
  • This episode features an interview with Stephen M.R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust and Co-founder of FranklinCovey’s Global Trust Practice. He is a sought-after international speaker, who has taught trust and leadership to business, government, military, education, healthcare, and NGO entities. As the former President and CEO of the Covey Leadership Center, Stephen increased shareholder value by 67 times and grew the company to become the largest leadership development firm in the world.

    In this episode, Shawn sits down with Stephen to discuss the foundational concepts of trust and leadership, practical strategies for enabling authenticity, and the importance of having a growth mindset.

    Hear more from Stephen when he participates in the World Business Forum this October!


    “The style of leadership that maybe has taken us to where we are today in a different world, is not going to be where we need to go tomorrow in a new world of remote work and hybrid work and intentionally flexible work with younger generations. Gen Z have a completely different expectation of how they want to be engaged and led. With work becoming far more collaborative and interdependent and with technology changing, disrupting everything with AI, with all these things happening, we need a new way to lead in a new world of work. Maybe command and control got us to where we are today, but trust and inspire is what's going to take us to where we need to go tomorrow.” – Stephen M.R. Covey


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(03:32): Getting to know Stephen

    *(13:14): The reciprocity of trust

    *(26:37): Building stewardship agreements

    *(31:22): Trust and inspire vs. command and control

    *(41:49): Authenticity and vulnerability in leadership

    *(54:06): The need for a growth mindset



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  • This episode features an interview with Rachel Happe, Founder and Digital Workplace, Organization, and Community Strategist at Engaged Organizations. She started Engaged Organizations to focus on helping organizations adapt to new technologies and accelerate knowledge supply chains while improving trust, transparency, and agility. She is a sought after speaker and expert on the impact of technology on engagement, relationships, and culture and has keynoted at several digital workplace conferences.

    In this episode, Shawn and Rachel discuss treating employees as assets rather than machines, rewarding human contributions, and valuing emotional and social aspects in the workplace.


    “We still have this mechanistic system and the human system, and we're still treating humans like machines. I wrote a post a while back, because I was getting really annoyed reading about how AI could help employees. It was all like, ‘It can do these 10 tasks for you.’ And I'm like, ‘If that's all we are, we should go home.’ It's the mindset of what we think employees or people's value is. The example I use in presentations is diamonds. Why are diamonds valuable? They're rocks. De Beers made them mean something. You know who can't make something mean something to somebody else? AI. The value of people is activating other people. And value is meaning.” – Rachel Happe


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:20): Getting to know Rachel

    *(10:27): Rachel’s career background

    *(15:42): Employees are not machines

    *(21:50): How to calculate the value of community

    *(32:21): The role of AI in community

    *(42:39): The current and future state of valuing humans



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  • This episode features an interview with Sandy Gould, Chief People Officer at Pinwheel. Sandy has nearly three decades of experience in human resources and talent acquisition. He has worked for companies like Disney and Yahoo where he led recruitment and diversity efforts. Sandy’s mission in life is to help people unleash their super powers and lead with authenticity.

    In this episode, Shawn sits down with Sandy to discuss strategies for building company culture, insights into building trust and fostering psychological safety, and injecting humanity into HR.


    “There is one mission for HR, and I can state it in three words. Amplify everything human. That's our job. If it's helping the CEO understand and have empathy with their employees, if it's helping the employees decode the CEO and executives, yes, we should do that. Helping to amplify and enhance your relationship skills, your communication skills, your connection, your problem solving, anything. How you think, training, learning, resources, strategy, you name it, we should be amplifying every part of it that's human. But, we are not there to be a substitute. There is no substitute for direct relationships and direct communication and direct feedback.” – Sandy Gould


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:32): Getting to know Sandy

    *(09:02): Building company culture

    *(14:41): Sandy’s take on superpowers

    *(26:55): Creating trust and authenticity

    *(34:10): The challenges of authenticity

    *(47:23): How to scale authenticity in an organization



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  • This episode features an interview with Kosheno Moore, Vice President and Digital Community Leader for Regional Center Satellite at Fidelity Investments. Prior to joining Fidelity, she served as the Manager of CX Communications at Workday, Head of Communities at Aurea Software, Principal of Employee Communications at Jive Software, and spent 7 years at Agilent Technologies in various roles.

