
  • Julie reflects on the profound impact of death, grief, and the loss of purpose. Drawing from personal experiences, particularly the death of their mother in 2018, she shares her journey of navigating grief and the subsequent loss of direction, paying particular attention to the importance of discussing death and the inevitability of losing loved ones, urging listeners to consider their purpose beyond familial connections.


    Death and grief are inevitable parts of life, and it is important to acknowledge and talk about them. We the need to have conversations about death and prepare ourselves for the loss of loved ones.

    Having a sense of purpose is crucial for navigating through grief and difficult times. There is value to be found in finding a purpose that is greater than oneself and provides a sense of direction and meaning.

    Aimlessness and anxiety are interconnected. When one is aimless and unsure of which direction to go, it creates inner anxiety. This anxiety can lead to feelings of depression, stress, and a lack of positive emotions.

    Having a goal or purpose produces positive emotions and rewards. When one has a clear goal and takes steps towards achieving it, the brain releases dopamine, which creates positive emotions and strengthens the neural circuits associated with motivation and progress.


    "Grief is a thing that we suffer from. Grief is an emotion. It will affect all of us very differently, of course it will, because we are all unique beings."

    "So what happened? The relationship broke down. So not only did I lose mum, I also lost the purpose that I had with my partner. So all of a sudden, I had no future."

    "Your brain is set up to produce positive emotion. And if you're aimless and you haven't got the goal, what are you going to reward yourself with? So the emotion of positivity decreases because you've got no goal."

    "Find a purpose that is greater than yourself. It is greater than the person you are. It is greater than your partner, greater than your child, greater than your parent. Find a purpose that is bigger than all of those things combined."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    https://www.facebook.com/JulieHogbin2 https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousLeadership/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliehogbin/ https://twitter.com/JulieHogbin https://www.instagram.com/juliehogbin/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/julieahogbin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCne4bj3FIabagif_N7maTA

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

  • Julie discusses the importance of effective communication and participative management in business relationships, sharing shares insights from her experience working in a participatively managed consultancy business and highlighting the benefits of this approach, such as diverse skill sets, enhanced creativity, and increased ownership and accountability.


    Participative management and leadership structures require agreed sets of rules and regulations to effectively operate. Without clear communication and a shared vision, relationships can break down and negatively impact the business. In a participative management structure, everyone has equal power and authority. Decision-making is a collaborative process, and all members of the team contribute to the decision-making process. The agreed rules and boundaries within a participative management structure cover various aspects such as performance management, absence, expenses, salaries, rewards, decision-making processes, conflict management, attendance, and roles and responsibilities. Participative management structures offer benefits such as diverse skill sets, enhanced creativity and innovation, ownership and accountability, and the opportunity to challenge the status quo and think differently.


    "Business relationships and relationships break down. It doesn't mean they break down because people are not good people. They break down because the communication and the vision, the objective has lost sight."

    "When you operate participatively, it means that everybody has equal power. And when you do that, you have to have agreed sets of rules and regulations of how you operate."

    "Everything worked because the 14 people made really solid sound decisions to do whatever it was that was required to do. And nothing went ahead without those 14 people agreeing, which when you think about that is stunning."

    "Communication, communication, communication, and creating the culture that allows you to challenge, support, be proactive, adopt change, be flexible, you know, really working towards collaborative, participatively managed and led, respectful working environment. And that's the key to success."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    https://www.facebook.com/JulieHogbin2 https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousLeadership/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliehogbin/ https://twitter.com/JulieHogbin https://www.instagram.com/juliehogbin/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/julieahogbin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCne4bj3FIabagif_N7maTA

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

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  • Julie reflects on the importance of listening and shares personal experiences of interrupting others during conversations, looking at different types and levels of listening, emphasising the need for active and deep listening to truly understand and connect with others.


    Listening is a crucial skill for conscious leaders and effective communication. It allows us to understand the needs and perspectives of others, facilitate collaboration, and challenge the status quo. There are different types and levels of listening, including cosmetic listening (superficial), conversational listening (grasping basic points), active listening (fully engaged), and deep listening (profound understanding of both verbal and non-verbal cues). Interrupting others during conversations can be a result of impatience, excitement, lack of active listening skills, the desire to be in control or dominant, competitiveness, cultural norms, lack of awareness, anxiety, or the intention to help. Developing self-awareness and creating a supportive environment are important steps in improving listening skills. Giving full attention, seeking clarification, suspending judgment, and providing feedback (with permission) are key practices for effective listening.


