Tom Hooper join CEDW for an insight into the world of dedicated Remote Learning Platforms, in particular his very successful business Third Space Learning.
Henk Van Hout is the head of education for Shell. He has decades of experience in driving education and drafting a globally recognised curriculum.
Henk is launching a manifesto to change education and the way we learn in the future. His manifesto is a global movement to change the outlook for schools and businesses and to lower our carbon footprint whilst modernising learning.
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Duncan Kemp from Pi-Top shares his experiences having worked at the forefront of EduTech for over 18 years. His time at Apple and now at Pi-Top have taken him across the world speaking with educators about Technology in the classroom.
Charlotte Molloy joined us from DESS in Doha, Qatar a leading English Curriculum Primary school to discuss her thoughts on technology in the classroom, and how it is best utilised.
Charlotte from KidzInc in Dubai joined us to talk through school design, furniture design and how she builds technology into her projects.
We talked about the recent Corona Virus and what effect it could have on the future of school and furniture design.
Charlotte then took us through her ideas of a school of the future.
A chat with the IT Director of Park House English School in Qatar, David Thiesen about how his IT infrastructure has stood the test of corona.
We dig into the changes he had implemented in bringing his school into the digital era pre Covid19 and how the systems have held up against the sudden digital transformation inflicted on the whole school eco system.