    In this episode, Shawn and Kosheno discuss strategies for creating meaningful digital connections, the future of D&I within corporate culture, and how to foster a sense of belonging among employees.


    “In order to create a sense of community in a digital environment, you have to not just think about the technology itself, like anyone can deploy any technology. It's almost moot point what technology you use, but it's about the strategy piece of it. It's about the bringing people together piece of it. Which means like, what's going to motivate people to come together? Can we organize people around certain themes? In order to do that, you need to be able to create communication messaging, and you need to do that in so many different forms of media, and you need to tap into different audience source. Community management, I think, really forces you to be omnichannel. And yes, communication is a big component of it, but it really challenges us to think cross-disciplinary, like you want to be strategic, you also want to be tactical, you also want to be multimedia savvy, and a great communicator, too. I think that's the beauty of it. I think when it's done well, community management strategy and technology, a robust technology platform, I think those could be win-win.” – Kosheno Moore


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:26): Getting to know Kosheno

    *(07:37): Kosheno’s career journey

    *(19:39): The challenges of building digital communities

    *(31:35): The impact of community size

    *(41:58): Kosheno’s thoughts on D&I strategies

    *(46:22): The future of human connections at work



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  • This episode features an interview with Elizabeth Baskin, CEO of Tribe, Inc., an internal communications boutique working with global brands. Before launching Tribe, she was the CEO of consumer branding agency MATCH, and held management and creative positions at several other ad agencies.

    In this episode, Shawn sits down with Elizabeth to discuss the effectiveness of editorial boards and content training for global communications, strategies for maintaining employee engagement and motivation, and the need for honest communications during times of change and uncertainty.


    “The very most important best practice for internal comms is to recognize that employees do not have to read, watch, listen to anything you do. They don't have to. There's this expectation that they will read it because they're an employee and you're talking for corporate. No. You're competing with Instagram and Hulu and whatever else. You can't write a 700 word wall of text and email it and think everybody's going to find that call to action somewhere in the 17th paragraph. You have to realize that you are not talking to employees in a vacuum. You're talking to them in this world of distractions and media onslaught.” – Elizabeth Baskin


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:39): Rapid fire questions

    *(06:42): Elizabeth dives into Tribe, Inc.

    *(16:04): The challenges of communicating with a deskless workforce

    *(27:44): How comms can affect culture

    *(32:07): The importance of honest communications

    *(41:44): Future internal communications trends



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  • This episode features an interview with Steven T. Hunt Ph.D., Work Techno-Psychologist & Author of Talent Tectonics. Steve is an industry expert who has had a pivotal role in developing systems that have improved productivity and engagement of millions of employees around the globe. He is a well-known speaker, author, and thought leader on strategic human resources.

    In this episode, Shawn and Steve discuss how the nature of work is evolving, the cause of burnout, and how we should be using AI to make work better.


    “You cannot provide excellent customer service, you cannot be creative, collaborative, all the things companies want people to do if you feel exploited, burned out, or exhausted. Yet, the pace of change people are facing is making them feel exhausted and burned out. This is why I wrote this book, Talent Tectonics. It talks about how do we need to manage work differently? Where we need to provide people an experience where they view change as, ‘Yeah, this growth opportunity.’ As opposed to just burned out and exhausted.” – Steven T. Hunt Ph.D.


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:16): Rapid fire questions

    *(08:31): Talent Tectonics and how the nature of work is changing

    *(20:03): Steve’s take on burnout

    *(28:32): How external factors play into burnout

    *(42:40): How we should be using technology to make work better



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  • This episode features an interview with Aniisu K. Verghese, Founder of Intraskope, a boutique internal communications and personal branding consultancy serving global markets. Aniisu is an award-winning internal communications expert with over two decades of experience in change and transformation initiatives. He started India's first blog on internal communications in 2006 and is now the author of three books.

    In this episode, Shawn and Aniisu discuss inclusive internal communications, strategies for building organizational trust, and how AI is streamlining employee experience.