    "I have found myself twice this week interrupting people that are talking and wanting to get my point of view across before they had finished, which I have to admit is really unlike me."

    "In my world, they were too elaborate in their description of what they were talking about, which in my world was un-required."

    "When we are in conflict, our communication style for most of us changes
 I just wanted to stop him, stop him talking to get my point of view across because I knew the answer."

    "If people are doing that to us, let's us not do that to them
 How do you feel when people don't listen to you? It's not a good feeling, is it?"


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie explores the concept of reprogramming the mind for success and creating wealth beyond money. She emphasises the importance of choosing to see the good in every situation and turning experiences into positive learning opportunities. Julie discusses the collaboration between the conscious and unconscious minds and how habits are formed both intentionally and unintentionally, and provides insights on how to reprogram the unconscious mind to achieve desired transformations and outlines the steps of reflection, commitment, and resolve.


    It's important to reprogram your mind to create a successful mindset that supports and challenges you to implement changes. This involves choosing to see the good in everything that happens and turning experiences into positive learning opportunities.

    Unconscious mind for success: The unconscious mind plays a significant role in decision-making and habit formation. By consciously mapping your decisions and consistently choosing the new way, you can reprogram your unconscious mind to support your desired changes and goals.

    Commitment and consistency: Creating new habits and reprogramming your unconscious mind requires commitment and consistency. Research suggests that new habits take between 16 and 254 days to embed, with an average of 66 days. Making your repeated processes align with your desired outcomes is crucial for long-term success.

    Resolve and trust: Navigating conflicting options and making informed decisions requires resolve and trust in your intuition and the wisdom you've gained. It's about remaining adaptable, resilient, and committed to the path that aligns with your values and long-term goals.


    "Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life." - Dolly Parton

    "Choose to see the good in everything that happens to you."

    "Reprogramming your unconscious is creating new habits."

    "Your unconscious is always in play and, believe it or not, in charge of what you do and how you do it."

    "Once you reprogram your unconscious to the new way, the new you, and your designed future, you create true personal power and place yourself on the road to reaching your goals."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie explores the wisdom of Greek philosopher Socrates. She delves into three key areas: leadership, personal development, and change, and reflects on Socrates' quote, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," emphasising the importance of compassion and understanding towards others.


    Be kind and compassionate towards others, as everyone is fighting their own battles. We never truly know what someone else is going through, so it's important to approach others with empathy and understanding.

    True learning and growth come from within. While others can provide information and insights, it is up to individuals to think critically and apply that knowledge in their own lives. Teaching can only make someone think, but it is their choice to take action and make changes.

    Knowledge is a powerful tool that can open doors, reduce biases, and increase wisdom. Investing in personal development and gaining knowledge can unlock hidden potential and empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives.

    To build a good reputation, strive to be the person you desire to appear. Your reputation is based on what others say about you when you're not around. By embodying the qualities and values you want to be known for, you can create a positive reputation and attract opportunities.


    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    "I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think."

    "There is only one good knowledge and one evil ignorance."

    "The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie explores the wisdom of ancient Greek philosopher Plato by examining his quotes on leadership, change, and personal development. Julie delves into the concept of power and how individuals can use it effectively or abuse it within their leadership roles.


    The measure of a person is determined by how they use their power in leadership. Power can be expressed in various ways, such as positional power or personal influence, and it is important to consider how one utilises their power to achieve positive results.

    Refusing to participate in politics can result in being governed by inferior individuals. This quote highlights the importance of actively engaging in political processes, whether it be in government, organisations, or relationships, to ensure that one's voice is heard and their interests are represented.

    The first and greatest victory in personal development is to conquer oneself. This quote emphasises the importance of self-awareness, self-improvement, and challenging one's own ego. It encourages individuals to reflect on their values, goals, and past experiences to shape their present and future selves.

    Knowledge acquired under compulsion does not hold a strong grip on the mind. This quote suggests that learning and retaining information is more effective when it aligns with one's interests and motivations. It highlights the importance of finding personal relevance and connections to what is being learned in order to enhance memory and understanding.


    "The measure of a man is what he does with power."

    "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

    "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself."

    "Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind."

    "You should not honor men more than truth."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    https://www.facebook.com/JulieHogbin2 https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousLeadership/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliehogbin/ https://twitter.com/JulieHogbin https://www.instagram.com/juliehogbin/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/julieahogbin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCne4bj3FIabagif_N7maTA

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

  • In this episode of the Conscious Leadership Podcast, Julie explores the profound wisdom of Albert Einstein through a series of quotes. Julie discusses the importance of setting an example and how our actions and behaviours influence others. This thought-provoking episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for individuals seeking to lead with purpose and make a positive impact in their personal and professional lives.


