"Earth Break" creator Morgan Ormond and "Shoe Bones" writer El Haney invite their friends to do a deep dive into each episode of "The Vampire Diaries," a supernatural teen drama on the CW from 2008 to 2016.
We bring our queer perspectives, emotional processing, and knowledge of vampire lore and literature to try and answer the question: "Is this show actually good?"
You can support this podcast! Click the link below to get started. -
Just two witches watching every episode of Law & Order: SVU from the beginning. 🔮🌿✨ Follow us @svucoven!
Join Star Trek superfan and writer Jack Tracy and special guests to “zhuzh” Star Trek's more challenging episodes.
Do YOU love Danny McBride? Do you also feel he's one off the most underrated comedians of all time and deserves his day in the sun? Well I do too, and thats why I started this podcast, McBride or Die. I'm Kevin Murphy, and every week on McBride or Die, I'll be going through each of Danny's hbo shows and breaking down just what exactly makes them so special. I'm excited to start this journey back through 3 of my all time favorite shows, and I hope you'll embark on this journey with me as we... McBride... or die.
Welcome to Rebooty Call, a podcast about movies we love, movies we hate, and what we’d do about it-- should the movie get reBOOTIED. Halley Platz, Veronica Murphy, and David Erba are the bustghosters, and each week, they are answering the Rebooty Call!!
a place for pop culture commentary, reviews, reactions, rants, and celebrations
I talk about the latest in Social Media, TV Shows and Creativity in general.
Your favorite movie guy and his guests recommend the movies we made and the movies that made us. Deep dives, reviews and conversations are ahead come aboard and get Rec’d!
V Delovem Vikendu odpiramo novo poglavje. V tedenskih podcastih bodo sodelavci Vikenda z občasnimi posebnimi gosti komentirali filme, televizijske oddaje in glasbene dogodke ter splošne trende.
Each week our hosts dive into the latest exciting episode in the new season of Rooster Teeth's hit series gen:LOCK, discussing every jaw-dropping moment and interviewing behind-the-scenes guests to bring fans along for the ride of their lives. Let the good times roll!
A podcast for and about the people behind the scenes in post production.
Y(our) man's favorite podcast!
Pogovor teče o najboljših filmih, ki jih (ni)ste videli, pa o popkulturi, pa o lajfu.
Weekly Recaps of The Bachelor Franchise and Married at First Sight with Sampy and Kristi.
The Panel 👊🏿👊🏾 it’s all about speaking the truth the stuff nobody wants to talk about stuff that is hidden that we all go through but secretly don’t want nobody to know we’re putting it out on the table here at The Panel 👊🏿👊🏾
90 Day Fiance Threeway Replay: Welcome to the best show on the internet dedicated to the worst show on television. Join hosts B, Dylan, & Will as they dish, drag, and debate all that happens on the human train wreck that is 90 Day Fiancé. Come for the tea, stay for the judgment, 90 Day Fiancé Three Way is here to bless your ears.
Constantly Calibrating is a weekly topical podcast that focuses on the wide world of nerd/geek culture; Delving into both recent news stories, as well as discussions, debates and interviews related to what's happening in our assorted fields (Gaming/Tech/Life).
A little bit of things, a fair amount of words, and a whole lot of stuff! -
I interview athletes, entertainers, artists. I’m sharing knowledge and positivity for ALL
A podcast that throws you down movie-memory lane
IATSE 891 presents Apple Box Talks is the podcast where we talk to entertainments very best, 891 Artists and Technicians. From prep to post and everything in between We are the union behind entertainment.