    “I think the traditional model of doing these surveys six months, one year, doesn't really work. You need to get into more real-time sentiment analysis and managers need to be empowered because the data is available if you're doing it through such platforms where you can access the information in real-time. Then, you make the managers accountable saying, ‘Your team's sentiment is negative and what are you doing about it? When did you have your last conversation and what are some of the issues that are coming up?’ Then, match it with what they're saying to see whether that's the right way to go. I think going forward, it has to be only that, because you can't really wait for a six month window to start changing things.” – Aniisu K. Verghese


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(03:00): Rapid fire questions

    *(08:14): Aniisu discusses Intraskope

    *(17:46): Inclusive internal communications and employee experience

    *(23:33): How to build trust in an organization

    *(34:18): What AI looks like in employee experience

    *(45:55): What the future of internal communications looks like



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  • This episode features an interview with Mike Robbins, motivational speaker and author. As an expert in teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence, Mike delivers keynotes and seminars that empower people, leaders, and teams to engage in their work, collaborate, and perform at their best. He teaches important techniques that allow individuals and organizations to be more appreciative, authentic, and effective.

    In this episode, Shawn and Mike discuss the limits of authenticity, how AI is affecting teams, and the difference between recognition and appreciation.


    “We seek and fear change at the same time. That's part of what makes change exciting and challenging. I feel both excited and scared about AI, personally. Is it going to eliminate certain jobs and certain things and certain people? It most likely will, just like any kind of new technology and automation. Think of what the internet did. It got rid of a lot of industries and jobs. At the same time, it created way more than it got rid of. At the end of the day, we still have to believe in ourselves and the importance of humanity and human connection. That's never going away and I think it's just going to be that much more of a premium.” – Mike Robbins


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:24): Rapid fire questions

    *(07:27): Mike reflects on his 2015 TED talk and how it’s relevant today

    *(21:41): How organizations create psychological safety

    *(28:38): The difference between recognition and appreciation

    *(38:12): How AI will affect teams in the workplace



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  • This episode features an interview with Monique Zytnik. Monique is an award-winning, global internal communication leader who presents on best-practice communication at world conferences and guest lectures at universities. Her campaigns have been recognized by Gartner and the Digital Communication Awards.

    In this episode, Shawn sits down with Monique to discuss the misconception of authenticity, the challenge of creating culture, and why AI will never replace human creativity and connection.


    “I don't have a car anymore, but when I did, that little blind spot that you have when you're trying to go around the corner and you've always got to make sure you check it. It's the same in an organization. There's always these little spots that you can't really see very well what's going on. You need to take care that your employees in that area are also reflecting your values and that there isn't little fiefdoms happening with particular leaders who don't wish to communicate, and putting employees off or people are leaving because of unsavorable working conditions.” – Monique Zytnik


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:07): Rapid fire questions

    *(06:37): Monique dives into her book

    *(10:51): AI’s influence on communication

    *(35:09): The role of leaders during difficult times

    *(46:34): How AI, leadership, and active listening come together



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  • This episode features an interview with Christina Kucek, Executive Director of Intelligent Automation at CAI. She has over 15 years of consulting experience in delivering cutting-edge implementations in Conversational AI, natural language processing, and robotics process automation. At CAI, Christina guides clients through their automation journeys while delivering innovative solutions.

    In this episode, Shawn and Christina discuss the impact of AI on employee experience: from onboarding to accelerating workflows to building in ethics.


    “Employee retention a lot of times can be impacted by their first week or two of employment. They get their machine, their access to all the systems that they need. They get their email, it's already set up. They show up on day one and they're ready to go. That impression that you make as a company on their new employee will help us retain our best talent. That reduces our cost overall for trying to recruit people and train people. That retention piece is really valuable.” – Christina Kucek


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:44): Rapid fire questions

    *(07:13): Christina breaks down CAI and her role

    *(15:57): How AI impacts employee experience

    *(28:22): How AI will affect the amount of work for employees

    *(36:43): The future of augmented intelligence

    *(45:23): What’s next for Christina and CAI



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  • This episode features an interview with Hamza Khan, Future of Work and Leadership Expert. He is the best-selling author of Leadership Reinvented and The Burnout Gamble and is a two-time TEDx Speaker. Hamza challenges organizations to rehumanize their workplaces to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth. His clients include Microsoft, Deloitte, and TikTok.