    Setting an example is the most effective way to influence others. People observe and assess our actions and behaviors, and this shapes our credibility, reputation, and influence.

    The world we have created is a reflection of our thinking. If we want to change our circumstances, we must first change our thinking. Our thoughts drive our actions and ultimately determine our outcomes.

    Making mistakes is essential for personal growth and development. Fear of making mistakes can hinder our progress and prevent us from trying new things. Embrace mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.

    Intellectual growth should be a lifelong pursuit. We should continuously seek to expand our knowledge and skills, staying up-to-date with advancements in our fields and society. This ensures that we do not get left behind in a rapidly changing world.

    It is our responsibility to take action when we witness wrongdoing. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who stand by and do nothing. As conscious leaders, we must be willing to express our opinions, challenge the status quo, and take a stand for what is right.


    "Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means."

    "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."

    "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

    "Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    https://www.facebook.com/JulieHogbin2 https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousLeadership/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliehogbin/





    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

  • In this episode of the Conscious Leadership Podcast, host Julie Hogbin explores the topic of building credibility. She emphasises that credibility is the currency of personal and professional development, leadership, and business. Julie breaks down credibility into two major components: trustworthiness and expertise. Trustworthiness involves fulfilling promises and being reliable, while expertise requires demonstrating extensive knowledge and experience in a specific area. Julie also discusses the importance of charisma and attractiveness in building credibility, as well as the impact of credibility in both personal and professional relationships. She provides practical tips on how to establish and maintain credibility, such as using accurate facts, showcasing expertise, and practicing integrity-led authenticity. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and strategies for cultivating and protecting one's credibility in various aspects of life.


    Credibility is a combination of trustworthiness and expertise. It involves fulfilling promises, being reliable, and demonstrating extensive knowledge and experience in a certain area. Charisma and attractiveness play a role in building credibility, but it is more about the appeal that stems from your unique personality and values. Credibility is important both online and offline, and it has personal and professional implications. It can be the key to building meaningful connections and establishing a positive reputation. Accurate facts and clear communication are the foundation of credibility. Sharing compelling evidence, showcasing expertise, and mentioning credible sources in an informative and humble manner are important. Integrity-led authenticity is crucial for credibility. It involves speaking from the heart, balancing logic with emotion, and maintaining honesty, ethics, and integrity. Admitting mistakes, highlighting common ground, and creating connection and resonance with others reinforce credibility.

    "Credibility is the currency of its own. It involves a perfect blend of trustworthiness, expertise, integrity, and a large sprinkle of charisma."
    "Accurate facts are the foundation of your credibility. Be precise and clear in your communication. Use real-life stories, real-life images to make your points relatable and understandable."
    "Integrity is honesty and morally based. Show your passion, speak with purpose, and remain composed with and through emotional intelligence."
    "If you promise something, fulfil it. If you make a mistake, own it, apologise, and make amends. Always be ready to admit any weakness in your argument and mistake you have made."
    "By adhering to the principles of trustworthiness, showcasing your expertise, maintaining honesty and integrity, and emphasising shared common ground, you can establish and uphold a credible persona."

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Being happy is an absolute choice we make in our lives and Julie takes a look at what is happy, how do you find happy and how do you stay happy
    When you bring fun and passion into your thinking about why you chose to do something everything changes and you can have a passion, purpose and be paid handsomely for it when you chose happiness in your life


    Saying out loud ‘I’m happy’ positively changes your neurological pathways If you are going through the motions you aren’t happy, happy is living your life Is your energy a happy energy?, and are people attracted to your happy energy? Part of feeling happy is feeling good about yourself, everything is connected You can have a passion and a purpose and be paid handsomely for it When you focus on having fun, working hard and looking after your family the money will come

    ‘I’m happy and I’ve now got my happy back
    ‘Happy doesn’t have to be loud but happy has its own energy’
    ‘Are you living the life you want and doing the work you want to do’

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie discusses how your reputation is built and why your network is your net worth culturally, with your associations playing an important role in how you and your reputation are viewed by others.
    People follow who they are attracted to so how you promote and express yourself builds your reputation so taking the time to think about who you follow and the culture you are buying into is valuable for your net worth


    When you break your promise you are shaping how others think about you People follow who they are attracted to, who do you follow and what’s the culture you are buying into? Your network is your net worth culturally, you buy into the culture, you like it you stay Culture encompasses it all You are your reputation and you create your reputation through everything you do, say and associate with

