transform Add some magic to your fire pit: search mystical fire sachets on Amazon, E-bay, Etsy etc etc Get busy labelling with a dymo labelling kit which you can literally buy everywhere... https://tinyurl.com/5xmrja7f Read your little ones Land of Stories https://thelandofstories.com Watch the Serpent on BBC iPlayer: https://tinyurl.com/2wh4ujpyGet everything you could possibly need for Passover (including cinnamon balls and coconut pyramids!) from Kosher Kingdom at https://kosherkingdom.co.uk/Give your couch (or anything else) a new home with https://www.freecycle.orgDownload the couch to 5k app for free: https://tinyurl.com/ub6wckx5
Subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana(twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
Follow Isabel on twitter @IsabelHardman and insta @Isabel.Hardman
Buy Isabel's book: The Natural Health Service. How Nature Can Mend your Mind https://tinyurl.com/7yeutms5
Read the ONS Covid Report - the different effects on men and women https://tinyurl.com/y2zk3vvz
Read the Maternal Mental Health Alliance Report - How Has Covid Affected Maternal Mental Health? https://tinyurl.com/478ufze2
The Maternal Mental Health Alliance: https://tinyurl.com/5dhw7zrj
The National Childbirth Trust: NCT nct.org.uk
BBC Comedy with Jason Manford: Lockdown 1 Nostalgia https://tinyurl.com/5772cdkj
Parliament Hill Lido: http://parliamenthilllido.org/
Games: 1. Qwirkle https://tinyurl.com/yv3mknu 2. Dixit: https://tinyurl.com/9hu62s4n
Marmite: marmite.co.uk - we found the marmite houmous!
(Our shared (big) birthday is on the 13th May)
Please subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana(twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
***this episode was recorded following a February half term (a new lockdown low)/ before schools went back**
Our guest: Dr Emily Simon
Follow her on insta: @emily.simon.756
Get some in depth sleep stats via the autosleep app https://tinyurl.com/fhkkkcmz
Watch The (Le) Bureau on AmazonPrime: https://tinyurl.com/8buccdus
Read: Jews Don't Count, David Baddiel @Baddiel https://tinyurl.com/yku657u5
Read: She Made It, The Toolkit for Female Founders in the Digital Age, Angelica Malin @jellymalin https://tinyurl.com/hhj5f968
Lemon tree (if you want to get your own) https://plants4presents.co.uk/
Freddies Flowers www.freddiesflowers.com @freddiesflowers
Please subscribe, rate and review our podcast - we would love to hear your feedback.
Follow us:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us for collaboration / if you'd like to join us on a future episode: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
Follow us and let us know what you think >>>>
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner (insta)
email us if you'd like to join us on a future episode/ for collaboration: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com -
**this episode was recorded before schools went back and Ted Lasso won loads of TV awards**
Our guest: Nicky Austin, Makeup Designer
Follow her on insta: @nickyaustin_mua
Watch Ted Lasso on Apple TV: https://tinyurl.com/5djh545j
Oddbox (of veg): www.oddbox.co.uk
Watch Friends on Netflix: https://tinyurl.com/2n863495
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix: https://tinyurl.com/4s8te4jp
Aldi baby cucumbers: https://tinyurl.com/4am55n3z
eBay: www.ebay.co.uk
Follow us and let us know what you think, and/or if you'd like to join us on a future episode:
Insta: @theclosequarterspodcast
twitter: @ClosePodcast
Luciana (twitter & insta): @lucianaberger
Rebecca: @RKSi (twitter) @rsi81_themumcampaigner
email us: theclosequarterspodcast@gmail.com