    In this episode, Shawn sits down with Hamza to discuss why work is not working, how to make employees owners, and the no day work week.


    “If you invest in employee engagement and well-being, then it turns all the other priorities into guaranteed outcomes. That's where the work needs to be done. We actually need to do this work, at the individual level with every single leader in the world. We have to just overhaul our education system to produce more human-centric, values-driven, change-friendly, self-disrupting leaders. But, we also have to make connecting with other human beings an organizational imperative. That should be the only priority that leaders pursue at every level. The welfare, the well-being, the engagement, and actually, just summarize all that into the thriving of their employees.” – Hamza Khan


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(05:09): Rapid fire questions

    *(11:48): Hamza discusses his 2016 TEDx Talk and if it holds up today

    *(21:43): The history and influence of The Haymarket Affair on work today

    *(26:57): Giving employees more say over their work

    *(38:48): Will AI increase the amount of work for employees

    *(45:14): What Hamza is hopeful about



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  • This episode features an interview with Jordan Katz, Chief Insights Officer at Simpplr. Jordan advises organizations on the influential use of data and analytics to develop strategies that predict outcomes and increase performance. Prior to Simpplr, he was one of the Heads of Employee Experience Strategy at Qualtrics and has consulted hundreds of SaaS companies and global organizations.

    In this episode, Shawn and Jordan dive into Simpplr’s Future of Employee Experience Report. They discuss the importance of personalized and efficient communication platforms, analyzing diverse data sources to create a seamless employee experience, and taking a human-centered approach to AI.


    “87% of professionals are passionate about their current jobs, but 64% of them frequently feel stressed or frustrated at work. We have a primed and ready to go race car with rocket fuel in the tank. We load up a bunch of sandbags in the trunk that represent crappy tools and inefficient processes. There’s no reason for that. The more we study employee experience, the more we learn how critical it is to think holistically about the work people do, the task distribution they have, and how we can operationalize great efficiency. Using systems and AI to free up people to do the strategic work that will catapult our organizations into the next level from a performance perspective.” – Jordan Katz


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(03:11): Jordan defines employee experience

    *(05:00): Rapid fire questions

    *(14:36): What the report says about frontline workers

    *(22:54): Creating a personalized employee experience

    *(34:11): What prevents companies from implementing an HR stack

    *(41:05): How AI impacts employee experience

    *(51:49): Jordan’s golden rule for work



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  • This episode features an interview with Jordan Katz, Chief Insights Officer at Simpplr. Jordan advises organizations on the influential use of data and analytics to develop strategies that predict outcomes and increase performance. Prior to Simpplr, he was one of the Heads of Employee Experience Strategy at Qualtrics and has consulted hundreds of SaaS companies and global organizations.

    In this episode, Shawn and Jordan dig into Simpplr’s 2024 State of Internal Communications Report. They discuss the most surprising results, creating highly effective teams, and using AI to tailor messages.


    “We're creating not a time machine, like go back in time machine, but a save you time, reduce friction. Where everything is served up at your fingertips in a way that not only helps you get your job done, helps you be more productive, reduces cycle time on search and access to information. And by the way, can help you eliminate some of the administrative tasks or recognize your peers or any of the things that you want to do on a day-to-day basis that are not the high value stuff that drives crazy impact at your job. But instead, helps lift you up so you can do the best work that you can possibly do in the most efficient manner possible.” – Jordan Katz


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(03:45): Rapid fire questions

    *(10:43): Surprising results from the State of IC Report

    *(18:59): How AI can improve IC messaging

    *(30:12): Jordan’s advice for implementing an intranet

    *(35:17): What makes highly effective IC teams

    *(46:56): What’s next for IC in 2025



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  • This episode features an interview with Josh Bersin, Founder and CEO of The Josh Bersin Company. Josh is an analyst, author, educator, and thought leader focusing on the global talent market and the challenges and trends impacting business workforces. He studies the world of work, HR and leadership practices, and is often cited as one of the leading HR and workplace industry analysts in the world.

    In this episode, Shawn and Josh discuss the post-industrial workforce, building dynamic organizations, and creating superpowered HR through AI.