    ‘How you as an individual market, promote and express yourself builds your reputation and attracts your followers’
    ‘When you agree to something you are making a commitment’
    ‘It’s about how you behave in the moment ,in situ, that’s your reputation

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
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    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • In this episode Julie discusses her own journey with health and the influence of your belief system on being well and staying well
    She explains how her powerful foundational beliefs are at the core of why she stays healthy and shares how your inner belief system is crucial


    I do not get ill, I’m not ill, I never even get a headache. There is a massive belief system attached to being well and staying well Most of what we do comes from habit and habits are formed through our beliefs If you listen to your body you know when you are feeling not right The belief system and the ability to control your thought system forms a strong foundation to do anything If you believe you can, you do - when you take action

    ‘That belief went so deeply into my psych, I had the foundational belief I would never be sick, therefore I am not’
    ‘My core belief is that I am healthy and I remain healthy , its positive now and positive for the future’
    ‘When you have deep rooted beliefs you can absolutely do magic’

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • As a resilient mentally strong individual you use your own power and harness that of others for good, welcome change and are flexible and adaptable, using your energy on what you can control and influence
    Anyone can develop these skills and be a resilient mentally strong individual in control of their life and Julie explains how and what you should be doing to move forward with resilience and strength


    Emotional contagion happens both consciously and unconsciously. We are all senders and receivers of emotion and can choose what we want to be The emotional contagion of successful people will rub off on you We have a choice about who we interact with and spend time with and as humans, we synchronise with those we are with the most Emotional resilience is all about your ability to adapt to the situation you are in Emotionally resilient people are in control of their own lives and judge themselves by their own internal criteria and values, they are in alignment with who they are Emotional resilience and emotional contagion are both skill sets that can be learnt and anyone can learn them and put them into practice

    ‘If you are emotionally resilient you believe in your own strength and your ability to overcome challenge and difficulty’
    ‘When your belief systems are positive you feel you can achieve anything’
    ‘The more resilient you are the more you can roll with the punches’

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • In this episode Julie looks at the different ways decision making can be effectively approached by groups of people
    From voting to consensus and quorums there are a range of different strategies and methods that can be used when people come together that can be utilised to help make sure the decision reached is an effective one and understanding the different strategies is a key aspect for conscious leadership


    A decision reached in the right way is one people will buy into Informal discussion allows everyone to express their views and perspective Voting is effective when there is an agreed voting structure Consensus building can take more time but it leads to higher satisfaction A facilitation approach ensures all voices are heard and can create an inclusive and productive environment Quorums can play crucial role in decision making, prior to decision making the number or percentage needed to be quorum has to be agreed Quorums serve as a safeguard ensuring decisions are made by the representative number of members and not by a small subset that doesn’t reflect the whole group

    ‘Every decision we are a part of, or exposed to has an impact’
    ‘Consensus building a powerful process to do but it can take time to do, but everyone buys into the decision’
    ‘There are many things that affect the decisions that we make’

    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin
    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

    Julie Hogbin Facebook
    Conscious Leadership Facebook
    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn
    Julie Hogbin Twitter
    Julie Hogbin Instagram
    Julie Hogbin Pinterest
    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie looks at how when you look deeply at the relationship you have with yourself and assess who you are and where you are going in life you can move forward with confidence and self-assurance

    Self-care and the relationship you have with yourself is not selfish but an essential part of building the respect and love that is the foundation of your self-relationship blueprint


    The relationship you have with yourself both positive and negative impacts any other relationship in your life Self-care is not selfish, you must make time for yourself Respecting and loving yourself are the foundation for your overall mental and emotional health You do not need to earn your worth by fulfilling other people’s expectations Regularly acknowledging what you appreciate about yourself and your life will improve your self-esteem and confidence Find your passion and purpose, doing what you love and drives you will keep you on track


    ‘Self-care isn’t selfish its essential’

    ‘Your relationship blueprint with yourself will be made up of every interaction you have in your life’

    ‘You have to get that most intimate relationship with yourself healthy’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie reflects on the longest and most important relationship you have in life, the one you have with yourself

    When you have self-love you know who you truly are and can build better relationships with others.

    The relationship you have with yourself impacts every aspect of your life and is the lens through which you view everything around you so learning to understand it is key


    You are in a relationship with yourself and well as with others It’s a relationship often undervalued and overlooked Your relationship with yourself defines how you view everything We all experience love differently because we are all individuals In our lives, we experience different types of love including romantic love, platonic love and family love Self-love is a healthy regard for yourself and a good level of self-worth Your internal relationship with yourself impacts your emotional, physical and mental health To be able to self-love you have to have self-esteem


    ‘The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself’

    ‘It influences every aspect of your life’

    ‘Your relationship with you creates the blueprint for your life’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • This episode follows up on a post Julie made on social media about the Coronation.