    “AI is not magic. It's not going to do everything perfectly out of the box. Just like every other technology we've ever implemented, we're going to have to take care of it. We're going to have to make sure it has good data, we're going to have to train it, we're going to have to optimize it. I think the big thing is this is a high-powered, highly capable technology that needs your help. You need to tune it. You need to have IT involved. You need to look at data management, data security.” – Josh Bersin


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:26): Josh answers rapid fire questions

    *(05:31): Josh explains The Josh Bersin Company

    *(08:56): Josh explains the Post-Industrial workforce

    *(15:24): The importance of employee activation

    *(23:43): Creating dynamic organizations

    *(32:27): The role of AI in revolutionizing HR

    *(38:23): Pitfalls of AI



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  • The Cohesion podcast is back with more exciting episodes! Shawn Pfunder, Communications and Employee Engagement Director extraordinaire is taking over the role of host.

    Previously this season, we had some amazing guests including CEOs, Founders, and Chief People Officers. They shared valuable tips on creating a world-class employee experience, transforming culture, rebuilding trust after layoffs, and empowering every employee to be a leader.

    In the second half of the season, we're bringing new voices into the mix! We'll be talking to consultants, motivational speakers, and future of work experts. We'll dive deep into the intersection of AI and HR, discuss how to organize people effectively for sustainable growth, and explore the relationship between technology, employee experience, and communications.

    Stay tuned for more episodes of Cohesion! Check out previous episodes wherever you get your podcasts.



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  • In this short episode, Amanda Berry has a special message for the Cohesion Podcast audience. After two years and speaking with over 50 employee experience experts, Amanda is moving on from the host position. For now, Cohesion is taking a short break to prep for Season 3 of the show.

    Thank you for listening to and watching the Cohesion Podcast! Take care and we’ll see you soon!



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  • This episode features an interview with William Tincup, President and Editor-at-Large of RecruitingDaily.com. William is a writer, speaker, consultant, and investor at the intersection of HR and technology. He has spent the last 20 years studying all aspects of HR and talent acquisition, including practitioners and the tech that serves them.

    In this episode, Amanda sits down with William to discuss the excessive amount of tech in HR, user satisfaction versus adoption, and why the ROI of tech is flawed.


    “What I learned when I was studying user adoption years ago, is the game isn’t adoption. We think it is, it's a false signal though. The game is user satisfaction. How do we get users to actually fall into love with software? So on the way, we have to get people to use it, check. We’ve got to communicate, we've got to do all the things we've talked about. We’ve got to get them to use it. Once they use it and they consume it, and they're utilizing it, they're going to have questions. But, there's this moment in which they come over and they love the software. And it doesn't have to be perfect software. People think when I talk like that, they're like, ‘Oh, well there's no software that's perfect.’ I’m like, ‘It isn't about being perfect.’ It's about them understanding how to use the software in such a way that they know that this software helps them be successful and they can't imagine life or their job without it. And it's user satisfaction. You're beyond adoption at that point. You've crossed over into real, true user satisfaction, user love.” – William Tincup


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:07): William explains why there’s too much tech in HR

    *(13:22): How to drive tech adoption through training

    *(20:02): How long it takes to successfully roll out new tech

    *(30:45): William explains RecruitingDaily.com and his role there

    *(44:11): Segment: Getting Tactical

    *(44:49): William explains why ROI of tech is flawed

    *(55:59): Amanda and William dive into mergers and acquisitions

    *(01:10:03): Segment: Asking For a Friend

    *(01:10:21): What the future of HR tech will look like



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  • This episode features an interview with Shawnee Irmen-De Anda, Chief People Officer at Thriveworks. Shawnee has two decades of experience serving as a human resources strategic business partner for growing and well-established healthcare organizations. At Thriveworks, Shawnee leads a first-class people strategy, focusing on expanding team potential and empowering sustainable growth.

    In this episode, Amanda sits down with Shawnee to discuss creating brand awareness while recruiting, incorporating tech into the employee experience, and fighting burnout during times of crisis.


    “I think in healthcare, technology should always enhance but not replace that human-to-human connection. It's really easy to leverage technology to save money at times, but that human-to-human connection is critically important. It's the same principle that we adhere to when we're looking at providing therapeutic care. Technology should also make the day-to-day functions of our teams easier, not harder or longer. At times if technology isn't working, we know the frustrations and added gray hair that that can have also. Having an intranet or centralized resource repositories, things like that for employees, is really important. Healthcare is one where you're either extremely advanced, and I think more hospital systems, things like that tend to have more up-to-date technology, or you're extremely outdated with the technology that you have. We're really lucky to have a tech and product team here that their sole purpose and what they really and truly want to do every day is make sure that our clinicians can do what they're here to do. And that's see clients, not have to battle technology challenges.” – Shawnee Irmen-De Anda


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(04:27): Shawnee’s role at Thriveworks

    *(09:22): Segment: Getting Tactical

    *(09:39): How Shawnee creates brand awareness while recruiting

    *(11:28): The relationship between employee experience and retention

    *(17:50): How to incorporate tech into the employee experience

    *(20:25): Segment: Ripped From The Headlines

    *(24:10): How Thriveworks uses tech to fight employee burnout

    *(27:34): Segment: Asking For a Friend



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  • This episode features an interview with Betsy Leatherman, Global President of Consulting Services at Leadership Circle. Betsy has 10 years of experience transforming executives and middle managers into exceptional leaders. In her current role, Betsy helps clients become more effective leaders so they can make decisions that engage and motivate members of their organizations and customers they serve.

    In this episode, Amanda and Betsy discuss leadership development, common mistakes leaders make during layoffs, and the two leadership orientations.


    “The rubber meets the road at the middle manager. Because, even if you've got a great leadership team that's highly developed, if they do not translate that through the way in which a middle manager shows up to a frontline employee, it doesn't matter. If you've got a great set of senior leaders, let's say, and then a set of middle managers that haven't been developed, it can actually be really, really challenging for the frontline employee. Because, they see one thing and they experience something so different, and immediately they'll lose trust. My perspective is if you start at a customer and then you move backwards in terms of importance, frontline employees are very important to be extraordinarily well-resourced. Their managers also have to be even better resourced, personally, to help them handle their complexities. When that occurs, all of a sudden it's at scale. You, as a leader, a senior leader in the organization, you're at scale because you're helping them to be better and you're getting their perspective and vantage point that you might otherwise not be offered.” – Betsy Leatherman


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(01:59): Betsy dives into leadership development

    *(08:35): Segment: Story Time

    *(10:23): Why Betsy created a career in leadership development

    *(17:17): Segment: Getting Tactical

    *(25:16): Betsy explains the two leadership orientations

    *(34:24): Segment: Ripped From The Headlines

    *(34:54): Common mistakes leaders make during layoffs

    *(40:46): Segment: Asking For a Friend



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  • This episode features an interview with Brian Brockman, VP of Communications, US & Canada at Nissan Motor Corporation. At Nissan, Brian is responsible for telling the brand’s transformation story, protecting company reputation, and promoting strong product messages to both internal and external audiences. Previously, he served as the Director of Communications where he led efforts around new vehicle launches, product lifecycle, and regional operations.

    In this episode, Amanda sits down with Brian to discuss transforming work culture, crafting an equitable employee experience, and how internal and external communications can flow together.


    “Once you get people moving with you, they will work, they will get things done side by side. When you see things that work, keep leaning into it, keep using that, keep trying to use that to motivate people. The other thing is it's very easy to get caught up in the challenges that are there, the little setbacks. Things that happen that don't go as well as you plan. Recognize that. Celebrate failures for what they are. And when you do acknowledge it, learn from it, and then move forward, and then celebrate your wins. Celebrate what you learn and use that to rally people. Use that for recognition. While you're doing this transformation, don't lose track of having a culture of recognition and understanding that it's people that are going to drive the success. It's people who are going to drive the transformation.” – Brian Brockman


    Episode Timestamps:

    *(02:12): Brian explains Nissan Next

    *(10:19): Segment: Story Time

    *(12:21): How Brian makes internal and external communications work together

    *(16:06): Segment: Getting Tactical

    *(16:26): How to successfully transform culture

    *(25:25): Segment: Asking For a Friend

    *(28:20): How to get skeptics to buy-in on culture transformation



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