    She discusses how you can be appreciative of the beauty of what’s in front of you and why across our world everything is connected and nothing sits isolation and reflects on why communication above everything else is the key to getting any message across and having others hear what you are saying


    I can see things from all perspectives and I can appreciate and admire the pageantry of the event People across the world are interested in the pageantry and event An appreciation of something that the UK does well was then demonised by some in some respects Regardless of what you believe it’s important to see the beauty of what’s in front of you Learn to think and make your own decisions and do your own research Appreciate the good, do your own research and make your own decisions Self-awareness leads to self-mastery, learn how to use language well and you can get your message across and make sure that people hear you Communication is the one skill that transcends everything else


    ‘People said that the items used for the ceremony were being recycled’

    ‘Manage your emotions and learn how to express yourself well’

    ‘Nothing sits in isolation, everything is connected’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • In this episode, Julie looks at how nothing exists in isolation and how everything is connected with the habits created when we are very young shaping who we become

    If you are looking to change a habit and create a different you need to learn to work with your unconscious, to develop new habits and understand how your unconscious will respond to something new


    Everything is connected nothing sits in isolation When something is new sometimes something more powerful takes it out When you develop a habit it becomes your familiar and your comfort Until a new habit is embedded and is your new norm your old habit will take it out Old existing power will take out and can take out new habits To change a habit you have to work with your unconscious You have to reprogramme the trust your unconsciousness has in you Unless you really work on yourself how do you know what’s holding you back Look at what your values are and where they have come from


    ‘Sometimes when something is new something more powerful takes it out’

    ‘Work with your unconscious to change the habit that you want to create and get your unconscious to trust you’

    ‘My values over the years have supported me and held me back’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Albert Einstein said, “we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” and Julie explains why when we change our thinking and how we operate we can get a different result and achieve our true potential

    Whatever your situation if you have the drive, resilience persistence coupled with the right thinking change is possible


    To solve any problem you need to change your thinking to achieve a different result Whatever your situation change is possible Change is a process and it requires determination, effort, energy, dedication, perseverance and a willingness to step outside if your comfort zone It helps to have people around you who can support your growth The success you want needs to be defined before you begin your journey Every thought process will take you closer to your vision Change your thinking, behaviours and habits and you can rewire your brain to make better choices


    ‘If we have a problem we need to think about it differently’

    ‘You need to evolve into a new version of yourself’

    ‘Successful people think differently, they see opportunities where others see obstacles’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • In this episode, Julie describes her recent experiences with Emotional Change Therapy

    and how even if there isn’t something you think you need to work on the therapy can make a positive difference in your life

    Julie shares a personal story and how her emotional change has left her feeling lighter in life, listen in and hear how


    Over the years I have created my voice, now I when I talk I can express my voice whatever the situation I have learnt to express my voice in a way that enables people to hear me and respond and it attracts people to me to resolve the issue A lot of who we are is formulated at a young age Part of me was restricted and until I completed this work Emotional change therapy is a set of tools anyone can use Techniques are based around NLP but it’s so much more because its emotional change linked to the heart


    ‘The restrictive boundary that I didn’t know I had is gone and it’s a weird sense of lightness I’m now carrying’

    ‘You do not have to be broken to reap the rewards of emotional change therapy’

    https://bit.ly/EmotionalChangeBreakthrough20May 2023 in Langley (Heathrow area)


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enabling the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube

  • Julie takes a look at social media and the ways it can be used to share everything from your passions and hobbies to your business message

    In a world where social media is now part of our daily lives, this is an opportunity to hear about how to use it effectively for your business


    You can share your passions, hobbies and goals and expand your personal network Self-expression is important in our journey to self-mastery Social media is a very effective marketing tool for any business There are relationships built across social media without there ever being in-person contact The consistency of posting is important along with responses to comments You can create effective business collaborations on social media, it’s a huge opportunity


    ‘Social media is a game-changer for marketing’

    ‘You can earn additional income from social media’


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin

    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray

    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin


    Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.


    Julie Hogbin Facebook

    Conscious Leadership Facebook

    Julie Hogbin LinkedIn

    Julie Hogbin Twitter

    Julie Hogbin Instagram

    Julie Hogbin Pinterest

    Conscious Leadership YouTube